[X] Quaint Shanty Town
-[X] Temporary Housing (39 crews)
-[X] Storage (29 work crews)
-[X] Generator Startup (5 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouse Setup (25 work crews)
-[X] Geological survey (10 work crews, 1 spark)
Thought we'd focus a bit more on construction; 'generator startup' implies that the generator itself is mostly complete and we just have to run final checks, and a geological survey shouldn't use too much manpower especially if we're just looking for the easy deposits right now to get started.
[X] Quaint Town In Balance
-[X] Temporary Housing (29 crews)
-[X] Storage (24 work crews)
-[X] Generator Startup (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouse Setup (28 work crews)
-[X] Geological survey (12 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Research Labs (5 work crews)
Something between Quaint Shanty Town and Start Up. I don't think we need so many people on house building duty and while Generator and geology shouldn't take much work, I'd throw a bit more people there just in case. Hothouses also get a large contingent because food is strategic resource. Also, a few crews to the labs more to sound out how big of a project it would be and to start the potentially time-consuming tech projects.
@SAGrognard what happens if we overflow on the task?
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1
-20C, Clear weather
Shelter : None
Food : Production : red. Storage Green
Coal : None
Iron : None
Lesser metals : None
Wood : Production None. Storage Green
Your construction crews are struggling, it's as simple as that. Digging in the frozen soil is a pain, much of the caldera is rock rather than soil, and the habit of about one on ten tools (and nails and hinges etc) of breaking or shattering the first time they are put to heavy use does not help.
After the first day (4 hour shift) your shelter crews have places for 290 people out of 10800. Time for a rethink mayhap.
I did warn you that everything on the list was necessary. Choosing not to put any effort into research is not going well for you
Storage is less of an issue. An iron warehouse does not care if wind is whistling through gaps in the walls and windows, just so long as it keeps snow and light fingers out. You have about 10% of the train's remaining stores offloaded and safely packed.
Professor Wilne takes his team off to the Generator. It was properly mothballed after construction, and no problems show up during his restart check. Coal is loaded, the fires started, and yellow light shines out over the caldera. In a radius of 432 yards around the generator the temperature is now -10 instead of -20. No hotter near the Generator with a gradual cooloff, just an even 10C throughout the affected area, ending abruptly at the cut-off. Amazing device really. He spends another half hour monitoring the Generator, then take his teams off to assist the hothouse crews for the remaining two hours.
The hothouse teams were having the same issues as the residence teams, until the Generator came online. Bringing the temperature up to British cold rather than Arctic cold means everything starts working properly again, and when the good professor arrives and builds an explosive-driven sonic digger to help with foundations and support posts work proceeds smoothly. You have the buildings for 11 hothouses (intended to supply 11000 people's greens). Tomorrow soil can be moved in and planting commence.
The geo survey is smooth and effective. With Graf Anette using a field spectrogram to identify ores and minerals, zeplins to conduct aerial survey, and plenty of people to check on the ground, the caldera is finished in an hour. She puts 6 teams on scouting outside the caldera and takes the rest to assist the hothousing. You have identified two coal deposits, two iron deposits, and sundry lesser materials (including gypsum which the Graf believes could be used for brick soda if you wish to set up a brickworks)
The free economy is also starting. Fresh fish, a boon to any British group are coming in from the ocean 150 miles off (they hired a zeplin), the Hunter and Rangers Guild has allocated claim areas for traps although you will not see a catch until tomorrow at best, an enterprising individual has put together a clothing workshop, and a cookhouse has been set up next to the Generator.
So, if I read correctly:
- The hard part of hothouse building is done. Now it's just moving production from wagons to buildings.
- Generator is online and now we just have to keep it fueled. That should free 1 spark.
-Civillians are setting up hunting - good
- We absolutely need research, because otherwise work efficiency is abysmal.
- We're reeeeaaaaally behind on housing.
Opinion: keep bare minimum setting up hothouses and Manning the generator, throw the rest at research (+sparks) and housing.
