Coding Divinity (God Quest)

[X] Summon some of your Drones, they have spoken of Projects that will
-[X] Have Drones or Masked find cooperative or supportive Imps to arm for resistance. Giving a tribal age society advance technology I might be a bad idea, but it wouldn't do to have Faust's defense reliant on a single Meta-Nanite.
-[X] Set up a hidden factory (or 3) to build additional tools for cooperative Imps to resist the Legion. Imps gain bonuses for bringing back new information or artifacts from the Legion. If we are victorious then Imps may keep Technology's tools o and/or safer Legion artifacts as spoils of war.
-[X] Commit Science on captured Legion Combatants. Truly, a terrifying fate, but we'll need proper safety procedures before the examinations (and autopsies).
[X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons: you remember a game from Rex's world, where one would play as the 'Doom Slayer', the one man that struck fear into the hearts of the demons he faced, and it would do well to give this Burning Legion something to fear in equal measure. Create a series of Slayer Drones that imitate the Doom Slayer's abilities with some help from Energy to make sure they can properly convert the Legion's power source into something that they can utilize for themselves, preferably something anathema to them.(Basically Murder/Disassembly Drones based off of the Doom Slayer, no wings, but lots more weapons to compensate for the lack of flight)

I hope this is an ok vote, I'm not sure if the QM still intends to use Doom2016's Hell, if so, I will modify my vote to reference something else.
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Ya know, I imagine space-time would be the most terrifying one to fight. Just think about it with just its time abilities alone, it's already done this battle hundreds of times. It's already seen every trick and trap, every trump card you've hidden away, and even you playing the decoy for you allies. But to your perspective it's an unstoppable force with incredible battle precognition
Ya know, I imagine space-time would be the most terrifying one to fight. Just think about it with just its time abilities alone, it's already done this battle hundreds of times. It's already seen every trick and trap, every trump card you've hidden away, and even you playing the decoy for you allies. But to your perspective it's an unstoppable force with incredible battle precognition
It's basically a better version of Path to Victory.
[X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons: you remember a game from Rex's world, where one would play as the 'Doom Slayer', the one man that struck fear into the hearts of the demons he faced, and it would do well to give this Burning Legion something to fear in equal measure. Create a series of Slayer Drones that imitate the Doom Slayer's abilities with some help from Energy to make sure they can properly convert the Legion's power source into something that they can utilize for themselves, preferably something anathema to them.(Basically Murder/Disassembly Drones based off of the Doom Slayer, no wings, but lots more weapons to compensate for the lack of flight)
Hey @WilyMachineKing1, I just have a few questions before I make my plan. First, given how Technology was confused about how Millie slaughtered the demons, does this chapter takes place before the Meta-Nanites create the Belief Matrix? Also, would it be possible to make more than one race?

Also, @SteelWriter77, is it okay if I use your FAE for my Plan?
Hey @WilyMachineKing1, I just have a few questions before I make my plan. First, given how Technology was confused about how Millie slaughtered the demons, does this chapter takes place before the Meta-Nanites create the Belief Matrix? Also, would it be possible to make more than one race?
I say so yeah, sorry if I forgot that. For the sake of simplicity sake, should we have the Belief Matrix starting off in Primus before expanding to Secundus or something like having Millie being the first thing to cause belief in Faust? again, I apologies for forgetting it. Also yes, you can make a second race.

Edit: Do you want me to fix up the edit for the Belief Matrix?
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I say so yeah, sorry if I forgot that. For the sake of simplicity sake, should we have the Belief Matrix starting off in Primus before expanding to Secundus or something like having Millie being the first thing to cause belief in Faust? again, I apologies for forgetting it. Also yes, you can make a second race.

