Slayer Command: XCOM with Monsters and Mecha

[X] Aggressive Plan 2.0
-[X] Guard Duty
-[X] Vietnamese Military
-[X] Write-In: Have two of your Slayers tag team the Titan before going to support the others, while the third serves as the spearhead for the ground forces.
-[X] Offensive Deployment, but only if Vietnamese Military is helping
[X] Aggressive Plan 2.0

I'm feeling good enough about going offensive if we have some titan support to take some pressure off.
[x] Aggressive Plan 2.0
- [x] Guard Duty
- [x] Vietnamese Military
- [x] Write-In: Have two of your Slayers tag team the Titan before going to support the others, while the third serves as the spearhead for the ground forces.
- [x] Offensive Deployment, but only if Vietnamese Military is helping
Vote Closed
Scheduled vote count started by ShieldCrown on Apr 26, 2023 at 1:31 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Aggressive Plan 2.0
    [X] Aggressive Plan 2.0
    -[X] Guard Duty
    -[X] Vietnamese Military
    -[X] Write-In: Have two of your Slayers tag team the Titan before going to support the others, while the third serves as the spearhead for the ground forces.
    -[X] Offensive Deployment, but only if Vietnamese Military is helping
    [X] Aggressive Plan
Operation Fallen Moon, Execution
[X] Aggressive Plan 2.0
-[X] Guard Duty
-[X] Vietnamese Military
-[X] Write-In: Have two of your Slayers tag team the Titan before going to support the others, while the third serves as the spearhead for the ground forces.
-[X] Offensive Deployment, but only if Vietnamese Military is helping

(Military Reinforcement: Roll 36 vs DC 30/50)

Your request for assistance to the Vietnamese government was answered by the arrival of a small flight of 8 combat helicopters and a flight of 4 fighter-bombers ready for an airstrike to be called in from the nearest airfield. Ryan and Alicia were sent in first in order to tie up the Titan in a gigantic melee fight with the Brute Titan being caught in a two vs one fight with both pilots putting the new interface through its paces in a live combat environment. Rebecca meanwhile would be providing overwatch to the troops that are currently digging into outskirts of the town that have already been evacuated.

Sadly, things didn't go exactly to plan. As it turns out, your Slayer's had an unexpected weakness to trees. Specifically, Rebecca found her scanners and targeting systems having difficulties in getting past the foliage and locking onto any groups of Manglers and so whenever she moved to blast where she thought they were, she ended up missing and just making some craters and breaking trees. The infantry, meanwhile, didn't have time to properly set up killzones and mines yet to repel the charging horde of Manglers. And so the Manglers overrun the defensive perimeter and entered the city with minimal difficulties. When your troops gave chase, they ran into the expected problems of dealing with a highly agile apex predator in an urban environment that favors their monstrous agility. Those who were more isolated or strayed from their squads were picked off from alleyways and one-way streets when the opportunity presented itself. But majority of the horde moved in what you thought must have been quite a stealthy prowl as they managed to go through your forces, even managing to get past the patrolling helicopters and reached the town.

In better news, you got to see Alicia and Ryan absolutely annihilate and functionally bully the Brute Titan to death. The two knightly Slayer pilots moving their machines in a dance of death that overwhelmed the monster, leading to it lose both of its arms before the duo went in for a decapitating execution with both their blades parting the Titan's head from the rest of its body in a less than a minute. It was a flawless maneuver that you would have been normally gushing about and praising the magnificent engineering that needed to go into your darlings in order for that to be pulled off…but you had the tiniest bit of a problem with the Mangler Horde managing to get by your defending force.

The Vietnamese local military and police forces fire their guns at the Manglers to get them away from the still evacuating civilians, the horrific monstrosities turning their attention to the new threat and charging at them. Shots rang out as the soldiers and law enforcement fought hard against the horde, losing several people in the process, their bodies torn apart and mangled, fanged maw feasting on human flesh and snapping bones. Before the Manglers can do anymore damage, your helicopters finally arrived at the scene. The modern attack helicopters fly in and fire missiles at groupings of the now exposed Biomorphs who lacked the cover of dense foliage.

Shrieks and roars of pain and death filled the air as the Biomorphs were blown apart by the explosives while others were shot full of bullets from squads of infantry, both your own and the Vietnamese, caught smaller groups in quickly formed kill boxes and shredded their reptilian-insectoid forms. Rebecca switched to integrated 'pistols' in her Slayer's arms and fired accurate shots that reduced other Manglers to red chunks. "Ryan, Alicia, you guys are near the Breach, right?" Rebecca spoke over comms, receiving one click from each of them in confirmation. "Slash it, smash it, rip and tear it with your hands if you have to! We don't know how long it takes for reinforcements to come through a minor Breach like this if they stabilize it, and I don't want to find out!"

