[X] Plan: Aggressive Maneuvering
-[X] 251st Hob.: SE
-[X] 10th Hum Art.: FIRE 20th Dwa
-[X] 200th Hob.: READY FIRE E, 100m
-[X] 72nd Hum.: Hide
-[X] 148th Hum.: READY FIRE E, 200m
-[X] 42nd Elv.: Hide
-[X] 45th Elv.: E
-[X] 16th Half.: E,E
-[X] 19th Half. Pfd.: FREE MOVE E, then READY FIRE NE, 200m
-[X] 28th Half. Pfd.: MOVE E,E (Move after 13th Hob has moved one space, or if the 13th Hob hasn't moved, move last)
-[X] 55th Elv. Hsr.: CHARGE (NE), and then charge into the 102nd Dwa, then MOVE to nearest hill
-[X] 108th Elv. Hsr.: CHARGE (E), then charge NE and then into 20th Dwa if it is not routed, then move SW, but if E,NE,E from starting position or if movement is one, then move NW or NE if those spaces are empty (if both spaces are empty then move to the space closest to the village), if no spaces are empty then stay in place, however if 20th Dwa is routed then CHARGE E, and then if 102nd Dwa is within 200m, then charge them and then after charge move SE, if the 102nd Dwa is not within 200m, then if there is not enemy NE,NE, charge NE,NE, and then if there is an enemy 100m east charge them, and then move NW, if there is an enemy 200m east on the road and no units are blocking then charge them and then move W, if there is not a enemy east from 100m to 200m then move NW, however if there is an enemy NE,NE, then charge them and then after move SE,SE.
-[X] 13th Hob. Lan.: SE,E
-[X] 84th Elv. Art. READY FIRE E, NE 700m
-[X] 31st Elv. Art.: READY FIRE E, NE 700m (Don't fire on 90th Elv, or 20th Dwarf, but if 102nd Dwarf doesn't move into range of 700m, then fire on anyone else in 700m range).
-[X] 5th Hob. H. Art.: SET UP
-[X] HQ: SUPPLY 10th Hum Art. (Munitions)
Picture of Plan (Red is our attacks, yellow is predicted enemy movements and everything else is movement) (This plan is partly based on Nerdorama's, specifically the 55th charging)
The basic idea for this plan is to try to use the 148th/200th in conjunction with our other forces to try and rout the 90th Elv, 20th Dwa, and do some damage to the 102nd Dwa. The long order for the 108th Elv. Hsr are essentially to make sure that if enemy units don't move as predicted, then the 108th Elv. Hsr charge someone they can move away from and then get in a position on the flanks, however 108th Elv. Hsr should most likely just charge the 20th Dwa or the 102nd Dwa. The 19th will use rapid to move east, and ready fire to prepare to hit the 20th Dwa. 55th 55th Elv. Hsr will try to hit 102nd Dwarves, potentially the 19th may draw ready fire from enemy artillery when they reveal themselves.
The reason for attacking right now is that two units are hidden are potentially able to get advantage on their attacks and I want to take advantage of that. I'm not too concerned about moving the 200th NW since I don't expect them to be in melee, the 90th Elv has taken 7 cohesion lost out of their 11, so they have 4 cohesion left. The 200th shooting at short range, with 3 advantage should be able to do enough damage to rout them. Even if we don't rout them, there isn't too much concern about the enemy going to the church, that takes four movement. The plains NE of the village, is in 200m range of our horse artillery, and if we need to we can divert another artillery to shoot there too. If we have to disengage with the enemy unit for the 200th, I don't think that's really different from just moving? I'm not really that concerned with this if we rout the 90th/20th Dwa.
Also, just as a note, behind the 90th Elv is the 93rd Elv, this is based on the combat summary.