The Seven Seals above Texas.

So @Spore , could I use a Magic 1 card to start a cult or would that be a charisma 1 card?

Probably charisma if I'm honest but I suppose you could use magic to teach some cultists or wow them by changing the colours on something or making someone feel better. (Currently magical abilities are quite limited at your strength + due to most of the seals still being in place)

@Spore is there Omake rewards?

Omake rewards?
I do like that idea. I'll start adding all the side story thread mark and response to them with what I think it reasonable.

Even if it's not always hard numbers, information is massive and you all are going roughly in the right direction so far which is fantastic considering how vague magic is!
Still trying to figure out whether I should choose Lunarshade or Child Eating Spiders

Both can have some very interesting uses, Lunarshade offers a larger variety of effects and could be used for pretty clever ideas, such as having a light shine behind me at a very high spot and have my shadow cover a large area to make enemies below float, push an enemy into my shadow and turn the sleeve of their shirt into solid moonrock, maybe the arm too, set up a bunch of dangerous chemicals in buckets as a trap and use the nearby tide controlling effect to splash them onto enemies if they get too close

But the Child Eating Spiders magic feels like it has more style, imagine it, 2 enemies are infiltrating headquarters, and in the back of a room they spy a friendly looking humanoid figure in the dark of some backroom, they fire a shot into it's chest, it doesn't go down, it starts running forward, the bullets make splinters fly through the air, it reaches them, grabbing the pair are grabbed by their necks, revealing that the figure was in fact a toy, but what was making it move?
Then it opens it's mouth, it's countless tiny pilots, many strange spiders, they all come crawling out and onto the intruders, feasting upon their flesh

Or maybe I could go with something else, got ideas for magic that allows for symbiosis between plants and machines, or magic that can convert meat into holy shrines and structures
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Whilst I'm happy with free form talent development, I will impose limits and drawbacks to anything you try and do. After all messing with powerful magic as a mostly untrained and unprotected human is a decision :p

But creativity is rewarded.
Both can have some very interesting uses, Lunarshade offers a larger variety of effects and could be used for pretty clever ideas, such as having a light shine behind me at a very high spot and have my shadow cover a large area to make enemies below float, push an enemy into my shadow and turn the sleeve of their shirt into solid moonrock, maybe the arm too, set up a bunch of dangerous chemicals in buckets as a trap and use the nearby tide controlling effect to splash them onto enemies if they get too close
Set up a space x competitor, prepare safe huge-shadow casting, start rockets under reduced gravity to massively save on fuel costs.

But the Child Eating Spiders magic feels like it has more style, imagine it, 2 enemies are infiltrating headquarters, and in the back of a room they spy a friendly looking humanoid figure in the dark of some backroom, they fire a shot into it's chest, it doesn't go down, it starts running forward, the bullets make splinters fly through the air, it reaches them, grabbing the pair are grabbed by their necks, revealing that the figure was in fact a toy, but what was making it move?
Then it opens it's mouth, it's countless tiny pilots, many strange spiders, they all come crawling out and onto the intruders, feasting upon their flesh
Can the spiders also lay eggs into their victims?
Can the spiders also lay eggs into their victims?
If a real spider can do it the ones made with this magic could
Potentially I could make spider-eggs disguised as innocent marbles and place them in the clothes of enemies
But only If I train-up enough skill in that magic

Gonna go with Child Eating Spiders Magic, should I discuss with you the limits and drawbacks of it? Or do you have something planned out already?
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Turn 4. A HQ of Wiretaps, Faith and Crows Choices.


Damage Actions:

[] Facility Control: Bring up some heavy equipment and bribe the local authorities to allow us to blast into the crime scene. This may damage the facility but do we have the time to spare?

[] A few pipe bombs to the nearby company made up of those stakeholders that backstabbed us?

[] Two can play this game: Take out the Texan State Agents that are threatening our workers and our work.

