Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1, Arctic Adaption 1, Iron Mine 1, Coal Thumper 1, Lumber Mill 2, Scouts 1, Hunter's Hut, Generator Overdrive, Advanced Labs, Housing 1, Generator Power 1, Generator Area 1, Insulation 1, Steam Hub.
-50C, Snowing.
Shelter : Housing 1
Storage space : Green
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : Green, Storage Green
Iron : Green, Storage Green
Lesser metals : Green, Storage Green
Wood : Amber , Storage Red
Finance: Red
Community Buildings : Cookhouse, Ironworks x 2,Tier 3 Research Labs x 3, Coal Thumper x 2, Lumber Mill x 2, Outpost(Fishing, Permanent Crew). Hothouse x 13, Outpost (Coal, Permanent Crew)
Since there is nothing useful left for Prof Wilne to do at the Generator, he assigns himself to the Labs. In a bureaucratic error, your fully staffed Coal Outpost was still calling for crews, and those assigned were placed on lab-building instead. This built your new lab in one week instead of two, and helped finish the Tier 3 research.
Steam hubs are built to warm the lumber mills and coal thumper, done, medical incidents here reduced.
Greens shortage is once again made up from the stockpile you brought up from Britain.
A new lumber mill has been started, with these many crews building it it should be finished in 3 weeks.
Scouts have found another - well - settlement. This small group is the Seed Vault, and their home is a miracle of automation and efficiency with automatons handling all tasks. They are prepared to trade fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products, and seeds for fish and meat.
[] Seed Vault Trade - Yes
[] Seed Vault Trade - No
Tier 2
[] Research - Hunter Equipment 1
More food from hunting
[] Research - Coal mining
Follow the seams
[] Research - Infirmary
Sparkwork healing center to fix people good with SCIENCE!!!
Tier 3
[] Research - Factory
Build most sparkworks including fractal spiders (automatons) and fully functional prosthetics.
[] Research - Frozen Forest drill.
Sparkwork, will chew up ice and frozen trees and produce chipboard ready for use. Major lumber increase.
[] Research - Ironworks 2
Progress ever continues
[] Research - Tier 4 Labs
More, better, faster!
And Plan (114 crews)
[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5-15 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-65 crews
[]Work Iron and Steel 10-20 crews
[]Work Coal Thumper 5-10 crews
[] Work Lumber Mill 10-20 crews.
[] Work Hunter's Hut 15 crews
[] Hunter's Hut Est 10 for EOW.
[] Research Labs (More Labs is faster research) Est 15 for EOW
[] Build Coal Thumper. Est 15 for Eow
[] Build Lumber Mill Est 15 for EOW