Perfectly Normal: A Slice of Life Sim

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

[X] [Action] Silas wants to get to know MIYUKI NELLIS, the precocious niece of Mr. Eryk, better. (Social Check, DC ??)
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

[X] [Action] SERA-NEESAN seems to have had a bad week. Silas wants to help her have a good weekend. But how? (Social Check, DC 8.)

So many options... So little time...

What could possibly go wrong!
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[x] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

Yumika has enough carisma but not enough wisdom to know that people are not obligated to accept an apology much less act buddy with her after receiving it.
[X] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

Oh hey, it's back! I remember catching up with the quest and than watching for if it updated again.

The student council action seems like a good opportunity we don't want to pass up, and I think continuing our efforts to improve at studying would be prudent considering we do want to pass midterms.
[X] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] SERA-NEESAN seems to have had a bad week. Silas wants to help her have a good weekend. But how? (Social Check, DC 8.)
…which, of course, today, he did. There was some sort of big event going on at the main hall. Something to do with that sport where you hit people with bamboo sticks. Nothing he was interested in.
Kendo Club sure got downgraded this time. Silas can't even be bothered to learn the name?

Also, the depths to which out NET-boy (dropping one E on behalf of Education) is willing to go to avoid human contact never ceases to amaze.
  • Silly rumor: I am apparently a bastard son of the infamous nine-tailed, tentacled fox-spirit, Tamamo Ninomae.
Is there a fan-art of a nine-tentacled fox-spirit making rounds at school, perhaps? Asking for a friend!
quality, authentic v-steak sandwiches and potato wedges
As in, Vitro-... or rather, in-vitro steak? Cultured meat for cultured people! 🧐

But what happened to regular meat?
People whispered that he was a yokai or a communist.
Why can't he be both? A Spectre of Communism manifested!

Too spooky for a borgeouis school? :V
There was a pause. Silas felt something… hot burning up in his gullet. His throat felt dry.

"Normal, normal, normal! Fuck you and your normal. I know I'm not normal, you bitch! You don't need to remind me!" Silas's voice was screaming. There were… tears? Falling down his face? His cheeks felt red and puffy. "I hate you!"

He ran off the stage. The audience kept laughing, and he ran off the stage.
Looks like we are on target for this one. Do we get anything? :whistle:
Whom No One Sees
Shortly before starting High School, Silas began to have strange nightmares involving the troubled relationship between a Speaker and an Actor. He thinks these might be real people. Maybe even people he knows. But... from where?
Objective 1: Discover the identity of the Speaker

[x] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

It is my long-standing dream to join the Dark Side. The dreaded Morals Commettee can do naught to hamper us if we are on it!

[] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. There are plenty of old games to boot up again... (Smarts check, DC 8)
On one hand, Inoue is creating a Board Games club, and she is on the Council. Two ins are better than one!

On the other, we have just unlocked more Big Sister actions, and I can't in good conscience ignore them. Abstaining from the 2nd action vote, then.
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Man, the QM hated people (me) waifuing Yumika so much they made her trigger his panic response second-one. RIP to my girl. /s
Hate? Hardly! :V

I want to make her more complicated, more flawed, and more... human! People are often awful to each other, keep pointless grudges, and be innocently insensitive, and the fact that Yumika wants to be a good person doesn't change that fact.

It should be really hard for Silas to get close to someone like Yumika. They are just... incompatible, no matter how much Yumika really wants to try to be on good terms with everyone, all of the time. It should be hard.... but also, rewarding.

As Silas points out himself, he doesn't actually know what could have possibly provoked that response. Even he doesn't think it was really justified. Maybe he'll have an opportunity to make up with her later.

In general, I want to try not to 'focus' the narrative on any individual person for too long, not yet. I want to give a everyone a fair shake before I start forcing Silas to... take sides. :evil:

But what happened to regular meat?
Don't you know? Real meat is counterrevolutionary! I can't believe you; you should read more theory.

Looks like we are on target for this one. Do we get anything? :whistle:
Not sure what you mean! I don't see an objective called 'Whom No One Sees' anywhere on the (current) Objectives sheet, and cursory examination reveals we never accomplished any Objective by that name.

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Hate? Hardly! :V

I want to make her more complicated, more flawed, and more... human! People are often awful to each other, keep pointless grudges, and be innocently insensitive, and the fact that Yumika wants to be a good person doesn't change that fact.

It should be really hard for Silas to get close to someone like Yumika. They are just... incompatible, no matter how much Yumika really wants to try to be on good terms with everyone, all of the time. It should be hard.... but also, rewarding.

As Silas points out himself, he doesn't actually know what could have possibly provoked that response. Even he doesn't think it was really justified. Maybe he'll have an opportunity to make up with her later.

In general, I want to try not to 'focus' the narrative on any individual person for too long, not yet. I want to give a everyone a fair shake before I start forcing Silas to... take sides. :evil:
That's all fine, separate continuity makes for different characters and such. But part of the reason I liked Yumika was that she seemed so tacitly unreal, like she was some kind of archetypal character concept made manifest. It fit to have her next to the more obviously supernatural elements in the previous continuity, and it was fun having someone relentless push back against the strange and the dark that hung around Silas. Her being more grounded and flawed like everyone else makes sense for this version of the story, but it's not what drew me to her originally.

I'll probably be pivoting to Inoue in this timeline, if we ever get to a similar point.
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Action] SERA-NEESAN seems to have had a bad week. Silas wants to help her have a good weekend. But how? (Social Check, DC 8.)
Vote Closed~
Scheduled vote count started by LuciDreamer on Oct 19, 2023 at 1:39 AM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.
Decided to close the vote a bit early; seems we have a fairly solid majority!

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[x] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

Rolls incoming.
LuciDreamer threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Study die Total: 9
9 9
LuciDreamer threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Serious Classroom Politics tim Total: 40
19 19 8 8 13 13
A coin? Uh, does it let you roll a 2-sided die despite all the problems that raises? I guess I'll find out!

Edit: Heads it is!
Alcor threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Let's say 1 is heads. Total: 1
1 1
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Week 3 | Weekend Actions: ...and I Can't Let Go
"Question Six-dash-B…" Silas was muttering to himself. "…given this scenario… draw a free b-body diagram… frictionless plane… solve for tensions T1 and T2? Th-they're not the same? But…"

He sunk his head into his hands, and tried to make sense of the practice problem before him.

"S-So… sum of forces in… the x-axis… w-wait, no, no… the y-axis? But that's j-just m-times-g, right…? There's no w-way it's that easy…"

He scratched his head.

"Th-the point mass is here, gravity is exerting a downwards force here…" He made some strokes with his pen. "So the y-component of… of the sum of the two tensions… b-but then, why is the ball there?"

He had been at this for hours now.

Math was easy. It had hard rules with simple tests. If he forgot a sign, it was trivial to catch that in a second pass. If he factored a polynomial incorrectly, all he had to do was check his work against an online algebra calculator.

Science was… harder. He knew it was just math applied to the real world. Theoretically, it should also be easy. But the context was consistently stumping him. He knew the formulas by heart, but he wasn't good at interpreting the graphs and diagrams to plug in the data into the formulas.

His games always did that for him… ugh.

A brief thought crossed his mind. He hadn't played in a while. There was an unfinished campaign in Division IV he was doing. A half-built fortress in Onol-no-Kuni. Some incomplete side objectives in Deathseeker.

