KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

[X] Let him run. You don't have to pick this fight. You're pretty sure you've put the fear of 'you' into him.

I'm not invested into getting into unnecessary fights. Once we acquire some method of self-healing, then we can get into as many fights as we want.
[X] Get him to take you to "Lil' Miss". You'll cut this off at the head

[X] Although you aren't a Intelligence Investigation fixer, you can give a shot
-[X] First, promise the man that you will let him go If he points to a few of his colleagues out for you.
-[X] Betray his trust and forcefully move him into the school grounds for interrogations, done by you.
-[X] Repeat the process on that few colleagues the man pointed out and gather all the Information you got. Then send it with your scroll to that coward looking guy. And demand him to do something.
-[X] Wait for a week, If nothing happens, you will do it yourself. If something happens, you watch the smoke.

It may not be the most rational solution, but it's much more like Kali. After all, would she have become who she became if she had chosen the safety of the fight?
one thing I'm wondering is if the spiders have a hand in the entire economy of Mistral, will defeating them cause mistrals economy to collapse? I wonder how many people will die to the grim attracted to the negativity.
Huh, that's an interesting question.

This is purely hypothetical at the moment, so take it with a grain of salt. Assuming the Spiders mysteriously just... collapsed overnight, it would have severe ramifications for Mistral. That much is true. In the short term, I think more people would be happy they were gone than upset at their disappearance. Very few ordinary people actually like them all that much, since they do most of the usual gang things: protection money, drug dealing, Dust smuggling, etc. But over the course of the following weeks and months, as older gangs seize now unheld territory, new gangs crop up in the vacuum, etc...

According to Roman Holiday, Mistral is not the kind of place where gang warfare stays hidden, undercover. It's open. It's in the streets at any and all hours of the day. Over time, this would lead to a substantial death toll, both as people die from gang violence and from Grimm being attracted to the outskirts of Mistral.

This wouldn't be as bad as the Fall of Beacon, since Mistralians are... mostly accustomed to this kind of thing. But it would be pretty bad, especially since, uh, RWBY's Volume 4 and 5 events are still happening in the background. Spider's been around a long, long time. They're a stabilizing force. I'm like, 70% sure they don't traffic Faunus. Things would get bloody as things shake back down into stability. And with Leonardo, who should be keeping things more or less in check, a non-entity... yeah.
Plot twist: "Lil` Miss" is Lenny. :V
Ah, but you're not thinking stupidly enough. Not only is Lil' Miss secretly Lenny the Rat, she's actually been reworking the entire organization. With Pete at her side and Mang-Chi probably a casualty in the course of her sudden and unprecedented rise to power. No more, are the Spiders of Mistral. Now, behold... the Rats! Led by, of course, the Rat Queen, who in having achieved all of her dreams and goals, is now seeking only one thing. A partner. An equal. Someone to match Pete's lack of cunning.

A Rat King.

...In other words, It's Turbin' Time collaboration when?
Also, how much suffering gonna be in RWBY mod?
...It's a Library of Ruina mod.

Take a guess.

Team RWBY may have protagonist energy up the wazoo, but they're still no match for the Library.
Huh, that's an interesting question.

This is purely hypothetical at the moment, so take it with a grain of salt. Assuming the Spiders mysteriously just... collapsed overnight, it would have severe ramifications for Mistral. That much is true. In the short term, I think more people would be happy they were gone than upset at their disappearance. Very few ordinary people actually like them all that much, since they do most of the usual gang things: protection money, drug dealing, Dust smuggling, etc. But over the course of the following weeks and months, as older gangs seize now unheld territory, new gangs crop up in the vacuum, etc...

According to Roman Holiday, Mistral is not the kind of place where gang warfare stays hidden, undercover. It's open. It's in the streets at any and all hours of the day. Over time, this would lead to a substantial death toll, both as people die from gang violence and from Grimm being attracted to the outskirts of Mistral.

