Perfectly Normal: A Slice of Life Sim

[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [SPEC] He withdraws from expressing his opinions, feeling spurned, but uses his inspiration from that experience to gain a profound respect for history and social science. Maybe no one else appreciates it the same way that he does, and that's their loss! (Gain new Smarts specialization: Curiosity)
Curiosity is good for keeping one motivated (and getting into troubles...).

[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.
[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.
"Hi!" she said suddenly. "Would you be interested in joining the Student Council?!"

...but, do they just accept anyone who applies? No screening process, no requirements? These are people who help run the school, serve as its representatives during official events, and deal with club budgets. And wherever there's money involved, there's control. I thought you had to have a certain history and/or interests to join.

I know they are perpetually understaffed since most kids prefer to do the fun thing rather than work, but still.
"The Student Council is an important lynchpin of Miyao society! This egalitarian, volunteer-based institution is a great introduction to the modern workplace! We have vouchers for movies on weekends, too!"
...given the preference for ambush tactics and the words-per-minute ratio, I already suspect the identity of this... kouhai.
"I don't know. His face is so… odd. He doesn't look Ambājin, or Chūgojin. The way he wears his uniform is so clumsy, so he can't be Miyaojin, either. A foreigner, obviously!"

"We knew that already. Maybe he's from the Far West?"

"Don't be silly. He's obviously Far East. He's so good at Ambāgo enunciation!"
Ambājin... as in, Ambernian? That's the only thing we have the talent for, except for math. And we are living in a building where a lot of half-Amberrish reside. Coincidence?
The current consensus was that he was some sort of inscrutable, distant foreigner.
Is there an Inscrutable Foreigner Club? I'd like to join. There must be at least two more potential members running around.
The teacher coughed. He peered at Silas, not unkindly. "You won't find your answer in the notes, Yamigawa-kun. I'm asking for an opinion. No wrong answers."
In my experience, that just means 'the answer won't affect your grade'. As it turned out, sometimes giving an answer at all is the wrong move.

Well then!

[x] [SPEC] He decides that his classmates can go fuck off!! He won't say it out loud, though. But he'll be thinking it! Spitefully! (++Pride, Conformity Decreases)

They say pride comes before the fall, but it's still spring, so we have ways to go before it bites us.
More seriously, I want a more assertive, decisive and confrontational Silas. At least when push comes to shove. He can keep dreamwalking in the off-hours.

Of the habits, I like two, Copycat and a small Black Note where we will be writing down our grudges. But if I had to choose one...

[x] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.

There is something wrong with our memory, and I'd like to jut down happenings and our thoughts on them. Preferably in a non-digitized way.
Last edited:
Glad you came back QM, feared this was lost to the endless pit if fiction.

[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.
Welcome back!

[X] [SPEC] He decides that his classmates can go fuck off!! He won't say it out loud, though. But he'll be thinking it! Spitefully! (++Pride, Conformity Decreases)
[X] [NEW HABIT] The cacophony of conversation has, surprisingly, become oddly comforting for Silas. It's like white noise to him now. He takes up an interest in podcasts, special interest videos on MiiTube, radio shows, and so on. There's just something so stimulating about having something playing in his ear.