Thinking about video games made him feel tired, so he pushed those thoughts to the side.

He'd been doing that a lot recently.


Mental endurance check! (Smarts)
1d20 = 9 v 8


There was no time to waste over the weekend. Silas was a busy bee. He wanted to be studious. He wanted to make his teachers, especially Sowa-sensei, or maybe even Geniichiro-sensei (no matter how annoying he might be), proud. He wanted to pass the first midterm.

Still, there's a hard limit to what one can do over the course of two-and-a-half days. The more time he put into it, the more Silas felt his mind shutting down.

So… he tried to pace himself. An hour here, then he'd go and fold laundry. An hour there, then he'd go and order lunch. Add two more hours, and then take away thirty minutes to sweep the floor.

It felt a lot more manageable that way. And also a lot more productive. That was the most important thing—he had to be productive. He had to keep doing things, or else…

…well, he didn't know what would happen. He was just sure that he couldn't let idleness set in.


Silas made progress on a habit. Studying +2


Silas wasn't used to Sera fussing over him like this.

He had only mentioned that he was going to attend a public function for his school's Student Council in passing. He didn't expect Sera-nee to get so excited about it.

She had practically dragged him to her room, and now, he was sitting in front of a (surprisingly barely furnished) bathroom vanity, while Sera straightened out the wrinkles in his dress shirt, fixed up his tie and his shoes, and, most annoyingly, tried and failed to tame his hair.

"Have you… considered visiting a barber, Silas?" she said, gently.


"Ahh." She chuckled. "I'm just saying, it would make you look a bit more… presentable."

"Okay." Silas looked away. Since when was she so pushy?

"Oh… I do hope you have fun. It can be important to make a good first impression in things like these, you know. Get an 'in' on Council politics."

"You say that l-like… like I'm about to attend a dinner at the Miyao City Hall."

"In a way, you are, I would say. Lower stakes, perhaps, but… everyone starts somewhere, right? I started with a server technician. Look where I am now."

"...I don't think I am g-going to ascend to the office of the Student Council President in my last and only year in Yamaha Se-Senior High."

"That… depends on the line of succession. I'm sure it could be arranged with enough gumption."


Silas tried to laugh, but he wasn't feeling all that mirthful. He was already feeling kind of worn out from the last few weeks. And now… he was about to attend a very public event. He was probably gonna have to deal with a bunch of new people.

This was going to suck. Thankfully, Inoue would be there, probably… right?

"I think that's the best I can do," Sera finally said. Silas's hair had not changed a smidge. "Do you think you'll need anything while you're there? Snacks?"

"I'm g-good, thank you." Silas stood up. "I sh-should get my bag…"

"And your coat!" Sera beamed at him.

Oh, what had he gotten himself into?


Special event: The Orientation
The Student Council can be a rather exclusionary bunch, but their Orientation is the one event where (almost) every member feels a little more comfortable letting their guard down around newbies.

Penalties due to Conformity Difference halved for this turn!

Silas will have a small bonus (+1) towards social actions for all Student Council members for the next two weeks.


"Hello! Welcome to the Student Council Orientation," chirped the girl stationed at the door. "You're actually a bit early. Auditorium won't open for a few. There's pastries and coffee in the hall, if you wanna hang around. I don't recognize you, mister…?"

"Y-Yamigawa. Silas. Third year. Th-This is my first… one of these…" Silas looked around.

"Ah! Well, welcome, Yamigawa-senpai. Now, feel free to wait while we get ready…" She gestured towards a table arranged with little cakes and donuts.

"Free of charge," she added. "Courtesy of the Volunteering and Public Service Committee!"


He took a little chocolate brownie, and dispensed some warm coffee into a paper cup. He still found it hard to maintain eye contact with anyone around him.

The hall started to fill up with students, almost to capacity. The mood seemed to sour a little, with some people arguing with the girl at the door to allow them to sit. Apparently, there was something big that they were still preparing for. Absolutely no one could enter unless they had the go-ahead from someone higher up.

"Ohh, are these from Natsukiyori? Niiice. God, my legs are killing me. What a great pick-me-up."

That voice sounded familiar, for some reason. Silas looked up, and saw a scrubby, brown-haired boy adding a few cupcakes to his plate. As he stepped away from the table, he looked around—for a seat, Silas realized—and his eyes locked with Silas's.

"Yo, senpai," he said, approaching him. "Is it alright if I take this seat?"


"Sweet! Thanks. I owe you one!"

The boy sat down, and dug into one of the cupcakes with a fork. "Shhay," he said after a while. He gulped down his food. "Say… do I know you, senpai?"

Silas furrowed his brow. Yes… he did. And at least time, he was fairly sure that it wasn't because of something annoying. He tried to remember…

…ah. Back at the school gate. The person who took his name on his first day at Yamaha Senior High. First person he'd ever talked to. It felt like so long ago now.

"Tachibana… Kei-kun. Right?"


Kei Tachibana's Conformity is -3!
Social actions with Kei use Smarts and Smarts-related specializations.
Kei likes Silas's Tact!

Action DC: 10 + 4 (Conformity difference divided by 2) = 14

Self-control check! (Smarts + Tact)
1d20 = 19 - 1 (Trait: Stutterer) + 0 (Smarts) + 1 (Smarts: Tact) + 1 (Special event: Orientation) = 20 v 14


"Ahah! You were… Yamazaki-senpai, I think."

"Y-Yamigawa," Sias corrected.

"Gotcha. Yamigawa, Yamigawa…" he grinned. For some reason, he kept looking up to his hair, then back at his eyes, all the while keeping up that placid smile.

"...wh-what's wrong?" Silas said. He suddenly felt kind of uncomfortable. His hairdo wasn't that bad, was it?

"Oh, well, I just uh…" He kept grinning. It was starting to put Silas on edge. "I'm just wondering, like… you… must have traveled far, huh? To get here, I mean."

"What's… that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing! Nothing. I mean… in this city, you get used to all the same faces, right? Mostly you're Miyao-jin, or Imperial, or Amberrish. But you're, uh… from one of those Far Western states, right? Not the Signatories, the, uh… the…"

"'Barbarous Countries?'" Silas said drily.

"Hey, I was avoiding that term for a reason!" He insisted. "Am I… wrong?"


"So, who are your parents, then?" Kei continued. "Merchants with one of the Pityrskiyy trade companies? Eleventh Republicans? Refugees from that thing down in Eastern Samothrace?"

"I… I don't…" This conversation was making Silas's head hurt. "I d-don't remember who my parents were. And I do n…n-not care to remember. They were not good… people. Okay?"

He tried to keep his voice low. He didn't want to cause a scene. Again.

Kei's smile seemed to falter. But his expression grew kinder. "Oh… I think I understand."

"Do you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. I know I can be annoying, my senpais tell me all the time. I'm just… I'm a bit of a history nerd."

"You are?" Silas blinked.

"Yeah! I was hoping you'd have stories about the non-Imperial Sphere. It's so hard to get primary sources from over there."

"Ah… I c-can respect that." Silas looked down in shame. And here he was, about to explode again. God, he was such an asshole. "I'm sorry I don't h-have anything fun to share. My memory's not that good."

"Nah, it's alright." Kei shrugged it off. "You figure it's better here than over there, though?"

