A Vehicle Design Quest

Voting is open
turn 1 Size Hull and stats
You have decided on a replacement for the consular class however there are a few things that need to be decided first. Your navy wants a ship that meets the following
(s is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and plus or minus,
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor/hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

for example here is the consular class base variant and its upgrade (charger) (if the state changes for the upgraded variant it's in brackets) which you use
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor/hull rating E (D-)
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

and the CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor/hull rating E (D-)
shield rating
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S

what size should the ship be
You already own the designs to the following hulls and basing your design off of them or even the whole sail reusing the hull and modifying it somewhat is easier
[] Consular hull
[] cr 90 hull
A custom hull design (untested design but free rain over everything and a more modern
[] a new design that your engineers came up with (you will see what it is but it will at least be interesting)
[] write in
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[X]Plan: Start of a new (Ship) Family
-[X] a new design that your engineers came up with (you will see what it is but it will at least be interesting)
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[X]Plan: Start of a new (Ship) Family
-[X] a new design that your engineers came up with (you will see what it is but it will at least be interesting)
Vote closed
Turn 1 Engines and rector
you and your team have made multiple decisions already and are moving at a decent pace you have already decided on both the range of size for the ship and hull design and now that you have your ship design figured out it is time to decide what engines and reactors your ship will be using, for engines you have a few options of both engines and reactors from CR90s, Cconsular, CR70s, DP20s, however, more recently another option has presented itself the Shipwrights Guild your local megacorporation has provided 2 designs for prototype systems that they are working on they are so new that the systems don't even have a proper destination, however, there is significant lobbying to use them as they provided most jobs not just to your sector but nearby sectors. The project has also gotten its own designation for right now the Reach Sector Corvette Project (RSCV Project), it is a somewhat decent design

(CR70 CR90 DP20 Consular and your own in that order)
Engine choices (the engine numbers are mostly just a random series of 2-4 letters)
[] 11 CRM-50 Ion Drive
[] 11 CRM-75 Ion Drive
[] 2 or 3 OFM-95 Overcharged Axial Ion Drive
[] 3 LHE-15 Fusial Ion Drive
[] 1 RSGM-2 Exmperimantal Ion Drive (prototype)
Reactor choices (note the CHPR stands for correlian high power reactor while CHER stands for correlian high-efficiency reactor) (RSGW stands for Reach shipwright guild manufacture and is an experimental name that will be replaced once they are no longer prototypes)
[] CHPR-1C
[] CHPR-1H
[] CHPR-2B
[] CHER-1A
[] RSGM-1X (prototype)

(each of the prototype designs picked will give you 1 extra political power you currently have 2, as they are prototypes they aren't massed produced and until a certain number of ships are produced will suffer from low spare parts, and low parts compatibility through this will be slightly reduced once they are mass produced it still will exist especially compared to the Correllian engineering components)
(S is best of the best)S, A, B, C, D, E, F (f is worst of the worst or non-existent) and or minus,
anti-ship weapons rating B
anti-fighter weapons rating C
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B
armor E
hull rating D
shield rating C
cost of manufacture rating C
cost of maintenance rating C
comfort ratings: D-
crew total: less than 200
hyperdrive speed 2

Consular class Judicial Forces refit
anti-ship weapons rating F (D
anti-fighter weapons rating F (E)
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating B-
armor E (D-)
hull rating E
shield rating E (D)
cost of manufacture rating A
cost of maintenance rating B (B-)
comfort ratings: A+

CR 90
anti-ship weapons rating C
anti-fighter weapons rating E
sunlight speed and maneuverability rating S-
armor D
hull rating D
shield rating E
cost of manufacture rating A+
cost of maintenance rating B+
comfort ratings: S
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The first one is the cheapest and oldest
The second is newest and somewhat faster than the first as it's asuccser design but theirs eleven of them for a reason, the third is the least efficient and largest but the fastest, the last is the most efficient.
The first one is oldest and cheapest the second is an evolution of the first one and has a good amount of power, the third has the most power but chews through fuel very fast and the fourth is the most efficient by a long shot. Also I changed the max crew for the ships. also I'm currently working on a drawing for the ship to add to this turn originally it was 1 pixel to 1 meter however i have upped it to 3 pixels per meter.
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just to put your ships size into perspective I'm currently making the plans for it (ie an outline drawing of it) currently only have the top down version an 3 pixels to 1 meter scale but your ship is 57 meters in width and without its engines mounted and no bridge 168 meters in length engines will make that go up anywhere between 5 and 20 meters. and your ship is while i haven't down the side view drawing yret ut it will have 5 floors max and be about 50 meters
Just added the engines to the drawing I'm making which is for now only top down is 174 meters in length which depending on if your bridge is front facing be the longest it will get. (the bridge can be up front up top, on the bottom or on a short tower up top like the arquiten)
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