Fire On The Mountain (A Skyrim Quest)

Voting is open
Do'azda's Character Sheet
Name: Do'azda Khrimnin
Race: Khajiit (Suthay-Raht)
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Profession: Shaman
Appearance/Description: She stands at a normal height for a Suthay-raht, that is to say, shorter than most men or mer, but not by too much. Her fur is a warm, rich orange, paler around her muzzle and down her neck, and her eyes are startlingly yellow. Her hair is braided, with rings that jangle faintly when she turns her head too fast. Her robes are basic, and worn from age, but have been fastidiously cleaned.
Level: 7
XP: 0/120

Alchemy: 25
Alteration: 5
Archery: 5
Block: 6
Conjuration: 40
Destruction: 5
Enchanting: 5
Heavy Armor: 5
Illusion: 35
Light Armor: 20
Lock Picking: 1
One-Handed: 21
Pickpocket: 5
Restoration: 15
Smithing: 1
Sneak: 20
Speech: 27
Survival: 13
Two-Handed: 5

They say it kills cats - Do'azda has few restraints on her inquisitive nature, asking whatever questions occur to her, paying little attention to whether this may be considered rude. Whatever else, at least Do'azda never finds herself regretting her failure to ask about something.

Dancing the night away - Do'azda is a fine dancer in the Elsweyr style, where dances are not the slow, ritualised partnering of the Altmer, but instead are a whirling piece of performance art, with the dancer's emotions informing the dance more than any practiced steps. Do'azda can feel the music in her bones, and can dance to only a drumbeat.

In the shadow of the moon - Do'azda was blessed even as she began her journey to become a shaman. A priestess of Azurah, the Mistress of Dusk and Dawn, favoured daughter of Fadomai, received a vision. Azurah's light shines favourable upon her.

Tangled Tails--Do'azda has had flings before, "Tangled Tails" as the euphemism goes, and she's willing to engage in casual relationships or 'one-night marriages' if the opportunity arises.

Racial Perks--

Claws--She has very wicked claws indeed.
Darksight--She can see incredibly well in the dark.

Skill Perks--

Conjuring Efficiency (10): Do'zada knows how to be careful with her Magicka without losing any power when she's Conjuring, and can use such magic more freely and easier when fighting or in other circumstances. (Cojuration)

Mystic Binding (20): Do'azda gains skill at creating bound weapons of magic, so that she is never without her arms no matter what. She also becomes more skilled at creating bound objects of all types, and begins to study that which might allow one to bind a soul into a gem. (Conjuration)

Haggling 1 (0): Everything in Skyrim is far more expensive, and so Do'azda should probably try to figure out how to make do with what little gold she has. (Speech)

Insight (20): One of the key elements of persuasion is knowing what would convince someone. Do'azda now knows how to evaluate what kinds of arguments and reasoning would convince different people if she spends enough time to get a feeling for how they think. (Speech)

Agile Defender (10): Armor is often hard to get used to, so figuring out how to move with light armor so as to reduce how bad a hit is is something you can only learn by doing… and Do'azda has begun to 'do.' (Light Armour)

Rahjin Perks

Laughter-Silvered Wings (Level 5): A flying companion does not simply owe its speed to its physical form, but the strength of its spirit, and so it tends to be faster and more manuverable than its terrestrial version, harder to hit, and a greater predator of the sky.

(Next at Level 8)

Blur - Do'azda knows a spell to obscure her features at a distance, to render her indistinguishable from another Khajiit. Up close, it is almost pathetically ineffective, however.
Clairvoyance - Do'azda is granted flashes of insight into the path to her goal by Azurah - the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk sees much of the land.
Conjure Animal - Do'azda reaches onto Hircine's hunting ground and recalls the imprint of an animal which perished nearby to fight by her side
Conjure Axe - Do'azda can create a hatchet from pure magic. It is too cumbersome for effective use in combat, but for cutting wood, it is more than adequate
Bound Dagger--As she has learned how to better summon such things, she has figured out how to use a Bound Dagger.
Courage - Do'azda uses magic to inspire in another the will to fight, though currently only to instill confidence in victory, not to cause conflict where none exists.
Summon Familiar - Do'azda reaches into her own soul to bring forth her familiar, the falcon Rajhin. No mere shade, Rajhin remains with her until slain and can do far more than just fight, but cannot be summoned for a day and a night thereafter if killed.
Fear - This spell pulls from the mind a fear that the target has, and creates from this the feeling of fear.
Distraction - Creates sounds and sights on the edge of perception. Sights and sounds determined by the caster.
Healing Wounds - The caster uses their magicka to seal the wounds of the target. All healing occurs in a single burst.
Conjure Flame Atronach - Do'azda can call forth a spirit of Infernace, a being of fire, constrained in a form of iron.
Flames - Do'azda can release a gout of fire from her palm, directly setting alight her foe, though only for so long as she feeds magicka to the fire.
Lesser Ward - Do'azda can use her magic to create a shield of magical energy, blocking low level magical attacks, reducing high level magical attacks and mitigating the damage of physical attacks.

Do'azda can make...

Potion of Minor Healing - Bruises fade, cuts close, aching muscles relax, this potion provides a little relief from injuries. The first potion a young shaman will learn to brew.
Potion of Suppress Disease - A potion which will suppress the symptoms of a disease for several days; oftentimes long enough for the body to get the cold or flu from its system. More serious or outright magical diseases will return with a vengeance once the potion's effects wear out, but it is a useful potion to know how to craft.