"Yes," Silas's answer was immediate. "I'm s-safe here. Safe here… A-And…! The weather's a lot n-nicer. It's pleasant… and green…"

He looked off wistfully.

"Oh, wow. You're kinda mysterious, Yami-senpai. In a cool way."

"H-Huh?!" Silas said, flustered. "Th-Thanks, I guess?! Where did that c-come from??"

"Nowhere, nowhere!" Kei laughed. "Just… the way you talk, is all! All… kuudere and shit. Oh, they're calling us into the auditorium."

Silas looked over. Indeed, people were filing into the auditorium now.

"Hey, you mind if I sit with you, Yami-senpai? Could use the company."

Silas hesitated. "S-Sure."

"Sweet! Well, uh… go ahead, senpai! You have seniority."

"Y-You care about that?"

"No. Lol." He snickered.

"Did… y-you just…" Silas shook his head, let out a chortle, and made for the auditorium. Kei followed close behind, grinning all the way, like he'd just told an amazing joke.

This underclassman… Silas thought. He's… not so bad.


New Mechanic: Trust
Trust is something that is built slowly, by getting to know people over time. The easiest way to build trust with someone is to just spend time with them. Certain events or outings might have significant impacts on Trust.

The following actions increase trust:
  • SOCIALIZE normal success: +1 Trust Point
  • SOCIALIZE great success: +2 Trust Points
  • INTRODUCTION success: +2 Trust Points
  • INTRODUCTION great success: +3 Trust Points
  • Special events: + Variable Trust Points
  • Possibly more…?
Trust is 'sticky.' It's rather difficult to erode it by going about your normal life. Some choices, and exterior circumstances, however, can have permanent and deleterious effects on Trust or other things

Trust comes in Points and Levels:
3 Trust Points → Trust Lvl 1
6 Trust Points → Trust Lvl 2
12 Trust Points → Trust Lvl 3

Trust Levels affect Standing. The following Standings are now visible:
Unsure (Trust Lvl 0, ??? 0)—This character isn't sure how to feel about Silas.
  • No effect.
Welcoming (Trust Lvl 1, ??? 0)—This character likes Silas enough to chat every now and then.
  • Passively shares information about clubs, opportunities, and story leads.
  • As a standard action, Silas may GOSSIP with this character to gain some incomplete intelligence (For example, conformity scores, traits, and so on) on a random person this character knows but whom Silas has no intelligence on. DC is 10 + Conformity Difference. Success and Great Success provide the same Trust Points as a standard SOCIALIZE action. Success also makes the next INTRODUCTION action towards the revealed character free (it will not cost an action).
Friendly (Trust Lvl 2, ??? 0)—This character considers Silas to be a friend.
  • All previous perks.
  • The DC of GOSSIP actions is reduced to 5 + Conformity Diff.
  • ???New Social Action???
Tight-Knit (Trust Lvl 3, ??? 0)—This character trusts Silas implicitly.
  • All previous perks.
  • The DC of GOSSIP actions is reduced to 0 + Conformity Diff.
  • ???Bonds???

Kei and Silas have hit it off!
Kei's Trust +2!

Kei is now Welcoming towards Silas.

The Character Database has been updated. The following characters are also Welcoming towards Silas, due to past choices:
- Sara Inoue
- Kel Ibara​

Kei Tachibana

A kindred spirit, and only mildly annoying underclassmen. He... says that I am a 'kuudere.' Not sure if I should be flattered or not...

General Information


Conformity: -3
Kei is quick-witted and snarky. (Social actions use Smarts)


Western History(?) (???)

Known Friends:
Yuuko Takahashi
Airi Hasegawa?

Known Enemies:


"Hello and welcome to the first weekly General Body Meeting of the Yamaha Senior High Student Council! Thank you all for coming out today! We will begin these proceedings by swearing in our Committee Chairs."

The room was stuffy and smelled faintly of… ash. Or maybe burnt oil. It felt like there were way too many people present for what was shaping up to be a… kind of banal bureaucratic procedure. A boy—someone from his year, but in a different class—stood up, announced the ascension of a new Officer or Committee Chair, talked about past achievements, and everyone would clap.

It was agonizingly boring.

Kei, for his part, was playing on his phone.

"W-Won't you get in trouble for that…?" Silas had asked.

"Nah," he whispered back. "Everyone else is bored out of their minds, they're just too afraid to do anything about it."

"Alright! Now, we will introduce our new Student Council Officers by year. First, up, the First years! President Nobuna, please introduce yourself…"

"B-But…" Silas glanced at his armband. "You're… im-important, right? What if someone disciplines you?"

He just shrugged. "It's not that big a deal, senpai, you'll see."

"Okay…" Silas started to feel an extreme temptation to reach for his own phone. Just to check the weather. Maybe browse some wikis. Look at pictures of airships.

"Onto the second years… President Tanaka! She needs no introduction, I'm sure… but I see a lot of new faces here. Tell us about yourself!"


Silas nearly jumped out of his seat as a new person suddenly popped into the empty seat next to him. "Kei-kun, yo, wassup?"

"Nothing much, Airi-kun. I can't believe you made it," Kei rolled his eyes, and shut off his phone. "Thought you said you were gonna skip this one?"

"Well, ahh…" The boy snickered. "Sensei says that they might formally kick me out of I keep scampering. Oh, who are you?"

He seemed to just now notice that Silas was sitting right there.


Silas was having trouble finding his words.

"...Yami-senpai? You good?"

"Yes. Guh. I, u-uh…"


Airi's Conformity is 3!
Social actions with Airi use Physique and Physique-related specializations.
Special event (The Orientation): Conformity penalty halved!

Action DC: 10 + 7 (Conformity difference divided by 2) = 17

Presence check! (Physique)
1d20 = 8 - 1 (Trait: Stutterer) + 1 (Attribute: Physique) + 1 (Special event: Orientation) = 9 v 17
Failure! Bare Failure!

The degree of failure was reduced due to an unknown Trait!


Silas felt… small.

This boy, Airi, was well built, with a pretty face and some clean up-bangs. He was overwhelming. He made Silas feel more… more unkempt, more pathetic, just by being near him. He couldn't figure out what to say.

So he continued to not speak.

"...I'm not sure what's going on here," the boy said, after a while.

"Are you blushing, Yami-senpai?"

"I think he is…? You… you aren't saying anything."

"I… " Silas found his voice. "I, uh…"

"Sooo…" The boy pursed his lips. " you like guys?"

Silas blanched. "What. Th-That's not…! I dunno! Why do y-you care? What's that got to do w-with anything?!"

He had said that a bit too loud. A couple people nearby were casting him dirty looks. ShitI've made another enemy…

"Ah. Sheesh." The boy's expression was inscrutable. "Sorry. Yeah, uh, I think I'm gonna go… sit with my friends over there. Ciao, Kei-kun?"

"..." Kei just shook his head, tsk-tsking at him.

Mercifully, the boy decided to shrink away without comment, leaving them alone… and leaving Silas very confused.

"...I thought h-he would get mad at me."

Kei looked at him, confused. "Airi Hasegawa-senpai? Mad? For what?"

"R-Raising my voice at him?"

"Nahh. He has a lot of bluster but he's a frickin' softie. With no rizz, apparently."



