The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Well, fuck, shit really escalated. I really thought Jaime would have plot armor. I guess that's on me for forgetting this is Westeros. I'm curious about the yellow kraken sails Cersei saw in her dreams. Is that supposed to imply that Euron was behind the king's attempted assassination?

[X] Wrath

Wrath is the clear productive choice, though part of me does wonder what Denial would have resulted in. I guess, Cersei would just go crazy and pretend that her brother wasn't really dead? Maybe she would have gotten even more obsessed with magic and tried doing necromancy?
I think its likely since Euron is a sorcerer/shadow-binder in the books.
While still interesting, I wish that there had been more "normality" in this quest. It bills itself as "Game of Thrones", but we've got every force in existence coming out to play in short order. Game of Thrones, in my opinion, did well to have the magic and war act as intermittent complements to subtler stories - with the action rising and falling, and not towering too high unless truly necessary. Here it seems like we're building up to be Dragonball Z, with ever-greater cosmic powers coming out each episode.
Focus of this quest was always going to be the war, what with all the Targ pretenders trying to take over while Westeros is being Westeros. Though that doesn't mean there isn't subtle stuff going on around you.

Main reason you even got the Stannis chapter is to make sure you have some context as to why a bunch of stuff is going wrong at the same time as otherwise you'd have no real information at all.
[X] Wrath

Seriously, how shit are our rolls? This is ridiculous. Where the fuck even was Jaime, when did he join up with Rykker?
Seriously, how shit are our rolls? This is ridiculous. Where the fuck even was Jaime, when did he join up with Rykker?
This is a result of Stannis actions. He is not as range restricted as in canon.

I'd also note, since it was pointed out to me that this apparently got lost at some point, that the players referred to in the first post are actual Players. Hence their antics (like flipping Velaryon and taking Dragonstone from Stannis) are not just you having bad dice luck.
I'd also note, since it was pointed out to me that this apparently got lost at some point, that the players referred to in the first post are actual Players. Hence their antics (like flipping Velaryon and taking Dragonstone from Stannis) are not just you having bad dice luck
Oh I hate that a lot. Huh.
This is a result of Stannis actions. He is not as range restricted as in canon.
So he just shadow assassin'd Jaime from the other end of the continent I guess? Ffs.
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Stannis spent his one shot at this wisely.
I suppose it did make Tywin flip his shit yet again. God, Cersei and Joffrey get a bit of sanity and Tywin just becomes a raging moron. Kinda disappointing he didn't murder the dude that took Dragonstone though.

Kind of *really* annoying we're about to do a whole action on researching Shade when Cersei just chugged her entire supply too.

Is Tyrion a player? That would explain his sudden escape and disappearance. It would be pretty fun if Stannis, the glorious chosen one ended up murdered by a dwarf because he killed his brother.
[X] Wrath

Would be a nobel experience participating in a Quest where we end up losing even despite all our efforts.

At least with Wrath we can point Cersei's rage to somewhere/someone and hope for a okay* outcome
I think people ought to hold their horses on the doom-saying. At the end of the day, however painful a loss Jaime is for Cersei and Tywin, this is hardly a knockout blow. The full repercussions of the assassination attempt have yet to play out, and the 'mechanical' effects of the mental health break will have to be endured, but we're very much still in the game.
Kind of *really* annoying we're about to do a whole action on researching Shade when Cersei just chugged her entire supply too.

Is Tyrion a player? That would explain his sudden escape and disappearance. It would be pretty fun if Stannis, the glorious chosen one ended up murdered by a dwarf because he killed his brother.
The Shade action was rather timely as it meant Cersei got some semi-pleasant visions out of it instead of mainlining whatever random horrors would have gotten to her otherwise.

As for Tyrion, no, he's an NPC. Only the Targs are players.
I assume his intended target was Joffrey, which would've put quite the cramp in our political position and had just as severe an effect on Cersei's mental state. Jaime likely managed to intervene - at the cost of his own life.
If so, Jaime had a nice arc to his life, to begin by slaying Mad King Aerys and end by saving Good King Joffrey (please ignore the twincest and the attempted murder of eight-year-old Bran to cover it up).

As for Tyrion, no, he's an NPC. Only the Targs are players.
Is the rule that if you have a shield on the map, you're a player?
The Shade action was rather timely as it meant Cersei got some semi-pleasant visions out of it instead of mainlining whatever random horrors would have gotten to her otherwise.
Yeah, I can only imagine how awful it would've gone if we'd just in for the ride instead of having a hand on the controls, so to speak. Also glad we spent an action gathering together more troops, since it seems like Rykker's not getting the backup we'd hoped for.