FUS - Force
WULD - Whirlwind

FUS DAH--Force Push

Gold Septim (365)
Trail Rations (x4)
Fine Rations
A very nice dress for casual-formal occasions.
A lovely dress in the gothic style, with an enchantment of illusory power woven into it.
Iron Axe--An iron axe of low quality.
Steel Axe - A steel axe of decent quality
Iron Dagger--An iron dagger of mediocre quality.
Mage Robes--Increase magical regeneration, but provides little protection, discouraging getting up close and personal.
Leather Armor--Comfortable, lightweight armor, it counteracts the discouragement from getting up close, though as an extra layer it means it can get extra hot.
Lunar Steel War Axe--An Axe which can, in the light of the moon, drink in the life-force of its victims and use it to restore that of its weilder.
Steel Dagger (x2)--A well-worn but very useful steel dagger.
Alchemical Kit--A very fine kit for the creation of potions. One careful owner.
Stormcloak Token--A token from Ulfric Stormcloak himself...
Underclothes--You know.
One Powerful Enchanted Sword (Rusted)--A sword of unknown value, it has a rather potent and interesting enchantment attached to it.

Spell Tome: Illumination--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This allows Do'azda to create a light in the darkness... less useful for a Khajiit, but still a spell of value.
Spell Tome: Thieves Vision--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. This simple spell gives one slightly better night vision… but is also notable for being able to see writing hidden by weak illusions, and thus is commonly used by thieves trying to read the secret messages of other thieves.
Spell Tome: Turn Undead--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. A spell of moderate difficulty, it will take several nights of reading to learn it. A spell technically of the "Restoration" school, which puts fear into nearby undead. When cast powerfully, burns them most terribly.
Spell Tome: Sparks--A spell tome is a sort of book that can fully teach you a new spell, but it is destroyed in the process. For such a minor spell, it is probably only a few hours of reading to fully learn. Allows a mage to fire sparks of arcane lightning, sapping the magicka reserves of the target whilst also burning through their flesh.
3 Doses of Frostbite Venom in Magicka bottles--Toxic and acidic to living flesh, it has little effect on the glass bottle.
Healing Potion

Troll Fat, other ingredients
100 Septims
3 gems of good quality.
Troll Hide
Troll Skull
Troll Eyes x3
Troll Claws

A Handy Guide to Lockpicks: A book that should teach Do'azda all she wants to know about Lockpicks, and more. Each read will give +1 to Lockpicking, and it can be read thrice to wring out all possible knowledge from it. (2/3 reads remaining)
Journal of a Potema Loyalist: A journal of some historical merit, belonging to one of Potema's most loyal supporters in her early years.
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[X] [Classes] [FIRST] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn
[X] [Classes] [SECOND] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
[X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by veteranMortal on Jun 1, 2023 at 10:01 AM, finished with 36 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Argent Warmth
    -[X] [Troll] Yes
    -[X] [Dream] A Dream of Warm Sands
    -[X] [Dream] A Dream of Silver
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
    [X] Plan: The Fundamentals
    -[X] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face. (1st)
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. (2nd)
    -[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears? (3rd)
    -[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies.
    [X] [Troll] Yes
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of the Peak
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of Silver
    [X] [Troll] Yes
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of the Peak
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of the Road
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of Hunts
    [X] [Dream] A Dream of Blood
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] plan: we must cook soldier ryan
    [X] [Classes] [FIRST] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [X] [Classes] [FIRST] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] plan: Dragon & Priest
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] plan: Dragon & Priest
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] [FIRST] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [X] [Classes] [FIRST] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies.
    [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies.
Adhoc vote count started by The Laurent on Jun 14, 2023 at 11:18 AM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] [Classes] Theology - this is likely to either endear Do'azda to them or make the Greybeards hate her even more, but it is a particular area of interest for her at least in theory.
    [X] [Classes] Philosophy - The Greybeards have a very specific philosophy both regarding the use of the Voice and the nature of it, and such philosophy could be of interest to Do'azda, if she is to be the "dragonborn".
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in.
    [X] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
    [X] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
    [X] [Classes] [FIRST] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
    [X] plan: Dragon & Priest
    [X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies.
    [X] Plan: The Fundamentals
    -[X] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face. (1st)
    -[X] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. (2nd)
    -[X] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears? (3rd)
    -[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies.
    [X] plan: we must cook soldier ryan
    [X] [Classes] [THIRD] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?

We have a social tie!
[X] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The second is those who have fled to this place to avoid the wear, to avoid all that comes… and this includes essentially all of the non-Nords and women, not traditionally welcomed. Perhaps there is affinity there, or perhaps not.
Forgot to vote
Chains and Fetters
Chains and Fetters

The room where they learn theology is almost warm, a bunch of tables and desks circling around a source of hot air. There is also a warming vent beneath the feet of the lecturer, who is staring at her with a slight look of dismay as she takes her place at one of the long curving desks that in total hold sixteen people counting herself. There is a Breton, and one Nord woman, and there is herself--all the others are Nord men of around her age, blonde and dark and brown hair but very similar frames, staring at her with bafflement as she pulls out a notebook, quill, and inkwell. She doesn't think she'll use them, because memorization is important, but sometimes it's important to look through things.

The lecturer is a man, and--surprise surprise--a Nord. His thick, dark forest of a beard is speckled with white and grey, like snow, and his dark eyes are roaming some far-off land beyond the smoky fog of distant peaks.

He doesn't see her. He's not even trying to see her. "Last time we discussed the story of Kyne and how the Lord of Cruelty was brought by Kyne's guidence towards goodness. Now we are here to talk of the Divines, and I will be reading passages from the texts on Talos, and explaining the reasoning behind the divine acts of Tiber Septim."

