The Plan behind the Bat - A Wayne Enterprises Planquest

Sorry for how long the turn's taking. My computer's infuriatingly slow at the moment. When it's working at normal speed, though, happens to be when I'm dead tired and about to pass out. :mad:
Year 1 - Q1

Wayne Tower, 57th Floor - Wayne Industrial

"So, how are you finding things, Mr Fox?" Arman, your new assistant, smiles as he shows you through to your new office.

"It's a very impressive building." You reply noncommittally as you walk through the halls of the building, high above Gotham, and take in the sleek post-modern architecture. I see the old bosses found money to renovate this place. Funny, considering that lack of funds was supposedly why they sold off half the company... You sigh, internally cursing your predecessors. Finding a spacious office waiting for you, you take a seat. "Alright, let's see what we're dealing with." You twist your neck, cracking the stiff muscles, as you begin to go through paperwork.

Wayne Steel Mill - Gotham
The Wayne Steel Mill has employed Gothamites since the Great War, and produces plentiful steel used both in Wayne Industries' other plants, and sold on the open market.

While operational:
Profit: + $105 per turn
+10 to Manufacturing

Wayne Automotives Plant - Gotham
Slightly technologically outdated, but still highly productive, the Wayne Automotives Plant produces plentiful consumer automobiles, as well as light military vehicles.

While operational:
Profit: + $120 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Production Plant - Gotham
Wayne Aerospace is largely responsible for the creation of passenger jets and is a major profit driver.

While operational:
Profit: + $330 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Design/Test Facility - Nevada
One of the few R&D facets of Wayne Industries. Deep in the Nevada desert, the Wayne Facility is home to a number of aircraft designers and test pilots whose role it is to design new, in-house aircraft for Wayne Aerospace to produce.

While operational:
Ability to design new aircraft

Wayne Shipping 2 fleets of cargo ships - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $150 per turn

Wayne Shipping Private docks - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn
Discount to price of setting up business in other countries

Gold Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn

Platinum Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $80 per turn

Combined Asset Profits - $835
Corporate Upkeep - $300
Low Credit Rating Penalty - $100
Low Bruce Relationship Penalty - $10

Resources: $425
Action Points: 10

QM Note: Multiple action points can be spent on the same action - adding d100 dice to the same roll.

Looking through reports of the assets under your purview, you wonder if you shouldn't start your reign off with a bang - publicly stating that Wayne Industries is back on the map, with big, visible construction work?

[] Expand Gotham Steel Lvl 2: A flagship enterprise of the Wayne empire, expanding the Gotham Steelworks would be a big symbol of the company's intentions to claw back its dominant position once more - and provide employment for Gotham. (0/250)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 200 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 Per Action Point

[] Expand Gotham Automotives Plant Lvl 2: Expanding the Wayne Automotives Plant will allow you to increase the number of production lines, creating additional automobiles, or allowing you to produce different types of vehicle in parallel. (0/250)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 200 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 Per Action Point

[] Expand Gotham Aerospace Plant to Lvl 2: As with the automobile factory, an expansion will allow you to either build more passenger jets, or multiple types of aircraft simultaneously. (0/300)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 100 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $60 per Action Point

[] Construct a New Shipping Fleet: Wayne Shipping already has a sufficient number of cargo ships to transport Wayne goods globally and keep the Empire moving. Additional fleets of cargo vessels, however, can be hired out to governments and companies to help satisfy their own transport needs - paying Wayne Industries a premium for the privilege. (0/150)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 300 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Construct a new factory: Building a factory from the ground up requires a substantial investment in both manpower and money, but increases production more than a mere factory expansion would, and allows you to focus on the production of a new good without having to repurpose an existing factory. (0/500)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 1000 Unskilled, 300 Skilled
Cost: $150 per Action Point
[] Write in: What good the factory will produce (ie: Household Appliances, automobiles, small arms, clothing etc)

[] Repurpose an existing Factory: Instead of building something new, you can save on cost by converting an existing production line to produce a different kind of product. (0/200)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 50 Unskilled, 10 Skilled
Cost: $30 per Action Point
[] Write in: Which factory to convert, and what their new production good will be

[] Construct a retailer: Wayne Industries' civilian goods are generally sold to middlemen retailers these days, but that wasn't always the case - the Waynes once owned malls, department stores, shopping centers and auto dealerships across the country. Physical retail might not be the most in demand these days, but having a location to sell goods direct to the public puts the Wayne brand back in the public eye. (0/500)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 500 Unskilled, 100 Skilled
Cost: $100 per Action Point

Then again, looking at the reports you can't help but notice that they're a little sparse on detail. Some research might be in order.

