Plus Ultra, right? (BNHA gang quest)

Waking the Demon 2nd turn
Cleaning up pas mess won

Aiko decided to start quietly, and to really get back in business she needed to do a small bit of firing. So she gathered all of the old advisors in one room.

"Mr. Tanaka, why should I not try to expand my business? Is there any real reason beyond fear?" It was rather tiring, truth be told. Mr. Tanaka was one of the more traitorous ones here, knowingly selling them out over the years, his death will be slow.

"Well, boss, you must consider attracting the attention of the heroes, and you really ought to follow in your father's footsteps." Mr. Tanaka was also rather stupid, as he didn't realize Aiko had been drinking hard sake the entire meeting.

"Hmm, I think I will ignore your gracious advice, but, put simply, none of you are needed anymore. You've caused far too much damage to the Oshiro-Kai for me to even allow you to live." And that was when they realized she had been drinking, and her transformation suddenly exploded.

"Now please just stay still and die standing." The first to run to the door was Tanaka, who was not so subtly messing with a wire he had on him, so the police had a mole then.

Then in the next moment, right when he was leaving the room, he was shot by a tranquilizer, like she said, his death would be slow.

The rest died swiftly with a club hit or 2 in the case of one with an endurance quirk.

"Get someone to clean this mess up, pay them to keep silent," Aiko told the men she posted, who swiftly saluted before running to get a cleaner to clean the now thoroughly bloodstained room.

"And someone brings Mr. Tanaka to the fight club, use him as a training dummy or something."

Now that that was done she had a firm grip on what the finances looked like. Thankfully, Nao was amazing at multitasking and offered to take up keeping track of finances.

Onto the next order of business was finally expanding some, well, business. The legal sort, at least until they got some recruitment up and could actually defend their territory.

Starting with a promise long fulfilled. When they just met and Aiko learned of Nao's apiary falling behind in cash she promised once she took over she would help. And with the finances straight she could.

It took around a week of construction but the apiary was modernized and expanded slightly.

But after the cleanup was done, and promises fulfilled, it was about time to get to business. She would have to start small and build up an information network in their territory, starting with the homeless.

A couple of meals here, a couple of rolls of cash there, and they had the entire homeless population of the inner city ready and willing to help out.

Unlocked ground-level information network.

Homeless rumors and witnesses:

- In the inner city, a few small petty gangs have risen over the years, but there are 2 that now hold the space and territory of the Oshiro-Kai, if you destroy these gangs you will reign unopposed.

Now that that is done, it's time to meet with Na- and then a short (still taller than Aiko) missile slammed into her. It was Nao, the most emotional she had ever seen the dour girl.

You basked in each other's presence for a while, but there was still yet work to be done.

Illegal Possesions (+10 wealth per turn)
- Red-Stair fight club
- Violet-Flower gambling den

Legal possessions (+10 wealth per turn)
- Hirata Apiaries

- Homeless info network (-2 wealth per turn)

Actions (3) Current wealth (40) (+18 per turn) (some actions now cost wealth, account for this)

Personal actions (they don't take up points, but they do lock in either Nao or Aiko)

[] Train
-[] Aiko
-[] Nao

[] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)

[] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)

(you will eventually need lieutenants to keep businesses running, Nao runs the apiaries, and the fight club and gambling den are run by men loyal, if not competent.)

(while not disposable lieutenants can die far easier than Aiko or Nao)

Gang actions

[] Re-assert yourselves (the Oshiro name has long been laughed at, show the colors again, and ensure those who actively mock you disappear.) (+100% tension) (3 points) (this will 100% cause a fight, make sure you're prepared.)

[] Set up protection rackets (while you are no longer feared as you once were, many people, especially those in the poorer areas, will appreciate business protections for a modest fee.) (+5% tension) (2 points)

[] Recruit from the fight club (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+2 members) (1 point) (10 wealth)

[] Recruit the dregs (significantly worse than fight club members, but there are way more of them, they only have 3 health compared to the fight clubs 6) (+5 members) (1 point) (5 wealth)

[] Arm the men (right now the ground troops are, to put it bluntly, under-armed, only wielding baseball bats at worst. Buy up some bladed weapons, and get EVERYONE armed, it's not guns, but it's better than nothing.) (+20% tension) (10 wealth) (-4 wealth per turn to keep people armed)