"Calling in air strike, sending coordinates to ally airbase."
Alicia called out as she sent a signal to the squadron of bombers awaiting order. The four jets that were on standby over the town, quickly flew over to the target. Explosive ordnances are dropped at the stabilizing growths around the portal, causing bloody chunks of the growths to be blown off the structures and causing them to fall apart into piles of charred meat and viscera. "Effective hit on target, portal is destabilizing!" Alicia confirmed the success of the attack as the Breach warped and collapsed in on itself with a pop.

All that was left was mopping up the remaining Biomorphs, your Infantry and the local forces working together to clear out any buildings and handle the locations where the helicopters couldn't safely fire their weapons. Any that tried to escape back into the wilderness were eliminated with great prejudice using high explosive ordnance and a rain of hot lead shredding their bodies into a bloody mess that little more than a pile of smoking ripped up meat.

One of your technicians needed to be excused as they experienced some severe nausea at the sight, and you made a note to keep some medication on standby in case this becomes a recurring problem. You were fighting biological horrors from another dimension after all, who knows what foul abominations you would face in the future. You might end up fighting a shoggoth at some point!

Huh, something to consider.

Once your forces were certain that no further Biomorphs were living in the AO, and then did another three thorough sweeps through the town to be extra sure, the bodies of both friendlies and hostiles were retrieved and given to the proper people to handle things. That is to say, you took your people and a lion-share of biomorphic cadavers and left the locals to their own dead and a few biomorphs that couldn't be fit into the cargo space of your transports.

Units Lost: 1 Infantry Unit

Collateral Damage: Local Police and Militia (-100 from Mission Payment)

Slayer Damage: Minor Damage (-50 from Mission Reward)

Biomorphs Slain: 46 Manglers, & 1 Titan (+660)

Reward Total: (460+0+200)+(-100+0+-50)=510 Funding
So since the reinforcements roll hit the first DC but not the second, we fell back on using our forces as a defensive screen with one Slayer helping, while the other two Slayers would do the Breach approach after killing the Titan. Which seemed to be the right plan, with the duo accomplishing all of their objectives no problem, but Rebecca and the defensive line just failed all their initial rolls and let the Biomorphs get through all the defenses anyway. And if it weren't for the local forces laying down their lives as the last line of defense, and then serving as the anvil for our guys to catch up and pincer the Manglers, there would've been serious civilian casualties.

Not sure what we could've done better voting-wise rather than it just being the will of the dice. Maybe we could've tried a write-in to burn back the jungle tree line away from the defense, but I don't think we had the time or equipment for that. Otherwise going forward, we might have some development options for the Slayers to improve their targeting systems/sensors, or maybe give the option of a crowd control weapon (giant flame thrower), since they're not exactly suited for fighting Biomorphs compared to Titans. And we need to do the Recruitment Drive next turn, and forge ahead on the super soldier stuff for our infantry.
If there are 2 Slayers you might have had a 2nd roll to bail Rebecca out. Ryan and Alicia are Extremely competent in melee combat that they can 1v1 every Titan so far and they just got an upgrade that made their Slayers even more precise. Frankly 2v1 was a lot of overkill.
If there are 2 Slayers you might have had a 2nd roll to bail Rebecca out. Ryan and Alicia are Extremely competent in melee combat that they can 1v1 every Titan so far and they just got an upgrade that made their Slayers even more precise. Frankly 2v1 was a lot of overkill.
So is Minor Damage just an inevitability from the pilots' habits of over-clocking the Slayers' systems in every engagement, regardless of whether the enemy actually manages to land any hits on them?
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Ouch our poor infantry, we really need to get them some upgrades.

I really want to invest in full mechanization.
Year 1, April (Turn 4)
"We did good in Vietnam but I can see some room for improvement. What do you recommend we focus on next?" You asked, looking at your department heads as all of you were gathered at the start of the new month.

"We managed to acquire large amounts of funding thanks to a mixture of our investments last month and what we earned from the mission in Vietnam." Adams said while bringing up the data onto the tablets. "This gives us more resources to aid in our operations. Our Slayers are doing amazing against their Titans but our regular forces are our weakest link at the moment. We need more equipment and force multipliers to effectively combat the regular Biomorphs which ironically gives us the most trouble."