Introduction failed!
But nothing bad happened… the degree of failure must have been reduced by an unknown trait or personality quirk.

Airi Hasegawa is now available for normal social actions.​

Airi Hasegawa

A sports-person.

General Information


Conformity: 3
Airi has a strong presence. (Social actions use Physique)



Known Friends:
Kei Tachibana?

Known Enemies:


There was a murmur from the auditorium stage. A new face was climbing up to the podium.

"Alright. Alright!" The boy clapped his hands together. "As the president of the third-year, I guess it is my duty to wrap things up, as per tradition."

A silence fell over the auditorium.

The boy cleared his throat.

"We are now concluding the swearing-in ceremony. Are there any orders of business from the Committee Chairs? I will go from left to right. Volunteering and Public Service Committee?"


"Outreach Committee?"


"Internal Affairs?"

Silas looked around as the President listed out more and more Committees. For some reason, the whole room seemed to now be in rapt attention. Even the irreverent Kei.

"Public Morals and Student Conduct?"

"None here."

"And the Sub-Committee is… absent. Noted. Well then! I now open the floor to public comment. Do we have any questions from the general body?"

The room was still.

"Going once?" He grinned.


"Twice?" His smile grew.

Someone coughed.

"Wonderful!" He reached under the podium, and pulled out several cardboard boxes. Behind him, several more officers did the same. A few others were uncovering stacks of paper plates, tableware, cups, and drink dispensers. "Now begins the annual Student Council potluck. Who's hungry?!"

And the room exploded into motion.

Kei jumped up immediately. "C'mon, senpai! Now's the time! We gotta go, before all the good stuff's gone!"

"H-Huh?!" Silas almost immediately lost Kei in the sea of people.

"Orderly line, people! Orderly! Just because the senseis are gone doesn't mean we can descend into chaos! Single file, now, let the kind Volunteer Committee members serve you…"

Silas stood there, among the tide of people… and decided that he wanted to be nowhere near that.

He made his way to the back of the auditorium.


Silas leaned against the wall, watching students crowd around the food tables. When they opened up the containers, a strong smell had wafted all around the room. Salty, savory… he was pretty sure he saw someone outright grilling yakitori in the corner, on a little barbecue grill. They were allowed to bring those inside?

He was starting to feel like he was starving. But no way was he going to get entangled in that mess. He'd order something nice for dinner, to make up for it.

"Ugh… oh no… I'm late… gah… how typical…"

A girl was wandering near him, pacing back and forth across the floor.

"Stupid… had to miss the ceremony just to photocopy those papers... stupid Sub-Committee... and their stupid rules..."

She suddenly perked up. Her whole body went rigid. "Oh! Hello there! I hope you are enjoying the Student Council General Body Meeting… and potluck! It's truly… really… well-organized, huh?"


"Wait a sec. No way. You… I talked to you! You're here because of me, aren't you?! Oh my gosh, the number of people I brought to this meeting is greater than or equal to one! I didn't do all that talking for nothing! Hi! Hello! I hope you enjoyed and/or are enjoying it here!! My name is Yuuko Takahashi, by the way!"

Silas nearly stumbled back trying to deal with the force of the girl's energy.


Yuuko's Conformity is… huh?

Social actions with Yuuko use Imagination attributes and specializations!

Action DC: 10 + 4 (Personality Quirk) = 14

Keeping up with random tangents check! (Imagination)
1d20 = 13 -1 (Trait: Stutterer) +3 (Attribute: Imagination) + 1 (Special event: Orientation) = 16 v 14
Result: Success!


"Th-Thank you? Yes, I am? Sort of?"

"That's wonderful! Institutions like… like… the Student Council… blah… civil service…" The girl let out a deep breath. "...I'm really tired, please don't make me repeat the spiel…"

"Y-You don't have to, it's fine," Silas said quickly.

She looked relieved. "Thanks… ugh. Why are you here? Did you already eat?"

"...don't wanna go."

"Oh? Why's that? They have vegetarian options, I'm pretty sure."

"It's not that."

"Well… then what is it? Did they cut the hearings short again? Are you sad about that? I would be. I kind of like those public proceedings. Nice and formulaic, you know? Kind of like what they do at City Hall. Do you watch cop shows?"


"Wait! Sorry. I shouldn't go off like that. We were talking about…?"

Silas stared at her. " potluck?"

"Oh, right! Are you not hungry? It doesn't seem fair to be here all on your lonesome. You should enjoy yourself! That's half the fun of the Student Council."

"B-But… I…" He grit his teeth. He was loathe to admit it. "The… the cr-crowd… it's… too much. I can't…"

He gestured at the shifting mass of people.

She opened her mouth, but stopped herself midword. She pursed her lips.

"Yeah… it is. I wholeheartedly agree."

She seemed to be frozen to the spot, deep in thought.

"If… i-if…" She gulped. "If you had to choose… between those southern spring rolls over there, or Airi-kun's yakitori over there, or the meat buns we bought from Natsukiyori… wh-which… would suit your fancy?"

"Th-they all sound delicious…" he admitted.

"Right." Her face turned ashen. "Of course."

The girl very suddenly jerked herself forward. She pat her cheeks. "Okay, Yuuko-chan," she muttered to herself. "You… are a fearsome lioness. Yes, you are. You're brave. You're…"

"W-Wait…" Silas called out after her, but she had already gone.

He stared, transfixed, as the girl weaved through the tables, until eventually he lost sight of her. Surely, she wasn't going to… he didn't do anything to deserve special treatment, he…

Nevertheless, she soon returned. Silas's eyes widened. She was carrying a truly large stack of food with her. And by her side—Kei, from earlier, carrying a few stacked chairs. They were talking together animatedly.

"Aha, senpai!" Kei said, once they reached him. "Found you at last! Whatcha doing back here? Thought you could get away from the food, did you?"

"Oh, Kei-kun, you know him?"

"Yeah! Well, I met him today. His name is Yamigawa-senpai."

Silas bowed awkwardly. This was so much…

"I see! Pleasant to make your acquaintance! I brought you… a-a bit of everything! Consider it a taste of Student Council hospitality! Literally! You can taste it!"

She brought the plate down on a table nearby, while Kei let the chairs down. "Borrowed these from the teacher's lounge down the hall," he explained. "They won't need it. Wanna sit here with me and Yuuko-chan, Yami-senpai?"

Silas stared at the food, and at the two grinning Student Councillors, and could not find it in him to possibly say no.

"Th-Thanks—" he almost let out a tear. "Thanks… T-Takahashi-san… I really… I don't…"

"Don't mention it! It wasn't… that bad… really…" She let out a nervous breath. "Besides…! I was doing it for me, too. I need to get better at this. Shock therapy, or something."

"Nah, Yuuko-chan is just a masochist."

"'re one to talk."

"Pfft—gahk—" Kei had been in the middle of swallowing a piece of skewered chicken. After swallowing, he doubled over, giggling. "Untrue! These are some spurious allegations being levied against me by a ranked member of the Student Council!"

"To be an 'allegation,' there needs to be at least a possibility for it to be untrue..."

Silas took his seat, and let the two bicker in front of him. He still felt kind of guarded. Like he was waiting for something bad to happen. But the food Yuuko had brought him was good. Sweet chicken, spicy And the two were so accommodating.

He felt himself sink into his seat. This was… comfy. This was nice.