Edit: Do you want me to fix up the edit for the Belief Matrix?
Probably the first. My idea for the Belief Matrix was inspired by Faust after all, and effects on realspace is basically just extending what happens on Faust to the rest of reality
Probably the first. My idea for the Belief Matrix was inspired by Faust after all, and effects on realspace is basically just extending what happens on Faust to the rest of reality
Alright then, so appears in Primus and spreads to Faust. Again sorry about that, but good news, I do have a sort of religious thing for the Imps.
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[X] Plan: Those Poor Demons...
-[X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons:
--[X] F.A.E. (Fiend Annihilation Evo-works): As the Meta Nanite of Technology, it is only fitting that you create something yourself to aid your efforts, as such the FAE shall be created to service your needs. Creatures of both digital existence and physical construction taking graceful and ethereal forms of living code (That so happen to look like Fairey's) that dance upon the air and in great swarms will create grand constructions for use in the battle against the Legion.
--[X] E.L.F. (Energy Link Fielders): The abilities of this 'Burning Legion' are strange. Why not take them for yourself? Crated with the help of Energy, an ELF is an energy being housed in a lithe mechanical body. They are capable of establishing links to energy, and are thus capable of controlling it. Once linked, and ELF can reuse it over and over again, even after spending it on attacks or defenses, simply calling it back to them, though to increase the amount of energy they can control they would need to link to more of it. The main goal of these is to link to the strange form of energy the Legion utilizes in hopes of discovering more about it.
--[X] O.R.C. (Over Reactive Combatants): The FAE are builders, and the ELFs were made for knowledge. The ORCs though? they have but one purpose: War. Biomechanical titans of muscle and steel, even the smallest fully grown ORC is at least 8 feet tall, with more strength than their size suggests due to their enhancements. Each ORC produces spores when they get excited, and upon death they explode into a cloud of spores, each one capable of growing into a full grown ORC in less than a day. The ORCs also have an extensive genetic library of technology provided by Technology itself, containing schematics for anything that an army would need. These ORCs also possess a collective gestalt field, created from the subconscious belief of every ORC, based on the strange occurrences of Faust. This field allows ORCs to gather into Warbands, whereupon they elect a leader, called a Warboss, that grows immensely in strength, to lead its Warband to victory. The more ORCs a Warband possesses, the more fuel its belief field has to power the ORCs allowing them to grow tougher and stronger, along with allowing minor reality warping, such as creating technology from their genetic library even without proper materials, certain colors having tangible effects on vehicles, and more, allowing for the ORCs to contest the 'magic' of the Legion with their own reality warping. Of course, Technology realizes the trouble inherent in such a species having no failsafes, so each Warband is assigned a powerful Masked One to oversee it.
-[X] Allow the Drones to help with the situation on Faust. You trust in your creation's capabilities.
-[X] Assemble special squads of Masked Ones. If the FAE, ELF, and ORC projects were the main forces against the Legion, then your Masked Ones would be the elites. Have them cooperate with Warbands, strike deep behind the frontlines, and other such tasks, for nothing less would be worth using your direct servants
-[X] Raise four Masked Ones to lead the others, each rivalling a Guardian. They shall be the Foundation Four. They shall consist of the following: 'Million Vigil' Death, whose shadows kill all things, and possesses and army of the dead to serve her as shades. 'Flourishing Breath' Life, who shapes flesh into an army of beasts. 'Counter Fate' Time, personally favored by Space-Time, with a body of clockwork and rule over the flow of time and the inability to be bound by Fate. The last is 'Star Bastion' Space, the twin of 'Counter Fate' Time and favored by Space-Time as well. She has a body of Stardust, to create wondrous and terrible works, such as her Constellation soldiers, or her lances to rain down destruction. her magic is to manipulate space, allowing her to decide the movement of celestial bodies as well as space itself
-[X] Research more on the phenomena on Faust. Perhaps you could extend this to the rest of the universe?
-[X] The Burning Legion is seemingly composed of multiple disparate species. Capture multiple of each and perform experiment to find out just how they tick. Try to find out information as well, both about the Legion and about their manipulation of the strange energy that seemse similar to what Energy put in Doriado.Dont hesitate to perform horrific experiments. Its all in the name of SCIENCE!! And getting even at the Legion too. Thats what they get for trying to conquer your perfectly peaceful universe!

