Cast-Offs of Divinity - A Merchants of Divinity Quest

what if we made some kind of house-mecha, so we could have a bigger lab and carry it on the go? that seems suitably mad science.
@JayTar Speaking of augmentation does Leviathan trust anyone to put them in her? (Probably not but i have to ask) If no how would we implant them and what skills would we need to do it? Also what skills would we need to develop biomods and cybernetics?
Her brother, maybe but he doesn't have the correct skill set. Beyond that is for you to decide. Many things can be done via self-surgery however. If you are mad enough.
Developing biomods would be Science (Biology) but it won't be trivial.
Cybernetics I'm tentatively saying would fall under Science (robotics) with a bit of biology, but there might be a specific Science (Cybernetics) instead. Not sure yet.

But then I would like to ask for an example of which scientific project would be eccentric enough to satisfy Doctor Infinium enough for him to agree to enter into a contract.
Hmm, it's not really about what exactly you make. You could be making a laser gun, a jet pack, a new pair of eyes, some sort of over complicated contraption to pick up the newspaper.
You just have to be doing it for personal reasons. Like, "I'll show them, I'll show them all!" or "Wow this is going to be super cool when it's done"
But it can't say be "This is part of my job" or "I need to invent this to solve (concrete practical problem)"

Like, inventing something to solve some personal annoyance or extremely petty problem is fine. But everyone has to be able to look at the thing and say that it is entirely an invention for you.
what if we made some kind of house-mecha, so we could have a bigger lab and carry it on the go? that seems suitably mad science.
I think we need to do the project taking into account our specialization and talents, because this increases the chance of its successful completion.
For example, to create some kind of individual biomodification of a social type.
Something like a biomodule that gives us full control over the muscles of our face and the subconscious movement of our body passively enhancing our acting.

JayTar Is it suitable for Infinium?
I think we need to do the project taking into account our specialization and talents, because this increases the chance of its successful completion.
For example, to create some kind of individual biomodification of a social type.
Something like a biomodule that gives us full control over the muscles of our face and the subconscious movement of our body passively enhancing our acting.

JayTar Is it suitable for Infinium?
So long as you keep in mind how it would reflect on Leviathan's characterization. That her selfish desire are to become a better liar.
(That is, not saying "I want to be a better liar to do x thing" but rather "I want to be a better liar because being a better liar is the person I want to be")

It's not as binding as a contract. But choices are still choices. Not to say that they are necessary good or bad choices. But whatever is picked for this is going to reflect back in some way.
we're specialized in biology, so we could probably manage a knockoff venom symbiote, if we want to selfishly be safe or dangerous, which seems like it would be better for a mad scientist.
So long as you keep in mind how it would reflect on Leviathan's characterization. That her selfish desire are to become a better liar.
(That is, not saying "I want to be a better liar to do x thing" but rather "I want to be a better liar because being a better liar is the person I want to be")

It's not as binding as a contract. But choices are still choices. Not to say that they are necessary good or bad choices. But whatever is picked for this is going to reflect back in some way.
I don't think there will be any problems with that, given that lying is probably the least immoral thing we will do.
But I want to note that because of his background as a scientist specializing in biology and sociology, Leviathan may perceive this as "I don't want to let biology, which is literally designed randomly, influence my social games."
Also, since Leviathan has Mental fortitude and Noticing Manipulation at the second level, it may be something like "I don't want someone to find out information about me without my permission using the vulnerability of my biology."
we're specialized in biology, so we could probably manage a knockoff venom symbiote, if we want to selfishly be safe or dangerous, which seems like it would be better for a mad scientist.
This is our first project with at best in a Decent quality lab. The symbiont looks like a mega project that takes a little more time than 25 AP and requires a lot of test subjects for correct research.
In general, I think we should not try to bite off more than we can swallow, otherwise the bitten piece will easily devour us.
So long as you keep in mind how it would reflect on Leviathan's characterization. That her selfish desire are to become a better liar.
(That is, not saying "I want to be a better liar to do x thing" but rather "I want to be a better liar because being a better liar is the person I want to be")