There was a little bit of fumbling, but Yuuko and Silas are now formally introduced!
Yuuko's Trust +2!
Yuuko is now Welcoming towards Silas!​

Yuuko Takahashi

A dizzying person to be around, and not necessarily in a bad way.

General Information


Conformity: Irrelevant
(Conformity is disabled for Yuuko. Instead of Conformity, for every social action:
  • Flip a coin
  • Roll a 1d4, and double its value
  • If the coin is heads (1), add the value to the DC.
  • If the coin is tails (2), subtract the value from the DC.
If Trust >= 2, roll a 1d3 instead of a 1d4.)

Yuuko often has her head in the clouds. (Social actions use Imagination)



Known Friends:
Kei Tachibana

Known Enemies:


He noticed the change gradually, as the evening went on. Students were filtering out, in bits and pieces.

And it wasn't natural.

Silas was used to listening in on whispers now. Even in an environment as loud and cacophonic as this, he heard something rippling through the crowd. A series of words. Repeated several times, with several different carriers. Like a code phrase. And it went…

"Hey. Yuuko-chan. Kei-kun. Serious classroom politics are going on at the usual place, at the unusual time. Pass it on, and meet me there."

Silas slowly turned his head around. An unfamiliar girl was bent over their table, whispering at the two of them. She said a few more things, but Silas couldn't make out the words.

She noticed him staring. "Apologies," she said quickly. "I'll leave you three in peace. I hope you enjoyed the general body meeting. Please feel free to come again."

And she was off.

Kei looked uncomfortable. Yuuko was shifting back and forth in her chair. Both of them had gone quiet. They'd stopped eating, too.

"You know—" Kei said, quite loudly. "I just realized… I'm supposed to be on a diet, anyway. Yami-senpai, I really don't wanna burden you, but do you mind taking my portion home? I can lend you my lunchbox."

"Uh… sure? I h-have my own, thank you for the offer. I c-can share this with my sister…"

"Cool! Cool…" Kei got up, and stretched his arms. "I think I gotta… go out for a walk. See you around, senpai. Yuuko-chan."

He left quickly. Yuuko sat there, fidgeting with her fingers. She kept checking her watch.

"D-Do… you have somewhere to go, too, Yuuko-san?"

"Hmm? No! I… have to wait."

"For what?"

"I have to wait," she repeated.

A few seconds passed.

"If… you wanna hang out with us again.. the Student Council does meetings like this on the week, too. And weekends. We post the schedule in the halls. You'll always be welcome there, senpai!"

"A-Ah. I didn't think of that…" As a matter of fact, he was wondering if he'd ever see any of these people again. After all, they were all in different classes, and Silas… didn't feel all that comfortable leaving his homeroom. He'd look… like a weirdo, or a stalker, wouldn't he?

Yuuko checked her watch again.


And she bolted out of there. Silas was left alone at the table, with quite a lot of extra dinner.

Overall, the auditorium was still crowded. Only maybe one in ten students had gone. But… that number seemingly included everyone he'd met today.

And there was no sign of Inoue. Weird. She was a Class Representative. He was kind of hoping to bump into her here.

With no more reason to stay, Silas resolved to pack up his things, put far too many leftovers into his far-too-small lunchbox, and head home.

What an odd night, with such an anticlimactic ending. Was this how… parties typically went? All of the fun in the middle, then nothing but longing and confusion after?

It was all so new to him…

On the way out, he caught a few Student Councillors in a corner, and could hear some of their whispers:

"That girl—"

"You don't think?"

"Not Yumika-san… no way…"

Something about that rubbed Silas the wrong way. Yumika? The girl from the other day?

Was she in trouble with the Student Council?

Something weird just happened.


New entries have been added to the Character Database!

Silas has been introduced to his first Org!
Organizations are social structures that, among many other things, allow students to interact with each other outside of their designated homerooms.

Silas can
only interact with a student if he shares a homeroom with them, shares an org with them, or ???. He would die of embarrassment otherwise.

There will be a way to remove this restriction in the future.

Organization: The Student Council

Clout: None

Silas has no influence within the Student Council offices. He'll get no special priveleges.

Status: Normal

It's business as usual.


A host of young men and young women dedicated to order and normalcy, the Yamaha Senior High Student Council largely busies itself with administrating classrooms with teachers, organizing events, hosting large members-only not-parties, and roleplaying bureaucracy in their offices. Many of its members are studious students with a sense of civic responsibility and morality or ambitious socialites who see it as a way to have power over others.

Not all who consider themselves 'members' of the Student Council hold rank. In fact, most of the Student Council are volunteers, or friends of officers who get to wear the fancy armband due to association.

Known Members:

Sara Inoue
Kei Tachibana
Yuuko Takahashi
Airi Hasegawa


Sleep came quickly. All too quickly. After coming home from the Orientation, Silas fell like a log. By Sunday morning, he still had no energy to do anything. He felt sluggish. Everything moved more slowly. He felt like a piece of taffy, or a pound of dough, stretched out and out by mechanical pincers, rolled into itself over and over again.

He felt oddly light. And still, on edge. He felt happy, but also that he shouldn't be. It was… nice, to go to the Student Council orientation. To be near it. He didn't have to feel so envious about other people anymore. He had walked among them. Ate with them, even for a little bit.

But something was wrong. All wrong…

He fell asleep early on Sunday. The sun was still in the sky. And he dreamed.


"J-Just… who the hell are you?"

He opens his eyes, and he recognizes, instantly, where he is. A bright, blaring light above him. Distant murmurings. A cool breeze. A cold floor below.

It's that stage. He's dreaming. He knows this immediately. He's been here before.

"Tsk. Finally awake, dumbass? Can't believe you slept through the final act."


He blinks, and the grand theater hall melts away. The light is his own ceiling light. The noise was chatter from his television set. The breeze—gentle air from an open window. It's summer.

"Just who the hell are you?" says a woman on the screen.

"Oh, you... you pitiable creature. You'd know already. If you'd only look with your eyes."

"Answer me directly, jackass. Or I'll... I'll..."

The show pauses. Silas's hand is on the remote.

"I… w-why didn't you wake me up?!" Silas said, realizing, then, that he had no control over his own voice. He tried to sit up, but his body would not move. He couldn't see who he was speaking to. Just the lamp, the television, and the window.

"You looked comfy." He heard a sigh. "...and it wasn't that good, anyway. Kinda mid. Can't expect too much from a film adaptation. Barely even worth pirating. Can't believe Nillis-san convinced me to pay for access to their UBI subscription, grumble-grumble…"

"W-Well… I still wanted to see the ending…!"

"Clearly not that much! Don't worry, you didn't miss anything spectacular. I'm gonna have to go see if I can't find a slime tutorial of the real deal, some time. I'm almost certain they did a professional shoot of Interminable Night. Just gotta figure out who has it…"

Silas felt his body rise from his awkward position on the floor, and crane his neck. Finally, he looked over to see the person he was speaking to… but his eyes never seemed to find her face directly. He'd stare at the television screen, or at her serafuku, or at the wall, or the clock, never staying at one place for long enough to get his bearings. His vision didn't feel right. It was so narrow

His gaze fixated on the floor, where the girl seemed to be sorting through photographs.

"W-What's that?" he asked.