[] Expand a business (point costs for expansion go up over time)
-[] Hirata Apiaries (2 points) (10 wealth)
-[] Red-Stair (+5% tension) (1 point) (5 wealth)
-[] Violet-Flower Gambling Den (+5% tension) (1 point) (5 wealth)

Subterfuge actions

[] Get back into local government (+30% tension, your name is known, and it would take someone particularly corrupt to give you an in.) (1 point) (LOCKS AWAY 1 POINT OF MANPOWER AS THEY HAVE NOW BECOME VARIOUS LEGAL JOBS AND REPORT BACK TO YOU)


Omakes are allowed but I'm unsure what sort of reward I should give for them.
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[x] An Oni's Night Parade (high grade)
-[x] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)
-[x] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)
-[x] Recruit from the fight club (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+2 members) (1 point) (10 wealth)
A.P: 0/3
Wealth: 40 - 10 = 30

may as well get some numbers for future expansions/conquests.
[x] An Oni's Night Parade (high grade)
-[x] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)
-[x] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)
-[x] Recruit from the fight club (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+2 members) (1 point) (10 wealth)
A.P: 0/3
Wealth: 40 - 10 = 30

may as well get some numbers for future expansions/conquests.

Eh… the participate and Recruit lieutenants are both personal actions, they don't take AP.

How about

[x] An Oni's Night Parade (On the Red Stair)
-[x] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)
-[x] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)
-[x] Recruit from the fight club X2 (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+4 Members) (2 Point) (20 wealth)
-[X] Expand a business (point costs for expansion go up over time)
--[X] Red-Stair (+5% tension) (1 point) (5 wealth)

A.P: 0/3
Wealth: 40 - 35 = 5

All of the changes are in bold. It's expensive but I added at least one income option which means we should be getting at least 20 wealth next turn. (We'll probably get more from the +5 and competent lieutenants but there might be a cost to recruitment) That should get us more than enough money, and put our income higher than it was at the start.

I'm driving towards setting up protection rackets next turn, hopefully to get more ideas of legal businesses. They're easier to maintain and don't have to deal with the possibility of being raided.

Also there's probably some synergy with us going there then expanding and recruiting.
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Eh… the participate and Recruit lieutenants are both personal actions, they don't take AP.

All of the changes are in bold. It's expensive but I added at least one income option which means we should be getting at least 20 wealth next turn. (We'll probably get more from the +5 and competent lieutenants but there might be a cost to recruitment) That should get us more than enough money, and put our income higher than it was at the start.

I'm driving towards setting up protection rackets next turn, hopefully to get more ideas of legal businesses. They're easier to maintain and don't have to deal with the possibility of being raided.

Also there's probably some synergy with us going there then expanding and recruiting.
...smacks forehead okay that personnel action thing somehow, I literally didn't even see. some reading comprehension I have huh.
and with the 20 wealth, think we could slip in arming the men into the next turn, depending on how the rackets go?

[x] An Oni's Night Parade (On the Red Stair)
...smacks forehead okay that personnel action thing somehow, I literally didn't even see. some reading comprehension I have huh.
and with the 20 wealth, think we could slip in arming the men into the next turn, depending on how the rackets go?

I could see doing that. Probably before starting the rackets, mostly because it's probably going to mean we actually should provide protection.

Definitely a good idea, thanks for that!
Chnage of plans, as the vote seems pretty unanimous, vote ends tommorow at 5 am

Update will likely come at like 4 pm
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Votes over
I think everyone knows what won, update is coming around 4 pm est

(I said this early and didn't quite expect myself to pass out later in the day, update comes whenever but its likely tomorrow.)

Annnnd i just lost an entire 1700 word draft so this is almost certainly coming tommorow
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Scheduled vote count started by Clockmosis on Mar 3, 2024 at 2:10 PM, finished with 14 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] An Oni's Night Parade (On the Red Stair)
    [x] An Oni's Night Parade (On the Red Stair)
    -[x] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)
    -[x] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)
    -[x] Recruit from the fight club X2 (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+4 Members) (2 Point) (20 wealth)
    -[X] Expand a business (point costs for expansion go up over time)
    --[X] Red-Stair (+5% tension) (1 point) (5 wealth)
Waking the demon (one eye lies open)
(The first draft got deleted so I had to completely restart, somehow 400 words got lost in the process. Believe me, I have no idea how.)

Aiko and her entourage had just entered the club, and suffice to say, after watching a few matches, she was greatly disappointed. Where were the blood fights?! Where were the strong getting cut away from the weak? Where was the blood that gave this club its name?

