Now the question is who acts strange in the sense of strange ideas and other things..

Answer Artists and Inventors. (I'm sure there are others these are just the only ones I can think of.)

This place is realistic so we have to assume others have been reincarnated in the past, so things that people could have done easily should have already been invented. So an inventor, is actually a poor idea.

So, we should be an Artist.

Now what type of art?

Theater requires others so no.
Paint, sculpt... Requires tools we can not guarantee we'll have easy access to.

So, Musician seems sensible.

All fields of art are likely to have been dominated in the top of their field sense so yeah a bard, or travelling minstrel at least to me makes the most sense.

A musician explains the fantastical ideas, and phrases we'll "come" up with.

Another possibility? Storyteller.
We know a couple of things. Since we're going to end up with Impossible

1) We will act strange due to our prior life experiences, thus will be alienated in civilization
2) We will not be able to survive in the wild.

So... 3 We need to play a character that it is perfectly understandable from outsider's points of view that will allow us to integrate into society.

Edit: This is our only shot at actually surviving so we can't do a flavor build.
Yes but, if we spec into disguises, we can have people believe that we are whoever we want. It's super OP (and fun), because in this world, everyone is who they seem. Except us.

> Dress up as the Big Bad's minion
Free pass into anywhere in their lair. Of course we're no hero, heroes can only look like heroes! We're just unnamed minion #2738, right?

> Dress up as a jolly monk, headpat children and chug wine.
Instant trust and goodwill of most people.

> Dress up as The Almighty Archwizard and threaten people with thunderbolts
Get anyone to piss their pants.
Is any of this too overpowered?

[X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.

-[x]The Victorious Ticket from Rihaku's Winter Dynasty CYOA
-[x]Chromatic Aberration from Rihaku's A Simple Transaction
-[x]Omnilinguistic Capability.
[X]A Fan of Internet quest threads and CYOAs with extremely high power ceilings.

[ ] Victorious Ticket [3 Gifts] - By tearing in half this ticket, you may initiate a time loop with the following parameters:

Point of Origin - Up to ten years in the past, and not before your final decision here.

Loop Duration - No more than ten years.

Number of Repetitions - No more than ten thousand. The power of the Ticket is such that it operates perfectly within any world selectable by A Quest or Your Choice.

Loop Reset - Loops reset upon your death or upon your making a firm decision to reset. You retain your memories. Certain advancements might also be kept.

Sub-loops - With a moment of effort you may create loops-within-loops up to one layer deep, but they count against your total repetitions.

[ ] Chromatic Aberration - The King of Monsters.

Conscious and subconscious alteration of various facets of the Self. Three aspects can be transfigured:

Chroma - By adopting a Chroma, become immune to the harm presented by a concept and vulnerable to its opposite. Gain an affinity for Pattern-level alterations that increase the concept. Example Chroma:

Red - Heat // Cold
Pale - Moon // Sun
Yellow - Lightning // Stone
Vitriol - Acid // Base
Leaden - Bludgeoning // Cutting
Steely - Cutting // Bludgeoning
Violet - Inevitable // Mysterious

A maximum of 5 Chroma may be developed at one time. Once a Chroma arsenal is developed, it is fixed until the character's maximum Chroma are increased.

Pattern - Constantly shapeshifting into a healthy version of the self, providing a generalized healing factor. Removes need for nutrition, water, air. Does not prevent formation of new neural structures. No effect on Curses. Rate of change is modest.

Organ - Focus Pattern shapeshifting into the Organ level in order to rapidly force monstrous adaptations appropriate to the present Chroma. Limbs and other nonvital organs are the suggested vehicles of this effect.

-Size of Chroma arsenal
-Speed of Pattern shapeshifting
-Power of shifted Organs
-Heal from Chroma affinity
-Multiple simultaneous Chroma
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Yes but, if we spec into disguises, we can have people believe that we are whoever we want. It's super OP (and fun), because in this world, everyone is who they seem. Except us.

> Dress up as the Big Bad's minion
Free pass into anywhere in their lair. Of course we're no hero, heroes can only look like heroes! We're just unnamed minion #2738, right?

> Dress up as a jolly monk, headpat children and chug wine.
Instant trust and goodwill of most people.