It's not as binding as a contract. But choices are still choices. Not to say that they are necessary good or bad choices. But whatever is picked for this is going to reflect back in some way.
Then I'd rather do something like a biomod sense optimization.
Like reorganize eyes:
Infrared color vision. (Owls, iirc)
Light polarization. (Bees)
Tapetum lucidum. (Back of the eye being reflective -> better low-light view, like in cats)
Secondary transparent eyelids as additional protection (buildin sunglasses to avoid increased sensitivity becoming a weakness).
Space efficient rod/cone packing.

Or wolf nose(internal)/ears, with the ability to selectively use it (the city sounds like a miserable place to have it always on)

Some animals (like homing pidgeons) also have a magnetism sense.
Secondary transparent eyelids as additional protection (buildin sunglasses to avoid increased sensitivity becoming a weakness).
We can put a light-sensitive layer on the cornea that automatically darkens depending on the ambient light. Something like blinking, but instead of muscle contraction, a supply of bioelectricity that will darken the photosensitive layer. This way we can save on sunglasses and eliminate the need for blinking.
We can put a light-sensitive layer on the cornea that automatically darkens depending on the ambient light. Something like blinking, but instead of muscle contraction, a supply of bioelectricity that will darken the photosensitive layer. This way we can save on sunglasses and eliminate the need for blinking.
Depending on clarity maybe a combination:
Inner, as transparent as possible, eyelid with the shade-layer. Always closed unless maximum view is needed.

On to the planning:
Teaching is something we could probably start immediately (teach the kids proper medic skills), grand works probably involves ... Grand works. Which we'll need a Lab for.

[X] Plan: Professional development, work and other god
-[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
I think we should start investing in going after the gods most aligned with our goals first, before we seek out more major time sinks. We've only got so much AP, but getting more weight from contracts and deeds will help alleviate that problem. Also, if we want to do surgery on our self we're going to need a high pain tolerance, so we should focus on training that a bit. Because of that I propose we do this:

[X] Plan: Mercs, Medicine and Exploration
-[X] Skill training (Resisting Physical pain) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)

Something worth noting: having our own operating theater is helpful even outside of getting a contract, because right now we make most of our money off being a doctor, something which we could potentially continue doing if we have a place to do it.
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Since this vote seems to have some more contenders I will likely leave it open for at least another 24 hours.
Vote closed
Well, since there don't seem to be any more votes:
Scheduled vote count started by JayTar on Feb 28, 2024 at 10:12 PM, finished with 26 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Professional development, work and other god
    -[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
    -[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
    -[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
    -[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
    -[X] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
    [X] Plan: Professional development, work and future construction
    -[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
    -[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
    -[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
    -[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
    -[X] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
    [X] Plan: Mercs, Medicine and Exploration
    -[X] Skill training (Resisting Physical pain) (2 TAP)
    -[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
    -[X] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
    -[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
    -[X] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
Prologue 3

Prologue 3:​

[X] Plan: Professional development, work and other god
-[X] Skill training (Pharmacology) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Therapy) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Family: As annoying as your brother is, maybe you should see what he is up to? (3 AP)
-[X] Professor Tweed - The Teacher. Hmph. Probably a waste of time. (4 AP)
Location: District 12 Commercial Hub. Sub-Level 23. Hidden Safe House:

Given the tools made available to you, you are not sure if you should be offended by their meager quality, or impressed with your own skill to have nonetheless prevailed.

The stitches on the so called Leader's leg were mostly healed. You didn't have an x-ray to check with, but you suspected the same was true for the bone beneath.

Perhaps there is something to Leader's supposed resilience? If there is, it pales compared to to your talents.

"Looks like you will be fine by the end of the week." you tell her.