[] On-Site Inspections: There's no substitute for physically visiting a place of business, meeting its employees and inspecting the day to day operations. With the immensity of Wayne Industries and its facilities, any inspection more thorough than a mere whistle-stop tour will take a great deal of time and effort, but having firsthand experience of your business will help you understand its needs. Being seen by your workers will also help reassure them that you're not another suit preparing to lay them all off, but someone who actually cares about seeing the business succeed - and keeping them employed. (0/500)
Cost: $15 per Action Point

[] Research the Market (Civilian Goods): If you want Wayne to be a household name again, you need to put products in the hands of regular people. To do that, you need to have a good handle of the public's wants and needs. (0/100)
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Research the Market (Military Goods): Bruce Wayne might not like it, but the military is one of the key sources of the corporation's funding. You should put out some feelers to figure out what fancy doohickeys are big in the world of armaments. (0/100)
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Research Gotham: You love your city, but it's undeniable that Gotham has begun to decay. It might not be your job, but you feel you should spend some time looking into Gotham's social ills. (0/100)
Cost: $10 per Action Point

[] Research a Rival: There are numerous companies doing far better than Wayne Enterprises - they must be doing something right. Put some effort into learning what makes the competition tick. (0/100)
Cost: $30 per Action Point
[] Write in: Which Rival corporation to research

[] Research lesser companies: Look into some small, less highly valued companies that might be targets for acquisition. Who knows? Maybe you'll snatch up the next big thing. (0/100)
Cost: $30 per Action Point

[] Research the other divisions: It might be worth looking into the other Wayne Enterprises divisions to see how they're doing. (0/100)
Cost: $10 per Action Point

Governments and corporations have plentiful money, making them good clients. It might be worth seeing who's willing to pay you to produce stuff for them - successful contracts could lead to more business down the line.

[] Seek a military light vehicle contract: Bruce Wayne isn't crazy about selling weaponry, but luckily he's not really paying much attention to his company at the moment. Offer to build a line of light vehicles for military use. (0/250)

[] Seek a military aircraft contract: Bruce Wayne isn't crazy about selling weaponry, but luckily he's not really paying much attention to his company at the moment. Offer to build a line of military aircraft. (0/250)

[] Spend time with your family: You've become an incredibly busy man, but you should find time to spend with your wife and children.

[] Speak to Alfred: The old butler seems like a good person, and clearly he cares about his ward. Perhaps it might be worth seeing if you can find some common cause to help keep Wayne from doing anything foolish. (0/100)

[] Spend time with Bruce Wayne: As much as he might try to hide it through charm and callousness, and as much as he's definitely a weirdo, you think that Wayne might not be such a bad guy. He honestly seems kind of lonely. Perhaps he could use a friend? (0/500)

[] Co-ordinate with WayneTech: Traditionally, there stood a fairly strong relationship between WayneTech and Wayne Industries - one division designed stuff, the other division produced it. With the near liquidation of WayneTech, however, that link has been disrupted. Perhaps by building bridges and helping restore WayneTech to its former glory, you might create a solid pipeline of new tech to produce. (0/500)
Cost: $150
Sway: 5

[] Co-ordinate with Wayne Biotech: Wayne Biotech is involved in pretty fundamentally different markets than your division, but there are still elements of business where you could benefit from cooperation. Perhaps the two strongest divisions in the company should work together more closely? (0/500)
Cost: $100
Sway: 5

[] Co-ordinate with the Wayne Foundation: Quincy Sharpe seems...less than reliable, but perhaps you can score some good PR from working with the Wayne Foundation? Lets just hope the money goes where it's supposed to. (0/250)
Cost: $50
Sway: 5

[] Politic: It's a little distasteful, but every workplace has its share of office politics. Spend some time currying favors and gathering rumors to enhance your status in the company. (0/150)
Cost: $10
Sway: 10

[] Restore/Create a new division of Wayne Enterprises: In the old days, Wayne Enterprises was made up of many independent divisions, all with their own budgets and staff. For cost reasons, most of them were shuttered or forced under the authority of a different division. Restoring or creating a new division will add new profit to the company, and more cynically doubling the size of your domain will vastly enhance your prestige in the company. (0/1000)
Cost: $1000
Sway: 35

[] Take over another division: Making a corporate power play is risky and more than a little ethically questionable, but by seizing control of another division, you'll have far more resources - as well as vastly increasing your own power. (0/1000)
Cost: $500
Sway: 50

[] Petition to become CEO: When you feel you're ready, approach Bruce Wayne and make your case, asking him to step down as CEO in favor of you. He'd remain owner of the company, but all operational authority would rest in your hands. You'd best have some good results to show as evidence that you deserve the position, though - Bruce is a paranoid man, and despite not caring much for the company, is unlikely to trust you enough to give you so much power without good reason.