"We also have a surplus of Biomorph cadavers." Vahlen remarked. "At this point, we have enough that I could likely glean enough from the combined number that I could develop something from them."

"The hospital is still being constructed and will finish by the end of the month." Emily said. "But I can think of ways to make full use of that extra bit of funding in order to really push our self-sufficiency to something more effective. If we have the budget, I could just build a vehicle or aviation factory so that we could just build our own vehicles. I can't build a top-of-the-line fighter from the get-go, but more outdated stuff with licenses that we could buy like Humvees or Little Birds shouldn't be too hard to get. Once we have the general know how, we could even design our own vehicles if you want."

"The Metahuman situation warrants some investigation, and we still have limited information on the South American incident and the presence of hostile forces on the continent." Twilight said, shifting through the files. "And while we have enough Assassins to covertly neutralize threats, we need more competent spies in order to gather Intel."

"Regarding the Metahumans, I might be able to talk to the performer and get something to help our own agenda regarding them." Josephine said, adding her own thoughts. "And maybe I could get Emily something to help, just need some spending power."

Facility Power: 7/20
Conventional Units: 15 Infantry Units (2 as Base Security), 2 Transport Helicopter Units, 2 Combat Helicopter Units, 1 IFV Units, 1 Tank Unit, 3 Experimental Tank Units.
Special Units: 3 Slayer Units
Credits: 165+950+500+510=2,125 (+950 Credits Per Turn)

Military: "If only we had a way to set up a proper kill zone faster, maybe even set up a pre-fab FOB near these Breaches. I know that our head engineer has some kind of idea for pop-our turrets, maybe…" (2 Actions)

[ ] Recruitment Drive: "Director, we lost some of manpower recently, and while I don't desire to sound callous, replacing those losses as soon as possible should be something you should consider." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: More Infantry Units.)

[ ] Armor Acquisition: "It… might be necessary to acquire additional vehicles, especially after the loss of several IFVs and the less than stellar performance of our new tanks. I apologize in advance, Director." (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: More Tanks, along with a few other vehicles.)

[ ] Steel in the Sky: "Director, after the performance shown by our combat helicopters, I believe it might be to our benefit to acquire additional aerial assets." (Cost: 250. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: More Aerial Units, Mostly Combat Helicopters.)

[-] Culling Operation: "Director, while we have secured the containment zone around the Alpha Breach, there are still Biomorphs inside the zone that will prove to be problematic if not dealt with. While I'd prefer having more men and vehicles before we moved out, I'll work with what we have." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Biomorph Forces inside Containment Zone decreased.)

[ ] Bluecap Improvement, Counter-Sabotage: "Director, I'd like for our Bluecaps to be able to mitigate any damage any infiltrators that manage to get past us could manage to inflict on our systems. I think the Engineers would be happy for it." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Base Security Improved. Blue Caps can now attempt to mitigate hostile sabotage.)

[ ] Bluecap Improvement, Advanced CQC: "Director, now that the security is better at detecting potential infiltrators, I think it would be a good idea for them to be given further training in how to subdue and takedown any that resist capture." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: Base Security Improved, Bluecaps have higher chances with subduing hostiles.)

[ ] Full Mechanization: "Director, I believe that in order to increase our effectiveness, we will need to make sure our conventional forces are capable of higher mobility, protection, and firepower. I have a proposal for how this might be done, but… it's expensive." (Cost: 300. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Obtain an Unit of IFVs for each Unit of Infantry, Recruitment Actions modified.)

Research: "Director, given the surplus of Mangler cadavers we have in cold storage, might I suggest we start on research regarding them?" (2 Actions)

[ ] Chroming Up, The Good Stuff: "Such advanced augmentations, and that's just for the basic medical prosthesis that are available. If we can dig deeper, I feel we can get something that can truly change the way we can enhance the human body." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Unlock Enhancement Cyberware Tech.)

[ ] The Corpse of Giants: "Magnificent, the processes that this alien biology must be capable of maintaining such a creature of this size, I shall make sure that I use all of it to the utmost to uncover its secrets, Director." (Cost: 150, Consumes Preserved Titan Corpse. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: Large amounts of Biomorphic Data, Greater Understanding of Titan physiology, ???)

[ ] Mangler Autopsy: "Director, we have a number of Mangler corpses. I believe it would be an excellent use of time to do a proper dissection and learn what we can from these specimens. We may obtain some insights and inspiration from their physiology." (Cost: 100, 1 Mangler Unit Corpse. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: Mangler Data, Mangler Augmentation, ???)

