[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Expand the number of masonic lodges organized under the Great and Noble Lodge of Brotherhood, or La Philadelphes, in the major population centers of France and its dominions, recruiting heavily from returning/demobilizing soldiers to give them a new sense of purpose and community.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Through our masonic connections, get into contact with prominent Freemason Republicans overseas in Britain and the Americas in the aims of folding them into the greater La Philadelphes network.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Expand the number of masonic lodges organized under the Great and Noble Lodge of Brotherhood, or La Philadelphes, in the major population centers of France and its dominions, recruiting heavily from returning/demobilizing soldiers to give them a new sense of purpose and community.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Through our masonic connections, get into contact with prominent Freemason Republicans overseas in Britain and the Americas in the aims of folding them into the greater La Philadelphes network.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.

I don't especially feel like tying ourselves to the Jacobins right now, and I wanna do some Legislative Compromise(tm).

Also we really ought to try to make sure our clubs are legal before we try to start setting them up in the military.
[X] The Constitutionalists (Center-left)
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, propose a new European economic and political treaty to bind the harmonized states of Europe together into a confederation of sovereign entities safeguarded by France as its natural primus inter pares.
- [X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, the provisional government in Vienna should be facilitated in taking up loans and subscriptions of public bonds for the payment of its indemnity and that under the French ambassador a public instrument of the debts be drawn up for consistent and stable repayment that neither vandalizes the state nor cheats France of a single red penny her blood has been shed to earn.
- [X] [Non-Legislative] Build support for Constitutionalism among the educated middle class and lesser nobility, particularly state officials, military officers, and merchants, with an emphasis on fairly but strictly enforced laws, open commerce, and a European confederation of states with France at its head.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.
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[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.
[X] The Constitutionalists (Center-left)
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, propose a new European economic and political treaty to bind the harmonized states of Europe together into a confederation of sovereign entities safeguarded by France as its natural primus inter pares.
- [X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, the provisional government in Vienna should be facilitated in taking up loans and subscriptions of public bonds for the payment of its indemnity and that under the French ambassador a public instrument of the debts be drawn up for consistent and stable repayment that neither vandalizes the state nor cheats France of a single red penny her blood has been shed to earn.
- [X] [Non-Legislative] Build support for Constitutionalism among the educated middle class and lesser nobility, particularly state officials, military officers, and merchants, with an emphasis on fairly but strictly enforced laws, open commerce, and a European confederation of states with France at its head.