She grunts and leverages herself out of her cot before promptly limping out on a slightly too big crutch.

"Uh" You watch her exit without even a word.

"Sorry about that. Would you mind sticking around for a few hours just in case?" Senior says with a strained smile before chasing after her.

You take the chance to pull out some medical review texts. Your general foundation was excellent, but you had focused more on surgery then anything else. It might do to broaden your horizons.

Training alone: 3d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
6d3 = [2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2] = 12*1.3 = 15 exp Medicine (Pharmacology) leveled to 1 (5/30)

Training alone: 3d3 per TAP
2 TAP spent.
6d3 = [1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1] = 12*1.3 = 15 exp Medicine (Therapy) leveled to 1 (5/30)

Several hours later Leader limps back in and plops right back in her cot. The rest of her team files in behind her.

You look at her in puzzlement before checking her injuries. "You reopened the stitches. They were almost healed! What were you doing?"

"Uh." you hear Skippy vocalize on the other side of the room. Where he was organizing a set of wire cutters and wrenches.

You look over to Slick who pauses in cleaning suspiciously rust colored stains off of a knife. To Senior who was fretting over a singed spot on his hat. To Leader who meets your gaze with a deadpan stare.

"Never mind."

Gain 3 decent dots

Location: Habitation Block 17-C. Cube 2421:

Free from your work you consider your brother. Your very annoying brother.

Officially he is a sociology tutor in good standing at the Universality. Unofficially you snooped on his schedule. One biweekly study session with only a handful of students. Technically enough to fund his supposedly austere lifestyle.

Anyone else would be fooled by the image of a lackadaisical slacker he puts on. Even you had not thought to prod it too deeply.

But recently your eyes were opened to a darker side to this city. One of mercenaries, assassinations and who knows what else. So perhaps it was time for you to express a little sisterly concern. Plus you were curious.

So you were going to break into his Cube. Turnabout is fair play!

Organizational knowledge 2 + AI administrator protocols 2 = 4 dice

If there was one thing your brother was passably competent at, it was twisting the the cities systems around his fingers. If you were going to match him you would need to be at your very best. Bring only the cleverest loopholes and the subtlest exceptions.

You navigate into the relevant menus in your phone ready to give it your all.

DC = 0
Auto pass!

… And find that you are already on the unrestricted whitelist for his Cube.

Dammit Jörmungandr. It's no fun if you make the victory easy.

The door unlocks at your touch. The inside is much the same as you last saw it. Standard reconfigurable furniture. Slightly fancy holographic computer.

For lack of anything else to do you leaf through his desk for anything interesting. Unfortunately nothing draws your eye.

A little later your brother comes through the door. You know his composure is too great to show anything like surprise, but you like to think the slight pause he makes indicates the same.

"Why hello dear sister, what brings you to my humble home?"

You snort performatively "What I can't just come and visit my darling big brother?"

He grins "Why of course you can. But did anything prompt this sudden impulse?"

"Must I have some ulterior motive?"

Your brother pretends to consider that for a moment. "Yup."

You pout. "I'll have you know I'm here out of authentic sisterly concern. Who knows what sort of dangerous things you could be getting up to on your days off."

"Hmm" He tilts his head slightly, eyes flickering over you. "Read any good books lately?"


"How about started any new jobs? You know those shady labs go through researchers almost as fast as they do test subjects."

You scoff. "As if! Any lab I enter is automatically made reputable by my very presence!"

"What then?" he probes. Searching you for tiny tells.

You smile placidly. No twitch or tic betrays you. "You'll just have to find out."

The standoff holds for a minute longer before your brother breaks it off with a chuckle. "Fine, but you are in the market for good books, I have one for you." He reaches past you to open an absolutely non-standard secret compartment on his desk, pull out a book, and press it into your hands.

You check the title. "An Introduction to Codes and Covert Communication by Nota Pi?"

