The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

[X] Plan: Crisis of the Third Century, Diplomacy and Appointments Edition
-[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.
--[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor. Also, allow Lord Rykker leave to coordinate his efforts with House Manderly in an effort to cut down piracy in the routes to the Northern Free Cities and provide a share of the gold coming from trade for the Crown's interest in the North.
-[X] Attempt to attack Harrenhal and Tywin Lannister directly. (Write-In commander)
--[X]Hand of the King Edmure Tully will take command of the combined host, freshly granted the Valaryian steel sword 'First Light' and royal remit to restore order to the Riverlands in an appropriately elaborate ceremony.
-[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)
-[X] Retain the removed High Septon in the Small Council under a new title Royal Confessor.
-[X] Request the Most Devout of two new advisors for the Small Council in an effort to advise us in a godlier manner.
-[X] Appoint Lady Velaryon or Lord Celtigar whichever one is more willing to a new Small Council post Advocate for the Crownlands
-[X] Send a letter to the Royces on their support for the Targaryen pretenders. Offer that we are willing to negotiate with them to remove the mad Lady Arryn and discuss the future of the Vale and the Realm with them.
-[X] Send letters to House Yronwood and Quentyn Martell to support his claim as Prince of Dorne and promise him a royal marriage as well as a Small Council seat.
-[X] Request to Qyburn to eliminate Baelish at his own discretion.

I feel like we need a reason to eliminate Baelish though. Otherwise, it just makes Cersei look crazy (and maybe actually crazy) if she starts murdering people on the Small Council out of paranoia.
I feel like we need a reason to eliminate Baelish though. Otherwise, it just makes Cersei look crazy (and maybe actually crazy) if she starts murdering people on the Small Council out of paranoia.
We already murdered Slynt out of paranoia though. Like when Baelish was gone Slynt died and Baelish is a minor lord of a land that declared rebellion while being invaded I'm sure we can make any excuses unless he just quietly disappeared and no one knows where he is.
Hm, if one were to speculate, perhaps Stannis is waiting to rescue his wife and daughter before making his way north to face the Others.

Perhaps he is also waiting to procure the services of more ships. He has about 20 ships, and one is uncertain how many would be needed to transport about 2,000 men and 1,000 horses, along with the requisite supplies.
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Hm, does it have to be the Faceless, specifically?

Surely there must be regular assassins or even master poisoners available for the hiring.
You are not aware of any other assassins. You could lean on Baelish or Varys for this, but you lack your own spies.
Cersei really should have established her own spy network by now for exactly this sort of situation.

Well, it cannot be helped. Go to Varys or Baelish to make suitable arrangements, then.

After all, Baelish canonically orchestrated Joffrey's poisoning alongside Olenna. It can be done.
[X] Plan: Don't Attack Harrenhall Yet; Edmure Tully Ain't Built Like That

-[X] Promote trade with the Free Cities to get more supplies and gold for the war effort.

--[X] The combined Royal and Redwine fleets, commanded by Master of Ships Renfield Rykker, will sally out to combat piracy in the Narrow Sea. This will both serve to ensure the protection of the realm's merchants, and grant the combined fleet - green and battered by measure - practice to cut their teeth on and prepare for future action against the Scourge of the Arbor. Also, allow Lord Rykker leave to coordinate his efforts with House Manderly in an effort to cut down piracy in the routes to the Northern Free Cities and provide a share of the gold coming from trade for the Crown's interest in the North.

-[X] Speak with Varys. Try to ascertain his loyalties and tell him that you want to recruit skilled assassins for the purpose of killing the traitor Tywin Lannister.

-[X] Give in to the Most Devouts demands and support the removal of the High Septon. (Free Action)

--[X] Retain the removed High Septon in the Small Council under a new title Royal Confessor.

-[X] Name new Kingsguard (free action)
--[X]Garth Hightower
--[X] Harwynn Plumm

-[X] Letters

--[X] Send a letter to the Royces on their support for the Targaryen pretenders. Offer that we are willing to negotiate with them to remove the mad Lady Arryn and discuss the future of the Vale and the Realm with them.