[X] The Constitutionalists (Center-left)
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, propose a new European economic and political treaty to bind the harmonized states of Europe together into a confederation of sovereign entities safeguarded by France as its natural primus inter pares.
- [X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, the provisional government in Vienna should be facilitated in taking up loans and subscriptions of public bonds for the payment of its indemnity and that under the French ambassador a public instrument of the debts be drawn up for consistent and stable repayment that neither vandalizes the state nor cheats France of a single red penny her blood has been shed to earn.
- [X] [Non-Legislative] Build support for Constitutionalism among the educated middle class and lesser nobility, particularly state officials, military officers, and merchants, with an emphasis on fairly but strictly enforced laws, open commerce, and a European confederation of states with France at its head.
[X] The Jacobins (Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
--[X] [Legislative] As a condition of approval, propose diverting the funds thus obtained to the Bank of France so that it may extend credit for the internal improvement and revitalization of France's agriculture, industries, and transport, companies receiving loans from which must offer employment at last resort to the urban poor who obtain the permission of their maire and to veterans who obtain the permission of an officer above the rank of capitaine.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] [Legislative] Propose an amendment of the Additional Act to permit plural as well as individual petitions, and assembly of a district's citizens for the purpose of gathering signatures for petitions provided that one week's notice is provided to the district's maire, but without requiring permission.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Organize assemblies in Spanish and Portuguese towns where Jourdan's army is billeted, so that the soldiers may protect them from police retaliation, on the model proposed above vis a vis the Napoleonic Code, to petition for universal suffrage to those countries' local and national governments
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Expand the number of masonic lodges organized under the Great and Noble Lodge of Brotherhood, or La Philadelphes, in the major population centers of France and its dominions, recruiting heavily from returning/demobilizing soldiers to give them a new sense of purpose and community.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Through our masonic connections, get into contact with prominent Freemason Republicans overseas in Britain and the Americas in the aims of folding them into the greater La Philadelphes network.
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] As a part of that expansion, the Philadelphians would argue that the Napoleonic Code - through the right to petition - de facto legalises political expression of all types, even up to and including opposition to the Empire, misguided though such opposition is, and the formation of clubs such as the old Société des Amis de la Constitution. Our support for this expansion is contingent upon this being recognised as such.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Underground] There are going to be many soldiers demobilising, returning to homes that do not want them. Provide them with a new sense of purpose, structure in their lives and a place to spend their days. Philadelphian Lodges, say.
-[X] [Underground] The Philadelphian Lodges exist already in Britain, but ought to be spread elsewhere, to other countries. Revolutionary fervour cannot be limited by the borders of our repub- our empire.
[X] La Maison (Center)
-[X] Plan: Glory, Glamour, Greatness
--[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
--[X] Begin a partial demobilization of the French military to initiate a transformation towards a more sustainable peace time economy. Use 1/3 of the Austrian indemnity to purchase land for the demobilized veterans and another 1/3 to initiate a grand program of public works to reinvigorate the French economy.
--[X] Begin instituting a formalized and standardized system of tariffs across all of Europe that protects French industries but allows the Empire to export its riches. Guarantee affordable grain for all of France and use government funds to subsidize if necessary.
[X] The Jacobins (Left)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
--[X] [Legislative] Propose and work with all those willing to pass a bill for modernizing the Army's equipment, especially their main weapons and ammunitions. The Grand Army must be ready at this key moment.
--[X] [Legislative] Propose and work with all those willing to pass a bill for modernizing the navy's equipment. This bill will also form a group to develop the next generation of military vessels. The Navy's readiness is paramount in the wake of the Emperor's death.
-[X] [Legislative] Invest in developing industry across France's Empire, to tie all of her possessions into a mutually-beneficial trade network. This trade will primarily assist the military's modernization.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] The Jacobins will start reaching out to soldiers, officers and police to get them involved in civic organizations and politicize them towards their own side.
[X] The Constitutionalists (Center-left)
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, propose a new European economic and political treaty to bind the harmonized states of Europe together into a confederation of sovereign entities safeguarded by France as its natural primus inter pares.
- [X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-- [X] [Legislative] As a condition for support, the provisional government in Vienna should be facilitated in taking up loans and subscriptions of public bonds for the payment of its indemnity and that under the French ambassador a public instrument of the debts be drawn up for consistent and stable repayment that neither vandalizes the state nor cheats France of a single red penny her blood has been shed to earn.
- [X] [Non-Legislative] Build support for Constitutionalism among the educated middle class and lesser nobility, particularly state officials, military officers, and merchants, with an emphasis on fairly but strictly enforced laws, open commerce, and a European confederation of states with France at its head.
[X] The Dandies (Center Right)
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] [Legislative] France needs enterprise, not makework. Infrastructure investments are well and good, but manufacturing is key. Divert a substantial chunk of the indemnity to the formation of an investment bank which will support the development of private industry.
-[X] [Legislative] Rationalize trade under the Continental System. The principles of 'free trade' may be worthy of consideration here. French products must be competitive in European markets, and the tariff-free or -minimal import of grain to the French metropole will keep wages low and encourage the peasantry to take up industrial work.
[X] The Jacobins (Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
--[X] [Legislative] As a condition of approval, propose diverting the funds thus obtained to the Bank of France so that it may extend credit for the internal improvement and revitalization of France's agriculture, industries, and transport, companies receiving loans from which must offer employment at last resort to the urban poor who obtain the permission of their maire and to veterans who obtain the permission of an officer above the rank of capitaine.
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] [Legislative] Propose an amendment of the Additional Act to permit plural as well as individual petitions, and assembly of a district's citizens for the purpose of gathering signatures for petitions provided that one week's notice is provided to the district's maire, but without requiring permission.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Organize assemblies in Spanish and Portuguese towns where Jourdan's army is billeted, so that the soldiers may protect them from police retaliation, on the model proposed above vis a vis the Napoleonic Code, to petition for universal suffrage to those countries' local and national governments

[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
- [X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Expand the number of masonic lodges organized under the Great and Noble Lodge of Brotherhood, or La Philadelphes, in the major population centers of France and its dominions, recruiting heavily from returning/demobilizing soldiers to give them a new sense of purpose and community.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Through our masonic connections, get into contact with prominent Freemason Republicans overseas in Britain and the Americas in the aims of folding them into the greater La Philadelphes network.
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[X] The Jacobins (Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
--[X] [Legislative] As a condition of approval, propose diverting the funds thus obtained to the Bank of France so that it may extend credit for the internal improvement and revitalization of France's agriculture, industries, and transport, companies receiving loans from which must offer employment at last resort to the urban poor who obtain the permission of their maire and to veterans who obtain the permission of an officer above the rank of capitaine.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
--[X] [Legislative] Propose an amendment of the Additional Act to permit plural as well as individual petitions, and assembly of a district's citizens for the purpose of gathering signatures for petitions provided that one week's notice is provided to the district's maire, but without requiring permission.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Organize assemblies in Spanish and Portuguese towns where Jourdan's army is billeted, so that the soldiers may protect them from police retaliation, on the model proposed above vis a vis the Napoleonic Code, to petition for universal suffrage to those countries' local and national governments
[X] The Philadelphians (Ultra-Left)
-[X] Approve the crippling Austrian Indemnity.
-[X] Approve the expansion of the Napoleonic Code.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Establish committees of correspondence between Republican political centers in the cities, and between them and the countryside and Jourdan's army in Spain, to coordinate agitation and action (effect, per Telamon: parties of the Left gain an additional [Non-Legislative] [Underground] plank).
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Expand the number of masonic lodges organized under the Great and Noble Lodge of Brotherhood, or La Philadelphes, in the major population centers of France and its dominions, recruiting heavily from returning/demobilizing soldiers to give them a new sense of purpose and community.
-[X] [Non-Legislative] [Underground] Through our masonic connections, get into contact with prominent Freemason Republicans overseas in Britain and the Americas in the aims of folding them into the greater La Philadelphes network.