This wouldn't be as bad as the Fall of Beacon, since Mistralians are... mostly accustomed to this kind of thing. But it would be pretty bad, especially since, uh, RWBY's Volume 4 and 5 events are still happening in the background. Spider's been around a long, long time. They're a stabilizing force. I'm like, 70% sure they don't traffic Faunus. Things would get bloody as things shake back down into stability. And with Leonardo, who should be keeping things more or less in check, a non-entity... yeah.
Assuming any plan to mess with the spiders wins the vote , how many gangs will develop PTSD from watching a "scarred redhead" turn people into a Red Mist?
So normally I'd close voting right about now, or, more accurately, about 2 hours ago, since I know my audience isn't large enough to argue about votes or otherwise take too long of time. 24 hours seems like enough, most of the time, and lets me get started on the next chapter quickly. That said, there's a couple of people that said they wanted to think about it before voting, I keep seeing people apparently just barely miss the vote, and also it's actually pretty close right now. So I'm thinking I probably oughta give an extension...?

Voting's open for another 12 hours... go buck wild, I guess.
[X] Let him run. You don't have to pick this fight. You're pretty sure you've put the fear of 'you' into him.
[X] Let him run. You don't have to pick this fight. You're pretty sure you've put the fear of 'you' into him.
[X] Get him to take you to "Lil' Miss". You'll cut this off at the head
May we get some not very dangerous unga-bunga experience?
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[X] Let him run. You don't have to pick this fight. You're pretty sure you've put the fear of 'you' into him.
Whoops, almost forgot to vote.
Eh, I'd say leave it be for now. If they do come back again, then we go deal with the problem.
[X] Get him to take you to "Lil' Miss". You'll cut this off at the head

Yeah, I feel Kali will get involved with them again either way, so this feels like the most Kali option to take.
[X] Let him run. You don't have to pick this fight. You're pretty sure you've put the fear of 'you' into him.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:40 PM, finished with 24 posts and 17 votes.
Stalwart Stand 8.4
Stalwart Stand 8.4
It takes you far too long to figure out what your response should be, to the point where it starts feeling kinda awkward for your captive audience. You hate the idea of letting this chucklefuck run free, letting him keep preying on more Rats and business owners. The idea of letting a whole Syndicate's worth of these chucklefucks keep doing the same.

But ultimately, you have your priorities. You need to get home. You can't pick fights with every Syndicate member that gets in your way. Well, you could. But it would be pointless. They'd wear you down eventually, probably. Meaningless conflict that gets you no closer to the City. Would it help the people of Mistral? Probably. They're not the ones you've sworn to protect, though.

You'd like to kill him and be done with him, but you also promised Glynda you'd try not to do that. And… sure, you respect her enough to hold to that. It's not so inconvenient.

So yeah. He promised that he'd keep mum about you to his boss, if you let him go. And with a little more persuading, he might actually do it.

How to make the message stick… Know what? Honesty's the best policy.

"Sure. I'll hold you to that," you say, feigning amiability and not breaking character. "You can even take your invisibility cloak with you."

Clear relief floods the Spider's face. He smothers it with bravado soon after, though, as you lift your foot off his back and let him clumsily take back to his feet. And after that… it shifts to fear.

"One word before you head off, though?"

You're still blocking the exit of the alleyway, after all.

"I'll make this clear. Not letting you go because I'm scared of your boss. Nor your boss's boss. Not your entire Syndicate. If they come after me, I'll kill 'em all. If I see 'em around, I'll put a stop to them.

"I'm letting you go, assuming you keep your mouth shut, because facing down your entire group would be inconvenient, you know? I've got things to do. Playing at being an exterminator would be a fun afternoon. But I do have other things that actually need my attention."

You're actually kinda proud of that last quip. You're usually shit at banter.

"So yeah. Because it'd be so inconvenient, if I get word that you've blabbed, I'll make sure to take a little time out of my day just to find you. And we can rehash this conversation. Sound good?"

The grunt gives you a tight nod, though he doesn't look quite as cowed as you'd like. You're not entirely sure you're on the same wavelength here.

Still, you can't waste your time here forever. So with a slight jerk of your head and a 'Get out of here,' you say goodbye to that waste of space.

As he bails while trying to look calm, you take a deep whiff of your cigarette, calming your slight nerves. You figure you've caused enough trouble in Mistral Below for awhile. Who knows, maybe you've made a lasting difference?


Anyway… you're gonna go check to see if the lift is fixed yet. And if not… guess you'll be walking all the way back to Haven Academy. Or you'll find someplace to stay down here, who knows.

