The Seven Seals above Texas.

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Everything is bigger in Texas. The hats, the hair, and the biggest attitudes around. It's no secret that the Texans love to brag about their state in all it's greatness. What is a secret however, a big secret like everything else in Texas is what a certain company has finally achieved.

Join us in this quest to explore the divine and exploit it for the company and see how well you do in a pot of rapidly boiling water!
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Introduction: What have we done?
Introduction: What have we done?

Everything is bigger in Texas. The hats, the hair, and the biggest attitudes around. It's no secret that the Texans love to brag about their state in all its greatness. What is a secret however, a big secret like everything else in Texas is what a certain company has finally achieved. Ambitions are equally as big in Texas as well and it is proven by the vibrations in the air as the company CEO, loyal scientists and richest shareholders approach the survey room.

Sadly, you poor sods are just minor shareholders. Not as rich or famous enough to deserve a spot in person to this world-shattering revelation, but you do get to watch the footage in poor quality being held by a student intern that seems to be unable to hold the camera still. Yet even with the limitations of digital media, the sight of this achievement demands awe.

Years upon years of company work laid before the team. The entire team gazed into the strange rippling occurring in the space right before them kept safe behind glossy bullet proof glass. A massive drill which sits beside the hole in space expelling steam and drill bit glowing red. There was a floating hole in the air that was changing colours and hues before your very eyes. Every few moments it would pulse, sending ripples that you could see in the air as if someone just dropped a pebble in a lake. The ripples change between every colour you could think of before slowly fading away.

As one looked deeper into the hole everything seemed blurry as if you were looking at something behind a dozen foggy windows with objects of all sorts of shapes sitting behind those windows, paused in space but shifting slightly. Those who glared for too long would shiver, feeling as if they were being watched right back.

Even just as a tourist attraction the sheer beauty of what has been uncovered would make the company millions as the ripples bring peace and joy to whomever they hit and smiles as felt everywhere, however we aren't a tourism company.

Gasp and mutterings of shock would be heard from the science team as the scale of this discovery begins to dawn upon them. The energy that the company has been tracking for some years now, this other-realm source of power discovered some time ago by a now dead man of honour and wealth. Previous science has already proven that we know how to harvest this energy and now we've hit the jackpot.

Soon the capitalist barons of Texas will stand no chance of competing once the company hooks into this limitless power. We will shatter the world with our discovery that no one else would be able to replicate. Imagine a small hole the size of two hands being able to power entire cities, all it takes is a drill that only we know how to build in order to tap into this other realm.

The company will have access to easy clean and effective power that will make the CEO and the shareholders richer than even the gods of fairy tales long forgotten or ignored. An amusing choice of thoughts considering what happened next.

As the gossip and celebrations grew louder and more turned away from the gap in reality, it began to crack. An awful sickening thunderous sound was heard by everyone clearly, even those who viewed the event via digital connection, a reality bending sound as no matter how far away from it the loudness was the same to all.

The air or space around the hole was breaking, it was cracking and large shards split out from the gap and yet went nowhere. It was almost as if everything was made from glass as the entire world started to shift and shatter before the very eyes of the company guests. The fractures ran over every inch of the room and even over the people inside the room, screams could be heard as people saw their own skin begin to crack and shatter fragments, yet no chunks of flesh went anywhere.

What was more concerning was the fact that this was happening to you as well, thousands of miles away. It felt as if everything was just about to break, and all would shatter into a million parts. A loud boom was heard by all, dust and shards went everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. The cracks were absent, yet the hole remained.

However, something wasn't right. It felt as if a layer had been removed from your very eyes, as if gloves were taken off and your nose was finally clear at last. You could see better, smell better and hear better, sounds and feelings that you never felt before were finally at your fingertips. Everyone was in awe after the moments of horror and the window into the other realm was less foggy, the objects inside had more defined shapes than we first realised. One of the shapes was rapidly approaching us… One of the shapes was rapidly approaching us?!