> Dress up as The Almighty Archwizard and threaten people with thunderbolts
Get anyone to piss their pants.
Sorry for previous post, your actually right. This is different then the premise I thought it was.

It's explicit that that should work. So yeah A Professional Spy specializing in disguises makes a lot of sense.
Something like this should work then.
[] Serene Lopez: Professional Spy, and doublecrosser. Her talents weren't in assassination, but in getting in places, through the weakest point of any security system the human element. Excels in Disguise, and She's a lesbian.
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[X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.

-[x]The Victorious Ticket from Rihaku's Winter Dynasty CYOA
-[x]Chromatic Aberration from Rihaku's A Simple Transaction
-[x]Omnilinguistic Capability.
The Victorious Ticket is too OP. It is possible to end every conflict with that much repetitions. That's why, it will be heavily nerfed when this is chosen.

Unless, if you go for the Easy or Normal mode, then this item is allowed to have it's fullest potential.

As for Chromatic Aberration.... I think it is fine, though I have to read more into it so I'll be sure it's not a civilization ending ability.

As for Omniliguistic Capability, actually fine. Decent ability but not OP enough to just defeat anyone you meet.
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[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
The Victorious Ticket is too OP. It is possible to end every conflict with that much repetitions. That's why, it will be heavily nerfed when this is chosen.

Unless, if you go for the Easy or Normal mode, then this item is allowed to have it's fullest potential.

As for Chromatic Aberration.... I think it is fine, though I have to read more into it so I'll be sure it's not a civilization ending ability.

As for Omniliguistic Capability, actually fine. Decent ability but not OP enough to just defeat anyone you meet.
Chromatic Aberration was never canonically used so feel free to adapt it's advancement potential to the needs of the plot. It's a voting option that was never taken.
As for Omniliguistic Capability, actually fine. Decent ability but not OP enough to just defeat anyone you meet.

I wouldn't be too sure. Omnilinguistic means we can talk with anyone and anything, even entities whom normally people cannot talk for. If there are spirits filling the world, who can be persuaded into doing things on our behalf, Omnilingual can go from simply "convenient" to "hideously broken" depending on how powerful the spirits are and how much they are willing to work on your behalf.

Isekai Ojisan has completely changed my perception of this ability, lol.

To be quite honest, not having an ability at all is rather boring. While it is true relying entirely on our own knowledge forces us to be creative, it is a waste of plot potential if we have no ability at all. Bluffing can only work as far as there isn't any lie detectors or people sensitive to power levels.

I'd propose something which can mesh well with our identity then:

[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.

The stronger the listener, the more time it takes for your sound to take effect. This means you have to be able to use your silver tongue, get in a talk with most of your targets, have them listen to your every word. People as strong as you, just a bit more than the average man, may take hours. For anyone much stronger, we build a relationship, so you can talk with them everyday, gradually wear down their mind. This goes up proportionally depending on the target's strength.

Notice how I said this is Compelling Sound. I meant it; it is not just restricted to voices we make with our vocal chords. Any sound we make with the intent of compelling someone can have this effect, including musical instruments play — or every foot step we make. Of course, the rule still applies: stronger targets take much longer for your ability to take effect.

This ability capitalizes on our identity's base talent as a spy who gets to places via the human element, and our ability is potent but has strict restrictions to make it so it still feels Impossible most of the time. Thoughts?
I wouldn't be too sure. Omnilinguistic means we can talk with anyone and anything, even entities whom normally people cannot talk for. If there are spirits filling the world, who can be persuaded into doing things on our behalf, Omnilingual can go from simply "convenient" to "hideously broken" depending on how powerful the spirits are and how much they are willing to work on your behalf.

Isekai Ojisan has completely changed my perception of this ability, lol.

To be quite honest, not having an ability at all is rather boring. While it is true relying entirely on our own knowledge forces us to be creative, it is a waste of plot potential if we have no ability at all. Bluffing can only work as far as there isn't any lie detectors or people sensitive to power levels.

I'd propose something which can mesh well with our identity then:

[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.