Of all the Gods there were many that, in some distant way, the Empire and Khajiit had in common, even if by different names and identities and stories, but Talos is not one of them. Tiber Septim is not the monster of attempted extermination to the Khajiit, as he is to Orcs, the iron-fisted Man who responds to raids and plunder--usually responded to with raids in reply, with the back and forth of controlled brutality--with efforts to end the Orcs entirely.

No, he conquered the Khajiit, in fire and blood as much as anything, and then had ruled them as fairly as a Man might be expected to, however faint and flickering such praise must be, however totally qualified.

So no, he is no God to a cat, and certainly Talos takes up little enough space when Khajiit speaks. Even Tiber Septim only shows up, a truly pale specter, when gesturing broadly at their dissatisfaction with the Empire. He's old history, so many centuries gone and yet still present, rattling the dishes and moaning and making it so that nobody can have a night's sleep.

She knows not to say any of this at all, and he doesn't even pay attention to her as he begins to lecture on the divine nature of Talos.

"Tiber Septim was Dragonborn, he had the Voice as few before had," the teacher lectures, not even paying attention to her. "He was divine, and those who question this are heretics, and those who question his deeds fools, for as the Dragonborn he could use the Voice as mere mortals could not, untrammeled by the concerns which so rightly interest us about how to… use… it."

He trails off in the face of the fact that his students are looking over, and she sees him recognize Do'azda and run through what he has said. Do'azda is thinking about it, she truly is: all of this, it's important, yes, but in the end, as the "Dragonborn" whatever she makes of it is what it is. She understands at once how dangerous it is. A cat away from the pride, a lone stalker, a vicious sort who is Bent, these are things said of Khajiit who go off alone, who stand without help… both those who are truly Bent and sometimes those who are merely odd.

She's not going to cut herself off, because if she commits to this completely there may be no going back. But she understands it at once, the other fear. Because whatever else she is, besides potentially someone who can cut through all of their morality, she is someone who carries Elsweyr with her. The warm sands, and vast plains, the rivers both sacred and profane, and its people--she is not a Man, and what fetters she has, what moral lessons she's learned, are not the same.

The one Breton, a thin, sharp looking young man, smiled with faint amusement, like someone seeing a mummer's show, while the Nord woman, a big, soft woman with bright blue eyes, looks as if she wants to laugh and is holding herself back by efforts that are great enough to warrant praise as a great and holy deed.

"Ah, we have a new student, so I suppose I should stop to ask how much you know of Alduin."

"Do'azda has heard many stories of and involving Alkhan, though she is eager to hear your own stories."

"Stories? They are truths," he says, beard bristling.

"So you speak also of Alkhan, his father Akha, and the second First Cat, Alkosh, called by Men Akatosh?" Do'azda asks.

"Speak… also? What is this, then?" the lecturer demands. "Explain yourself."

"May Do'azda hold the floor? She is aware she has much to learn, but there is perhaps much that is unsaid."

The lecturer stares, and shakes his head, "Fine, for a few minutes."

Do'azda smiles, tail shifting in glee, for a few minutes can easily become more. She is aware of how these things stretch on. "So first, Do'azda must say, it is the happy privilege of those who believe the Riddle'thar above all things, those lucky cats, to ignore facts and evidence that contradicts itself, or their words, in order to make a simple story." (Not, to be fair, something she could say so bluntly in a crowd that included Khajiit.) "It is the heavy and onerous duty of other Khajiit to instead accept and understand the contradictions as sacred, the twists as fascinating, and know it is no riddle but a tangle. The stories and words Do'azda says are how she says it, and not the only way to say it, nor are they the only stories that Shamans tell."

"Shamans?" the Breton asks.

"Do'azda is a Shaman of her people,. to guide them in philosophy, in politics, in magic and in theology," she says, "As best as she is able. Not to rule, nor to sit in a temple, but to act and to be a part of the true dances of this world. As best as she is able," she repeats. "So as it has been said for thousands of years, this is one story: yet listen."

"At the beginning of all things was Ahnurr and Fadomai, encompassing all things, littermates, whose children began with Akha, known as the First Cat. He wandered, for he had the wisdom of fools, and traveled many roads both bright and dark with the stars of the sky itself, and everywhere he went he followed the advice of Ahnurr and had children across all the corners of the world, the Dragons among them. He had the wisdom of the fool, and wore the crown of the world as First Cat with a laughing insolence. Perhaps he deserved a crown lesson than any before or after, for the dragons were his greatest creation."

For what is a dragon, she'd once heard, but a sort of cat. But she's not so foolish as to say that. Though she is thinking it rather firmly.

"Alkhan, though, was his firstborn, and thus the cat… and the dragon, who most wanted the crown. Akha would not have even noticed its loss, but Alkhan was obsessed with it, and with the power it would bring, the mastery of the world, rather than living within it. It was not his lot, Do'azda is told, and yet he hungered for it as all creatures do. But his hunger was unsatisfied, and he cannot have helped but understood just what he was: not worthy. There is nothing more arrogant than those who have doubts but cannot afford to see them. And so when Akha disappeared, Alkosh appeared. The Great Cat Dragon of Time, and a thousand other titles, he took over seamlessly from a King without a kingdom, and crowned in the glory of this sought to make a better Mundus. But, it is ever so that the transition from one ruler to another is always hard. As Akha had ruled with a soft hand, letting atrocities happen without a care, so too did Alkosh have their own opinions. The Time Cat sought to warn all the mortal peoples, and regulate the Dragons and others."

Do'azda turns and turns. "She is a Shaman, so she has never felt the tug of heredity as the only true thing. Alkhan, though, he expected and hoped for and longed for the chance to make himself the master of all the world." She turns and looks at the faces. "He is afraid, a child lashing out, and yet his blows have power. Alkosh was killed, his body scattered… but Gods do not die as normal cats do, do they? They never do as any would expect." She grins, to think of it, to think of a world far more mystical and far stranger than she can easily understand.