Flashing lights, the sound of heavy boots slamming against metal and the burning feeling of glass embedding itself into the back of the CEO and the room of scientists and shareholders. All met with the cold feeling of a steel floor resting against their faces. With the last thing they all heard was the rhythm of gunfire and the sounds of wings and whips before complete silence.

The camera feed runs on as the facility goes dark and hard proof of a horrid situation is before your very eyes as the CEO's lifeless eyes gaze into the camera.

That was four weeks ago, since then the King of England has declared martial law, the pope was seen somehow deadlifting 200 kilograms of weight and shoving open gold-plated doors chasing out priests. Suppose spirits have been seen on camera in Japan and rumours have it that parts of the terracotta army have moved. Don't mind the fact that thousands died during the whole 5 minutes that the entire world looked like a piece of China in the process of breaking into shards.

As the remaining members of the company's shareholders, you all have a faint feeling that the shifting screaming hole in the basement of the company HQ surrounded by feathers and dead bodies may have something to do with the sudden uptick in global insanity. You all look at each other and believe that you may not be dealing with just a free source of power, and you've all bitten off a bit more than you could chew.

But bitten you have, and before international authorities work out what caused this terror and rightfully throw you all in jail. It's time to act and see what you can do to take over the company as the remaining living shareholders and take back the facility before the Texan government acts. The next few years are going to be busy and as you all know. Time is money.

Game Introduction:

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Seven Seals above Texas. Well six seals now after the fantastic work of the company, congratulations 1/7th of the game is already done! Now let's get to the point.

You are playing as the minor (and only) shareholders of a company that has managed to break into another world and inside that realm seems to be such a vast amount of energy that it could be spent to improve the world, ruin it or maybe even make yourselves the gods of this planet!

This is a RIOT quest to reflect that you all are shareholders with the same sway, and the company's influence and resources will be split equally as the votes split. The goal of this quest is to exploit the other realm. After all the sheer amount of damage done by your little stunt will mean a lot of you will be facing years of jail, of course you could come out honest and peaceful and tell the world what happened. Up to the quester!

This game is split into 6 stats, whilst as stakeholders you have poor abilities in all these areas. As the game goes on you will create agents and PMCs that will be able to do all sorts of tasks for you.

In theory due to being a riot quest you do have endless actions but split yourself too much and you will achieve nothing.

Also don't expect this quest to be too based in reality, it is sort of game first and cool concept over the deep interconnected global woes of what such an event would really bring

First ever quest and well been a long time since I've written anything (and also I've never been a big writer) so enjoy it, hate it, up to you! More content for the internet is all I see!
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Map and Icons

Icons denote (presumed) location of important figures and sites.
Sufficient ParanormalityThe FacilityRio Grande
Sufficient ParanormalityButterfield ThugsRio Grande
Paranormal Business ExpertsFacility 1East TexasRival Shareholders
Texan State Government (Sufficient Paranormality Puppet)N/AN/ARegions under the iron hand
the texan state government.
Sufficient ParanormalityOur New HQ FoundationCapital Area
Sufficient ParanormalityDonald DarfRio Grande
Sufficient ParanormalitySolAnon 1Rio Grande
Sufficient ParanormalitySomeDude134Rio Grande
Paranormal Business Experts?????East Texas
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Game Rules:
Welcome to the Seven Seals Above Texas, below are the list of game rules that we started with and have unlocked

Shareholders, Voting and the Riot Share of Resources
Every shareholder has their own personal time that they spend putting their thumb onto the company finances. What this means gameplay wise is you have 1 vote that you can spend on 1 option across the board.

The funds will be split into each option the collective choice from each department. With options that have more votes getting more funding.

A: 1 votes
B: 7 votes
C: 3 votes
D: 4 votes

Which means there's 15 votes, which splits the 100% funds 15 ways for 6.66% per vote.