[] Seek Investment: You could always use an influx of money. Wine and dine some fat cats and use your financial expertise to assure them that Wayne Industrial is a safe financial bet. (0/250)
Cost: $30

[] Sell off an asset: It's regrettable, but it might be wise to downsize to keep things afloat. Hopefully your apology to the workers won't go viral. (0/100)
[] Write in: Asset to sell

[] Determine Salary Levels: Your workers are still being paid at the same levels your predecessors decided. Use your knowledge of finance to determine wages that are both financially feasible and fair to the people who work their asses off for the company every day. (0/250)
Cost: $10
QM Note: This is just determining what an equitable wage would be. Once this is completed, you will still be able to pay higher or lower than this amount.

[] Financial Magic: Wayne Enterprises, like most corporations, comes with offshore accounts and shell corporations. By using these, as well as your financial expertise, you can funnel funds toward Bruce Wayne's 'night job'.
[] Write in: How much money do you funnel to the Batman operation?

[] Fund a scholarship: Coming from a poor background, you had no choice but to join the military to get into college. Most people aren't so lucky - education simply isn't an option for a disturbing number of Gothamites. Offer partially and fully funded scholarships to Gotham U for people from the Bowery and the Narrows. (0/250)
Cost: $80 per Action Point
Gain small influx of skilled workers every turn

[] Give elementary schools a donation: The state of education in Gotham is sickening. Overworked teachers, decrepit schools and a pervasive lack of equipment is rampant. Donating some money won't fix the problem by a long shot, but it should at the very least help. (0/400)
Cost: $30 per Action Point

[] Repair damaged city infrastructure: Gotham is doing as bad on a physical level as it is on a social level. Broken down sewers and water systems mean that whole neighborhoods often go without water or plumbing, and several of the roads are simply unsafe to drive on. Fixing it would be a monumental undertaking, but you'd be doing a genuine good deed for the people of your city. (0/400)
Cost: $150 per Action Point

[] Institute a former-convict employment scheme: You're not sure if your boss is out for justice or vengeance, but you understand enough to realise that the latter isn't working. Gotham's felons are being sent to prison, then being released into a city where they're rejected from legitimate work, before ending up in prison again. A post-prison employment scheme would give Wayne Enterprises an influx of workers, and give criminals a chance to turn their lives around. Of course, there are safety concerns, though - not every prisoner will be willing to reform. (0/400)
Cost: $50 per Action Point
Gain influx of unskilled workers every turn
Wayne Industries security decreases

[] Go on a recruitment drive (Unskilled): Wayne Industries is understaffed - especially if you have plans of expanding. Post job ads and send the message publicly that you're looking for new blood. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Generates a pool of available workers to hire - the higher your roll, the higher the workers. You can decide how many people from the pool you want to hire - you don't have to hire everyone

[] Go on a recruitment drive (Skilled): Wayne Industries is understaffed - especially if you have plans of expanding. Post job ads and send the message publicly that you're looking for new blood. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Generates a pool of available workers to hire - the higher your roll, the higher the workers. You can decide how many people from the pool you want to hire - you don't have to hire everyone

[] Hire Security Staff: Wayne Industries could use more people on hand to protect it from threats like corporate espionage or organised crime. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Increases Wayne Industries security level

[] Design a new aircraft
Opens Design turn

[] Design new aircraft parts: A new engine or battery type could be designed in isolation, without having to design an entire aircraft, and sold to other manufacturers for a profit (0/300)
Cost: $20 per Action Point


By the time you've finished work for the day, you're exhausted. Looking outside, you see the lights of the city, the sun long since haven fallen below the horizon. "You're still here? Sorry, Arman. You don't have to stay this long when I'm working late." You yawn, apologising as you step outside your office. "Wait..." You pause as you collect your coat. "Who left this?" From your pocket, you withdraw a small piece of note paper you're sure wasn't there before. "Hmm? I don't know - no one's been in here since the secretary a few hours ago. Here, she was- Wait, where'd the security footage go?" As Arman stares at his computer in confusion, you look at the note.