Let us plug into the noise of the world.
[X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Gain a new Habit: Imitation & Mirroring (1/10). On completion: ++++Charisma, +Physique. Rolls for Charisma. Grants a Trait that helps Silas conduct social rolls.
Vote Closed~
Scheduled vote count started by LuciDreamer on May 20, 2023 at 4:53 AM, finished with 15 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] [SPEC] He realizes that he should be more intelligent about what he says out loud. Just because he's right doesn't mean that everyone needs to hear it. In fact, it might be better to learn how to say the truth without "saying" the truth. Truly, he lives in a society... (Gain new Smarts specialization: Tact)
    [X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
    [X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
    [X] [SPEC] He withdraws from expressing his opinions, feeling spurned, but uses his inspiration from that experience to gain a profound respect for history and social science. Maybe no one else appreciates it the same way that he does, and that's their loss! (Gain new Smarts specialization: Curiosity)
    [x] [SPEC] He decides that his classmates can go fuck off!! He won't say it out loud, though. But he'll be thinking it! Spitefully! (++Pride, Conformity Decreases)
    [X] [SPEC] He decides that, next time he is put on the spot like that, he needs to be more articulate, so that he can show them why he's right, and they're wrong. It's obvious to him, but not necessarily to anyone else… and he needs to be able to communicate that fact. (Gain new Smarts specialization: Rhetoric)
    [X] [NEW HABIT] The cacophony of conversation has, surprisingly, become oddly comforting for Silas. It's like white noise to him now. He takes up an interest in podcasts, special interest videos on MiiTube, radio shows, and so on. There's just something so stimulating about having something playing in his ear.
Tiebreaker Vote Reopening
Tiebreaker vote! Open for 12 hours only. Your choices are:

[] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
[x] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[x] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
[x] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
[X] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.

Write, Silas! Wriiiite!
Vote Closed~
Scheduled vote count started by LuciDreamer on May 24, 2023 at 12:14 PM, finished with 12 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] [NEW HABIT] Silas starts to collect all of the information he learns. At first, he tries to hold onto to every minor detail he hears within his own memory, and when it becomes too much... he starts to write it all down. The more he learns, the more he writes. Eventually, the nature of his writing becomes more... personal.
    [X] [NEW HABIT] Silas becomes fixated on the various subtle things that people do when they talk to each other. How they carry themselves; the tone of their voice; what is or is not taboo; the expressions and innuendos and idioms they all use. He starts to wonder if it's really all that hard to fit in. It's just a matter of copying what they're doing, right?
Week 3 | School Actions II: Can't Get a Grip...
5/6, Friday

Dear Diary,

My name is Yamigawa Silas

My name is Silas, however this information is irrelevant, because I will be dead in the ground before I allow anyone besides myself to see this

My classmates were talking about many things today. There are a few interesting highlights:

  • Pervasive rumor: Heir-presumptive to the Eternal Throne of the Empire of Mihoku is a student here. Supposedly in Class 4-3. Name not mentioned.
  • Silly rumor: I am apparently a bastard son of the infamous nine-tailed, tentacled fox-spirit, Tamamo Ninomae.
  • 'Hosts of the Starless Skies,' Gacha game. Popular with everyone. Collect anthropomorphised airship-girls. Fantastical pseudo-Great-War setting. Two factions, the 'peace-loving' White-Banner Imperials and the 'expansionist' Red-Star Communitarians. How original.
Besides that, I have nothing more to report.

Silas looked over the page once, twice. Those were… definitely words. He flipped the notebook shut, conscientiously looking around to see if anyone had noticed him scribbling in it. The people still here seemed to be stragglers, interested only in chatting with each other. So he was fine. Probably.


Silas is building the following habit:
Writes A Diary
- Despite vehemently refusing to admit to himself that it is a diary, Silas, in fact, now writes prolifically in one. (Progress: 1/10, rolls for Imagination)

On Completion: ++Imagination, ++Smarts, +Charisma. Unlocks a new RELAXATION action: JOURNAL, which allows Silas to reduce ??? and imparts a positive status effect.

Silas will now begin to fill the Character Database with his own words.


Silas stuck to the side corridors or secondary staircases as he made his way down to the ground floor, eager to avoid the large crowds that tended to agglomerate around popular hangout spots. It was all starting to become more familiar to him now—The main halls and untravelled passages, the shoe lockers, the main entrance, the side entrance, the front gate and the exercise field. He could now navigate without double-checking the map, so long as he didn't have to deal with any unexpected detours.

…which, of course, today, he did. There was some sort of big event going on at the main hall. Something to do with that sport where you hit people with bamboo sticks. Nothing he was interested in.

Of course, his alternate route, an underused auxiliary stairwell, was on the far end of the building. How inconvenient. It took him a little longer to get there, but after some meandering, he got to the staircase… and heard a curious conversation occurring below.