Option A gains 6% of the funds
Option B gains 46% of the funds
Option C gains 20% of the funds
Option D gains 26% of the funds

Theory and Practice

There are 7 stats in this game, outside of funds/money stats are used as the main resource to unlock things, to complete tasks and to progress the game.

Combat, Perception, Stealth, Movement, Knowledge, Development, Charisma, Magic.

The Company and Players over time build up "Theory" points in any of the stats. eg: Magic Theory. They can spend these theory points either into actions or into unlocking new game actions and for upgrading a number of different things.

Theory when being spent is shared exactly like how funds are shared, some actions will just automatically take theory and spend it.


We now know how to apply minor magic to our combat abilities. x1.1 modifier on combat tasks (Unlocked on turn 2 results)

We now know how to use magic theory to improve the combat abilities of our agents. (May use magic knowledge to upgrade tier 1 combat to tier 2 combat) (unlocked on turn 2 results)

We now know about the anti-magic fields that seem to be suppressing magic research, we do not know where they are coming from (Unlocked on turn 2)

Current Theory Count and Special Resources

Strength Theory2
Perception Theory1
Stealth Theory2
Movement Theory0
Development Theory10
Charisma Theory1
Magic Theory2

Current Funds per Turn:
1000$ split between shareholder actions

Special Resources

The Ritual Blade: A item that gives off the aura of evil to whoever stands near it, useful for empowering weapons or agents to fight better but more brutally.

Shrines of Power

Shrine to the American Gods
InactiveNo Magic FeltPositive Energy

Shrine to Odin
ActiveWeak Magic FeltIt feels Cold and the crows laugh and stare when we approach it
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Turn 0: The Rush for the Keys of Power:
Turn 0: The Rush for the Keys of Power:​

It was a stressful few weeks, none of you really knew where to start. Yet you must start somewhere, so let's get going.

Every shareholder has their own personal time that they spend putting their thumb onto the company finances. What this means gameplay wise is you have 1 vote that you can spend on 1 option across the board.

The funds will be split into each option the collective choice from each department. With options that have more votes getting more funding.

A: 1 votes
B: 7 votes
C: 3 votes
D: 4 votes

Which means there's 15 votes, which splits the 100% funds 15 ways for 6.66% per vote.

Option A gains 6% of the funds
Option B gains 46% of the funds
Option C gains 20% of the funds
Option D gains 26% of the funds


[] Texan police have locked down the entrance to the facility, if we smash some heads and break some plates, we might be able to get into our facility. Whilst we currently don't know where the facility is, we are in contact with agents that can distract the local cops and stop them from exploring the facility.

[] Not all the minor shareholders decided that a brutal takeover of the company to save our skin was the idea, they are going to dob us into the cops. Let's try and stop them.

[] News crews are on the ground trying to get information on the story, let's ensure that the international community remains blind to this for a few days longer.


[] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.

[] With this new discovery, we will need to split Texas into regions of interest that we can sway and deploy our agents into. (Unlocks the Game Map)

[] We should look for a new location to put the company HQ, where all our main operations will occur.

[] Hired Help: See if we can find any agents to work for us. (This aids in the action economy by providing NPC helpers that can be assigned to task)

[] Resource Count: Let's see how many resources we have in the bank. (This aids in telling you what resources you have)


[] This company didn't ask for money for the buy in. You all had to do dirty deeds to even be a minor shareholder. God knows what sins the major shareholders did to get where they are. Let's cover this up!

[] Wait, they can think as well? It is easy to think we are the only players in the game, but if you think the other minor shareholders aren't ready to have you strung up, you'd be wrong. Let's make that harder.

[] Cover up our actions. By ensuring that we continue to cover up our actions as we take them, hostile forces won't be able to begin building a portfolio on us.


[] Plan A Company HQ. We must establish a base of command to operate outside of. The previous one has been looted already after the death of the CEO.