"See me at my office hours if you have any questions" he adds cheekily. By the infuriating slant of his smile you know you won't be getting anything else useful out of him today.

Not that you don't spend the next hour pestering him just to make sure. A good scientist always tests their conclusions.

Jörmungandr Grimm's primary Social knowledge specially revealed! Jörmungandr Grimm may now train you in Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings).

Location: Habitation Block 17-C. Cube 3156:
Back at your Cube you set your sights back to research. Professor Tweed is highly regarded, and you can grudgingly admit the importance of teachers. So it would be foolish to disregard him entirely.

Academics 2 + Gods 1 = 3 dice
3d6= [5, 6, 2] = 13
DC: 5/10/20/40 for Attention/1st/2nd/3rd Contract.

To gain Professor Tweed's attention you will need to personally mentor someone up to a professional level (3+3) in a skill which they then go on to use in a professional capacity.

The student must not have had any significant preexisting level of skill in the subject. (max level of 1)

This teaching must be done purely for the sharing of knowledge. Not payment or favors.

You note that there seems to be a common thread of disallowing cross purposes. Interesting.

You also find his first contract:

Professor Tweed


You, the contracted, must spend at least 1 action a week on teaching. In exchange, you may make simple illusions for the purpose of teaching aids.

Oh you recognize this! You've seen it in action a few times during your stint at the University. While in theory not much different from a high quality holographic slide show, the ability to adjust it with but a thought provides flexibility. The benefit isn't dramatic, but it is noticeable.

At your current level it would increase the dice size of anyone you are teaching by +1

You idly wonder just how far "for the purpose of teaching aids" can be stretched.
You may teach any skill up to your level in the skill.
They gain dice equal to 1+(Teaching skill + specialty)/3
When tutoring one on one, each 2 AP spent may affect all their TAP.

Other business:
Naturalism: 2 + Foraging 2 = 4 dice
4d6=[6, 1, 3, 4] = 14
DC: 10
No effects!
One decent dot subtracted for debt payments!

Turn actions:
You have 4 TAP and 10-1=9 AP:

Current assets:
5 decent dots
1 Basic Habitation Cube.

Current expenses:
Debt repayment 4.9 High dots remain - 1 decent dot per turn.
Creative dumpster diving - 1 AP per turn

Available trainers:
Jörmungandr Grimm: Can train Organizational knowledge (AI administrator protocols) and Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings) along with their respective general skills. Provides +3 dice.

-[] Skill training (Trainer) (Skill or Skill (Specialty)) (x TAP)

[] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
[] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)

[] Now that you have some money, you should look back into the University? Not that you need help with improving your skills. But you weren't one to turn down an advantage. (3 AP)

[] Old man Jack: Near the entrance to your Habitation block sits a old man. He sits there all day, always preforming some sort of hand craft. Whittling. Knitting. You should go give him a peace of your mind about such a shameful display! (3 AP)
[] Get to know your new employers. How did they come to be mercenaries? How does the mercenary business work? (3 AP)
[] You noticed the augmentations on the team's two younger members. You know you will have to approach it delicately, but perhaps there is something you can learn from them? Requires Lab (2 AP)

[] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
[] Dive deeper: Beneath the city there are countless forgotten places. Some may even contain treasures. Go out and find them (3 AP)

Gods Research. Roll Academics (Gods) to learn more about the god and what contracts they offer:
[] Steve - The Builder. Dispute the unfortunate association with (ugh) manual labor, you can see the merit in a god of building grand works. (4 AP)
[] Doctor Infinium. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] MD Old Bones. Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)
[] Professor Tweed Perhaps you would like to try looking further? You don't think you will get much at your current skill level. (4 AP)

[] Supplemental Research: MD Old Bones. You have questions about exactly how limiting his first contract is. Look into it. (2 1 AP)

To contact Gods:
Doctor Infinium:
[] Lab. If you want to pursue Doctor Infinium's attention you will need a lab.
--[] Scrape together what can fit in your Cube. Cost: 5 2 Poor dots. Gain poor quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (1 AP)
--[] Buy some second hand equipment instead of pulling things out of the trash. Cost: 5 Low dots. Gain Low quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (2 AP)
--[] Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
[] Start crafting. Requires lab. (Variable AP)

MD Old Bones:
[] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
[] Arrange for a constant stream of patients. (3 AP)
[] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)
[] Start the marathon. (Consumes all AP until 20 have been spent.)