"Hmm? Well, while watching Interminable, it, uh… awoke some memories in me, haha. I wanted to go through some of the older polaroids in my scrapbook."

She held it up, and Silas saw a gaggle of faces. Smiling, happy, throwing peace signs. At the center, a girl with a bright, toothy smile. It wasn't the person talking to him.

"...w-who is she?" Silas asked, pointing at the photo. But he already knew.

"Oh, her?" She sounds surprised. "She's… a friend. We don't talk much nowadays."

"She l-looks kinda cute…" he said, without thinking. Instantly, his hand went to cover his face.

But the girl just laughed. "Pfft-ha-ha-ha! Cuter than me? C'mon. Be honest."

"I'm…" Silas felt his entire body tense up. His throat felt congested. He started fidgeting with his fingers. "I… I'm… n-not… saying… a-a-a-n-nother… word…!"

"Oh, calm down, you. Hey, are you okay? Breathe a little. In… out. In…"

He inhaled, and exhaled, just as she told him. After a few moments, his breathing had normalized.

"Yeah, haha… that was mean of me. I'm sorry, Saa-kun."

"It's o-okay…" Silas replied contritely. "I know th-that isn't… a normal reaction…"

"Pffft. Fuuuck normal. I think it's cool, in its own way. Like it's your supervillain weakness."

"What is?"

"Cute girls. Mweheh."

He couldn't help himself. He giggled, too.

"The g-girl… you said you d-don't talk anymore? Why is that?"

"Oh, uh. Well, I dunno, to be honest. We drifted apart, I guess."

"That's s-sad."

"Yeah." She paused. "She changed. But this won't."

She fiddled with the plastic film, slipping the picture back into the scrapbook. "This… will stay forever. It's why I like polaroids. And vinyl. Feels more… real. You know?"

"I g-guess. Having it in your hands is… d-different, than looking through a m-monitor. Fewer… d-degrees of separation."

"Pft. Yeah. Ain't that right, 'nee-chan'?"

"Please... continue to pretend that I am not here."

"Th-That girl…" Silas said suddenly. "What's her name?"

"Huh? Oh. Tsk. She's bad luck. Come here, come close, and I'll whisper her name in your ear."

"Oh… kay…"

He felt her get closer. She was breathing down his neck, almost. Her breath smelled like popcorn.


"...that's it?"

"Yeah! What, did you expect something more theatric? Mweheh."

"Y-You're so lame."

"You are an actual shut-in gremlin. A bona-fide NEET. A terminally unloveable, dorky, silvette dumbass with a chatbot vtuber for a caretaker."

"I resent that identifier. I am much smarter."

"S-So mean…" he said, his voice dripping with mock indignation. It only took a second for the facade to crack, and he was left giggling on the floor. Another summer breeze was coming in. Life was good.


Silas jolted awake. His heart was pounding. He felt like something had just been ripped away from him. That laugh…

He threw his covers off. He started to feel tears welling up in his eyes. Who was that? What was that? A memory? It was also so tender, so comfortable… but it was also impossible. He was not close to anyone. He could not get close to anyone. Even for his big sister, he always kept a respectable distance, a certain aloofness. He just… didn't like people. He would never have a friend like that… and yet…

He started to pace his apartment, slowly at first. He tried to latch onto specifics of that dream, but the details were quickly scurrying away. The name of a movie... the smell of popcorn...

He eyed his closet. It was stuffed with possessions. He went in, and dug through everything. Old clothes, impulsive online purchases, bedsheets, household goods. He found no scrapbooks filled with polaroids, nor old cameras, nor serafuku.

And he couldn't even remember the last time he'd used his television. Where even was the remote? The dream wasn't matching up to reality.

…but he had been there! That was his room! He'd shared this space with someone else, and had been comfortable enough to fall asleep while they were within arm's reach. The memory was old, but in the moment, it felt like it could have happened yesterday.

There was a hole in his heart. Something had been taken from him. It was so clear to him now. She was something important to him. She had to be.

Something bright was obscuring his vision. He turned to look at the window, and noticed the sun peeking out. It was dawn. His alarm began to blare.

He had to get ready for class.


Silas is no longer Inspired.

New objective:
Whom No One Sees II
Silas remembers happy days in summer. Snug days in winter. He remembers corny television dramas and trips on the rooftop. He knows he shared those memories with someone. He wants to find them again.
Objective: Find evidence of ???????'s existence.
Rewards: Discover a new mechanic. The plot progresses.


Week IV is starting.

Select one Focus.

[] [Focus] SOCIAL GRACES. People might take Silas seriously if he puts extra effort in... (+1 to all Charisma rolls this week. Opportunity to increase, or gain new, Charisma specializations.)
[] [Focus] CREATIVE MUSINGS. Get lost in his own thoughts. Stare at clouds, and imagine dogfights or spear walls. Listen to gossip when no one thinks he's listening. There's plenty of ways to pass the time. (+1 to Imagination rolls this week. Opportunity to increase, or gain new, Imagination specializations.)
[] [Focus] INTELLECTUAL PURSUITS. It wouldn't hurt to find out what Silas likes to do. (+1 to Smarts rolls this week. Opportunity to increase, or gain new, Smarts specializations.)
[] [Focus] WANDERING. Take advantage of lunch breaks and afterschool dismissals. Find quiet places to be away from people. (+1 to Physique rolls this week. Opportunity to increase, or gain new, Physique specializations.)

[] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)
-[] [Focus] ENGINEERING.

[] [Focus] NOTHING. It is time to rest, and recuperate. Now, of all times?!

Considering everything, does Silas still want to make time for Inoue's Tabletop Club invitation this week?
[] [Tabletop] OF COURSE. Maybe it would be nice to have a distraction... (Roll for a free Habit: Strategy Games action. Roll for one more INTRODUCTION action.) (The stress from taking all of these consecutive actions may be taking a toll on Silas...)
[] [Tabletop] HE'LL PASS. The club should still be there next week, right? Inoue will understand. (No effect. Opportunity may arise to join Inoue's Club again in the future.)

Select one action. Spend it wisely~!


Tags: Social. Adds a new character to the Character Database, if applicable. Unlocks normal social actions. On success, increase Trust. On failure, nothing happens. Difficulty is 10 + Conformity Difference.

[] [Action] Introduce himself to one of the TEACHERS OR FACULTY members. (INT social check. DC ???)
[] [Action] Introduce himself to one of his CLASSMATES. (CHA social check. DC ???)


Tags: Social. Increases Trust on success. Difficulty is 0 + Conformity Difference.

Class 4-1

[] [Action] Go speak with YUMIKA MATSUOKA, the bubbly songbird of 4-1. (CHA social check. DC ??) Impossible. Silas does not fulfill the requirements to interact with this student. (Needs to share a homeroom, an organization, or a ???).

Class 4-2
[] [Action] Get to know MIKADO YOSHI, the odd nerd, better. (INT social check. DC ??)
[] [Action] Hang out with KEL IBARA, a quiet foreigner. (IMA social check. DC 6)
[] [Action] Try to get close to TAMMY AOMORI, the loudmouth. (CHA social check. DC ??)
[] [Action] Talk with SARA INOUE. Silas is surprised that he didn't see her during the Orientation. (CHA social check. DC 0)

The Student Council
[] [Action] Try to find the uber-talkative YUUKO TAKAHASHI at one of the Student Council workshops this week. (IMA social check. DC 0 + Random number from +8 to -8)
[] [Action] Go find KEI TACHIBANA, who always seems to be lounging around near the Teacher's lounges during breaks. (SMA social check. DC 9)
[] [Action] Seek out AIRI HASEGAWA, who isn't very good at smooth-talking. (PHYS social check. DC 15)


Tags: Social, Info. Gain intelligence on someone this character knows. May reveal new characters for INTRODUCTION actions later. Success also increases Trust. Difficulty is 10 + Conformity Difference.