[] Improve Company Resource Gain. We need to begin harvesting resources for use down the line.

[] Improve Company Abilities: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself. Let's improve our own abilities.

[] Improve Personal Abilities: Let's see if you can help more than just spend company funds, time to get training! Pick 1 out of the 6 stats to study. (This may let you learn a talent) (This won't cost the company any funds)


We currently don't have any assets to move.


[] Tell the world the truth and the whole truth. I wonder how this will go? (Warning) (Majority vote required for this to go ahead)

[] ?
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[X] News crews are on the ground trying to get information on the story, let's ensure that the international community remains blind to this for a few days longer.
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[X] Buy historical artifacts known for Causing luck or fortune.

If magic is even slightly real the amount of cursed the British museum is terrifying.

Edit: Maybe later
[] Tell the world the truth and the whole truth. I wonder how this will go?

Edit 2 majority lost
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[X] Resource Count: Let's see how many resources we have in the bank. (This aids in telling you what resources you have)

Knowing what we even have to spend is probably a good idea, I'll get on that.
[X] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.
[ ] Buy historical artifacts known for Causing luck or fortune.

If magic is even slightly real the amount of cursed the British museum is terrifying.

Edit: Maybe later
[X] Tell the world the truth and the whole truth. I wonder how this will go?

Telling the world the truth about the magic of the other realm may make it harder to buy items off the British Museum as everyone rushes to check what is magical and what is not. Whilst your fellow shareholders are moving to tell the world about the actions of the company (to most likely mixed reactions) it might be a decent idea to snag a few items if possible

After all, the company has the ability to detect magic in objects. Once the truth is revealed that tech isn't gonna be as monopolised as other companies explore and exploit this new field of science/magic.
[X] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.
Telling the world the truth about the magic of the other realm may make it harder to buy items off the British Museum as everyone rushes to check what is magical and what is not. Whilst your fellow shareholders are moving to tell the world about the actions of the company (to most likely mixed reactions) it might be a decent idea to snag a few items if possible

After all, the company has the ability to detect magic in objects. Once the truth is revealed that tech isn't gonna be as monopolised as other companies explore and exploit this new field of science/magic.
It would make my job significantly harder but it's also a crazy decision that I've never seen done before with large ramifications on the quest. Regardless the majority is lost so the point is moot anyway.
[X] Texan police have locked down the entrance to the facility, if we smash some heads and break some plates, we might be able to get into our facility. Whilst we currently don't know where the facility is, we are in contact with agents that can distract the local cops and stop them from exploring the facility.
Adhoc vote count started by Spore on Jan 29, 2024 at 5:43 AM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Tell the world the truth and the whole truth. I wonder how this will go?
    [X] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.
    [X] News crews are on the ground trying to get information on the story, let's ensure that the international community remains blind to this for a few days longer.
    [X] Buy historical artifacts known for Causing luck or fortune.
    [X] Resource Count: Let's see how many resources we have in the bank. (This aids in telling you what resources you have)
    [X] Texan police have locked down the entrance to the facility, if we smash some heads and break some plates, we might be able to get into our facility. Whilst we currently don't know where the facility is, we are in contact with agents that can distract the local cops and stop them from exploring the facility.

This looks like a good split, I will keep the vote up for now but I am preparing to close the vote and write up the next scene. Last moment changes doesn't bother me much in this quest due to the nature of how spread-out the power is.
[X] Not all the minor shareholders decided that a brutal takeover of the company to save our skin was the idea, they are going to dob us into the cops. Let's try and stop them.
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[X] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.
Adhoc vote count started by Spore on Jan 30, 2024 at 4:00 AM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Maybe it's a good idea to find out where our secret facility even is, let's break into the records or contact agents that aren't as tight lipped.
    [X] Tell the world the truth and the whole truth. I wonder how this will go?
    [X] News crews are on the ground trying to get information on the story, let's ensure that the international community remains blind to this for a few days longer.
    [X] Buy historical artifacts known for Causing luck or fortune.
    [X] Resource Count: Let's see how many resources we have in the bank. (This aids in telling you what resources you have)
    [X] Texan police have locked down the entrance to the facility, if we smash some heads and break some plates, we might be able to get into our facility. Whilst we currently don't know where the facility is, we are in contact with agents that can distract the local cops and stop them from exploring the facility.
    [X] Not all the minor shareholders decided that a brutal takeover of the company to save our skin was the idea, they are going to dob us into the cops. Let's try and stop them.