[] Right to the top: Plan a few visits to important members of the Texan State Government to encourage them to stop messing with the company.

[] Seize Control: We have managed to get enough influence and support in the west to take over the region around our facility. We can threaten and bribe the rest of the region to fall under our demands and provide excess income to us. At the cost of building some tensions with the people and the government.

Perception Actions:

[] Facility Perception Part 3: We have almost reached the bottom of our facility, we can only hope that our divine friend down there is dead and not still livin

[] Agent Shakedown: Let's see what our agents and shareholders are good at. (Unlocks information about deck size and how to improve agents)

[] What's going on in the UK?

[] What's going on in Rome?

[] What's going on in Brazil?

[] The Coalition's strange anti-magic artifacts?

[] The Coalition's HQ in Brazil?

Stealth Actions:

[] This company didn't ask for money for the buy in. You all had to do dirty deeds to even be a minor shareholder. God knows what sins the major shareholders did to get where they are. Let's cover this up!

[] Cover up our actions. By ensuring that we continue to cover up our actions as we take them, hostile forces won't be able to begin building a portfolio on us.

[] Hide Our Agents: now that we have our own agents on the field en masse, they may find themselves the target of our foes, let's help hide them so they can't be found.

[] Deal with the Bugs: We really need to get the company back under our control, spycraft surely is slower than our brutes but harder to prove in court!

Development Actions:

[] Improve Company Revenue: Making number go up is a must if we want to do more ourselves

[] Improve Company Abilities: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself. Let's improve our own abilities. (Pick one of the 6 stats to study and see how the company can discover more about the world)

[] Time to improve with knowledge! We can spend our knowledge on improving the company, upgrading agents or to upgrade the company as a whole. This can be used to increase discipline of agents as well

[] We have gotten such a surge of development knowledge, that we could go further than just recruiting agents… we could begin the establishment of a PMC.

[] Repair the Lab: We have lost a lot of research but with most of the lab back under our control, we can rebegin operations and prepare to break the second seal long before we get into the basement.

Charisma Actions:

[] The International Scene is angry and even with our help at dealing with dozens of issues around the world, tens of thousands still died… let's try and butter them up more.

[] We should encourage international disharmony, the longer they don't attend that global meeting the more time they spend on not investigating this surge of power. We need to stay ahead and we can't stay ahead of the entire world so we must split them apart.

[] Try and get international governments to dislike the coalition and its plan to "lock away" the magic again, what nonsense!

[] Sweeten up the X: (Pick if you wanna charm the Texan government, a nearby faction or even a local region.

[] Build some Distance: We love the Texan Government, we do! But not quite that much, let's make sure they don't sink their roots too deeply into our organization.

Movement Actions:

[] Agent movement: Spend 50 funds per movement to allow our agents to move around Texas without relying on their own means

[] Begin moving recovered assets to our HQ if we believe it would be safer in the heart of Texas than the middle of nowhere.

Magic Actions:

[] Odin watches us and yet compared to the other godly actions on this planet, a few mocking crows seems like nothing to super soldiers or moving armies of stone… Why is he so weak?

[] One of the crows seems to be wearing a pair of glasses that belonged to that kidnapped scientist, How strange!

[] Grand Divine Sacrifice: Let's spend resources on building up divine energy and storing it within objects by engaging in excessive sacrifice.

Agent Actions:

Can only be done by agents:

[] Return to Shareholder Duties

[] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
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[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
- [X] Magic 2: Hone skill with the strange Child Eating Spider magic that popped into your head

I even have a backstory set up for why my shareholder has that magic, not anything supernatural just that the backstory thematically matches the magic
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[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
- [X] Magic 2: Hone skill with the strange Child Eating Spider magic that popped into your head

I even have a backstory set up for why my shareholder has that magic, not anything supernatural just that the backstory thematically matches the magic

The Spider Magic is creepy but acceptable, you'll just be a magic/stealth build going ahead most likely and I will give you special cards as you develop your skills. Using magic to create and harm those from afar and to empower your stealthy abilities, you're kinda being an assassination/chaos dealing with this sort of idea

Edit: Although maybe we can give it a more classy name than child eating spiders?