[ ] Ultra Autopsy: "An apex life form, these Ultras are quite a fearsome specimen that can be quite dangerous. Of course, we can still potentially make use of the secrets of these creatures for our own goals, Director." (Cost: 150, 1 Ultra Unit Corpses. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Ultra Data, Ultra Augmentation, ???)

[ ] Roller Autopsy: "Such a dangerous creature, yet so similar to certain animals on our own planet. I believe we may be able to gain some useful inspiration from this specimen, Director." (Cost: 100, 1 Roller Unit Corpses. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Roller Data, Roller Augmentation, ???)

[ ] Slayer Armory: "Another project for your Slayers? I suppose having a more varied arsenal would be useful. Perhaps I could help in some capacity…" (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Slayer Armament List Expanded.)

[ ] Advanced Materials: "Inspired by that news from Africa, Director? Having our own teams look into it should produce greater results with our proximity to the Alpha Breach." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Advanced Materials Research Line Opened, New Actions Unlocked.)

[ ] Ace Custom: "Hmmm? Making different models of Slayers? Seeking to make more personalized units for our pilots perhaps? Not sure how much help I'll be in this, Director..." (Cost: 150. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: Can Build Slayers with different specializations, Power-Type & Speed-Type Slayer Unlocked, Significantly Opens Up Slayer Research Tree.)

Industrial: "You know, if we had ways to build our own stuff, we'd probably save a lot more than outsourcing it, not having to worry about it be unavailable or the price getting hiked up…hmmm." (2 Actions, 1 Locked)

[ ] Slayer Production: "Well Director, while we might not have more pilots currently, I think that having a surplus of Slayers will be a good thing! Having spares in case one of them isn't working right will certainly be better than not having them. And besides, if we have more now, then when we get more pilots, they won't have to wait too long." (Cost: 200. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: Additional Slayers Constructed, Unlock Additional Pilot Recruitment)

[ ] Missile Turrets & Flak Guns: "Nothing against our Bluecaps, Director, but I think having some stuff built around the HQ for handling more flighty targets and those with a particular toughness to them might be beneficial for base security. Me and my boys can get something whipped up right quick!" (Cost: 200. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 50. Rewards: Missile Turrets and Flak Guns added to HQ, Increases Security.)

[ ] Pop Goes the Turret!: "Now Director, hear me out. What if we installed turrets that could pop out of the ceiling and floors that shoot at any bug or crazy that manages to get into our base? It's great, ain't it?" (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: Internal Hidden Turrets added, Increases Security.)

[X] House of Asclepius: "You want a full-on hospital built into the HQ? Should be better than the basic infirmary already set up. Sure, I can do that for you, Director!" (Cost: 200. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 50. Reward: Hospital Built, Infantry Units and Slayer Pilots recover faster and can survive worse injuries, Medical Grade Cyberware can be installed here.)

[ ] Biomorphic Augmentation Facility: "I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I guess we need every advantage we need against the Biomorphs. Your call, Director." (Cost: 250. Time; 2 Turns. DC: 45. Reward: Biomorphic Augmentation Actions Unlocked, ???)

[ ] Tank-tastic!: "You know Director, I think if you give me the funding, I could make us a dedicated facility for vehicle production. I'm sure that the commander would like to avoid an incident like last time." (Cost: 300. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 50. Reward: Can produce vehicles in-house instead of buying them, unlocks internal vehicle development research.)

[ ] Wings of Iron: "I could also take that funding and make a facility that would let us produce aircraft. Air superiority has been something we've had that Biomorphs seem to lack at the moment, and not having to rely on outside contractors for them would be nice." (Cost: 600. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: Can produce aircraft in house, unlocks internal aircraft developments research.)

Diplomacy: "The Metahuman issue in the US isn't looking good, and if what I read in the reports are true then we may have something to worry about in Europe too." (2 Actions)

[ ] Get EVEN More Funding!: "I don't think we should push our luck so soon, but I could probably try to further boost our Funding?" (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 80. Reward: Monthly Funding Boost increased to +800 for 3 Turns instead of +600.)

[ ] Propaganda Machine: "Propaganda is such a… heavy word, Laura. I think morale boosting and advertisement might work better, but the idea is the same. We let people know that we are here, we're here to help, and they can help us help them with a few… donations. I might even help out the good Commander with his recruitment ideas." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Public favor gained, chance of getting funding from public donations each Turn, +10 to Recruitment Drive if taken at the same time.)