"Look, I—I don't know what else to tell you. It was just something I overheard someone else saying. I can't even remember who."

"Why are you so… I dunno… reticent to share details, then? Come on, I'm just curious!"

"I, like… well, it's just, some people say that even talking about it invokes... her. You know what I mean?"

"I don't. I'd really like to know more, though. It's important to me."

"Yeah, well, okay, but, I don't want to, I dunno… tempt fate? I—"

"Come on, Ibara-kun, don't tell me you believe in superstitious stuff. You're Amberrish!"

"What… what's being Amberrish got to do with anything?"

Silas walked down, trying to make himself small, and saw Ibara speaking in hushed tones with a girl. She was his age, but wore her hair like someone younger, tied up in double pigtails and short bangs. Honestly, she was kind of cute.
"...cuter than me? Ha-ha-ha!"
As Silas came close to passing the two on the way down, the girl's eyes perked up. She shot him a disarming grin. But Silas did not return the gesture. He recognized that face.

It must have shown, because the girl's tone dropped. "...have we met?"
"...a theatre kid... we pirated musicals together, heh..."
Silas backed away. "W-We have." He tried not to sound bitter. "I am s-surprised you forgot."

She rubbed her chin, thinking. Suddenly, she clapped her hands together. "Right! You're that—"

Kel suddenly punched her in the shoulder.

—A whirlwind of emotions passed the girl's face. She looked angry—then confused—then... shocked? It passed quickly, though. "Yeah... yeah. I remember you. I, uh... said some mean things, didn't I? About you. I really am sorry about that, by the way. I didn't mean it. Not one word."

Silas felt his eyebrow twitch. "C-Can you just… go away?"

She seemed to grit her teeth. "I don't know what your problem is! I'm trying to… apologize, hey?"

"O-Okay?" Silas fidgeted with his fingers. "And t-that's… great. I'll think about it. Please leave me al-alone."

The girl made a dissatisfied noise. "You need to lighten up. It's what normal people do. Sheesh."

"Normal…" Silas repeated, and something about the word rattled around in his brain.

The girl tilted her head. "What was that?"

"Normal... normal, normal, normal! F-Fuck you—" Silas took a sharp breath. He tried to stop himself, but the words kept spilling out. "—and your normal! I know I'm not normal, you bitch! You d-don't have to remind me!"

The world fell deathly quiet. His throat hurt from the strain of shouting. His last words were still echoing. His eyes went wide, and he tried to step away, searching desperately for an apology he could toss at her, to make all of this go away.

And then she approached him. Slowly. He couldn't decipher her expression—her face was like porcelain. Was she mad? Seething? Hurt? Frightened? Annoyed?

Whatever she was thinking, it didn't show in her face. Nothing did. Even so, the closer she got, the more and more she seemed to loom over him.

"J-Just…" Her lip quivered. She wet her lips with her tongue, swallowed, and started again: "...who the hell are you?"
"...come here... come close..."
Silas tried to open his mouth, but nothing came out.


The girl's head snapped towards the source of the sound.
"...and I'll whisper her name in you ear..."
Silas felt a pang of relief when Inoue, his class rep, peeked her head into the stairwell. Her eyes immediately locked onto the girl. "Yumika-san."

"Yo." The girl replied flatly. "You know, I've been bumping into you a lot today! What, did you need a few more infractions for your quota?"

"I am not sure what you are talking about." Inoue's face remained calm and dispassionate. "I'm just standing my watch."

The girl giggled drily. "What are you, a crow? 'Birdies, birdies, gather ye round the marble nest…'"

Inoue just sighed. "You should leave, Yumika-san. You are obstructing the flow of traffic."

Silas heard a snort.

"I… fine!" The girl groaned. "What's… what's everyones' problem today? First Hana-chan, and now this…"

She muttered something incomprehensible as she marched up the stairs, chipping Inoue on the shoulder as she disappeared onto the next floor. The class rep did not react. Silas found himself staring at the space she left behind.