They're watching, and some of them look curious and others outraged.

"Scattered to the west winds. But Khernathi, of storms and winds, helped gather him together and he was reborn once more, and together they stitched the fabric of time, they of the first litter, and transformed the world. In time, Alkhan would face his first doom, but not his last, at the hands of Lorkhaj, and be lost in the Many Paths. But as she has seen Alduin's face, and his form, she suspects that this has changed."

She looks around and says, to the lecturer, "But she is curious about this Paarthurnax, as it is not a name the Khajiit have heard. This, though, is the story in its first outline. There are many other pieces, and many deeper stories about each of the figures, but this is what she begins with, before she now hears about 'Akatosh' and 'Alduin' and one who has no parallel, Paarthurnax. There is much that Do'azda has to learn, and she does not pretend to know all stories... but she thinks that those who expect one who comes in blank as the slate of a new student, will find her not so at all."

"I see," the lecturer says, and he seems to be watching her the way a farmer might look at a rock that got in the way of plowing up a new field. She's helped out a farmer before with just such a problem back in Elsweyr, and so it springs to mind. It is not one of her finest hours, her master watching and all but laughing as he shouts out bits of advice.

She looks back at the lecturer, and waits to hear more.


Despite this auspicious start, it isn't actually Do'azda's intention to start fights wherever she goes. Though she does note the way that others are now watching her as if she's surprised them. Did they truly expect a blank slate? Even a Nord Dragonborn would presumably still be a person with likes and dislikes, with dreams and hopes beyond only what they are told.

But she sits down in the philosophy class, and this time the teacher introduces himself before he begins speaking. Anric starts from the start, telling the others that he needs to review the essentials with Do'azda, and the group seems to accept it, though a few grumble, as he begins his lecture on what the Greybeards believe in.

"This is not a class on the origins of the Voice," he says, "Nor a class on Jurgen Windcaller. It is a class on the Voice itself. On its nature, on how it is used. Not as the dragons did, but as the Greybeards do."

He stands, his eyes bright. "The Voice is truth. When you Shout, you become what you Shout. You must understand, through long study and practice, what the word you are Shouting means to you. What do you mean by force, or fire, or ice? Can you encapsulate it within and without yourself? Can you project your understanding, demonstrate it? This, then, is the philosophy of the Voice, at the base."

He's pacing a little. "When you Shout as the dragons do, to dominate and rule, you change the world. Your Shout inflicts your will upon the world, carves into it, harsh and unyielding. Not only is this wrong, you will find it weaker - it is easier to split wood along the grain than across it. A Greybeard's Shout does not force the world to conform with his position, for such is arrogance. No, a Greybeard suggests. A Greybeard takes into himself the form of his Shout. He becomes force, he becomes fire, becomes ice. When he is able to become this, truly to his core, then he can release this onto the world, let it flow forth, and like water carving stone foundations, it brings his will forth into the world."

"Dragonborn," He turns to Do'azda, curious. "You say you faced a dragon. Tell me; did you taste of his Thu'um? Did he Shout to you?"

It takes Do'azda a moment to parse this. Taste of his Thu'um?

"Yes," She says, "This one felt his Shouts. He Shouted fire, but she remembers most of all when he brought Fear."

Anric grimaces. "I've heard of this Shout, yes. If it is not too much to ask… what was the experience like?"

"A great weight," Do'azda says a little distantly, "This one felt as though there was a great weight of fear pressing down upon her, stifling her, suffocating her. She could not say from whence it was born or why, but it froze her blood."

"And how long did this last?" Anric probes, "This fear, I mean."

Do'azda considers. "This one was not affected for long, and a few others withstood it also, but most fled until magic could restore their courage."

"Indeed. The Dragon's Shout will have simply forced fear into you, his targets." Anric says, "There was no base for the fear, and so it either proved sufficient, or did not. Were a Greybeard to use such a Shout - though of course, no Greybeard would - he would have become fear itself, and the Shout would be that much easier, and that much more effective for it. Indeed, when a dragon Shouts, the dragon is always a dragon. This is the difference between the Way of the Voice and the Shouts of the wayward Tongues after the Dragon War, and this is how Jurgen Windcaller bested them."

He clears his throat. "But this is not a lesson of history. Let us consider instead what force is-"


Do'azda finds herself trailing behind the rest of the class, as she leaves the Philosophy lecture, still foggy with memories of the dragon. She hasn't let herself think on it too much, and it rattles in her head a little as she does.

The flow of other apprentices leads her into a large hall, with well worn oaken tables. Vents direct the flow of hot air around the room, and already maybe twenty apprentices are at lunch. A man in brown robes, cleanshaven and slightly sour, hands out wooden trenchers, flat rounds of wood.

Do'azda takes one, laden with a generous slice of firm goat's cheese, a handful of slightly stunted carrots, a small earthenware pot of honey and a single forlorn strip of meat, so dried and salted it could pass for leather. A small, slightly forlorn pile of fermented cabbage completes the meal. She squints at it, suspicious.

The hall lacks the raucousness Do'azda expects of nords when they are eating - the inn at Riverwood comes to her mind without affection - but is by no means silent. Quiet conversation hums from each of the tables, and she glances about, looking for a conversation she might strike up.