Vote Over, Results Processing
Turn 1: The first developments of the new world.
Turn 1: The first developments of the new world.​

It has been a rough few weeks. None of you have quite worked this hard for years however it was all worth it. It felt good to see the faces of your coworkers appear on the screens as you all connect to the video meeting, all too far apart to meet in one place and most of you trying to keep a low profile whilst things cool down.

First things first, the international scene. The world is slowly recovering from the shock horror of a global surge of madness. Yet these ghostly sightings and strange events that many can't explain aren't going away, a research lab in Huston is investigating a new energy source that they are pinning was discovered the day the world cracked. Checking business logs you all realize that this research lab is in fact funded by previous shareholders of the Company, the bastards are running away with our research and trying to make a profit off it!

But anger might need to wait, the international community is setting up a global meeting to work out what the hell just happened and whilst that is a few months away. Well some are concerned that it won't be that hard to track down who is at fault.

Now let's discuss the internal matters, everyone has kept very busy so let's see who did what.

A Shareholder spent the last few weeks trying to get a copy of all company logs and finances to work out where the company stood and whilst it's not looking pretty they did manage to snag some temporary funds for the company on top of useful information..

Company Finances: 500$ a turn. +250$ for the next turn. Money is currently evenly split between shareholder votes.

We sent some thugs to distract the media and the police in the area that we think our secret facility is in? It worked well, a few bashed reporters forced local police to come lookin, a few bashed officers effectively shut down the local township due to its tiny size. This will likely backfire in the long term but for now we are positive that not a word will get out about our facility.

+10 Facility Control. We aren't in control by far but we now can make more dramatic leaps into taking control.

-10 Awareness. The International and National community grows blind to our crimes and discoveries.

Whilst we are in the area, we finally found out where our facility was! We discovered that it was east of the city of El Paso. Drive down route 62 and right by the tiny village of Butterfield is a barely kept road that splits off and travels north. Up that route is the entrance to our facility covered in police tape and sealed off. Thankfully the officers were unable to get into the facility, but our thugs in the local area are equally as skill less.

Although some of the thugs seemly gained some knowledge of investigation and exploring during this time frame and that knowledge has been safely tucked into company records for later use and training.

Facility Discovered.
+1 Perception Knowledge.

Some of the shareholders got together and went spending. Odd skulls, strange gems and dolls that stared into your soul when you were asleep. Whilst a number of objects from all sorts of cultures seem to be able to produce some trace amounts of this "energy" we've discovered near the rip in reality. It's those that have been used in religious contexts that are more likely to contain this energy. We also worked out that not only objects used in traditional religious contexts, our current most powerful object is one used by a cult that was engaged in blood rituals before being shut down by the authorities.

+2 Magic Knowledge
+10 Awareness. Odd purchases stir attention.

It was hard to catch those rats, they were fast and they hid faster. Thankfully the greedy idiots were at least easy to trick and many hostile shareholders are now dead but the others are a lot more careful due to our failed attempt to get them all in one go.

+10 Company Control: We almost control all the strings, but a few still remain outside our iron rule.

Whilst the company was unable to come together as a single entity and agree to tell the world the truth and the entire truth about what happened. Two shareholders felt it was very important to at least interact with the world and ease them into the future that they helped make. By funding scientist projects and recovery projects and sharing knowledge on how to bring some of these crises to a halt, we did raise suspicions about our knowledge but the international community is thankful for the aid.

