Ice (steampunk, slo-mo apocalypse)

[X] Quarantine and check

It'd be nice to quarantine and run but this hive doesn't seem to be at full strength so may as well be thorough. I really don't want to bring these things up north with us.
What are mindwasps and is a 9 inch salvo a proportional response to them?
Mindwasps are about 400 grams of mind control sparkwork. They were deployed by the Other, who was killed in his/her home of romania about 10 years ago. Not all victims are obvious, some have had commands surface years later. 9 inch fire is considered proportionate, as is thermobaric purge sweeps
If we turn the town into a crater and purge its population will the Russians be able to trace this back to us (no particular reason why I'm asking this, I swear).
[X] Quarantine and check, with all of your train's troops on high alert and everyone locked in a car to make sure no one sneaks onboard or gets kidnapped during the process. Once everyone is safely checked, bombard the town with the train's gun cars to ensure none of the infected remain.
Vote closed, writing
Scheduled vote count started by SAGrognard on May 29, 2023 at 7:48 AM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Quarantine and check
    [X] Quarantine and check, with all of your train's troops on high alert and everyone locked in a car to make sure no one sneaks onboard or gets kidnapped during the process. Once everyone is safely checked, bombard the town with the train's gun cars to ensure none of the infected remain.
Paths Taken 4
All 'stung' persons secrete an IFF molecule similar to human pheromones. The Other presumably regarded it as a uniform of sorts. Your two sparks have very different devices intended to detect that particular chemical, but both have long snouts like that of a sniffing animal. As they move down the line double-checking each other, Prof Wilne produces flashes of green light while Graf Anette gives cheerful all-clear tones. They reach the end of the line without any positives, no stung infiltrators in your train.

Professor Wilne recommends obtaining a sample of the deploy pods. Wasps (and victims) have been captured before but the deployment cells have not been carefully studied. It could lead to some form of defense other than 'Get the wasps before they get you' or even to a cure for mindwasp infestation. He cheerfully admits that this is not a -safe- course. Isolation will have to be very carefully maintained.

Graf Anette thinks he has been smoking his socks. She wants to use HE gunfire to breach barriers in a perimeter around that market square, then drop fuel-air bombs from the zeplins to scour it clean.

[] Response - Very careful study

[] Response - Scorch it clean

[] Response - Why waste resources. Just move on.
[X] Response - Scorch it clean

I feel like we need to try to keep the schedule so we have time to dig in up north before the worst comes and this is one opportunity I am willing to pass up.
Cleanse and Burn
For the first time since being transferred to the train, the 9-inchers swivel in their mounts - and fire in anger. Ear shattering sound and tongues of flame at the firing end, devastation at the target. Three salvos later they fall quiet and the zeplins move forward, spraying a fine mist of petroleum fuel over the target before maxing their engines to get clear. Your 6-inchers fire incendiary shell, and the world turns to fire in the market square. Looking over the blasted and burned result, the zeplins signal 'Destruction complete, target Purged' and return to Wanderer.

400 miles and several weeks later, it is time to part ways with the river. The train powers up the bank and you order the course change to Nor'nor'east. Soon you will have to choose your route.

[] Route - via Moscow.
St Petersburg did not go well, but Moscow is another chance to pick up cold-weather recruits. The Russias collapsed under the Other's hammer, but the capital would have been heavily defended.
[] Route - Go North
Heading up to the ice shore of the arctic, then straight east is slightly longer but avoids possible city trouble.
[X] Route - Go North
if that village was any indication, the rest of Russia is probably full of weird archotech and mutants from the Other.
[X] Route - Go North

If the trouble wasn't a mind controlling infection I'd say more recruits would be worth the risk but as it is any recruits could be compromised, so... yeah.
[X] Route - Go North
We can Recruit individuals once we're actually established somewhere and can sustain immigration.

Plus, Cities are almost guaranteed to have *somebody* take a pass at our skaters.
Business as usual
Researched Tech : Basic survival 1, Basic Travel 1, Basic Hothouse 1
-20C, Clear weather
Shelter : None
Food : Production : red. Storage Green
Coal : None
Iron : None
Lesser metals : None
Wood : Production None. Storage Green

The colors indicate:
Red Production well below demand, Storage almost empty
Yellow Production meets demand, Storage below one month.
Green Production surplus, Storage more than a month

Having decided that possible recruits are not worth the risk in cities, the group heads North to the arctic ocean. Frozen solid, ice and snow, comfortable problems you are familiar with and handle without issue. Your only encounter with people in the next three weeks is an Eskimo sitting next to a hole in the ice, fishing. He waves casually, and goes back to his fishing.

Reasonably good time has been made, with only three days lost to weather, and the barrier range that will protect you from superstorms rising in the Atlantic looms to your starboard forequarter. On this course you have only to continue and it passes to your right. Shortly thereafter the coast curves north, you continue toward your isolate mountain, pulling up next to the crater about a week later.

Time to put down roots. You have many priorities, and they are all important.

You have 108 work crews, and two sparks.
Please allocate them amongst

[] Temporary Housing (Wood huts and tents)
[] Storage (unpack the train sand set up warehouses)
[] Generator Startup (will use Coal)
[] Hothouse Setup (Research done on the way means you can get straight on this if desired)
[] Research Labs (to adapt tools, lubricants etc to the cold, and do further research)
[] Geological survey (identify local coal, iron, copper etc)

Example [20 c, 1 spark] Temporary Housing
You have 108 work crews, and two sparks.
Please allocate them amongst
So... quick question, if we had a Hundred Tasks, we could individually assign each Task a single Work Crew?

[] Generator Startup (will use Coal)
-This is like the Generator in Forst Punk, right? Produces Heat and stuff?
--I feel like a Spark for this would be good. Would have both but I feel the Prof is better suited to guiding people in hunting down critical resources.

[] Hothouse Setup (Research done on the way means you can get straight on this if desired)
-Food is going to be the strict determination of how many people we can sustain. So we should have these set up first, so we know where we stand.
--We don't need anything fancy here, just someplace that we can grow the essentials. Plus, given that Spark-tech needs the personal administrations of a Spark to not immediately stop functioning. Food shouldn't need one of our two Sparks to constantly play minder.

[] Temporary Housing (Wood huts and tents)
-We're ripping these down ASAP, so no Spark stuff needed or wanted here.

[] Geological survey (identify local coal, iron, copper etc)
-This is critical, because we're all going to be screwed if we don't get the resources to sustain ourselves.
--Prof should be here, imo. That sled dohickey sounds really good. Plus, we might find some ruins we can salvage.
I only know Girl Genius through pop-cultural osmosis, but Frostpunk is a gem of a game and I'm happy to engage.
Should have a plan soon-ish, busy IRL.
[X] plan start up
-[X] Temporary Housing (29 crews)
-[X] Storage (15 work crews)
-[X] Generator Startup (20 work crews, 1 spark)
-[X] Hothouse Setup (29 work crews)
-[X] Geological survey (15 work crews, 1 spark)