"Are you two… alright?" Inoue's voice broke the silence. She was coming down to meet them.

"Yeah, we're fine. I was just about to go…"

"IMSORRY—" Silas blurted, "f-for… what I did."

Inoue tilted her head. "Which was?"

"Gyeah…" Silas twiddled his thumbs. "...I called that girl a... bad thing."

She gave him a weird look. "Pardon, I don't believe I heard that. Anyway—"

"I c-called her a... well, you know! You must have heard!" Silas repeated. "T-That's… a-against a rule or something, isn't it? I nev-I d-didn't pay attention to th-the student conduct code, but I… I… it's not good, what I did, s-surely?

At that moment, Silas realized that there was something crooked with her expression. Half a grin, half a grimace. She checked behind her, and then walked, leisurely, over to the railing. She peered down the stairwell, then craned her head to look up, at the floor above.

She stood still for a moment.

"...If true," she said, turning back to face him, "that would certainly be an infractable offense. You would be due a proper punishment, to be carried out by the Public Morals Committee. If Yumika-san would like to levy the allegation against you, she would be welcome to submit a complaint."

Her smile turned so wide it looked almost sinister.

"As one of the Public Morals Committee chairs, I can personally attest to our… efficiency."

Silas felt his face turn a little white. "O-Oh. Okay."

"Sheesh, Ino-chan," Ibara was chuckling. "Remind me again never to get on your bad side."

"You are in no danger of that, Ibara-kun." She went silent for a moment. "I... should return to my duties."

"Actually, Ino-chan, could I talk with you for a bit, too? In private."

"Of course. Oh, and Yamigawa-kun?"

"Hmm?" Silas froze up.

Inoue grinned sympathetically at him. "If it makes you feel better, I think that she is a bitch, too. Have a nice evening, Yamigawa-kun."


Silas found it hard to focus, because at that moment, Ibara burst out laughing, and Inoue finally let out a little chortle of her own. It wasn't true—he didn't think that about Yumika. He hardly knew her. He learned her name a few moments ago! He just… he just spat out the first words that came to mind. She was annoying him slightly, and he lashed out. Why were they so okay with that?

It didn't make sense to him, but he didn't have the energy to argue. He just wanted to go home. So he said his goodbyes, hurried down the stairs, making for the door, and then, the station. His train awaited him.

Something weird just happened.

New character discovered!

Yumika Matsuoka
A popular girl from one of the other classes—4-1, I think. She's like a songbird, all smiles and melodies. She's a little bit of a pain. I don't think she's a bad person, but... none of the people I know seem to like her.

General Information


Yumika is gregarious, and seems to have a lot of friends throughout Yamaha Senior High. (Roll for Charisma for most social actions. ???)
She is self-righteous, and really doesn't like it when people argue with her. (Pride counts as a negative modifier.)


Known Close Relations:
Inoue Sara (???) — Sara and Yumika seem to not get along at all. I wonder why that is?

??? (???)


Sera-nee wasn't home yet when Silas finally made it back. There was a little sticky note on the fridge, telling him that she had to rush back to the office. She'd left one of her work credit cards on the table if he wanted to order takeout.

So he got himself an SC&G 'V-Ration'—quality, authentic v-steak sandwiches and potato wedges, with recipes straight from the Union Liberation Army Field Kitchen Cookbook!—and spent the rest of the evening trying to turn his brain off.

Memories knocked around in the back of his head. A light. A buzz. An ocean… If he focused in a certain way, he could almost ignore them. Flood his head with static, blind his sight with white fuzz. As a matter of fact, it was rather easy. Too easy.

And yet...

He heard a creaking noise. The door was swinging open.

"Hey, Silas. Someone left these in the hall." Sera said, coming in. Standing there, she looked unnaturally tall and glassy-eyed, casting a long shadow into his apartment. "Did you order them? Why's it so dark in here?"

"I d-dunno..." Silas looked around. What time was it?