+10 Awareness: The world is questioning us…
+10 Relations with every faction in this world.
+The Company has unlocked Charisma Actions
+1 Charisma Knowledge

Not a bad few weeks at all, now let's see where we should go from here?

In play Agents: Butterfield Facility Thugs (Army Unit, Untrained, Unskilled, Knows mostly combat abilities and 1 movement ability, drew only combat abilities this turn, Loyal)

Damage Actions:

[] Stake the Shareholders: The bloody slime are not only stealing our ideas! Their stupidity will out us if we don't act. We must break their heads and take control of the final loose leads of the company.

[] Facility Control: Bring up some heavy equipment and bribe the local authorities to allow us to blast into the crime scene. This may damage the facility but do we have the time to spare?

[] Cover up blood with more blood: Bashing all those cops and media reporters is gonna get attention on us, unless we decide to do the same to whoever looks into it? (Dangerous)

Perception Actions:

[] With this new discovery, we will need to split Texas into regions of interest that we can sway and deploy our agents into. (Unlocks the Game Map)

[] We should look for a new location to put the company HQ, where all our main operations will occur.

[] Hired Help: See if we can find any agents to work for us. (This aids in the action economy by providing NPC helpers that can be assigned to task)

[] Find out another way to break into our facility, secret codes and IDs must be found somewhere?

Stealth Actions:

[] This company didn't ask for money for the buy in. You all had to do dirty deeds to even be a minor shareholder. God knows what sins the major shareholders did to get where they are. Let's cover this up!

[] Wait, they can think as well? It is easy to think we are the only players in the game, but if you think the other minor shareholders aren't ready to have you strung up, you'd be wrong. Let's make that harder.

[] Cover up our actions. By ensuring that we continue to cover up our actions as we take them, hostile forces won't be able to begin building a portfolio on us.

Development Actions:

[] Plan A Company HQ. We must establish a base of command to operate outside of. The previous one has been looted already after the death of the CEO.

[] Improve Company Resource Gain. We need to begin harvesting resources for use down the line.

[] Improve Company Abilities: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself. Let's improve our own abilities.

[] Time to improve with knowledge! We can spend our knowledge on improving the company, upgrading agents (which we don't have any of) or to upgrade the company as a whole.

Charisma Actions:

[] The International Scene is angry and even with our help at dealing with dozens of issues around the world, tens of thousands still died… let's try and butter them up more.

[] We should encourage international disharmony, the longer they don't attend that global meeting the more time they spend on not investigating this surge of power. We need to stay ahead and we can't stay ahead of the entire world so we must split them apart.

Movement Actions:

[] Whilst we have thugs at the Butterfield facility, they aren't organized enough to be moved around like a useful asset

Magic Actions:

[] We gained a lot of magic knowledge over the last few turns, but without our facility we find it hard to use. Although we could try and make a makeshift lab and see how flexible this energy truly is…
Okay sorry that this took a while, busy week but here it is! Gonna try and keep this open for a few days, maybe a week or so.
[X] Find out another way to break into our facility, secret codes and IDs must be found somewhere?
Get the info, and (try to) take our stuff before anyone can check?
[X] Cover up our actions. By ensuring that we continue to cover up our actions as we take them, hostile forces won't be able to begin building a portfolio on us.
[X] Stake the Shareholders: The bloody slime are not only stealing our ideas! Their stupidity will out us if we don't act. We must break their heads and take control of the final loose leads of the company.

So much to do, so many issues to deal with.
[X] Improve Company Abilities: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself. Let's improve our own abilities.
-[X] Magic

Between mundane knowledges like archaeology and metallurgy to more unorthodox fields like theology and the occult there surely is something that could help to guide our research until we get the lab back. Especially if we can find something to explain why the energy sticks to religious objects better.