--[X] Send letters to House Yronwood and Quentyn Martell to support his claim as Prince of Dorne and promise him a future royal marriage to Myrcella (after the Seven Kingdoms have stabilized) as well as a Small Council seat.

--[X] Send a letter to the Most Devout, saying that whoever replaces the High Septon must be approved by the Queen Regent and that they must recognize Joffrey Baratheon, the trueborn son of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, as the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms.

--[X] Send a letter to Loras Tyrell. Though he may had a falling out with his father, surely he still cares about the rest of his family and does not want to see them harmed. Try to see what it would take for Loras to accept peace and if it would be possible for him to convince Renly to stand down or at the very least not attack King's Landing. Offer a pardon to Loras and Renly as well as all of their troops if they agree to recognize Joffrey as the one true king.

--[X] Write a letter to Kevan Lannister to see if he would be willing to see reason and coup/imprison his brother. Tell him that Tywin's petulant pride has led him into attacking people that should be our allies and that he is driving the Seven Kingdoms into further chaos, weakening us when we should be desperately defending against Stannis, Renly, the Targaryen pretenders, etc. Also, remind him that Lancel is still in King's Landing and promise that he will be treated well so long as he behaves. That being said, he will not be permitted to leave King's Landing so long as Tywin continues to commit treason against the Crown while destroying his own legacy.

--[X] Send a letter to Jeor Mormont, asking for more info on what is happening north of the Wall.

This is my plan as I wasn't convinced that we could win a battle against Tywin and I think we should assassinate Tywin first. I'm not sure if offering a pardon to Renly is going to work out, but I felt it was still worth a try to get one of our enemies off the table peacefully (I'm hoping that Loras still cares about his family enough to convince Renly to accept). What do the rest of you think of my plan? Does anyone know any knights we could appoint to the Kingsguard?
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Swtiching plans as I don't want to attack Harrenhall yet... Alas If we only we could use Wildfire and throw It at Harrenhall

[X] Plan: Don't Attack Harrenhall Yet; Edmure Tully Ain't Built Like That
...One may wish to reconsider using wildfire on Harrenhal of all places.

Considering its history, the addition of wildfire may cause a... serious adverse event, magically speaking.
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Just to be clear here. Assassinating Tywin can take a while and is in no way guaranteed to work.
...One may wish to reconsider using wildfire on Harrenhal of all places.

Considering its history, the addition of wildfire may cause a... serious adverse event, magically speaking.
I agree. Also, transporting a highly volatile explosive substance all the way from King's Landing to seems like a sure recipe for disaster.
For what you suggested, I'd propose to make the main action to gather intel on Casterly Rock and sending it to Balon coupled with countering the Lannister raids in the Crownlands.

Diplomacy wise you are a bit short on options by now.
Are we doing the vote on the Redcloaks and Lannister retainers as part of this plan, or saving that for later?
I'm thinking of writing a additional letter to Kevan Lannister to see if he would be willing to see reason and coup/imprison his brother. Tell him that Tywin's pride has led him into attacking people that should be our allies and that he is driving the Seven Kingdoms into chaos when we should be defending against Stannis, Renly, the Targaryen pretenders, etc. Also, remind him that Lancel is still in King's Landing and while we will treat him well, his life will be put in danger if Tywin or another enemy attacks King's Landing while this ridiculous infighting continues.
I would have said not to try and execute/turf out our one rock solid supporter and financier, but that ship has sailed (along with the king), so let's see what we can do with this.

I don't think trying to treat with the Royces or play prince-maker in Dorne is going to get us anywhere; everyone with eyes can see we're negotiating from a position of weakness, so our promises aren't worth much.

Additionally, if we're gonna boot the High Septon at the request of the Most Faithful, I don't think trying to insert ourselves as High Septon selector is going to go over well. If we want someone who will be pro-us, we keep the High Septon around. Otherwise we're pissing off the High Septon and whatever supporters he has and then insulting the people who are gonna pick his replacement.

We could cut bait on Edmun and send him to die and then get someone else more useful in as Hand, but I don't know if that would work out and it's kind of a hail mary, anyway.
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