"Well, flip the switch, at least, sheesh." She chuckled, and Silas was momentarily blinded as his own lights came on. Sera sighed deeply. "It's depressing enough at the office. No need to bring those bad vibes home. I think your V-Ration's cold, by the way. Must have been out there for an hour or so. Did you forget about it, Silas? Honestly. Don't waste food..."


Sera opened her mouth, as if to speak, but she stopped herself. She examined him for a moment, before continuing, in a gentler tone: "It's alright. Hey, do you want to eat dinner together? I can't remember the last time we did. You could catch me up on everything that's been happening at school."

Silas looked away.

"...don't want to talk about it?"


"Ah." She grinned knowingly. "In fairness, I don't want to talk about work, either. Still, though. Eat with me. I'll share some of my instant omurice with you if you let me have a few fries."


Silas let himself be pushed up from his seat on the floor, and onto the dining table. Sera-nee decided to open the blinds, to 'let the moonlight in,' she insisted. They ate together, trading food and, eventually, stories. She would complain about her coworkers at Municipal Intelligence, especially the management. Incompetent boobs, the lot of them. So prone to losing things. She didn't say anything too specific, of course. Some of it was quite classified. If she told him, she'd have to kill him, she said, with a wink and a giggle.

And then Silas would, begrudgingly, talk about one of the many minor annoyances that had been digging at him over the course of the week. People whispered that he was a yokai or a communist. Teachers sometimes wanted conflicting things out of him. He didn't know how to talk to his classmates, and it's not like he actually liked any of them, but it would be nice to feel a little more a part of their world.

"Hmm." Sera leaned back in her chair. " know, did I ever tell you how I got into Municipal Intelligence?"

"W-We hardly talk, so..."

"Ha-ha! Isn't that right..." His big sister chuckled to herself, and stared off into the window. " was hell, at first. I mean, we didn't even speak the same language, initially. And the operating environment was so... foreign. In a lot of ways, me and the Office were totally incompatible."

"What ch-changed?"

She grinned. "I did. Simple as. I learned how to communicate in the same way that my colleagues did. I taught myself their rules. And I worked my way up from there. All so I could give you a good life! Heheh."

"G-Guh..." Silas looked away, blushing.

"It was awful at first, but really, if you boil it down to component tasks, it's quite easy to get used to a new environment. Take control of the input, and you shall become master of the output."

"...take control..." Silas repeated. He thought, again, about the last week. He never did feel like he was in... control. And that bothered him. It really did. He barely talks, but when he does... he runs his mouth too much, and causes problems for himself and others.

He wonders if maybe it would be better to talk less, and smile more.


Silas has gained one point in the Smarts specialization: Tact
- Some people will appreciate his newfound sense of restraint.
- He will find it harder to make friends with those who think that authenticity is important.


"M-Maybe you're right..." Silas took a bite of his v-steak sandwich. "Ugh. I'm… r-really pathetic, aren't I? I-I'm sure someone like Inoue-san or Ibara-kun could deal with this easily. It m-must be second nature to them."

"'Inoue-san'? 'Ibara-kun'? Friends of yours?"

"N-Not..." Silas's cheeks grew a little warm. "Not really. But I've t-talked to them. A little bit."

"Tell me about them." She leaned in, grinning. "Oh, come on! Your big sister is curious. You can't just mention them by name and expect me not to pry!"

The night went on and on like that. The day ticked over, and Silas felt refreshed. Sera was comforting to be around. Since when was she so talkative?

Seraphine Yamigawa has become a Character! (But wasn't she always?)

Seraphine Yamigawa
The only family I care to remember. She reminds me that I am human.

General Information


Sera-nee is whimsical. It's a side of her that Silas doubts anyone else gets to see, since she is so good at putting up a professional front. (Standard Social Check uses Imagination.)

Sera-nee does not go to Silas's high school, obviously. (Conformity/Alienation have no effect. The bizarre social rules of the adolescent generation are totally foreign to her.)