Sorry to swipe you a note like a lovesick schoolgirl, but I like to show off a little. I had an arrangement with the guy who used to sit in your chair, and he was very satisfied with my services. I think the two of us could be of service to each other, too. While the cops are away, the cats will play, so meet me at the Opera house next week if you're interested - the opening night of Carmen, and we'll talk business.

"Is she... Is that an offer know?" Arman peeks over your shoulder at the note, and you chuckle.

"I can see why you'd think that, but given her method of introducing herself, I think our friend is a thief." You slip the note back into your coat pocket. "I need to think and consider my next move. Can I count on your discretion about the note?" You look to your assistant.

"What note, sir?" Arman grins, and you nod appreciatively. "Good man."

Free Action (No AP cost):

Choose one:

[] Go to the Opera
: You're not decided on whether to bring the police or not, but you'll bite - go to the opera and hear what this mysterious thief has to offer you.
[] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.

Illicit Resources: $100
Illicit AP: 2

[] Build the Batsuit 1.0: The time has come - you've put together a design you're quite proud of, despite its prototype status. A set of mottled black and grey armor with a mask and cowl, made to resist knives and small caliber bullets, while blending into darkness and allowing a range of free movement. It's time to build the first batsuit. (0/100)
Cost: $50

[] Build some upgraded gadgets: Bruce's gear is incredibly rudimentary - like it's from a ninja film or something. There's only so much you can do with limited resources, but you're pretty sure you can fashion a grapple gun with a rudimentary motor, capable of supporting the man's weight. It will be slow, but he'll be able to ascend to the top of a building without having to physically throw the rope, or climb up it. (0/100)
Cost: $50

[] Renovate the cave - Step 1: Bruce's choice of headquarters - the cave beneath Wayne Manor - is simply a hollowed out cave, dark, damp and rocky. Converting it into a proper base is going to take time and effort. The first step is adding in some light, as well as metal platforms to walk on so that you have the stability to add things like a computer, a weapons and armor rack, and a workbench. (0/300)
Cost: $100

[] The Bat-Computer - Step 1: Already, you've been picturing some kind of advanced in-house computer system that Batman can interface with to aid him in his crime fighting endeavors. Something that complex will take time, but you're pretty sure in the meantime you could link the GCPD criminal database to a secure device, that Batman could use to help him identify suspects. It's a far cry from the supercomputer you're imagining, but it's a start. (0/300)
Cost: $30

[] Design the Bat...Vehicle: A vigilante needs a way to go around the city quickly, preferably one more suitable than Wayne's Bentley. Go to the drawing board and design a vehicle from him to use.
Begins a design turn
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So there we have it - finally, turn one. Just a few notes:

1: I figured that simply saying you're 'understaffed' isn't really useful information, so I refined how employment works a little. Optimum employee numbers are the sweet spot for how many workers are needed for your business. If you have enough workers, profits will go up across the board. There's no profit benefit to hiring more than this number of people, and your expenses will go up the more people you employ - but the more people in Gotham who have paying work, the better off the city will be. Something to consider. I'll add this to the mechanics page later on.

2: You may notice some actions aren't present which probably should be - such as the Maglev. I figured that since it's the first turn and there are already so many options, to save some for later. There will be more available actions next turn.

3: I'm keeping the benefits/drawbacks of most actions a little vague intentionally. Let me know if you'd rather it be more transparent.

4: You may also notice that some of the options just have 'cost' rather than 'cost per action point'. This is just the result of me being a dumbass - it's all supposed to say 'per action point' for all actions that have costs attached.

5: I wrote this while fighting off sleep, so it's probably riddled with errors and screw ups - fill free to let me know the ones you find, or just questions you have.

Finally, please vote by plan as always :)
P.S.S: Does anyone know better terms I can use than "unskilled" and "skilled" labor? I don't really like implication behind them, but I can't really think of a better term.
isn't unskillled labor a fake thing invented to pay people less ?,like even if you don't need a master to be a general worker in constrction you still need formation to do it properly and people with experience in it clearly have know how learned from experience anf thus skills ?

Also maybe "general worker" and "specialized worker" ?

how long is a turn ?,a month,three ?
I would recommend starting with a few actions and stacking multiple dice on each - Ideally, we want to get a few big wins early on to get resources and expand our focus over time.

The question is, what actions will be big wins both for us and for our reputation with Bruce?

Regarding illicit actions, I think that we should go all out either on creating a Batsuit or on creating gadgets. Can we put two illicit APs on that action?

Ok, so we should definitely do "Institute a former-convict employment scheme", "Go on a recruitment drive (Skilled)", and "Hire Security Staff".