[] [Action] Gossip with SARA INOUE. She would know a lot of people In Class 4-2, and maybe even plenty of people inside the Student Council, right? (CHA social check. DC 10)
[] [Action] Gossip with KEL IBARA. He might know plenty of folk in Class 4-2, and… who knows who else? (IMA social check. DC 16)
[] [Action] Gossip with KEI TACHIBANA. Energetic as he is, he must have plenty of friends. (SMA social check. DC 19)
[] [Action] Gossip with YUUKO TAKAHASHI. She seems like someone who would know a lot of busybodies in the Student Council. (IMA social check. DC 10 + Random number from +8 to -8)


Tags: Self. Build progress towards habits, which constitute permanent stat growth. Good rolls leads to greater gains.

[] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. He should have plenty of free time to find someone to play with. Inoue-san, maybe? (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will continue to write in his report-book, which is most definitely not a DIARY. (Imagination check, DC 8)


…he can't relax… not now…

Silas Yamigawa

Some kid from nowhere. Gray hair, skittish, and a bit standoffish. He has a good heart, maybe, but also a big head.


Attribute Scores
Charisma: +
- Pride: +
Smarts: /
- Tact: +
Imagination: +++
Physique: +

General Information

Conformity: -12
-Base: -2
-Poor Charisma (-1)
-Embarrassing Smarts (-4)
-Poor Imagination (-1)
-Poor Physique (-1)
-Trait: Gray Gaikokujin (-3)

Daydreaming - Silas spends a lot of his waking hours imagining things: fantastical plots, military engagements, spaceships, tetris blocks, mahou shoujo… that sort of thing. (+Imagination)
Takes Walks - Silas likes to spend his free time pacing his neighborhood… just because. It helps calm his nerves. (+ Physique)
Attentive Listener - Silas seems to have a decent ear for paying attention to people, properly absorbing what they're saying. Sometimes this happens even for things people would rather he forget. (++Imagination, +Charisma)

Studying (4/6) - Silas has learned decent techniques for trying to re-acquire information learned throughout his classes. (On completion: +2 Smarts. Permanent modifier to midterms and finals.)
Strategy Games (0/6) - Silas has been re-learning how to play games like chess against human opponents for fun. They're a decent pastime. (On completion: + Smarts. ???)
Writes A Diary (1/10)- Despite vehemently refusing to admit to himself that it is a diary, Silas, in fact, now writes prolifically in one. (On Completion: ++Imagination, ++Smarts, +Charisma. Unlocks a new RELAXATION action: JOURNAL, which allows Silas to reduce ??? and imparts a positive status effect.)

Tabula Rasa - Silas is extremely maladjusted for a person of his age. He's gonna have trouble with… pretty much everything.
Stutterer - Silas punctuates his sentences with awkward mumblings and repetitions. (-1 to social checks)
Gray Gaikokujin - Silas has silver-blue hair, gray eyes, and an uncanny sense of hearing, all the traits of a foreigner not just to Miyao, or even Mihoku, but to the Known World. Nobody knows where people like him come from. They don't even have a name for him. This makes certain folk uncomfortable. (-3 to Conformity. Moodlets which reduce Conformity are twice as severe. ???)
??? - Silas has absolutely no idea why, but he has gained a reputation as someone who actively defies authority. But he hasn't even done anything! (-2 to Conformity. ???)
Mercurial - Silas hates it when things don't go perfectly the first time around. It starts to bother him until it's the only thing he can think about… (Intensified, and usually counterproductive, consequences for experiencing some sort of personal failure.)

Known Relationships

The Student Council (Clout: 0)

Unsure Relations
Yoshi Mikado (Trust: 1)
Tammy Aomori (Trust: 1)
Airi Hasegawa (Trust: 0)

Welcoming Relations
Sara Inoue (Trust: 2)
Kel Ibara (Trust: 2)
Kei Tachibana (Trust: 2)
Yuuko Takahasi (Trust: 2)

Friendly Relations

Tight-Knit Relations

Special Relations
Seraphine Yamigawa (Trust: 5)

Unfriendly Relations?
Yumika? (How would he know? Does he have to ask?)
Whom No One Sees II
Silas remembers happy days in summer. Snug days in winter. He remembers corny television dramas and trips on the rooftop. He knows he shared those memories with someone. He wants to find them again.
Objective: Find evidence of ???????'s existence.
LEADS: None. So far...

Rewards: Discover a new mechanic. The plot progresses.

Love is Hard for on Otaku's Onee-san
Sera-neesan is working very hard for the Miyao Municipal Intelligence Office. Silas should hang out with her every now and then, when they both have the chance. He owes her that much, right? And, he can't help but be curious as to what they get up to at her work...
Objective: Conduct SOCIALIZE actions with Sera-neesan 3 times. (1/3)
Reward: ??????????

Midterms I
Silas needs to make it through his first slate of midterms to avoid being compelled to join remedial classes. Midterms take place at the end of the second week of May.

Each of the following conditions will improve the chance that Silas has a satisfactory result.
Condition 1: Silas has completed the "Studying" Habit. (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 2: ??? (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 3: Silas has a Smarts of at least 6 (Add +2 to midterms)
Condition 4: Silas's Charisma, Smarts, Imagination, and Physique combined is at least 12. (Add +2 to midterms)

At the end of the week of midterms, Silas will roll a 1d20, adding his modifiers. If he rolls higher than 12, he will succeed.
Character Database (Current)
  • Why is it called 'Miko' Street, anyway? It's not like we have impoverished shrine maidens or floating witches... or do we?

    Seraphine Yamigawa ("Sera-neesan")

    Seraphine Yamigawa

    The only family I care to remember. She reminds me that I am human.

    General Information

    Sera-nee is whimsical. It's a side of her that Silas doubts anyone else gets to see, since she is so good at putting up a professional front. (Standard Social Check uses Imagination.)
    Sera-nee does not go to Silas's high school, obviously. (Conformity/Alienation have no effect. The bizarre social rules of the adolescent generation are totally foreign to her.)

    White-Collar Professional—Sera-neesan's job involves a lot of paperwork, phone calls, emails, meetings, internal screaming, and external screaming. In other words: She has a well-paying office job, and is often away on business. (Sera is often unavailable.)
    Doting—Sera loves Silas a lot, and is willing to put up with him more than most would. (+1 to all social actions with Silas. Gain a random positive status, habit growth, or ???? each time Silas conducts a SOCIALIZE action with her.)


    Known Friends
    Silas Yamigawa
    Eryk Nillis

    Eryk Nillis

    The 'Chief Horticulturist' of the Tenant's Association which owns and manages my apartment tower. Gruff, but frank. He's Amberrish, judging by his politics. And his name.

    I don't know much about him.
    Miyuki Nillis

    Miyuki Nillis

    Eryk's niece. Somewhat cold, and mercurial.