White-Collar Professional—Sera-neesan's job involves a lot of paperwork, phone calls, emails, meetings, internal screaming, and external screaming. In other words: She has a well-paying office job, and is often away on business. (Sera is often unavailable.)

Doting—Sera loves Silas a lot, and is willing to put up with him more than most would. (+1 to all social actions with Silas. Gain a random positive status, habit growth, or ???? each time Silas conducts a SOCIALIZE action with her.)

Known Close Relations

Silas Yamigawa (Elder Sister)—Self-explanatory.

New Objective:
Love is Hard for on Otaku's Onee-san
Sera-neesan is working very hard for the Miyao Municipal Intelligence Office. Silas should hang out with her every now and then, when they both have the chance. He owes her that much, right? And, he can't help but be curious as to what they get up to at her work...
Objective: Conduct SOCIALIZE actions with Sera-neesan 3 times. (0/3)
Reward: ??????????


The Weekend is starting.

Silas has two actions. What will Silas do, hoping to end his week on a high note?

Reminder: Inspired is a temporary status and it ends at the end of this turn!

SPECIAL actions. Special actions are, well... special!
[] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

HABIT actions. Build progress towards habits. Higher rools leads to greater gains.
[] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will work on his STRATEGY GAMES fascination. There are plenty of old games to boot up again... (Smarts check, DC 8)
[] [Action] He will busy himself by WRITING INTO HIS DIARY. There are so many jumbled thoughts in his head to compartmentalize, after all. (Imagination check, DC 8)
[] [Action] Silas should pick up a PHYSIQUE HABIT. Maybe… jogging? Morning exercises? He has an old Dōteki-GO next to his GZ 64, maybe he could try that? (Discover a new Habit, gain +1 progress in it.)

SOCIALIZE actions. Increases social bonds on success.
[] [Action] SERA-NEESAN seems to have had a bad week. Silas wants to help her have a good weekend. But how? (Social Check, DC 8.)
[] [Action] Silas wants to have a chat with ERYK NELLIS, the peculiar groundskeeper-slash-gardener of the Miko Greenhouse. (Social Check, DC ??)
[] [Action] Silas wants to get to know MIYUKI NELLIS, the precocious niece of Mr. Eryk, better. (Social Check, DC ??)

INTRODUCTION actions. On success, adds a new character to the character database. On failure, nothing happens. Difficulty is 10 + Alienation Difference.
[] [Action] Silas would like to INTRODUCE himself to someone, but unfortunately, there are no new people to meet.

[] [Action] Now isn't the time to be distracted, surely.[/spoiler]

Silas Yamigawa
Some kid from nowhere. Gray hair, skittish, and a bit standoffish. He has a good heart, maybe, but also a big head.

Conformity: -12
-Base: -2
-Poor Charisma (-1)
-Embarrassing Smarts (-4)
-Poor Imagination (-1)
-Poor Physique (-1)
-Trait: Gray Gaikokujin (-3)

???: ??

Charisma: +
- Pride: +
Smarts: /
- Tact: +
Imagination: +++
Physique: +

Inspired - Silas feels like he could do anything, if only he had the time… (Double progress on actions to build Habits. +1 action. ???. Expires at the end of Week 3)

Daydreaming - Silas spends a lot of his waking hours imagining things: fantastical plots, military engagements, spaceships, tetris blocks, mahou shoujo… that sort of thing. (+Imagination)
Takes Walks - Silas likes to spend his free time pacing his neighborhood… just because. It helps calm his nerves. (+ Physique)
Attentive Listener - Silas seems to have a decent ear for paying attention to people, properly absorbing what they're saying. Sometimes this happens even for things people would rather he forget. (++Imagination, +Charisma)

Studying (2/6) - Silas has learned decent techniques for trying to re-acquire information learned throughout his classes. (On completion: +2 Smarts. Permanent modifier to midterms and finals.)
Strategy Games (0/6) - Silas has been re-learning how to play games like chess against human opponents for fun. They're a decent pastime. (On completion: + Smarts. ???)
Writes A Diary (1/10)- Despite vehemently refusing to admit to himself that it is a diary, Silas, in fact, now writes prolifically in one. (On Completion: ++Imagination, ++Smarts, +Charisma. Unlocks a new RELAXATION action: JOURNAL, which allows Silas to reduce ??? and imparts a positive status effect.)