[ ] Meta-Human Outreach: "Those idiots over in the US have no idea what kind of fumble they've made, but we might be able to profit off of it. Some support towards the young Meta-Human community could net us some friends with more personal power. Of course there is also the fact that the US might not like use if we go against their wishes." (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Favor from Meta-Human Community, Minor dislike from the US, More Meta-Human Related Actions Unlocked.)

[ ] A Merchant in the Day: "Sometimes we need to grease some palms in order to get something that we might not be able to get through regular channels, but everyone likes money, and a bit of charm can go a long way." (Cost: ???. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: ???. Each Sub-Vote counts as an Action.)
-[] Advanced Materials Data (Cost: 200. Reward: +10 to Advanced Materials Research.)
-[] Anti-Titan Missile Launcher (Cost: 250. Reward: Import Inferior Anti-Titan Weapon.)

[ ] Performer Persuasion: "We have a few agents of Twilight guarding the meta-human dancer, the irony of having some of our assassins acting to protect a potential target is not lost on me. However, we could use this to earn some favor among the Meta-Humans, we just need some time to talk to them." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50. Reward: ???)

[ ] License Liaison: "I think I could get some of the licenses for us to order more vehicles and aircraft on a more consistent basis, or to make it ourselves if our head engineers convince you to build those factories." (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 10/30/60/85. Reward: More Vehicle Options.)

Intrigue: "With the leads we have on the metahuman havens in Europe, it appears that they are beginning to form factions. And we still know little about the initial incident in South America…" (2 Actions)

[ ] Eye of The Beholder: "I can get some agents sent out to infiltrate and gather Intel on what's going on with the rest of the world, though if we want more in-depth reports, we'll need to focus our attention. Still, this will help us stay up to date beyond looking at the news." (Cost: 150. Time: 2 Turns. DC: 60. Reward: World News/Rumor Mill expanded; basic Spy Network established around the world. Actions Unlocked.)

[ ] A Thief In The Night: "Director, sometimes people will hold onto something that could be of better use in other hands. If you wish to acquire something but feel the other party will be unreasonable, I can arrange for an operation to acquire it." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: ???. Reward: ???. Each Sub-Vote Counts as an Action.)
-[] Money (DC: 50. Reward: +500 Credits.)
-[] Advanced Materials Data (DC: 50. Reward: +10 to Advanced Materials Research.)
-[] Anti-Titan Missile Launcher (DC: 75. Reward: Anti-Titan Weapon Schematics.)

[ ] Incident Investigation, South America: "With martial law being declared after the attempted coups, figuring out the details of the incidents and finding a way to mitigate the damages will be important." (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 70. Reward: Intel on South America Coups and Cultist Activity.)

[ ] Incident Investigation, North America: "While we have a few leads that we can follow, further investigation into what happened during that protest should be considered, Director." (Cost: 150. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 60. Reward: Intel on Anti-Meta Forces and Meta-Humans of note.)

[ ] Intel Gathering, Eden Sanctum: "Ed had found some leads into Meta-Human havens in Europe, one of which called Eden Sanctum according to what we've found. Investigating this could give another means of getting in with the Meta-Human community." (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 70. Reward: Intel on Eden Sanctum.)

[ ] Intel Gathering, Cosmos Inheritance: "Another lead is a group we know as Cosmos Inheritance. Like Eden Sanctum, all we really know is that it's a European haven for Meta-Humans. Investigating this other group could be helpful as well." (Cost: 200. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 70. Reward: Intel on Cosmos Inheritance.)

[ ] Knock-Off Investigation: "Thanks to our new Cybersecurity team and Ed's work, we've managed to figure out who has the data on the Slayers. But we don't know how close they are to reverse-engineering their own variants." (Cost: 150. DC: 70. Time: 1 Turn. Reward: Reveals Knock-Off Slayer Progress.)
-[] Japan
-[] China
-[] Germany
-[] US
-[] Lockheed-Martin
-[] Vasily Heavy Industries
-[] Mohmar Hassan
-[] Crossroads Engineering

Personal: Hey, you have some time to yourself! Now how are you going to spend it… (1 Personal Action.)

[ ] Personal Attention: You 're going to put some personal attention to something and make sure it will actually happen! (Cost: 0. +10 to 1 Action.)
-[] Action

[ ] Brainstorm: Sometimes, you come up with all kinds of ideas and sort through them to see which are actually possible and worthwhile to try out. (Cost: 0. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 40. Reward: New Research Action Added.)

[ ] Buy a Lottery Ticket: Because why not, you might get lucky! (Cost: 100. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 100. Reward: 1,000 Credits.)