The place was old, built under a sake house, with red stairs going down in one of the maintenance rooms, painted that way to hide the blood of those that tried to flee mid-fight.

Hmph, she huffed and ordered her men to begin recruiting, find some of the stronger folks around, and bring them into the fold.

It was time for her to remind this club of its roots.

She downed the rest of her sake, on the bottle a 50% alcohol content label would be found should anyone care to look.

Riot was having the time of his life, cracking bones and taking names! But things were getting boring, 6 feet and muscular to boot, when he retired for the night he would have to hire some prostitutes to have fun with.

He turned to face his next opponent, now he was a tall man, But the crowd, normally cheerful and drunk, was now deadly silent, and he could understand why, this next opponent was just a girl, a fucking pipsqueak sipping sake.

"Announcer! What is the meaning of this?! Why do you send but a mere girl into the rink?!" He yelled to the announcer booth, only just now noticing the sheer silence was also reflected in the booth, and white faces spread across the crowd.
And then he turned around and looked up, and up. Only to meet the crazed and blood-lusted eyes of a demon in the place of a young girl.

In her place was a pale Oni, with an eight-pack of abs, at least 7 feet tall, with a wild mane of hair, sharp claws, and long fangs.

W-What? What is this?!

Just as he brought up his guard the monster struck, and the worst pain of his life passed through his body.

His arms? Why couldn't he feel them? They were his strongest asset, reinforced by his steel body quirk. But, he looked down at them, they were now simply shattered, he could see bits of bone sticking out of his skin, skin was stripped from one arm, and holes peppered his arms.

What? What was going on? He tried to run, only to feel his legs shatter by a force he could not even see, only a bright yellow flash followed by pain and stumbling indicated he got hit at all


And then everything went white and the rest of his short life was naught but pain.

Aiko snorted as she looked down on the weak fool, now nothing but a bloody pulp on the ground.

Well, he was good practice anyway, certainly made a good punching bag.

Aiko cleared her throat and then bellowed "Any who wish to rise up in life, get into the arena! Should you impress me you will be brought into the Oshiro-Kai as a lieutenant!, Be brutal! Be cunning! Be strong!" By the end of her speech, the crowd was cheering with bloodlust, and many were beginning to sign up.

Let the games begin.

The first few were simply boring, but young adults and poor kids mashing themselves together, sure, some showed promise, but not enough to justify recruitment.

But then there was her, Miyata Gina, a silver flash on the arena floor. Her dance of blood and often death was rather beautiful, truly.

She was rather thin, not quite malnourished, but she had a dancer's body, lithe would be a better word.

Each fight was more like a performance than a fight, no one stood a chance. And the best part? She was smiling. Smiling like Aiko had seen herself smile before, yes, she would make a good lieutenant.

After the fights they met up, Miyata was always smiling, even as she explained her quirk, her background, and everything about her, really.

She was even smiling as she drank the ceremonial sake.

Aiko and Miyata laugh and drink till sunrise.

Gain Miyata Gin
  • Female
  • Quirk: Silver Flash: the more she dances the faster she gets, she had turned this into a brutal art form
  • Always happy and jubilant

Before she left she kicked some funds Miyata's way and told her to expand the operation here.

When she came back a week later she was pleasantly surprised, the fighters were of much higher quality, and the entire place had gotten a fresh feel, the crowds had never been larger, and the betting pool never more lucrative, yes, bringing her into the fold was a very good idea.

The recruitment went well, her men had brought on 4 others, bringing their number up to 34, just 4 more and Aiko could safely field another group.

Regardless, time to get back to work.

Homeless rumors and witnesses:

- The 2 largest gangs of the area, the fish bones and the whalers are near at other necks and are likely soon to come to blows, the following weeks would be a good time to strike out. (OUTSIDE OF ASSERTING YOURSELF OVER YOUR TERRITORY FOR THE FOLLOWING TURNS TENSION WILL NOT BUILD UP)

Illegal Possesions (+15 wealth per turn)
- Red-Stair Fight Club (10)
- Violet-Flower gambling den (5)

Legal possessions (+10 wealth per turn)
- Hirata Apiaries

- Homeless info network (-2 wealth per turn)

Actions (3) Current wealth (23) (+23 per turn) (some actions now cost wealth, account for this)

(weird coincidence your per turn is the same as your current huh? Like I re-checked that math maybe 3 times)

Personal actions (they don't take up points, but they do lock in either Nao or Aiko)

[] Train
-[] Aiko
-[] Nao

[] Participate in the red-stair fight club (time to reassert some loyalty. And show everyone who the new boss is)

[] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health)

(while not disposable lieutenants can die far easier than Aiko or Nao, this can change should you become closer)

Gang actions

[] Re-assert yourselves (the Oshiro name has long been laughed at, show the colors again, and ensure those who actively mock you disappear.) (+100% tension) (3 points) (this will 100% cause a fight,
make sure you're prepared.)