Tabula Rasa - Silas is extremely maladjusted for a person of his age. He's gonna have trouble with… pretty much everything.
Stutterer - Silas punctuates his sentences with awkward mumblings and repetitions. (-1 to social checks)
Gray Gaikokujin - Silas has silver-blue hair, gray eyes, and an uncanny sense of hearing, all the traits of a foreigner not just to Miyao, or even Mihoku, but to the Known World. Nobody knows where people like him come from. They don't even have a name for him. This makes certain folk uncomfortable. (-3 to Conformity. Moodlets which reduce Conformity are twice as severe. ???)
??? - Silas has absolutely no idea why, but he has gained a reputation as someone who actively defies authority. But he hasn't even done anything! (-2 to Conformity. ???)
Mercurial - Silas hates it when things don't go perfectly the first time around. It starts to bother him until it's the only thing he can think about… (Intensified, and usually counterproductive, consequences for experiencing some sort of personal failure.)


Big Sister - Silas's Big Sis and legal guardian. Her real name's Seraphine.
Kel Ibara - An acquaintance. Silas isn't sure what to make of Kel. He seems friendly, at least.
Sara Inoue - Silas's Class Representative. A kind person, but... in an annoying way, sometimes. He isn't sure if they're friends or not.
Yumika Matsuoka - Some girl from a different class who rubs Silas the wrong way.
Love is Hard for on Otaku's Onee-san
Sera-neesan is working very hard for the Miyao Municipal Intelligence Office. Silas should hang out with her every now and then, when they both have the chance. He owes her that much, right? And, he can't help but be curious as to what they get up to at her work...
Objective: Conduct SOCIALIZE actions with Sera-neesan 3 times. (1/3)
Reward: ??????????

Midterms I
Silas needs to make it through his first slate of midterms to avoid being compelled to join remedial classes. Midterms take place at the end of the second week of May.

Each of the following conditions will improve the chance that Silas has a satisfactory result.
Condition 1: Silas has completed the "Studying" Habit. (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 2: ??? (Add +4 to midterms)
Condition 3: Silas has a Smarts of at least 6 (Add +2 to midterms)
Condition 4: Silas's Charisma, Smarts, Imagination, and Physique combined is at least 12. (Add +2 to midterms)

At the end of the week of midterms, Silas will roll a 1d20, adding his modifiers. If he rolls higher than 12, he will succeed.
Character Database (Current)
  • Why is it called 'Miko' Street, anyway? It's not like we have impoverished shrine maidens or floating witches... or do we?

    Seraphine Yamigawa ("Sera-neesan")
    Seraphine Yamigawa
    The only family I care to remember. She reminds me that I am human.

    General Information

    Sera-nee is whimsical. It's a side of her that Silas doubts anyone else gets to see, since she is so good at putting up a professional front. (Standard Social Check uses Imagination.)
    Sera-nee does not go to Silas's high school, obviously. (Conformity/Alienation have no effect. The bizarre social rules of the adolescent generation are totally foreign to her.)

    White-Collar Professional—Sera-neesan's job involves a lot of paperwork, phone calls, emails, meetings, internal screaming, and external screaming. In other words: She has a well-paying office job, and is often away on business. (Sera is often unavailable.)
    Doting—Sera loves Silas a lot, and is willing to put up with him more than most would. (+1 to all social actions with Silas. Gain a random positive status, habit growth, or ???? each time Silas conducts a SOCIALIZE action with her.)

    Known Close Relations
    Silas Yamigawa (Elder Sister)—Self-explanatory.
    Eryk Nillis
    Eryk Nillis
    The 'Chief Horticulturist' of the Tenant's Association which owns and manages my apartment tower. Gruff, but frank. He's Amberrish, judging by his politics. And his name.