    I don't know much about her.
  • Despite being numerical neighbors, 4-1 and 4-2 are in different halls. This school is a maze...

    Yumika Matsuoka

    Yumika Matsuoka

    A popular girl from one of the other classes—4-1, I think. She's like a songbird, all smiles and melodies. She's a little bit of a pain. I don't think she's a bad person, but... none of the people I know seem to like her.

    General Information


    Conformity: ??
    Yumika is gregarious, and seems to have a lot of friends throughout Yamaha Senior High. (Roll for Charisma for most social actions. ???)
    She is self-righteous, and really doesn't like it when people argue with her. (Pride counts as a negative modifier.)



    Known Friends

    Known Enemies
    Inoue Sara?
  • 4-2 is my homeroom, so I will bump into these people more often than most.

    Yoshi Mikado ("Mikado-kun")

    Yoshi Mikado

    A somewhat portly student in my class. Friendly, with a soothing voice, like a radio operator. I think he runs a computer club, or something like that.

    General Information


    Conformity: ??
    Yoshi Mikado seems to be a bit of a Geek. (Social actions probably use Intelligence?)
    He's quite gregarious. (It might be easier to get along with Mikado-kun than most?)



    Known Friends
    Kel Ibara?

    Known Enemies
    Kel Ibara("Ibara-kun")

    Kel Ibara

    Another student in my class. He likes cute things, and is kind of aloof. He kind of reminds me of a stereotype from Amberrish telescreen dramas---the dandy train conductor with a strong sense of duty and a hidden secret.

    General Information


    Conformity: -6
    Kel Ibara always seems to be doing something artistic: Sketching, lineart, embroidery... (Social actions use Imagination)
    He appreciates it when people take pride in themselves. (Pride is a positive modifier)



    Known Friends
    Yoshi Mikado?

    Known Enemies
    Tammy Aomori ("Aomori-san")

    Tammy Aomori

    A loudmouth from my class. I feel like she is a military brat. Haven't asked her, so no way to verify. Seems to be a girl with many passions.

    General Information


    Conformity: ??
    Tammy Aomori seems to really like running her mouth. (Social actions probably use Charisma?)


    Known Friends

    Known Enemies
    Sara Inoue?
    Sara Inoue ("Inoue-san")

    Sara Inoue

    My Class Representative. A calm person, with a scary personality underneath. Still, she seems to be one of the most levelheaded people in my class, if not the school... though, that bar is pretty low. She likes strategy games.

    General Information


    Conformity: Irrelevant.
    Sara respects social conventions, but privately seems to care very little about them. (Ignore all effects from Conformity/Alienation)

    Sara is studious and reserved. She's a picture-perfect stereotype of the hardworking, diligent Class Rep. Maybe a little too perfect... (Social actions use Smarts)


    Strategy Games

    Known Relationships

    Class Representative of the Student Council (++)
    Morals Committee Chair (?)

    Kel Ibara?
    Yoshi Mikado?

    Tammy Aomori?
    Yumika Matsuoka?
  • I love bureaucracy. I love the (Imperial) Republic.

    Kei Tachibana

    Kei Tachibana

    A kindred spirit, and only mildly annoying underclassmen. He... says that I am a 'kuudere.' Not sure if I should be flattered or not...

    General Information


    Conformity: -3
    Kei is quick-witted and snarky. (Social actions use Smarts)


    Western History(?) (???)

    Known Relationships

    Member of the Student Council (?)

    Yuuko Takahashi
    Airi Hasegawa?

    Yuuko Takahashi

    Yuuko Takahashi

    A dizzying person to be around, and not necessarily in a bad way.

    General Information


    Conformity: Irrelevant
    (Conformity is disabled for Yuuko. Instead of Conformity, for every social action:
    • Flip a coin
    • Roll a 1d4, and double its value
    • If the coin is heads (1), add the value to the DC.
    • If the coin is tails (2), subtract the value from the DC.
    If ???? is greater than 2, roll a 1d3 instead of a 1d4.)

    Yuuko often has her head in the clouds. (Social actions use Imagination)



    Known Relationships

    Member of the Student Council (?)

    Kei Tachibana


    Known Friends:
    Kei Tachibana

    Known Enemies:
    Airi Hasegawa

    Airi Hasegawa

    A sports-person.

    General Information


    Conformity: 3
    Airi has a strong presence. (Social actions use Physique)



    Known Relationships

    Member of the Student Council (?)

    Kei Tachibana?

  • Whom?
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Oh---almost forgot to write my post-update author's note! Whoops.

Sorry for keeping y'all hanging! Things got busy. At time of writing, my finals actually start the day after tomorrow... but I did most of the work in the weeks leading up to today. Lots of final projects this semester... not so many final exams. Which I guess is a blessing in disguise.

As always, please forward any inquiries as to the state of this update to the Pataphysical Research and Investigations Sub-Committee of your local Student Council. We'll get to it eventually!
[X] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)

[X] [Tabletop] OF COURSE. Maybe it would be nice to have a distraction... (Roll for a free Habit: Strategy Games action. Roll for one more INTRODUCTION action.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)

[X] [Tabletop] OF COURSE. Maybe it would be nice to have a distraction... (Roll for a free Habit: Strategy Games action. Roll for one more INTRODUCTION action.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
We have to do classes in order to get our Study habit done this turn. In theory we could delay it one more, since it's not like midterms are happening next week, but that's not keeping in theme with the plan name, and I don't trust some other weird fire will start by then. I'm skipping Tabletop club for this reason as well; I don't like the red text on the topic of stress that comes with it, and would prefer to delay the onset of whatever Stress Penalties we'll take for as long as possible. God knows we take enough penalties for fuckin' breathing the wrong way, for gods sakes we had a snowball's chance in hell to pass the socialize action with Kei and Airi. Considering all our other actions have DCs that are dramatically worse than a coinflip I'm wary of running us into another Introduction we don't have great odds of passing, in exchange for a Stress Penalty that we'll carry for however long it takes Silas to take a break.

[x] Plan: Aim for the Targets We See
-[x] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)
--[x] [Focus] ENGINEERING.
-[x] [Tabletop] HE'LL PASS. The club should still be there next week, right? Inoue will understand. (No effect. Opportunity may arise to join Inoue's Club again in the future.)
-[x] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

In regards to the update: the color of the text of our new quest and the color of Something Weird Just Happened that we got at the end of the Student Council meeting is the same. We should either keep working on our Student Council friends, or try to find an in with Yumika in the coming weeks. Yuuko seems perfect for the former; we love a socially anxious, spacy bean. If we can gain Trust with her and turn that into Gossip Actions, we might either get a Quest lead or a free Introduction to more people.
[X] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)
[X] [Tabletop] HE'LL PASS. The club should still be there next week, right? Inoue will understand. (No effect. Opportunity may arise to join Inoue's Club again in the future.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[X] [Focus] CLASSES. Take notes. Pay attention to teachers. His classmates will appreciate him being a good sport. (+2 to Habit: Studying actions. Also, choose an additional bonus. Gain Trust with different members of his homeroom depending on the choice.)
[X] [Tabletop] HE'LL PASS. The club should still be there next week, right? Inoue will understand. (No effect. Opportunity may arise to join Inoue's Club again in the future.)

[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)