[X] Plan balance
-[X] Temporary Housing (20 work crews)
-[X] Storage (20 work crews)
-[X] Generator (20 work crews+spark)
-[X] Hothouse Setup (20 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (28 work crews+spark)
[X] Plan Get Our Bearings
-[X] Temporary Housing (40 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (40 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouses (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Generator (10 work crews)
-[X] Storage (8 work crews)
Rationale explained in my previous post. In short - we have massive backlogs in two areas, so we throw majority of workforce there, the rest is either mostly done or doesn't need to be prioritized right now. Throwing spark for hothouses in hope of some farming gizmo.
We just got slapped because there were no people on the Research, which was pointed to us as gear adaptation - remember this winter is worse that anyone ever experienced, except folks on Siberia and Arctic. Also, we have like 2% of housing done. That's why I'm throwing people to those jobs as much as possible to not fall too much behind on other stuff, and the lowest workload is given to the task I believe is of lowest priority - our supplies should still be safe in the train.
[X] Plan Slightly less labs
-[X] Temporary Housing (70 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouses (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Generator (10 work crews)
-[X] Storage (8 work crews)
We fucked up not putting any effort into Research but is R&D something that benefits from having extra bodies thrown at it the way construction work would? I take Mithrill's point but 40 work crews feels like more than it needs.
According to train description 1 hothouse car feeds 1 standard car worth of people, that is 200 people. On-the-ground hothouse would have to have 5 times worth productivity, which is quite a lot but in my opinion not impossibly so, given how limited growing ground would be in a wagon.
I'll rethink the approach to labs per your opinion, but in my opinion the eventual overflow could go into starting research or another project
You have the buildings for 11 hothouses (intended to supply 11000 people's greens).
Not a typo. Guess I should have been clearer.
You have 10800 people (108) work crews. 11 hothouses will provide plant based nutrition for 11k people.
Hothouses ARE sparkworks, and will require a spark to perform maintenance (1 hour per hothouse per week).
They are also not mounted on wheels, and much larger (5 x size). 11 x 200 x 5 = 11k
Much of your food (especially raw calories) will come from hunting, trapping and fishing.
The hothouses do ensure that scurvy, etc are not an issue.
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Jun 13, 2023 at 8:19 AM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.
[X] Plan balance
-[X] Temporary Housing (20 work crews)
-[X] Storage (20 work crews)
-[X] Generator (20 work crews+spark)
-[X] Hothouse Setup (20 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (28 work crews+spark)
[X] Plan Get Our Bearings
-[X] Temporary Housing (40 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (40 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouses (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Generator (10 work crews)
-[X] Storage (8 work crews)
[X] Plan Slightly less labs
-[X] Temporary Housing (70 work crews)
-[X] Research Labs (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouses (10 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Generator (10 work crews)
-[X] Storage (8 work crews)
Plan balance wins. My apologies, I failed to mention that the Generator is now up and running and only requires 1 (one) work crew to keep loading it with coal. I will put them on Housing.
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1
-20C, Clear weather
Shelter : None
Food : Production : red. Storage Green
Coal : None
Iron : None
Lesser metals : None
Wood : Production None. Storage Green
Housing, 39 crews + spark : Graf Anette turns Wanderer's heat ray to minimum and gives the ground a light toasting to remove snow and unmelt frozen soil. Tools and building materials are stored in the Generator Zone, so are still (relatively) warm when put to use. Your crews put together housing for 1200 odd people today, should be finished by the end of the week.
Storage, 20 work crews : Hammer, nail, build, work proceeds. With slightly more crews it speeds up a bit, 25% today, should also be finished by the end of the week.
Hothouse setup, 20 crews : Soil is in, boilers are loaded with coal, planting starts tomorrow.
Research, 28 crews + spark : A lab has been built, and is ready to conduct research.
Please choose your research.
[] Research - Arctic adaption
Tools, lubricants, runners instead of wheels, it all needs work.
[] Research - Lumber mill
Start bringing in wood from the frozen trees
[] Research - Fishing Outpost
Community based fishing.
