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i wouldn't say he's obsessed with the Druuchi really, that's his mother. He actually dislikes the obsession with them, considering his relationship with his parents.
I disagree - he's a less bad case than his mother, but he's still got it and I'd argue the contrast is in part of what makes his relationship with his mother so fraught at at times.

How focus works:
All Elves are a passionate, focused group, even obssessive in the worst of cases: the Long March, Arathion's single minded determination to restore the Dragon Armour of Aenarion, and Malekith's grasping, reaching, bloody desire for Ulthuan all stem from this same source. Vardanis is relatively mild in his case: he can put aside his Focus, for a time, to work on some other, potentially more immediately important, work but at the end of the day he has projects and obsessions, as any elf should. If they are not worked on he will get twitchy and irritable until eventually sacrificing the possibility of some other work. The longer he has gone without doing work related to a focus, the greater the odds of a meltdown wherein Vardanis will take a certain amount of AP and do some work to soothe said Focus. For the sake of all our sanity, this will happen in Turns proper rather than Turn results: He knows himself well enough to keep from making a promise then failing to keep it.

Vardanis' Focus:
Prepare For War: You have neither forgotten nor forgiven the Druchii; and you will defend your home from them, no matter the cost.

Vardanis has a pretty good grip on his and by elven standards his obsession is milder because he has decent self-control and also because he's still on the younger side. That doesn't change that his obsession is literally baked into the mechanics of the quest where if he spends too long without doing something that soothes it, he will have a meltdown.
...I think the second refers to the Lions of Chrace, and a 'divine beast' antagonist.
Felines predate the Old Ones. The Mountains of Mourne are full of the shit that came before, and Sabretusks are found there. Look to the epithets:
A archetypical 'cat' would be all these things, would it not?

EDIT: Also, to explain why Asuryan is involved, wouldn't a lion-god be a possible rival symbol of kingship?
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...I think the second refers to the Lions of Chrace, and a 'divine beast' antagonist.
Felines predate the Old Ones. The Mountains of Mourne are full of the shit that came before, and Sabretusks are found there. Look to the epithets:

A archetypical 'cat' would be all these things, would it not?

EDIT: Also, to explain why Asuryan is involved, wouldn't a lion-god be a possible rival symbol of kingship?
Nah, pretty sure refers to Anath Raema's murder of Draugnir, and then She was cast away from the Heavens and Asuryan used the corpse to fashion Ulthuan, which eventually did become the home for Draugnir's descendants.
@Voikirium is only the last third option supposed to hae the (???); or is that a mistake?

I'm not sure what these options mean, but I'm assuming that we are being given the chance to choose a path that will lead to a specific reward? With the First option reward being a weapon (maybe a staff?), the second providing allies, a familiar (perhaps a dragon mount?), or aid for our house, and the third providing information/insight in our current problem with the possible Druchi infiltrator and perhaps more?
The last one is the only one that's supposed to have the (???) because what's in parenthesis is generally Vardanis' opinion and that is not a story he's ever heard before.

Make of that what you will.

The rest of it is meant to be a mystery. Or a leap of faith, if you prefer.;)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)

Just gonna leave this placeholder for now. I like leaps of faith.
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[X] …And hope returned like a phoenix. It blazed (Burned? Shone? The word has many synonyms, dependent on its exact position) and cast away the darkness, its fire its judgment. "I am not fallen," he said, as in the heavens above it was like the mortal world below. Phoenixes followed it even as it entered into being, the Creator. And He took a fine material, and He shaped it into a weapon; and where he wielded it Daemons (shall? Did? Both? As it was, so it shall be? You cannot even rely on Azyr to tell you, for all strands of magic were woven into these carvings, these writing) die. They fell, and His weapon was bright, and there was hope. And as there was hope, there shall be hope again…
[X] …And hope returned like a phoenix. It blazed (Burned? Shone? The word has many synonyms, dependent on its exact position) and cast away the darkness, its fire its judgment. "I am not fallen," he said, as in the heavens above it was like the mortal world below. Phoenixes followed it even as it entered into being, the Creator. And He took a fine material, and He shaped it into a weapon; and where he wielded it Daemons (shall? Did? Both? As it was, so it shall be? You cannot even rely on Azyr to tell you, for all strands of magic were woven into these carvings, these writing) die. They fell, and His weapon was bright, and there was hope. And as there was hope, there shall be hope again…
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)

Let's go for the leap of faith option, sure the other ones are known to Vardanis but the mystery is what makes it the most compelling choice. Also it feels fitting given how much focus Vardanis has but into learning about the heavens.
[X] …And hope returned like a phoenix. It blazed (Burned? Shone? The word has many synonyms, dependent on its exact position) and cast away the darkness, its fire its judgment. "I am not fallen," he said, as in the heavens above it was like the mortal world below. Phoenixes followed it even as it entered into being, the Creator. And He took a fine material, and He shaped it into a weapon; and where he wielded it Daemons (shall? Did? Both? As it was, so it shall be? You cannot even rely on Azyr to tell you, for all strands of magic were woven into these carvings, these writing) die. They fell, and His weapon was bright, and there was hope. And as there was hope, there shall be hope again…
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)

changing my vote. Yeah, the leap of faith is pretty appealing.
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)

I'd speculate it has some sort of perception trait from that "and none may occlude my vision". Question is what kind of perception, mundane, mystical, or spiritual.
[X] …And the Balance was Kept. The (Hunter-Killer-Scoundrel-Poacher, all of that conveyed in a term best translated to the mortal tongues as Andas Raymath, no point for guessing who) was cast out from the heaven we had made, stripped of all (Sovereignty? Authority? Wonder? …Permissions?) even as the wonder we had (convinced? Tricked? Failed? Promised?) bled out on the steps. But we did him last service; we ensured his children would have allies, safety, safe harbor, as a pack…
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X] …And the Balance was Kept. The (Hunter-Killer-Scoundrel-Poacher, all of that conveyed in a term best translated to the mortal tongues as Andas Raymath, no point for guessing who) was cast out from the heaven we had made, stripped of all (Sovereignty? Authority? Wonder? …Permissions?) even as the wonder we had (convinced? Tricked? Failed? Promised?) bled out on the steps. But we did him last service; we ensured his children would have allies, safety, safe harbor, as a pack…
[X] …And hope returned like a phoenix. It blazed (Burned? Shone? The word has many synonyms, dependent on its exact position) and cast away the darkness, its fire its judgment. "I am not fallen," he said, as in the heavens above it was like the mortal world below. Phoenixes followed it even as it entered into being, the Creator. And He took a fine material, and He shaped it into a weapon; and where he wielded it Daemons (shall? Did? Both? As it was, so it shall be? You cannot even rely on Azyr to tell you, for all strands of magic were woven into these carvings, these writing) die. They fell, and His weapon was bright, and there was hope. And as there was hope, there shall be hope again…
[x] …And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[x] …And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)

Because in the end of the day, Faith importance in this world cannot be understated.
[X]…And the Emperor of the Heavens spoke, and the world buckled before a voice like the thunder that was His birthright. "Sun and Moon, Sky and Star, they belong to Me; and none may occlude my vision." And so mighty Asuryan, whose plans are infinite, walked through the labyrinth that trapped Him, guided by the light of the ever bright sun and his wife's brilliant, milk-white moon, He forged a path through the realm of the mad god…(???)
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