... I really should stop writing such long votes. Anyway, thoughts? Also, the Masked Ones and especially the Foundation Four are expies of characters from Haid's stories, and I dont want to take credit for someone elses work. The FAE were also from SteelWriter77, and the ELF and ORCs were inspire by them as well.
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... I really should stop writing such long votes. Anyway, thoughts? Also, the Masked Ones and especially the Foundation Four are expies of characters from Haid's stories, and I dont want to take credit for someone elses work. The FAE were also from SteelWriter77, and the ELF and ORCs were inspire by them as well.
Well, this is more complex and thought out than my idea. I'll give you my vote then.

[X] Plan: Those Poor Demons...
[X] Plan: Those Poor Demons...
So some demons broke through into our universe, started to kill the imps, and spit on the life and planet we just created...
and we took that personally.
[X] Plan: Those Poor Demons...
So some demons broke through into our universe, started to kill the imps, and spit on the life and planet we just created...
and we took that personally.
Yep. We took it so personally we created three new species for the express purpose of fucking them over. Not to mention the four new Guardian-tier Masked Ones that are ready to whoop their ass.
And going to be capture some of them for experiments just to be extra petty.
Hmm, Im thinking of writing omakes about the conflict against the Burning Legion from a few viewpoints, like the Foundation Four, an ORC Warboss, or an ELF or FAE. What is the minimum to be considered canon, and what kind of things could be given out as rewards?
Hmm, Im thinking of writing omakes about the conflict against the Burning Legion from a few viewpoints, like the Foundation Four, an ORC Warboss, or an ELF or FAE. What is the minimum to be considered canon, and what kind of things could be given out as rewards?
Unsure of what can be given at a minimum and rewards, besides what you can ask for. Besides maybe some of them causing more and more beliefs appearing to elevate some of them.
Unsure of what can be given at a minimum and rewards, besides what you can ask for. Besides maybe some of them causing more and more beliefs appearing to elevate some of them.
Oh yeah, that could be cool. Though Im guessing that would have to wait until after the Belief Matrix is etched?
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by WilyMachineKing1 on Jul 9, 2023 at 3:04 PM, finished with 36 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Those Poor Demons...
    -[X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons:
    --[X] F.A.E. (Fiend Annihilation Evo-works): As the Meta Nanite of Technology, it is only fitting that you create something yourself to aid your efforts, as such the FAE shall be created to service your needs. Creatures of both digital existence and physical construction taking graceful and ethereal forms of living code (That so happen to look like Fairey's) that dance upon the air and in great swarms will create grand constructions for use in the battle against the Legion.
    --[X] E.L.F. (Energy Link Fielders): The abilities of this 'Burning Legion' are strange. Why not take them for yourself? Crated with the help of Energy, an ELF is an energy being housed in a lithe mechanical body. They are capable of establishing links to energy, and are thus capable of controlling it. Once linked, and ELF can reuse it over and over again, even after spending it on attacks or defenses, simply calling it back to them, though to increase the amount of energy they can control they would need to link to more of it. The main goal of these is to link to the strange form of energy the Legion utilizes in hopes of discovering more about it.
    --[X] O.R.C. (Over Reactive Combatants): The FAE are builders, and the ELFs were made for knowledge. The ORCs though? they have but one purpose: War. Biomechanical titans of muscle and steel, even the smallest fully grown ORC is at least 8 feet tall, with more strength than their size suggests due to their enhancements. Each ORC produces spores when they get excited, and upon death they explode into a cloud of spores, each one capable of growing into a full grown ORC in less than a day. The ORCs also have an extensive genetic library of technology provided by Technology itself, containing schematics for anything that an army would need. These ORCs also possess a collective gestalt field, created from the subconscious belief of every ORC, based on the strange occurrences