Over the course of her lunch break, Do'azda speaks with one of the less traditionally welcome apprentices (Pick One)

[] [Lunch] Ulrorn Thongvarson - a reedy, thin blond nord man, but one who sits distinctly separate from the other male nords. He's picking at his food, occasionally looking as though he might try to talk to someone else on his table, though he never quite does.
[] [Lunch] Ingne - a statuesque nord woman, her tunic starched to within an inch of its life, her strawberry blonde hair in an untidy bun, she's only half paying attention to her meal - she has a book on the table before her which holds most of her attention.
[] [Lunch] Cylfina - a bosmer woman with dark brown hair almost bordering on a mossy green and eyes like emeralds, is eating quietly and with exaggerated care at the end of a table where several serious looking nord apprentices are just finishing their meals.
[] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving.
[] [Lunch] Snakha - an orc man, well built and lightly scarred on his arms, his head carefully shaven, he hunches around his meal, as though expecting it to be taken from him.
[] [Lunch] Tristyn - a breton man that Do'azda recognises from her class this morning, he's looking around, taking in his surroundings with faint bafflement.
[] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher.


The class on the Dragontongue is somewhere in-between the previous two. There is a lecturer, but he seems merely to pace around giving individual advice to students, for the main task seems to be walking through the grammar and basic phrases of the Dragontongue. It felt oddly familiar, as if each thing she learns is no more than refreshing what she already knows.

She reads how to pluralize, how to structure sentences--it is strange, but not that strange by Cyrodilic standards--and how to combine words. She learns, and she learns a strange truth: that this is a language of a strange truth.

It is very difficult to state falsehoods in the Dragontongue, which is not to say the same as impossible. Apparently, in the summer, they have people exchange greetings and conversation, but now as fall is upon them they just sit in a crowded room and read and ask about how to say particular words.

She looks and wonders at the phrases and whether--

As if hearing her thoughts, the Greybeard teacher, though his beard is once more salt-and-pepper, seems to appear. "I say this to everyone, but you might be especially in need of this, but while in theory, it is possible simply to turn any collection of words into a Shout if done correctly, it is harder than that, and riskier." He leans in, "Even actual dragons tend to work from pre-existing Shouts they are taught rather than inventing new ones. Tiber Septim created only two Shouts in his day, and this was still… a vast number, vaster than even most talented Dragons of yore."

"Do'azda suspects that he did not begin with making new Shouts?" she asks, but this feels familiar. As with magic, as with language, the first step is always to learn what there is before thinking to innovate. But she knows what a Shout feels like, and she's almost certain that failing to do it correctly is not as harmless as spending a few weeks failing to come up with a new spell or potion combination.

"No, he did not."

"Then Do'azda will learn for now, thank you for this advice," she says, with a smile.

It is good advice.

So she works as best as she can to apply it.


Do'azda, before the day ends, does find time to talk to another of the apprentices.

[] [Evening] Ulrorn Thongvarson - is passing the evening in the room he shares with six other nords, though none of them are present.
[] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.
[] [Evening] Cylfina - is on a bench in the main courtyard, near to but not with the group of nord students badgering a Greybeard to show them a Shout.
[] [Evening] Betnia - is back in the main hall, where she has located a cask of ale, and is drinking with a nord man who has just succumbed to unconsciousness.
[] [Evening] Snakha - is in the courtyard, working through a series of combat forms, sweating a little as he hacks and slashes with two worn iron axes.
[] [Evening] Tristyn - is in the room he shares with a number of nords. They're arguing about the Civil War, and he slips out into the corridor at the first opportunity.
[] [Evening] Carvain - is in the library, reading a number of books on the history of Skyrim and Tamriel, including both ancient and modern tomes.

TL AN: Do'azda hitting those books!

VM AN: Lot of theory today! Sorry this took a little bit to do.
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Ooooh, it's friendship time!

Really loving how the Greybeards are feeling like much more of an actual monastic organisation in this compared to the game.
Just a note that I noticed a few typos:
[] [Evening] Tristyn - is in the room he shares with a number of nords. They're arguing about the Civil War, and he slips out into the corridor at the best example.
'example' feels like the wrong word to use there.
[] [Evening] Betia - is back in the main hall, where she has located a cask of ale, and is drinking with a nord man who has just succumbed to unconsciousness.
[] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving.
There's either a missing 'n' in her name for the Evening option or an extra one in the Lunch option.
Of all the Gods there were that, in some distant way, the Empire and Khajiit had in common, even if by different names and identities and stories, but Talos is not one of them.
This sentence was a little weird to parse at first, I think the 'but' in this sentence needs to be removed?

Anyway, all of the candidates are extremely tempting and I went back and forth a lot. I ended up basically picking two people that I most wanted to see and then figured out which of their Lunch/Evening options I preferred:

[X] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving.
[X] [Evening] Cylfina - is on a bench in the main courtyard, near to but not with the group of nord students badgering a Greybeard to show them a Shout.

It felt natural to go with at least one of the people Do'azda identified in the Theology class. I went back and forth on which one to go with. Tristyn's attitude reads to me as maybe a little superior or condescending, which would probably be a lot of fun, but Betia/Betnia holding in laughter watching Do'azda's class antics seems like the more interesting dynamic to me. Then I went with Cylfina because the pattern of her lurking around groups of Nords seems intriguing. And hey, maybe we'll get to see another Shout!
[X] [Lunch] Ingne - a statuesque nord woman, her tunic starched to within an inch of its life, her strawberry blonde hair in an untidy bun, she's only half paying attention to her meal - she has a book on the table before her which holds most of her attention.

[X] [Evening] Carvain - is in the library, reading a number of books on the history of Skyrim and Tamriel, including both ancient and modern tomes.
[X] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving.
[X] [Evening] Cylfina - is on a bench in the main courtyard, near to but not with the group of nord students badgering a Greybeard to show them a Shout.
[X] [Lunch] Snakha - an orc man, well built and lightly scarred on his arms, his head carefully shaven, he hunches around his meal, as though expecting it to be taken from him.