You turn to leave, then realize that you completely forgot about Brett, the homeless guy unfortunate enough to witness your thrashing of the Spider goon. Who, judging by your side-eyed glance, seems to be huddling as tight as possible, hiding behind his dumpster. From the Spider or from you, you can't tell.

You'd throw a stack of An at him, but you don't have any of Remnant's paper currency. S'all on your Scroll thing.

[ ] He'll be fine.

[ ] Write-in.

Thank fuck, the lift is working. You don't have to hitch it all the way up a billion flights of stairs. You would've thrown yourself off the cliffside after the first half billion.

On your way back to your temporary home, you pass by the big building that houses Leonardo's office. Raised voices emanate from within, Leonardo arguing with someone. You'd normally be inclined to leave Haven's headmaster well enough alone, except you recognize his conversation partner's voice.


Curiosity brings you through the front doors and into the corridor right outside Leo's office, at which point you can finally make out what the two men are actually saying.

"…walking across Anima? Yes, but—dear, does that mean… Are they still alright?"

"For now," Qrow's voice confirms. "Last I left them. But not for long, if we don't get moving. Salem's minion is dangerous. We need to get that kid to a hospital. Who've you got on hand? Ratten? Khan?"

"I told you, Qrow! Everyone is dismissed for the season!"

"Everyone? Leo—"

You butt in at this moment, having heard all you need to hear. "You need some muscle?"

Both Qrow and Leonardo turn to you, surprised. Leonardo, in fact, is so shocked that he drops the teacup he's holding, which shatters on the hardwood floor.

Qrow doesn't seem to give a shit as he says, "Yeah. My niece is in danger. And she's got someone from your end of the woods with her, in case you need motivation."

You didn't. Endangered children have always been a sore spot for you. So you push that bit of unnecessary information to the side and focus on the threat ahead.

"When're you leaving?"

You both jump onto a particularly-antiquated-looking airship, apparently the best Haven Academy has to offer on short notice. It does seem to travel at a decent clip, despite having a literal sail, so what do you know. Qrow starts filling you in as it starts to fly.

The primary threat is a batshit insane serial killer scorpion Faunus named Tyrian. He's got enough skill and power to fight Qrow to a standstill and a tail filled with extremely virulent poison, enough to put a man down within a day. You know this because it did; apparently, the Citydweller in the group got infected with this poison, and desperately needs medical treatment.

In any case, once Qrow is done filling you in on the bare details, he hops out of the airship and turns into a crow, quickly outspeeding you to rejoin the group. You, meanwhile, sit there and wonder which victim of the Library ended up out here. Another Liu Association member? A W Corp Janitor? From what Xiao told you, the Librarians used the powers and abilities of people they'd previously defeated, hence their mishmosh of outfits when you'd fought them.

You hope it's not one of the Thumb Soldatos.

You hear the battle before you see it. Or, to be more specific, you hear the screaming before you see the source. A decidedly inhuman scream. You hop off the airship before it lands and rush towards the source, hoping you won't be too late.

As you approach the ruins of an outskirts town, you see… well, it's definitely a mess.

Tyrian is easily identifiable with his massive segmented tail, clashing against Qrow. At a glance, the two do seem evenly matched. The young girl in red you presume to be his niece, however? Really should not be in the midst of the two like that, because she's definitely outclassed, and providing a serious weakness for Qrow.

In the midst of the town square is the source of the screaming. A massive Grimm, resembling a horse and slumped-over rider. Two kids engage it, one wearing green and one wearing pink. Both are holding their own, but it's a close thing. Neither of them are employing what you'd consider to be an effective strategy.

And the Citydweller that was knocked out cold by Tyrian's venom is nowhere to be seen. You assume they're hiding, avoiding stray shots from the fracas.

This mess is a little more than you expected. Still… time to kick some ass.

Your first priority is to…

[ ] Find the injured Citydweller and get them aboard the airship. If this poison is as dangerous as Qrow said, they might not have time to spare.

[ ] Engage the Grimm. Qrow seems to have Tyrian more or less in hand, and you don't want to see the kids die today.

[ ] Help Qrow. The sooner the serial killer's out of the picture, the sooner you can put the Huntsman's experience to good use.

[ ] Write-in.

[ ] Manifest E.G.O.?
  • [ ] Yes.
  • [ ] No.