I think that "institute a former-convict employment scheme" is too costly at the moment. We can put all of our action points into it right now and it still won't succeed this turn unless I'm misunderstanding something.
[X] Plan starting points
-[X] Research Actions
--[X] On-Site Inspections (0/500) 3 AP $45
--[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods) (0/100) 1 AP $50
-[X] Interpersonal Actions
--[X] Spend time with your family 1 AP
--[X] Speak to Alfred (0/100) 1 AP
-[X] Recruitment Actions
--[X] Go on a recruitment drive (Unskilled) (0/100) 2 AP $30
--[X] Hire Security Staff (0/100) 2 AP $30
-[X] Free Action (No AP cost):
--[X] Go to the Opera
-[X] Illicit Actions
--[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0 (0/100) 1 IAP $50
--[X] Build some upgraded gadgets (0/100) 1 IAP $50
-[X] budget: 155/425 illicit budget: 100/100

Plan thoughts:
  • We have no idea of the real state of our division so we should put as much effort towards that while working on everything else and we need new things to sell if we're going to get the company back on it's feet.
  • Scholarships and employment schemes would be great but currently we seem to be rolling flat D100s and those things require a lot of progress to complete so until we're more stable we should go with the recruitment drives first.
  • Our divisions security is in shambles right now and in Gotham that is a bad thing.

how long is a turn ?,a month,three ?
A turn is a quarter of the year so about three months.
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[X] Plan starting points

yeah, we need that on-site inspections because we're running blind here.

[x] Go to the Opera: You're not decided on whether to bring the police or not, but you'll bite - go to the opera and hear what this mysterious thief has to offer you.

even counterespionage will help us massively on the thief contact.
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[X] Plan: Market research
Resources: $425
-[X] On-Site Inspections: (0/1000) 2D $30
-[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods)
: (0/200) 3D $150
-[X] Research Gotham:
(0/300) 2D $20
-[X] Hire Security Staff:
(0/100) 3D $45
Illicit Resources:
-[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0: (0/100) 2D $100

Check things out before we start making changes all willie nillie.
Hire some extra security. (especially on the docks)

[X] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.

Leave the criminal underworld to Bruce Batman.
@Tjf I think you're massively underestimating just how many dice it takes to do these projects. The average d100 die roll is 50.5, so for a 0/500 project it'll take on average 10 dice. As in, our entire action pool to do just one project. And 0/1000 projects are megaprojects in other Planquests, something you'd usually only see one or two of, if any. Yet here you have seven 0/1000 projects on the first turn.

I would suggest you pause voting for a bit and re-do your progress numbers. Either that, or give us 50 dice per turn, not 10.
[X] Plan Steering the Ship
-[X] Construct a New Shipping Fleet:
(0/300) 3 AP $150
-[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods): (0/200) 3 AP $150
-[X] On-Site Inspections: (0/1000) 2 AP $30
-[X] Hire Security Staff: (0/100) 2 AP $30
-[X] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.
-[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0: (0/100): 2 AP $100

I think Starting Points is a bad plan for spreading out all the action points and not having anything either be completed this turn or have progress to completion next turn to important stuff. This makes a more compact and effecient plan which helps our introduction.

Construct a new shipping fleet, as part of being a corporate head is showmanship and presentation to get the market on your side and increase consumer interest. Shipping is a reliable industry that will only go up in scale and profit due to increasing globalization and the expansion of global wealth. It generates jobs, gets Wayne in the news, interests investors and produces a new line of income soon so we can take more than one ambitious project.

Research civilian goods so we can find out what kind of practical products we need to make and what we should focus our manufacturing on because we're useless for anything besides industrial work at this point. Find new markets where our rivals are weak or absent in.

On-site inspections to show that the new boss isn't the same as the old boss and calm the workers.

Hire security, pretty self-explanatory in Gotham.

I don't see any reason why Lucius in-character would want to meet Catwoman or entertain her offer. Remember, it's not like Catwoman does corporate espionage, she steals jems and fine art things to get rich. We won't be concerned with her in the short term and there's no need to get entangled with the criminal element more than we already technically are with Batman.

The Batsuit is the most important out of the Bat support actions because the Batsuit is what makes Batman Batman, and Bruce can fight and do detective work well without fancy gadgets, but the suit will protect him as well as install fear so push everything into that.
[X] Plan starting points

Generally, we use the term blue-collar and white-collar for a reason. Blue is unskilled or trade work, and white collar is office work.