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.

I agree that Betnia is interesting, but I don't want to interrupt her private time. Snakha interests me as a potential route for our shamanic kitty to befriend a true outsider. Also orsimer are baller.

Changed my second vote to help Ingne! Shaman do be helping peeps.
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[X] [Lunch] Cylfina - a bosmer woman with dark brown hair almost bordering on a mossy green and eyes like emeralds, is eating quietly and with exaggerated care at the end of a table where several serious looking nord apprentices are just finishing their meals.
[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.
[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner
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[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher.

[X] [Evening] Cylfina - is on a bench in the main courtyard, near to but not with the group of nord students badgering a Greybeard to show them a Shout.
[X] [Lunch] Cylfina - a bosmer woman with dark brown hair almost bordering on a mossy green and eyes like emeralds, is eating quietly and with exaggerated care at the end of a table where several serious looking nord apprentices are just finishing their meals.
[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.

I feel like talking care of someone is a shaman enough thing that it will help our cat settle and process.
[X] [Lunch] Ulrorn Thongvarson - a reedy, thin blond nord man, but one who sits distinctly separate from the other male nords. He's picking at his food, occasionally looking as though he might try to talk to someone else on his table, though he never quite does..
[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher
[X] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner

Gib more cultural immersion.
Last edited:
[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner
[X] [Evening] Snakha - is in the courtyard, working through a series of combat forms, sweating a little as he hacks and slashes with two worn iron axes.

[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher.

Gotta talk to the orc. We're the oddest ones out.
[X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner
[X] [Lunch] Cylfina - a bosmer woman with dark brown hair almost bordering on a mossy green and eyes like emeralds, is eating quietly and with exaggerated care at the end of a table where several serious looking nord apprentices are just finishing their meals.
[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner
[X] [Lunch] Snakha - an orc man, well built and lightly scarred on his arms, his head carefully shaven, he hunches around his meal, as though expecting it to be taken from him.

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.
[X] [Lunch] Snakha - an orc man, well built and lightly scarred on his arms, his head carefully shaven, he hunches around his meal, as though expecting it to be taken from him.

[X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.
Social Activity Vote--Day 1
Adhoc vote count started by veteranMortal on Jun 24, 2023 at 9:44 AM, finished with 18 posts and 15 votes.
  • 15

    [X] [Lunch] Carvain - an imperial, with short black hair and olive skin. They're trying to talk to a nord man on their table, but he scoffs in disgust, leaving with his meal half finished. A moment passes, and they reach out to take the cheese from his trencher
    [X] [Lunch] Betnia - a nord woman Do'azda recognises from her first class this morning, her eyes bright and piercingly blue. She's finished her meal but makes no move to get up, occupied whittling away at a carving.
    [X] [Lunch] Snakha - an orc man, well built and lightly scarred on his arms, his head carefully shaven, he hunches around his meal, as though expecting it to be taken from him.
    [X] [Lunch] Cylfina - a bosmer woman with dark brown hair almost bordering on a mossy green and eyes like emeralds, is eating quietly and with exaggerated care at the end of a table where several serious looking nord apprentices are just finishing their meals.
    [X] [Lunch] Ingne - a statuesque nord woman, her tunic starched to within an inch of its life, her strawberry blonde hair in an untidy bun, she's only half paying attention to her meal - she has a book on the table before her which holds most of her attention.
    [X] [Lunch] Ulrorn Thongvarson - a reedy, thin blond nord man, but one who sits distinctly separate from the other male nords. He's picking at his food, occasionally looking as though he might try to talk to someone else on his table, though he never quite does..
  • 15

    [X] [Evening] Ingne - is in the library, surrounded by books on the Dragontongue, with a scroll in front of her. She's missed dinner.
    [X] [Evening] Cylfina - is on a bench in the main courtyard, near to but not with the group of nord students badgering a Greybeard to show them a Shout.
    [X] [Evening] Carvain - is in the library, reading a number of books on the history of Skyrim and Tamriel, including both ancient and modern tomes.
    [X] [Evening] Snakha - is in the courtyard, working through a series of combat forms, sweating a little as he hacks and slashes with two worn iron axes.

At lunch, Do'azda looks curiously at the figure in the corner. She's seen them in the Dragontongue class, but there's not exactly a lot of talking there. They dip the cheese in their pot of honey and nibble at it as Do'azda arrives.

"Ah, the… Dragonborn?" the Imperial asks, waving a hand a little absently. They say it like they're reading something on a script they almost cannot understand. "I suppose the honour is mine."

"She prefers to be called Do'azda," she says.

"Then I shall endeavor to call you that, so long as you call me Carvain. They, if you must refer to me," Carvain says. Ah, and now she has reason to wonder whether everyone here is as polite as they should be. She knows that she's gotten odd looks from people not expecting a tail. But who is to know how far it goes? It's often hard to be sure, even if it's often not wrong to assume the worse.

"She will do so, Carvain," Do'azda says. "So, may she ask why you have been gifted free cheese?"

"I don't understand it," Carvain admits. "He comes up, and he wants to talk about politics, to ask my opinion on the unrest." They wrinkle their nose at the thought of it. "It is a boring topic, so I just said that of course, Tullius would restore order and then asked whether he knew how to look up the Dragon word for sorrow in the context of recordings of ancient histories."

"You are so sure of the outcome?" Do'azda asks, allowing her voice to remain merely curious. She doesn't care either way, in one sense, though in another she has to care very much.

"It's the Empire - it has existed for a hundred lifetimes, it will exist for a hundred more," Carvain says easily. "These sorts of things don't just end. As well ask if I am sure the sun will rise in the morning."

