Azeroth in Chaos (Warcraft/Warhammer CK2)

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The Chaos Gods have set their sights on a new world: Azeroth. Each of the Chaos Gods have chosen one of the five Aspects to be their champion. As cults appear throughout the world and with the dragon flights slowly succumbing to Chaos, can you guide your chosen faction to victory and save Azeroth before it is too late?


Verified Dragon
The sky ignites with kaleidoscopic colors as a comet slashes through the night. Foul energy seeps through the fabric of reality, a harbinger of the thirsting gods' first gambit for a new world. The Dragon Aspects, ancient dragons chosen by the Titans to safeguard Azeroth, find their slumber disturbed by malevolent whispers seeking to corrupt them. As the Chaos Gods whisper to their potential champions, cults emerge, signaling the beginning of their dark influence across the land.

It has been ten years since the Second War ended. You are not one of the mighty kingdoms such as Lordaerun, Quel'thalas, Ironforge, or Darnassus. Instead yours is a people who face challenges or their own. Can you overcome these challenges in time to help save Azeroth? Or will Azeroth fall to Chaos like so many worlds before?

[] Wildhammer Dwarves
The spirits cry out in pain and the gryphons are restless. The loss of the former capital of Grim Batol still stings, though none dare brave that accursed place. In its place, Aerie Peak and the other aeries stand strong.
  • Pros: Unmatched aerial supremacy with your gryphon riders. A strong shaman tradition ensures an unmatched connection with the land. Excellent relations with the nearby kingdoms.
  • Cons: The Wildhammer Clan is in fact a loose conglomerate of clans. Constant threat by the nearby troll tribes and your close proximity to the likes of Lordaerun means that problems might spill over to your own people.
[] Tauren
The Earth Mother and the spirits weep at the foul and malevolent influence infecting the land. The centaur have been driven to new heights of aggression that threaten your people's very survival.
  • Pros: Physically powerful, with strong druid and shaman traditions.
  • Cons: Constant raids and attacks by the Centaur.
[] Nerubians
The Seers of Azjol-Nerub speak of the dead rising to drown the empire in their own dead. Now however the Seers speak of a new catastrophe: foul gods who would make the nerubians their slaves.
  • Pros: Mastery of subterranean warfare, an ancient arcane tradition going back thousands, upon thousands of years. Your numbers are both numerous and powerful, protected by fortifications like none other.
  • Cons: Completely isolated with no contact with the outside world, difficult to affect things outside of Northrend. Seers speak of two catastrophic threats that threaten to destroy the empire.
[] Zandalari Trolls
A proud kingdom who once ruled much of the world. The prophets warn of a coming calamity like no other, but the Council has thus far refused to act.
  • Pros: Powerful witch doctors and priests who wield the powers of the Loa. Your navy is mighty indeed, able to contend with the other dominant naval powers. If you call upon the other Troll tribes… they might answer.
  • Cons: An island nation who finds itself contested by the likes of Kul Tiras and Quel'thalas. Little motivation to interact with non-Troll affairs.
[] Displaced Arakkoa
This is not your world. You have escaped the burning of Skyreach by the Horde, only to find yourself in an unknown desert.
  • Pros: Mastery of the arcane, knowledge of foreign magical traditions and technology that could be bartered for support.
  • Cons: Panic at the displacement, limited numbers, and no knowledge of the area that you have ended up at.
((AN: Inspired by the idea of each of the Chaos Gods claiming one of the Dragon Flights. As there were only four Chaos Gods, I will be using Tjapa from @Durin 's The Long Night with his permission.))
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Character Sheets

Spider King Anub'ergan
Gender: Male
Age: 176

Martial: 15+7=22 - Your knowledge and skill at defensive warfare exceeds all but the most seasoned veteran commanders of the empire.
Diplomacy: 16-2=14 - Managing your court can be exhausting, but you can do it.
Stewardship: 12+2=14 - You know your way around numbers and logistics, but your real strength lay in designing buildings, particularly defenses.
Learning: 16-2=14 - As king you are well learned and able to keep up with your advisors in the more general aspects of their specialties.
Willpower: 13+5=18 - As a Spider Lord, you are disciplined and your mind strong.
Intrigue: 13=13 - Spy games have never been your forte, but you are in no way helpless in regards to them.
Combat: 13+8=21 - Spider Lords are true juggernauts at combat and despite not being a warrior yourself, you are no exception.

Spider Lord: Spider Lords are the largest and most powerful nerubians, each one a terror on the battlefield. (+5 Willpower, +8 Combat, bonus to dealing with nerubians, bonus to intimidation rolls)
Commander: An innate grasp of tactics and strategy has served you well. (+5 Martial, -2 Diplomacy, -2 Learning. One additional Martial slot at start)
Architect: Like the great architects of Azjol-Nerub before you, your works are true wonders designed to last for millennia. (+2 Stewardship, decrease to construction costs and time)
Guardian: Azjol-Nerub is your home and it Will Not Fall. (+2 Martial, bonus when defending)

You are Spider King Anub'ergan, successor to Anub'arak and the 501st Spider King. The competition among your brood mates for who would succeed your father Anub'arak was fierce, but in the end it was your skill at defensive warfare and the prophesized wars to come that made the decision for who would be heir. You have been entrusted with rulership over the kingdom in these dark times and You. Will. Not. Fail!
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State of the Realm
Gold Income
Mining Income: +260,000 gold per turn
Farming: +40,000 gold per turn
Trading Income: None
Total Income: +300,000 gold per turn

Gold Upkeep
Army Upkeep: -55,000 gold per turn
Azjol-Nerub Upkeep: -120,000 gold per turn
Learning Institutes: -35,000 gold per turn
Total Upkeep: -210,000 gold per turn

Net Gold Income: 90,000 gold per turn
Gold Reserves: 1,000,000 gold

Food Income
Farming: +3,000 food per turn
Trading Income: None
Total Income: +750 food per turn

Food Upkeep
Upkeep: -2,250 food per turn
Total Upkeep: -2,250 food per turn

Net Food Income: 750 food per turn
Food Reserves: 5,000 food
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[X] Displaced Arakkoa

Not overly familiar with WoW but I think in canon despite being a sentient race the Arakkoa are only seen as mobs to be killed which is a bit sad even if they might deserve it (IDK the lore) so let's play some bird people who would be peak Tzeetch bait lol
[X] Wildhammer dwarves
So no blood elf or night elf opition because slaanesh will be very interested about it.
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[X] Displaced Arakkoa

I love my bird people.
[X] Displaced Arakkoa

Not overly familiar with WoW but I think in canon despite being a sentient race the Arakkoa are only seen as mobs to be killed which is a bit sad even if they might deserve it (IDK the lore) so let's play some bird people who would be peak Tzeetch bait lol
The one that player kill are usually crazy old gods worshippers. Hell they even almost succeeded at summoning one at one point if players didn't stop them. Summoned Old God.

Which is a shame since The Arakkoa had THE MOST advanced civilization on draenor that would have blown the later ogres and orcs out of the water. I mean they had a giant solar laser beam Breath of Rukhmar.

There also the alt timeline where you mostly fight the xenophobic zealot high Arakkoa.

Anyway by modern pre horde killing them all day Arakkoa are split between the high Arakkoa who worship the sun and the outcast who are physically affected by Sethe curse which malformed them to be flightless and look stereotypically evil.

We're probably mostly made up of outcast but I'll ask.

@Nianque which Arakkoa are these high or outcast?
[X] Displaced Arakkoa

They have cool lore, and while my heart goes to the Spiders and Trolls, weird Tzeentch plots on the Bird race are a fun change to the world even without the Chaos coming in.