    I don't know much about him.
    Miyuki Nillis
    Miyuki Nillis
    Eryk's niece. Somewhat cold, and mercurial.

    I don't know much about her.
  • Despite being numerical neighbors, 4-1 and 4-2 are in different halls. This school is a maze...

    Yumika Matsuoka
    Yumika Matsuoka
    A popular girl from one of the other classes—4-1, I think. She's like a songbird, all smiles and melodies. She's a little bit of a pain. I don't think she's a bad person, but... none of the people I know seem to like her.

    General Information


    Yumika is gregarious, and seems to have a lot of friends throughout Yamaha Senior High. (Roll for Charisma for most social actions. ???)
    She is self-righteous, and really doesn't like it when people argue with her. (Pride counts as a negative modifier.)


    Known Close Relations:
    Inoue Sara (???) — Sara and Yumika seem to not get along at all. I wonder why that is?

    ??? (???)
  • 4-2 is my homeroom, so I will bump into these people more often than most.

    Yoshi Mikado ("Mikado-kun")
    Yoshi Mikado
    A somewhat portly student in my class. Friendly, with a soothing voice, like a radio operator. I think he runs a computer club, or something like that.

    Yoshi Mikado seems to be a bit of a Geek, but he's also Friendly. It might be easier to talk to him if Silas builds his Intelligence. Silas thinks it will be easier to get along with Mikado-kun than most.


    Seems to be on good terms with Ibara-kun?
    Kel Ibara("Ibara-kun")
    Kel Ibara
    Another student in my class. He likes cute things, and is kind of aloof. He kind of reminds me of a stereotype from Amberrish telescreen dramas---the dandy train conductor with a strong sense of duty and a hidden secret.

    : -6

    Kel Ibara seems to be a Creative person. Silas might be able to approach him more easily if he is able to reciprocate Ibara-kun's Imaginative way of looking at the world. He also respects Silas's Pride.


    Seems to be on good terms with Mikado-kun?
    Tammy Aomori ("Aomori-san")
    Tammy Aomori
    A loudmouth from my class. I feel like she is a military brat. Haven't asked her, so no way to verify. Seems to be a girl with many passions.

    Tammy Aomori seems to have a very Argumentative personality. It will probably be rather hard to get on her level unless Silas learns to be more Charismatic.


    Seems to greatly dislike Inoue-san?
    Sara Inoue ("Inoue-san")
    Sara Inoue
    My Class Representative. A calm person, with a scary personality underneath. Still, she seems to be one of the most levelheaded people in my class, if not the school... though, that bar is pretty low. She likes strategy games.

    Sara is Studious and reserved. (???)
    She is the Student Council Representative of Class 4-2. (???)
    Sara does not care about Conformity in the slightest. (During social roll calculations, ignore all effects from Conformity/Alienation)


    Seems to be greatly disliked by Aomori-san?
    Seems to be friends with Ibara-kun?
    Probably on good terms with Mikado-kun?
  • Whom?
Still kickin'!

Many thanks to @Nevill, for continuing to deal with my inconsistent writing schedule and inane random changes to scenes in the middle of editing. You have the patience of a saint! :V

As always, please address any glaring securities violations or environmental hazards contained within the above update to me, and I will make sure to fill out the correct forms and stamp the right documents to eventually send a committee to appoint a task force to study the problem.
[X] [Action] He will continue his efforts at trying to figure out STUDYING. It's not just about doing it... it's about making it consistent. (Smarts check, DC 8)

We've got to get this done for midterms, and we've got a related buff that expires right now.

[x] [Action] The Student Council is having their introduction ceremony this weekend. Maybe it would be prudent to drop by, and see what the Student Council is all about. (Roll for three concurrent INTRODUCTION actions. Opportunity to join an extracurricular.)

I like lootboxes, and I'll take the one-time introduction box over hitting the button on a habit that we don't expressly need right now.

Man, the QM hated people (me) waifuing Yumika so much they made her trigger his panic response second-one. RIP to my girl. /s
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