BTW, Update to the turn post. Most of your sweet artworks and stories have been referred to in the "matters of interest"
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[X] It is doubtful we got all the bugs, but that can be useful too. Continue the sweep, but mark any bugs found and leave them in place so Texas wont see need to invest in new ones. At the same time, ensure certain conference rooms do not have any bugs through 'renovations' down to the fittings so that meetings can still take place covering sensitive topics.
[X] Repair the Lab: We have lost a lot of research but with most of the lab back under our control, we can rebegin operations and prepare to break the second seal long before we get into the basement.
Shareholder SolAnon was more focused on trying to link the power of devotion and magic to the company seal. The sheer focus on trying to catch the power of the divine and channel it into our company mascot via prayer and animal sacrifice did prove some results even if not many.

Prayer barely worked, we are unsure if this is due to the low amount of people we are able to get praying to a picture of a seal or the lack of devotion behind the act. Some researchers wonder if praying to a plushie or statue or a trinket of our company mascot would provide more easily trackable results instead of praying to an overall concept.
That looks interesting, a full shareholder action (share of company funds rather than 1 card) of creating an altar/monument (as a focal point represinting the concept) and prayer/sacrifice) could work to birth a new god.
The animal sacrifices interestingly enough did provide some results, by following traditional methods of preparing an animal for sacrifice and giving up the entire corpse to the idea of our company mascot would result in a surge of trackable divine energy however small that surge is that would quickly disappear into the local area. Intent seems to play a big role in the release of energy as we found out that sacrificing the animal with plans to use the meat later for another purpose would cause no divine energy to be released, we had to truly give up the animal in full and let it rot away or burn away in total with no personal gain for ourselves or community.

[] Odin watches us and yet compared to the other godly actions on this planet, a few mocking crows seems like nothing to super soldiers or moving armies of stone… Why is he so weak?
Lack of prayer/sacrifice in general making him less than the generally venerated gods (who'd then have a ton more "divine mana" to throw around)?
[] One of the crows seems to be wearing a pair of glasses that belonged to that kidnapped scientist, How strange!
Hmmm... Was the kidnapped scientist turned into a crow?

[X] Plan: Create the Divinity Department, its first part specializing into Odin (including an altar for worship), add Odin to the pantheon of the company, and make initial sacrifices.
-[X] The Divinity departments tasks are threefold:
--[X] Find out what we can do for the respective gods (known examples: prayer, sacrifice)
--[X] Find out what the respective god can do for us and under what circumstances/conditions they are willing to do so.
--[X] Help other parts of the company work with the respective divine (advice on where/how the divine is likely to help, organize correct prayer + sacrifice, rites, etc.).
--[X] Also supports forays into magic/divine energy that aren't god oriented, like cults or direct use of divine energy
-[X] With one of the animal sacrifices, test out if feeding the meat of the sacrifice to the murder of crows is valid. (More divine energy? Less? Completely invalidated?)
-[X] Make sure the Altar has perching places for ravens/crows.

So many things to do/try, I think this turn I'll try this.
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add Odin to the pantheon of the company
Ooo, company pantheon, neat

Maybe there could be some employee incentive for worship of said pantheon, a paid leave raffle or something? Easy prep, get some kinda app or find a website that spins a wheel randomly, add the names of all regular worshippers in the company, increase the size of their part of the wheel the more devotion they offer to the company pantheon
Nothing big, just enough incentive for people to try, maybe they'll enjoy it
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Magic 1 / Magic 1 : Try and learn more about the divine and how to manipulate divine energy, work closely with the Divinity Department for that.
-[X] Movement 1 : Travel trough the current region to try and find places of interest.
[X] Right to the top: Plan a few visits to important members of the Texan State Government to encourage them to stop messing with the company.

Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't but I'd rather do this first before resorting to any drastic measures.
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Magic 1 / Magic 1 : Try and learn more about the divine and how to manipulate divine energy, work closely with the Divinity Department for that.
-[X] Movement 1 : Travel trough the current region to try and find places of interest.
Added a subpoint to Divinity department so it explicitly also supports cults, not just gods.

Ooo, company pantheon, neat

Maybe there could be some employee incentive for worship of said pantheon, a paid leave raffle or something? Easy prep, get some kinda app or find a website that spins a wheel randomly, add the names of all regular worshippers in the company, increase the size of their part of the wheel the more devotion they offer to the company pantheon
Nothing big, just enough incentive for people to try, maybe they'll enjoy it
Sounds like something the general part of the Divinity department ought to do.

Don't think I'll have a shareholder action to spare in the next few turns, but maybe someone else does. Or a spare magic agent-card next turn.
The other potential forms of my agent and their magic

The magical art of slowly attuning yourself with an object to slowly start controlling it, enhancing it, for example, performing repeated bonding rituals with an axe may allow the user to nudge it with their mind, and make it cut harder, putting more hard work and effort into it could increase that effect, maybe one day to the point of lifting it without a finger and the axe being able to cut through concrete, but only after a ton of bonding
- Mac
- A gruff lumberjack looking type, brunette, bushy beard, chipped tooth, kinda between chubby and beefy
- Father used to beat him and his brothers to motivate them to become, one day when he was old enough to go to college, the agent just had enough and put the old woodchopping axe pops accidentally left out to use, his siblings helped hide the body
- I would've had him artifact bond with his axe, a lumpy mug one of his brothers made for him, and a barbie with a voicebox to hopefully have her give actual advice
- Loves beer, grilling, brotherly bonding, and barbie dolls cause his dad said no

Micheal Bay's preferred form of magic if he had one, action cinema themed rituals, physics and logic sacrificed upon the gilded altar of spectacle, like causing Conservation Of Ninjutsu (Look it up) to even the odds, blessing a gun with the ability to fire more bullets then it should as long as nobody points it out, making vehicles explode if flipped over, blessing individuals with enhanced reflexes and speed akin to bullet time, stuff like that
- Jesse
- Skinny, slicked back short hair, sharp suit, sunglasses, shit eating grin, most assume they're some kinda of nepotism supported business exec with slight misogynistic tendencies, but she just likes to dress like that
- Loved to make indie action films as a kid, it was a passion of hers, problem, she did not have much talent or skill at it so it never took off, but that passion for action cinema never left
- I would've had her formulate a spell where if she is facing away from something and she is wearing sunglasses, she could make it more likely that an explosion would happen behind her
- Loves action movies, hair gel to keep her iconic look, Dolly Parton (Old crush of hers), and smooth jazz

The transmutation of birthday cheer into loneliness, candles on a chocolate cake make it harder to track the folks with the cake, confetti that causes emotional detachment from contact with it, birthday songs that make you barely noticeable to others
- Mortimer
- Sad hunched over old man, sunken eyes one could mistake for dark pits, a wrinkled face with pale leathery skin, skin contact with the man is like touching a warm corpse, he also has smol spectacles
- Just a very lonely man, only child, other kids were creeped out by him, he and his parents drifted apart because he barely ever opened himself up to them, on his 30th birthday he realized he was likely to die alone and it would be his fault cause he never puts in the effort to connect
- I would've had him set up shop in a room at headquarters where he set up a birthday party for himself, it would've been hidden and forgotten by the others in the building thanks to his magic, and sometimes interns would wander into the strange scene of him wearing a part hat at a table with cake and balloons, alone
- Loves chocolate, rainy days to relax inside, the Golden Girls, and the works of Edgar Allan Poe