No major changes in the free market. The cookhouse (FM) is feeding 3000 people from fish and small game. You will need to build community cookhouses or wait for free market if you want to feed more with economies of scale
You now know that each hothouse and lab will require 5 work crews to operate them. You can choose not to work them if crews are vitally needed elsewhere.
[] Work Generator 1 crew
[] Work Research Lab 5 crew
[] Work Hothouses 5-55 crews
[] Temporary Housing (Wood huts and tents)
[] Storage (unpack the train sand set up warehouses)
[] Research Labs (to adapt tools, lubricants etc to the cold, and do further research)
[] Cookhouses
You have the buildings for 11 hothouses (intended to supply 11000 people's greens).
Not a typo. Guess I should have been clearer.
You have 10800 people (108) work crews. 11 hothouses will provide plant based nutrition for 11k people.
Hothouses ARE sparkworks, and will require a spark to perform maintenance (1 hour per hothouse per week).
They are also not mounted on wheels, and much larger (5 x size). 11 x 200 x 5 = 11k
Much of your food (especially raw calories) will come from hunting, trapping and fishing.
The hothouses do ensure that scurvy, etc are not an issue.
Thanks for clarification! If I calculate correctly, that would mean we have to throw 1,5-2 turns worth of sparkwork per week to hothouses (don't remember how they interact with shifts), but once the planting is finished we could supply greens to our entire population and give us a solid, reliable food intake. On the other hand, they would eat up about half of our current workforce to keep up with demand (they feed 10 work crews worth of people at a cost of 5 work crews). Still, that is a surplus and a useful baseline. Can they be upgraded further with tech, @SAGrognard ?
In the light of our food baseline, I propose tech order of Adaptation -> Lumber -> Fishing -> further research. Anyone opposed?
Absolutely. You can reduce the people required, increase the production, increase their insulation, assign a fractal spider (automaton) to automate them, develop hydroponics, etc.
[X] Plan build up
-[X] Research - Arctic adaption
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[x] Work Research Lab 5 crew
-[x] Work Hothouses 55 crews
-[X] Temporary Housing (24 crews)
-[X] Storage (23 crews)
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on Jun 16, 2023 at 6:27 AM, finished with 3 posts and 1 votes.
[X] Plan build up
-[X] Research - Arctic adaption
-[X] Work Generator 1 crew
-[x] Work Research Lab 5 crew
-[x] Work Hothouses 55 crews
-[X] Temporary Housing (24 crews)
-[X] Storage (23 crews)
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1
-20C, Clear weather
Shelter : None
Food : Production : Green. Storage Green
Coal : None
Iron : None
Lesser metals : None
Wood : Production None. Storage Green
Research: Arctic Adaption 1 complete. With two sparks on this it did not take long. You will not need more unless the weather worsens. Your alloys have been modified for cold, suitable lubricants chosen etc.
Choose your next area of research
[] Research - Lumber mill
Start bringing in wood from the frozen trees
[] Research - Fishing Outpost
Community based fishing.
[] Research - Coal Thumper
Bring coal up to the surface so that it can be gathered
[] Research - Iron Mine, Smelter, Bessemer Converter
Begin production of iron
[] Research - Scouts
The zeplins have been useful but they miss a lot that a man on the ground will not.
[] Research - Advanced Laboratory
Slow, expensive, not currently recommended but included in case you wish to tech rush
Work on housing and storage continues, should be finished at the end of the week.
Some of the people who are doing fishing are finding the zeplin ride each day a pain. They would like to do a triple shift for the community (12 hours) and then have 3 days off.
[] Flexitime - OK
[] Flexitime - No way
Plan vote will happen again when something changes.
One of your people is producing beer during his free market time. He would like a small building in the Generator Zone for his barrels. Certainly a pub or two would be nice.
[] Brewer - No, you can burn coal to warm your shed.
[] Brewer - Absolutely, which is first, guiness or stout?
Other entertainment establishments have opened already, including a house of dice, a bareknuckled brawling ring, and a group of ladies of negotiable virtue. Given the heavy female to male ratio in your society you are surprised the last survives but there it is.