Professor Tweed:
[] Go looking for a student. (Write in skill/specifics) (3 AP)
[] Teach! (2 AP)

[] Write in. Perhaps there is something else? (?? AP)

AN: And turn 3! As always, ask any questions you like.
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[X] Plan: The arrangement of the workplace and normal food.
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr Grimm) (Clandestine Proceedings) (2 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Chemistry) (2 TAP)
-[X] Work: Things are quiet with Leader's injuries, but you can probably convince them to pay you for the followups on her current injures. Expected pay: 2-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Food: Perhaps you would like to change your diet? Presents diet options. May be modified by your current wealth level. (1 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an operating theater. You will need somewhere to work, and make sure you have sufficient supplies. (2 AP)
-[X] Arrange for an assistant. A final line of defense against interruptions. Someone to make sure all your patients arrive on time, and fill any holes in your schedule. (2 AP)

We really should choose another way to get food. The cost of 1 AP is really very expensive. As I have already understood when making plans, it is much cheaper to pay with money.
As for setting up an underground hospital, it's better to get rid of it right away, because after that we will be busy building a laboratory, so we may not have time for this in the future.
Clandestine Proceedings and Chemistry are low-hanging fruits that, given our activities as a mad scientist, will be useful to us, and given that there is nothing equally cheap and at the same time relevant, it would be nice to get them.
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[X] Plan: The arrangement of the workplace and normal food.

Don't forget to mark the skill trainer(Jörmungandr) for Clandestine Proceedings
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[X] Plan: Lab Time
-[X] Skill training (Jörmungandr) (Social knowledge (Clandestine Proceedings)) (3 TAP)
-[X] Skill training (Science (Chemistry)) (1 TAP)
-[X] Lab. If you want to pursue Doctor Infinium's attention you will need a lab.
--[X] Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
-[X] Work: Things seem to be back to "Business as usual". For however usual this business is. Expected pay: 1-3 Decent dots. (2 AP)
-[X] Explore the city: The city contains many strange wonders. Some are even useful. Go out and find them. (2 AP)
-[X] Supplemental Research: MD Old Bones. You have questions about exactly how limiting his first contract is. Look into it. (2 1 AP)

Initial plan, I want to know the crafting rules. Seems like the university is the gate for more trainers, I wonder why we're still in prologue.
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Invest in some proper equipment. Requires larger space then your Cube. Cost: 5 Decent dots. Gain Decent quality lab. Reveal crafting rules. (4 AP)
We don't have 5 Decent dots. Even if we count the money taking into account the work in the next turn, then if the job is thrown unsuccessfully, it is quite possible to get only 1 Decent dots, which will mean that it will be impossible to pay the debt. It seems too risky to rush when in any case we are going to build a laboratory already during the next turn, but without risks.
Initial plan, I want to know the crafting rules. Seems like the university is the gate for more trainers, I wonder why we're still in prologue.
My current plans are to end the prologue once you sign your first contract. Though I suppose if you manage to gain enough weight or do something of similar significance first that could count too.
We don't have 5 Decent dots. Even if we count the money taking into account the work in the next turn, then if the job is thrown unsuccessfully, it is quite possible to get only 1 Decent dots, which will mean that it will be impossible to pay the debt.
We do? We're in the grey so long as we pay the 2AP tax. I want it now to see if crafting can solve any of our problems.