[ ] Get to know someone: You're going to be working with them, you might as well learn more about your subordinates and co-workers. (Cost: 0. Time: 1 Turn. DC: 50)
-[] (Department Head) Write-In.
-[] (Pilot) Write-In.
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Feedback seems to be that we need to beef up our infantry, so I'm thinking Recruitment Drive, Mechanization and Tank-Tastic, then autopsy some of the little ankle-biter critters to better have an idea of what we're dealing with.

As for the other stuff, I don't know. Buy and "acquire" more tech? Investigate some of those incidents?
Feedback seems to be that we need to beef up our infantry, so I'm thinking Recruitment Drive, Mechanization and Tank-Tastic, then autopsy some of the little ankle-biter critters to better have an idea of what we're dealing with.

As for the other stuff, I don't know. Buy and "acquire" more tech? Investigate some of those incidents?
Propaganda has a synergy with recruitment, so it should be good. Then we can probably focus on metahumans from multiple angles.
@ShieldCrown does Twilight's Mission Multi-Tasking trait mean that we can do three Intrigue action per turn or that if there are two locked in actions we can take a third one?

[X] Plan Tank up a little
-[X] Military total cost: 450
--[X] Recruitment Drive (Cost: 150)
--[X] Full Mechanization (Cost: 300)
-[X] Research total cost: 250
--[X] Mangler Autopsy (Cost: 100)
--[X] Ace Custom (Cost: 150)
-[X] Industrial total cost: 300
--[X] House of Asclepius
--[X] Tank-tastic! (Cost: 300)
-[X] Diplomacy total cost: 300
--[X] Propaganda Machine (Cost: 150)
--[X] Performer Persuasion: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Intrigue total cost: 300
--[X] Eye of The Beholder (Cost: 150)
--[X] Incident Investigation, North America (Cost: 150)
-[X] Personal
--[X] Personal Attention (Cost: 0. +10 to 1 Action.)
---[X] Ace Custom
-[X] Total cost: 1600/2125
[X] Plan Increase in Adversity
-[X] Military total cost: 450
--[X] Recruitment Drive (Cost: 150)
--[X] Full Mechanization (Cost: 300)
-[X] Research total cost: 250
--[X] Mangler Autopsy (Cost: 100)
--[X] The Corpse of Giants (Cost: 150)
-[X] Industrial total cost: 300
--[X] House of Asclepius
--[X] Tank-tastic! (Cost: 300)
-[X] Diplomacy total cost: 300
--[X] Propaganda Machine (Cost: 150)
--[X] Performer Persuasion: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Intrigue total cost: 300
--[X] Eye of The Beholder (Cost: 150)
--[X] Incident Investigation, North America (Cost: 150)
-[X] Personal
--[X] Personal Attention (Cost: 0. +10 to 1 Action.)
---[X] The Corpse of Giants
-[X] Total cost: 1600/2125
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@Crazyone47 you should swap the Personal Attention from the Mangler Autopsy to The Corpse of Giants as the mangler has a DC of 40 while the corpse has a DC of 60.
[X] Plan Buff Soldiers
-[X] Military total cost: 450
--[X] Recruitment Drive: (Cost: 150)
--[X] Full Mechanization: (Cost: 300)
-[X] Research total cost: 250
--[X] Mangler Autopsy: (Cost: 100)
--[X] Ultra Autopsy: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Industrial total cost: 250
--[X] Biomorphic Augmentation Facility: (Cost: 250)
-[X] Diplomacy total cost: 300
--[X] Propaganda Machine: (Cost: 150)
--[X] Performer Persuasion: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Intrigue total cost: 300
--[X] Eye of The Beholder: (Cost: 150)
--[X] Incident Investigation, North America: (Cost: 150)
-[X] Personal
--[X] Get to know someone: (Cost: 0)
---[X] (Department Head) Doctor Moira Vahlen
-[X] Total cost: 1550/2125

We're getting to the point where there's lots of options that don't have as obvious a list of priority, so there's an argument to be made for any plan. That said, I went for getting our soldiers augmented sooner, instead of giving focus to vehicle production or the Slayers, since our regular infantry are consistently the ones who suffer the most in engagements right now.

Also I really don't want to consume our preserved Titan Corpse for data yet, since it's apparently a prime source of materials once our research figures out how to make use of it.

And I still consider revealing the helpful Traits of all our named characters to be a better use of our Personal action each turn, rather than the +10 from Personal Attention on a single roll.