Esoteric mathematical formulas that may result in bears, write down a lesser version of the equation on someones arm to give it bear strength, claws, and hair, write down the majority of it on the side of a wall and at the first sign of trouble add the final symbol and run away as the various grizzly bears manifest, whisper the theoretics of it to have a mental bear mess with math based thoughts in the heads of others
- Peter
- Sorta chubby, curly hair, glasses, wears the same sweatervest almost everywhere, someone once saw him in the shower fully clothed and staring directly at the door gap being peered through
- Is a math genuis, even tutored, but quit after a year since he gained this weird overprotective nature over those he tutored while also being quite frightening with his strictness during lessons, bordering on being mentally abusive, he realized this when a student of his almost had a breakdown
- Would've had him tattoo a bunch of the equations on his body, ripping apart stuff as a were-bear in glasses
- Loves the show Friends, things which challenge his intelligence, that trail-mix his mom made once but he forgot to ask about the recipe and now he'll never know, and heavy metal

One's shadow may enforce traits of the moon with this magic, it could cause those that touch it to experience low gravity, including the user if they wish, it could influence the movement of water nearby, it could slowly convert stuff caught in it into moonrock, it could reflect light and light based magic away
- Bill
- Blonde, androgynous looking, poofy hair, blue eyes, has this happy-go-lucky feel to him with a hint of guilt hidden in there
- Bill wanted to be an astronaut and go to the moon as a kid, wanted to be popular, wanted to look more manly, his brother Keith got all that and more, and worst thing was Keith did care about him, didn't rub it in, didn't brag, Bill was apparently his biggest inspiration, years of bottled up jealously built-up until, one day, he got drunk and got pissed off at Keith, blacked out, woke up, Keith was unconscious, beaten into a coma by the brother he admired, Bill hid the evidence, and now his brother lies in a hospital bed and Bill feels too guilty to stop beating himself up about it and too scared to admit his wrongdoing
- I want him to jump through the air with moon gravity, it would be a cool move
- Loves astronomy, working out, drinking his sorrows away, and old sci-fi novels
That looks interesting, a full shareholder action (share of company funds rather than 1 card) of creating an altar/monument (as a focal point represinting the concept) and prayer/sacrifice) could work to birth a new god.

Lack of prayer/sacrifice in general making him less than the generally venerated gods (who'd then have a ton more "divine mana" to throw around)?

Hmmm... Was the kidnapped scientist turned into a crow?

[X] Plan: Create the Divinity Department, its first part specializing into Odin (including an altar for worship), add Odin to the pantheon of the company, and make initial sacrifices.
-[X] The Divinity departments tasks are threefold:
--[X] Find out what we can do for the respective gods (known examples: prayer, sacrifice)
--[X] Find out what the respective god can do for us and under what circumstances/conditions they are willing to do so.
--[X] Help other parts of the company work with the respective divine (advice on where/how the divine is likely to help, organize correct prayer + sacrifice, rites, etc.).
--[X] Also supports forays into magic/divine energy that aren't god oriented, like cults or direct use of divine energy
-[X] With one of the animal sacrifices, test out if feeding the meat of the sacrifice to the murder of crows is valid. (More divine energy? Less? Completely invalidated?)
-[X] Make sure the Altar has perching places for ravens/crows.

So many things to do/try, I think this turn I'll try this.
Dont forget the shrine to Uncle Sam from last turn if you're doing this. T'was made, may as well not go to waste.
Dont forget the shrine to Uncle Sam from last turn if you're doing this. T'was made, may as well not go to waste.
Doing Odin this turn and then intend to either follow up with more Odin stuff (if fitting hooks come up) or create a PMC to start positioning us as post-shattering-weirdness solvers. Maybe buy ourselves into companies whose stockprice is supressed by shattering issues we can fix (to enjoy profitable subsidiaries once the issues are fixed).

Department of Divinity is intentionally modular, with Odin just being the first part, in case anyone else wants to pursue other gods, but I'm probably going to stick with our crow god.
And I don't wanna mess with the inactive altar to not disturb the projects of whoever made it.