Do'azda considers it and says, "Or do they? She knows that history has furnished its examples of unending status-quos."

"Oh, history, that's a better topic," they say, and take another bite of cheese, chewing it slowly while looking at her with wide eyes. When their mouth is empty they say, "You wouldn't believe the kinds of sources they have up here. It seems like, all the figures of old trusted copies of their documents to the Greybeards, I guess because they're out of the way. Worst day of the last few years, climbing the steps, though I did have a tent. That really helped, halfway up."

Do'azda doesn't flush, but she does feel the emotion wash over her. "Ah, she sees. Do'azda tried to climb up the whole steps at once, and she was not fully prepared for it. But she is interested to hear that there is a library."

Carvain claps their hands for a moment, leaning in and saying, "You, you understand it Do'azda! I saw you in the Dragontongue class. Unless you were flipping the pages just to seem like you were flipping the pages, then you were smart enough to start to catch on right away to the patterns."

Patterns? Maybe. But it feels deeper than patterns, because of course patterns are something imposed on the reality of the weft and weave. Imposition is not an insult, because it is necessary in order to make sense of anything.

She knows that the universe does not make sense on its own, as some inherent property. All is chaos and disorder and it is set to order by the will of Gods, and spirits, and strange dark beings and indeed of mortals too, and that even so it often only makes sense if you look at it from great heights.

It feels as if she somehow can make sense now of each note, and not just the symphony. But she knows that it will hurt, because they are looking at her as if they have found a confederate, someone who they can appreciate and believe in.

"Yes, Do'azda did," she says, and almost means it. She'll have to talk to them again, soon.


Ingne's taken a seat at a table tucked away near the very back of the library, well lit by torches and a roaring fire, but far from the librarian - a Greybeard and his Speaker - and unlikely to be disturbed. A wax candle burns slowly on the table in front of her, crudely marked with a series of nicks from a knife at various depths.

Do'azda slides easily into the seat opposite the Nord woman, takes her in more fully. Her hair is falling out of its bun, falling in loose curls around her face, and pale blue eyes scan a scroll. She's worrying at her bottom lip as she reads, and she pays Do'azda not a whit of attention.

"This one brought you dinner," Do'azda says brightly, "She noticed you did not have any."

Ingne doesn't so much as look up from her scroll, much less reply.

Do'azda steels herself, tries again. "What are you working on?"

Ingne's eyes flick up a moment, then down, then up again.

"Dragontongue," She says after a moment's pause. "When I asked Arngeir for advice on what I could do to improve, he said that learning their language is the building block of the Voice."

Her brows furrow as she sets the scroll aside. "I didn't mean to miss dinner, but-"

"It is important to learn," Do'azda says, "But skipping meals is-"

"I know," Ingne says, "But I have to do this, I have to improve enough that-"

She cuts herself off suddenly, "You understand, surely. I don't mean any offence by it, only… If you were here as a normal student, not the Dragonborn, and you wanted to be a greybeard - do you want to be a greybeard? - you would work harder, yes? Harder than the other students. The male students."

"You wish to be a greybeard?" Do'azda asks, badly failing to cover her surprise, "But Karita said-"

Ingne looks up sharply, all big blue eyes, full lips and porcelain skin, and Do'azda forgets to breathe for a second, overwhelmed suddenly by the Nord woman's full attention. "You've met Karita?"

Do'azda nods, swallows.

" How was she?" Ingne asks, and there's something odd about her voice. A sort of resentful neediness.

"This one did not speak to her long," Do'azda says, "The mountain, the cold, but Karita seemed well? She spoke ill of High Hrothgar, and so-"

"She was not injured? Sick? Incapacitated in any way," Ingne asks, studies Do'azda's face. "Then why did she not come to see-" She shakes her head. "I know she does not believe that any woman could become a Greybeard, because she could not, but I am not her. I will work hard enough, work smart enough. I will make them accept me. Make it too embarrassing not to."

Do'azda is not so sure of this, but Ingne has set aside her scroll and is at least making some effort to eat the dinner she brought, and so she is not going to upset the caravan. "Where are you from?" Do'azda asks, for want of anything better to say.

"You won't know it," Ingne says with casual certainty. "Old Hroldan Inn, on the road to Soljund's Sinkhole, off the main road out of Markarth? You can stop me when I say somewhere you've heard of."

"Markarth is in the Reach," Do'azda says, "And it has… dwemer things." This last she plucks from deep in her memory, a little uncertain, and Ingne raises a perfect eyebrow.

"Markarth has dwemer things, yes." Ingne says, then sighs, "Old Hroldan has nothing so interesting. My parents run the inn, mostly for miners out of Soljund. It has been like that as long as I remember, and will be like that forever, I shouldn't wonder."

Ingne drifts into silence then, whilst she finishes her dinner. Dinner was, Do'azda reflects a little sourly, very similar to lunch. This will get old.

"How about you?" Ingne asks, steepling her hands to rest her chin on them as she watches Do'azda. "Where are you from?"

"Ah, this one is from Elsweyr," Do'azda says, "South of Cyrodiil?"

"I know where Elsweyr is," Ingne says, smiling to show she has not taken offence, "I may be from a small town, but I do read."

"She is from Anequina," Do'azda says, "But she is lately of Whiterun, where she was shaman to the cats of Little Elsweyr, before she was exiled, and had to come to High Hrothgar."

Do'azda's life is not so much, when laid out like this. What is so few accomplishments when set against the soul of a dragon?

"You can't be older than me," Ingne says, her eyes curious, "But you have crossed a continent, become a… shaman? I do not know what that is, but I have no doubt it is impressive. And it is not exile to be sent to High Hrothgar as Dragonborn - it is an honour."