[] Set up protection rackets (while you are no longer feared as you once were, many people, especially those in the poorer areas, will appreciate business protections for a modest fee.) (+5% tension) (2 points)

[] Recruit from the fight club (you need more men and specifically tough reliable sorts. They have 6 health compared to Aikos 20 and Naos 10) (+2 members) (1 point) (10 wealth)

[] Recruit the dregs (significantly worse than fight club members, but there are way more of them, they only have 3 health compared to the fight clubs 6) (+5 members) (1 point) (5 wealth)

[] Arm the men (right now the ground troops are, to put it bluntly, under-armed, only wielding baseball bats at worst. Buy up some bladed weapons, and get EVERYONE armed, it's not guns, but it's better than nothing.) (+20% tension) (10 wealth) (-4 wealth per turn to keep people armed) (1 point)

[] Expand a business (point costs for expansion go up over time)
-[] Hirata Apiaries (2 points) (10 wealth)
-[] Red-Stair (+5% tension) (2 points) (10 wealth)
-[] Violet-Flower Gambling Den (+5% tension) (1 point) (5 wealth)

Subterfuge actions

[] Get back into local government (+30% tension, your name is known, and it would take someone particularly corrupt to give you an in.) (1 point) (LOCKS AWAY 1 POINT OF MANPOWER AS THEY HAVE NOW BECOME VARIOUS LEGAL JOBS AND REPORT BACK TO YOU)

[] Make contact with minor arms dealers for bladed weapons (reduces the per-turn wealth required to keep people armed) (1 point)



Also, how did I do with the entirely one-sided fight scene? I wanted to really display the sheer brutality Aiko can have when she cuts loose.

The vote closes Wednesday, maybe.

Also if anyone has an image for Gina ill use it. Her description:
- Female
- Silver hair
- A wide smile
- Lithe
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Ok! We got ideas and things are going well. Next things next

[X] Queen Bee of the Violet Flower
- [X] Scout for lieutenants (the recent purge and years of decay have left very few competent men left, find them, whether they be in your business or in your ranks.) (the members recruited from this will be named and have 10 health) (Nao, for the Violet Flower Gambling Den)
- [X] Train
-- [X] Aiko (work on your financial skills, you know the basics but you could be better.)
- [X] Set up protection rackets (while you are no longer feared as you once were, many people, especially those in the poorer areas, will appreciate business protections for a modest fee.) (+5% tension) (2 points)
- [X] Arm the men (right now the ground troops are, to put it bluntly, under-armed, only wielding baseball bats at worst. Buy up some bladed weapons, and get EVERYONE armed, it's not guns, but it's better than nothing.) (+20% tension) (10 wealth) (-4 wealth per turn to keep people armed) (1 point)

If anyone has a better idea for what to have Akio do than train (or what to have her work on given that we don't have clear skills) I'm open to ideas.
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An interlude will be out soon, probably tommorow
- [] Arm the men (right now the ground troops are, to put it bluntly, under-armed, only wielding baseball bats at worst. Buy up some bladed weapons, and get EVERYONE armed, it's not guns, but it's better than nothing.) (+20% tension) (10 wealth) (-4 wealth per turn to keep people armed)
[] Make contact with minor arms dealers for bladed weapons (reduces the per-turn wealth required to keep people armed)

Question, are these Zero Point actions, or is it just a mistake?

[X] Queen Bee of the Violet Flower
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- [] Arm the men (right now the ground troops are, to put it bluntly, under-armed, only wielding baseball bats at worst. Buy up some bladed weapons, and get EVERYONE armed, it's not guns, but it's better than nothing.) (+20% tension) (10 wealth) (-4 wealth per turn to keep people armed)
[] Make contact with minor arms dealers for bladed weapons (reduces the per-turn wealth required to keep people armed)

Question, are these Zero Point actions, or is it just a mistake?

[X] Queen Bee of the Violet Flower

It's assumed that non personal actions (which I noted by putting in names) cost 1 action point. I added the cost to my post.