of Faust. This field allows ORCs to gather into Warbands, whereupon they elect a leader, called a Warboss, that grows immensely in strength, to lead its Warband to victory. The more ORCs a Warband possesses, the more fuel its belief field has to power the ORCs allowing them to grow tougher and stronger, along with allowing minor reality warping, such as creating technology from their genetic library even without proper materials, certain colors having tangible effects on vehicles, and more, allowing for the ORCs to contest the 'magic' of the Legion with their own reality warping. Of course, Technology realizes the trouble inherent in such a species having no failsafes, so each Warband is assigned a powerful Masked One to oversee it.
    -[X] Allow the Drones to help with the situation on Faust. You trust in your creation's capabilities.
    -[X] Assemble special squads of Masked Ones. If the FAE, ELF, and ORC projects were the main forces against the Legion, then your Masked Ones would be the elites. Have them cooperate with Warbands, strike deep behind the frontlines, and other such tasks, for nothing less would be worth using your direct servants
    -[X] Raise four Masked Ones to lead the others, each rivalling a Guardian. They shall be the Foundation Four. They shall consist of the following: 'Million Vigil' Death, whose shadows kill all things, and possesses and army of the dead to serve her as shades. 'Flourishing Breath' Life, who shapes flesh into an army of beasts. 'Counter Fate' Time, personally favored by Space-Time, with a body of clockwork and rule over the flow of time and the inability to be bound by Fate. The last is 'Star Bastion' Space, the twin of 'Counter Fate' Time and favored by Space-Time as well. She has a body of Stardust, to create wondrous and terrible works, such as her Constellation soldiers, or her lances to rain down destruction. her magic is to manipulate space, allowing her to decide the movement of celestial bodies as well as space itself
    -[X] Research more on the phenomena on Faust. Perhaps you could extend this to the rest of the universe?
    -[X] The Burning Legion is seemingly composed of multiple disparate species. Capture multiple of each and perform experiment to find out just how they tick. Try to find out information as well, both about the Legion and about their manipulation of the strange energy that seemse similar to what Energy put in Doriado.Dont hesitate to perform horrific experiments. Its all in the name of SCIENCE!! And getting even at the Legion too. Thats what they get for trying to conquer your perfectly peaceful universe!
    [X] Summon some of your Drones, they have spoken of Projects that will
    -[X] Have Drones or Masked find cooperative or supportive Imps to arm for resistance. Giving a tribal age society advance technology I might be a bad idea, but it wouldn't do to have Faust's defense reliant on a single Meta-Nanite.
    -[X] Set up a hidden factory (or 3) to build additional tools for cooperative Imps to resist the Legion. Imps gain bonuses for bringing back new information or artifacts from the Legion. If we are victorious then Imps may keep Technology's tools o and/or safer Legion artifacts as spoils of war.
    -[X] Commit Science on captured Legion Combatants. Truly, a terrifying fate, but we'll need proper safety procedures before the examinations (and autopsies).
    [X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons: you remember a game from Rex's world, where one would play as the 'Doom Slayer', the one man that struck fear into the hearts of the demons he faced, and it would do well to give this Burning Legion something to fear in equal measure. Create a series of Slayer Drones that imitate the Doom Slayer's abilities with some help from Energy to make sure they can properly convert the Legion's power source into something that they can utilize for themselves, preferably something anathema to them.(Basically Murder/Disassembly Drones based off of the Doom Slayer, no wings, but lots more weapons to compensate for the lack of flight)
    [X] Create a Race to aide you in hunting Demons: As the Meta Nanite of Technology, it is only fitting that you create something yourself to aid your efforts, as such the FAE (Fiend Annihilation Evo-works) shall be created to service your needs. Creatures of both digital existence and physical construction taking graceful and ethereal forms of living code (That so happen to look like Fairey's) that dance upon the air and in great swarms will create grand constructions for use in the battle against the Legion.