Do'azda bites her lip for a moment. "This one was exiled quite aside from being Dragonborn. She upset some of the Jarl's thanes."

"Oh?" Ingne says - perhaps impressed, Do'azda wonders, "I have no doubt they deserved whatever you did. Thanes usually do."

She pushes her plate aside and glances at her candle. "Gods, it's later than I thought, and I haven't finished. Thank you for dinner, Do'azda - I must treat you, next time."

Do'azda's tail lashes, suddenly anxious - is this…? Did she? Does she want to have…?

"One more thing, before I let you go back to your rooms; what do you want to do when you leave? Not immediately, but what is your forever? You know my plans for the future, I'm curious about yours."

What are Do'azda's current thoughts on her long term future?

[] [Future] At least for years to come, Skyrim might be a place to live. Perhaps not fully a home, but it is far from the Aldmeri Union, and as dangerous and hostile as it is, that might almost be something welcome.
[] [Future] Elsweyr is where she was born, and it is where the Khajiit remain unfree, and ultimately she is a Daughter of Elsewyr and will want to return eventually with her new skills and new contacts if need be.
[] [Future] Wherever she goes, it is not 'where' but what. Do'azda is a Shaman, and one with magical prowess and now… these Shouts. Perhaps it is the case that focusing on her magical studies and exploration would have worth.
[] [Future] Wherever she goes, she is a representative of her people. Perhaps she has a future either way in trying to serve as a diplomat, an agent, someone able to push the best interests of her people through words and cunning.
[] [Future] Perhaps… perhaps something calls about fighting, wherever she goes and whatever she does with it. She's good at it, better at fighting already than she has any right to be… even if she has a long way to go.
[] [Future] Write-in, whether a place or a 'role.' …or flirtation.


When Do'azda goes back to the room she is supposed to be occupying, she notices a few things, one after another.

The first is Bathes-In-Steel, laying on a bed on the opposite side of a considerable room. She is asleep, sprawled out as if she is trying to catch a sunbeam, her form wild and boneless. Do'azda cannot help the surge of affection that courses through her, the way she is sure that Bathes will be there. She knows it is at least a little bit foolish, she's hardly known Bathes-In-Steel for that long, but she cannot help it.

Perhaps there is something in the hoary nonsense that soldiers spouted, about how the bonds of blood on a battlefield are greater than any other. Having to trust another in such circumstances, it seems very quickly to make one come to a conclusion. The conclusion does not have to be a positive one, but it doesn't seem as if it is an indecisive one. She's fought alongside people already that she'd trust in a fight but knows she'll never get along with.

All of this almost distracts her from the fact that, on the other side of the room, there is her bed, and space for her clothes, if only a single chest.

And then she notices the third thing. In the center of the room there are marks, metallic marks that make her think of how the bunk beds she's passed in other rooms have metal bottoms, rather than wood. It's probably lighter, or perhaps there is some other reason.

If this is the case then… ah.

This was a room that held three bunk beds, and that means six occupants were forced out in the name of two.

She does not have to take long to do that math and understand that she has accidentally made enemies already, in addition to those she has taken the time to get to know more.

Wonderful. Now she is, against her will, in the business of casting other people out.

And there's nothing she can actually do about the problem, at least not at the moment.

Do'azda settles down on her bed with a slow sigh.

You have three slots for classes today, the 7th, choose what you want to do and we'll order them in the best way to fit the day plan

[] [Classes] Theology - Do'azda has been given a book of Nord theology, which she has read by the means of which any student employs… and which she has plenty of objections she'd love to speak on.
[] [Classes] History - As a newcomer to Skyrim, history would be very welcome, though what they'll tell her is uncertain, and will likely also include history of the Greybeards… and information about the conflict she'll face.
[] [Classes] Philosophy - Having been given the basics, it is likely that the Greybeards will now begin to explain to her how it looks in practice, or at least in the practice of the Greybeards, if nothing else.
[] [Classes] Unrelenting Force - The first shout taught. By happenstance, Do'azda knows the first word, and now can learn the second.
[] [Classes] Whirlwind Sprint - Another shout taught early, and one about which there is a little mystery. And a little strange amusement.
[] [Classes] The Dragontongue - To learn shouts, one must learn the language they are spoken in, the language they are written in. This is a long process, and one that will take longer than the sole lesson Do'azda has already completed.
[] [Classes] Survival - A class by necessity, if one is to live on High Hrothgar, but perhaps a class with more to offer than it appears?

Social! (Choose 1)

[] [Social] The Greybeards talk not much at all, out loud, but they train the apprentices and can be found. Speak to them… whether of destiny or simply the weather.
[] [Social] Your fellow apprentices come in two types. The first is those that are traditionally Greybeards, earnest young men who are working hard to grow old, and who have cause to resent you… but might yet be made allies, and haven't truly been spoken to yet.
[-] [Social] Your fellow apprentices who are… more outcast have been in part met, but there may be more. Yet a part of Do'azda's interest is in getting to know a few more people.
[] [Social] Try to find and apologize to the six people who had been moved from their room by Do'azda's actions.
[-] [Social] Bathes-In Steel can keep for the moment.
[] [Social] High Hrothgar is a large castle, ripe for exploration, and Do'azda is just the one to do it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet someone unexpected?

TL AN: Do'azda is one of the "Haves" in the Temple, despite all that tells against her. Thus it is for the Dragonborn.

VM AN: It is very fun to write about the wonders of High Hrothgar - the complex workings of how to keep a castle warm most of the way up a mountain, the logistics of their accommodations, the fact that a pretty girl looked at Do'azda and she briefly forgot how to breathe.
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