Peace in Our Time! - A TRO Inspired Franco-British Union Quest

[X] Monarchist (French), Legitimist

[X] Radicals, Rene Pleven
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats
-[X] Coalition: Labour
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
[X] Conservative Bloc (French), Francois Darlan
-[X] Coalition: Tory

[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Conservative Bloc
[X] Monarchist (French), Bonapartist

[X] Labour (British), Clement Attlee
-[X] Coalition: Radicals
[X] Conservative Bloc (French), Francois Darlan
-[X] Coalition: Tory

[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Conservative Bloc
[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats

[X] Monarchist (French), Bonapartist
[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats

[X] Monarchist (French), Bonapartist
[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats

[X] Communist Party (French)
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[X] Labour (British), Clement Attlee
-[X] Coalition: Radicals
[X] Communist Party (French)

Also btw, just to be absolutely sure, you are telling me the Red Army was able to liberate nearly the entirety of Europe? May I ask what sections of Europe were not liberated by the Soviets/under Soviet aligned governments?
[X] Monarchist (French), Bonapartist

[X] Conservative Bloc (French), Francois Darlan
-[X] Coalition: Tory

[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Conservative Bloc
"Conservatism will work, we just have to try harder!" :V

[X] Conservative Bloc (French), Francois Darlan
-[X] Coalition: Tory

[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Conservative Bloc
[X] Labour (British), Clement Attlee
-[X] Coalition: Radicals

[X] Radicals (French), Rene Pleven
-[X] Coalition: Labour
[X] Labour (British), Clement Attlee
-[X] Coalition: Radicals
[X] Communist Party (French)

Also btw, just to be absolutely sure, you are telling me the Red Army was able to liberate nearly the entirety of Europe? May I ask what sections of Europe were not liberated by the Soviets/under Soviet aligned governments?

Also btw, just to be absolutely sure, you are telling me the Red Army was able to liberate nearly the entirety of Europe? May I ask what sections of Europe were not liberated by the Soviets/under Soviet aligned governments?

Iberia, Norway, and Med islands were the only parts of Europe not liberated by the Soviets. Iberia remained neutral, until Spain joined the Allies when the Soviets didn't slow down on their drive to the Pyres to chase retreating Nazi, Vichy, and Fascist forces. Moscow remembers the Spanish Republic. It took London deploying the BEF to Spain to convince the Soviets to stop at the border. Norway was liberated by Britain desperately naval invading it before the Soviets could reach it by way of Sweden. Britain also naval invaded Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, and Crete. Crete is under British occupation. While Sardinia and Sicily have been organized into a Republic of Italy to oppose the Soviet backed Socialist Republic of Italy. It was supposed to be a kingdom but the king was nabbed by communist partisans who strung him up alongside numerous fascist ministers. The throne was quietly abolished afterwards.

I've got a map made, but just finalizing it and fixing minor issues like spelling mistakes.
I mean, on the plus side, we've got a whole bunch more Islands now! We never cared about the mainland anyways. This is the perfect Brexit! :lol:

(Just ignore the fact that Europe is a blob of soviet puppets)
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[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats

[X] Conservative Bloc (French), Francois Darlan
Hey @Fission Battery , how are the neutral countries of Europe doing? Such as Sweden, Switzerland, portugal, etc.

edit: also, how are the British colonies in Asia doing? Are Hong Kong, Malaya and the Raj in Japanese hands?
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There are no more neutrals. :drevil:

Sweden joined the Axis. It's gone now. It's now the Scandinavian People's Republic with Denmark.

Switzerland joined the Axis. It's gone now. It was divided between France, Germany, and Italy.

Portugal joined the Anglo-American bloc.

It's decided then. Unionis Sovieticae Delenda Est. We must eradicate this new cursed Kalmar Union, and regain access to Swiss chocolate. There are no other alternatives! There shall be no cooperation with this Red Menace until these two objectives are complete!
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[X] Tory (British), Anthony Eden
-[X] Coalition: Liberals
-[X] Coalition: Christian Democrats

[X] Monarchist (French), Bonapartist