A/N: I've been waiting for this moment for more than a year now.

Kali's timing in showing up on Remnant was… less than ideal. It's directly led to this mess, in fact.
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[X] He'll be fine.
[X] Find the injured Citydweller and get them aboard the airship. If this poison is as dangerous as Qrow said, they might not have time to spare.
[X] Manifest E.G.O.?
-[X] No.

Bit heartless, but eh.
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No real opinion on the homeless vote, and no knowledge of this Volume.

[X] First things first: Get the kid out of Qrow's fight. Put her to work finding that Citydweller. Then…
[X] Help Qrow. The sooner the serial killer's out of the picture, the sooner you can put the Huntsman's experience to good use.
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[X] He'll be fine.
[X] Find the injured Citydweller and get them aboard the airship. If this poison is as dangerous as Qrow said, they might not have time to spare.

[X] Manifest E.G.O.?
-[X] No.
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Yeah. My niece is in danger. And she's got someone from your end of the woods with her, in case you need motivation."
Wait a minute, this wouldn't happen to be connected to a certain other story you were writing, would it?
Potential story connection aside, this is looking to be a bit tricky. Normally I would say go for Qrow to free him up with no hesitation, but not only is Tyrian a slippery b*stard when it comes to fighting, Qrow's bad luck could end up hurting us if we get too close. Put the two together and winning that fight quickly suddenly becomes a lot harder.
The Grimm wouldn't be as big of a deal if not for the fact that it's two-on-one, with Jaune most likely off helping a certain typewriter. They might be able to handle it, but I wouldn't be too sure. The good news is that the Grimm they're fighting is one of the more tame ones in terms of ability, with flexibility and stretching arms, the horse being a separate entity that can act independently, and a loud scream being it's most notable features. We could probably help them take care of it easily.
Finally, the city dweller. Normally I wouldn't think too much about this, a Person from the city could probably survive the poison even if it hurts and we have more pressing matters to deal with. If it is the person I'm thinking about, though, then having them chat with Kali of all people might just be the exact thing they need right now. Or it could make things worse. It's hard to tell with distortions sometimes.
[X] The homeless guy is a local, and any Fixer worth her salt knows that you go to them for information when trying to find something. Ask him about interesting rumors he's heard, both magical and mundane, and if there are any special places in the area we should know about. Failing all that, at least see if he knows a good place to eat around here.
[X] Qrow likely has a lot of experience fighting Grimm, while you have a lot of experience killing fighting people, so the smart thing to do here is obvious. Tag Qrow out and have him fight the Grimm while you keep the serial killer busy. He should be able to take it down a lot faster, and will probably take his niece away from the killer as an added bonus.
I don't know, something like this maybe? It feels like it makes sense in my head.
[X] Help Qrow. The sooner the serial killer's out of the picture, the sooner you can put the Huntsman's experience to good use.
[X] First things first: Get the kid out of Qrow's fight. Put her to work finding that Citydweller. Then…
[X] The homeless guy is a local, and any Fixer worth her salt knows that you go to them for information when trying to find something. Ask him about interesting rumors he's heard, both magical and mundane, and if there are any special places in the area we should know about. Failing all that, at least see if he knows a good place to eat around here.
[X] Help Qrow. The sooner the serial killer's out of the picture, the sooner you can put the Huntsman's experience to good use.
[X] Manifest E.G.O.?
[X] Yes.
Steve Harvey: KILL!
[X] The homeless guy is a local, and any Fixer worth her salt knows that you go to them for information when trying to find something. Ask him about interesting rumors he's heard, both magical and mundane, and if there are any special places in the area we should know about. Failing all that, at least see if he knows a good place to eat around here.
[X] Qrow likely has a lot of experience fighting Grimm, while you have a lot of experience killing fighting people, so the smart thing to do here is obvious. Tag Qrow out and have him fight the Grimm while you keep the serial killer busy. He should be able to take it down a lot faster, and will probably take his niece away from the killer as an added bonus.

It's time for Kali to end Tyrian's whole career.
[X] He'll be fine.
[X] First things first: Get the kid out of Qrow's fight. Put her to work finding that Citydweller. Then…
[X] Manifest E.G.O.?
-[X] No.
[X] First things first: Get the kid out of Qrow's fight. Put her to work finding that Citydweller. Then…