The stronger the listener, the more time it takes for your sound to take effect. This means you have to be able to use your silver tongue, get in a talk with most of your targets, have them listen to your every word. People as strong as you, just a bit more than the average man, may take hours. For anyone much stronger, we build a relationship, so you can talk with them everyday, gradually wear down their mind. This goes up proportionally depending on the target's strength.

Notice how I said this is Compelling Sound. I meant it; it is not just restricted to voices we make with our vocal chords. Any sound we make with the intent of compelling someone can have this effect, including musical instruments play — or every foot step we make. Of course, the rule still applies: stronger targets take much longer for your ability to take effect.

This ability capitalizes on our identity's base talent as a spy who gets to places via the human element, and our ability is potent but has strict restrictions to make it so it still feels Impossible most of the time. Thoughts?
If you want a spy character. Maybe vote for a spy character?
This ability capitalizes on our identity's base talent as a spy who gets to places via the human element, and our ability is potent but has strict restrictions to make it so it still feels Impossible most of the time. Thoughts?

So, we can woo people with our farts, coughs, burps, etc?

"Stop right there, mister! Where do you think you're going?"
"Of course, please come through"
[X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.

-[x]A reserved wish, to be used on acquiring a superpower relevant to our current situation after we Isekai.
-[x]Chromatic Aberration from Rihaku's A Simple Transaction
-[x]Omnilinguistic Capability.
[X]Sena Wight: A reasonably successful writer of a nebulously defined Xianxia Biohorror series, who gardens as a hobby.
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[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.

The stronger the listener, the more time it takes for your sound to take effect. This means you have to be able to use your silver tongue, get in a talk with most of your targets, have them listen to your every word. People as strong as you, just a bit more than the average man, may take hours. For anyone much stronger, we build a relationship, so you can talk with them everyday, gradually wear down their mind. This goes up proportionally depending on the target's strength.

Notice how I said this is Compelling Sound. I meant it; it is not just restricted to voices we make with our vocal chords. Any sound we make with the intent of compelling someone can have this effect, including musical instruments play — or every foot step we make. Of course, the rule still applies: stronger targets take much longer for your ability to take effect.
This one is accepted as it is.
I came up with a name for my Writer concept. Sena Wight. A portmanteau of Hideaki Sena who wrote Parasite Eve and Will Wight who wrote Cradle.
[X]Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)

[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic

This seems pretty classic, and a full reincarnation is helpful in that getting raised natively has a lot of perks in knowing whats what.
[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities
[X]Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)

[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
[X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
-[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)
Voting time will be ending in 2 hours. You can change or make your votes on this duration.
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Mar 25, 2023 at 11:08 AM, finished with 43 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
    [X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
    [X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    [X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    -[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)
    [X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    [X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities
    [X] Serene Lopez: Professional Spy, and doublecrosser. Her talents weren't in assassination, but in getting in places, through the weakest point of any security system the human element. Excels in Disguise, and She's a lesbian.
    [X] The background character of a slice of life comedy that were set in a highschool, being the Arts teacher you have good knowledge of drawing,painting, theater and sculpting. (something like Nichijou, Azumanga or Asobi) Accustomed with absurd situations you were quick to adapt.
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.
    [X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
    -[x]A reserved wish, to be used on acquiring a superpower relevant to our current situation after we Isekai.
    -[x]Chromatic Aberration from Rihaku's A Simple Transaction
    -[x]Omnilinguistic Capability.
    [X]Sena Wight: A reasonably successful writer of a nebulously defined Xianxia Biohorror series, who gardens as a hobby.
[X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)

[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
Voting time is now over. Please wait for the update, which might come later or tomorrow.
Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Mar 25, 2023 at 1:39 PM, finished with 46 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
    [X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
    [X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    [X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    [X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
    -[X] High Magicka Regeneration
    -[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
    -[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
    -[X] A Familiar Egg
    -[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)
    [X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities
    [X] Serene Lopez: Professional Spy, and doublecrosser. Her talents weren't in assassination, but in getting in places, through the weakest point of any security system the human element. Excels in Disguise, and She's a lesbian.
    [X] The background character of a slice of life comedy that were set in a highschool, being the Arts teacher you have good knowledge of drawing,painting, theater and sculpting. (something like Nichijou, Azumanga or Asobi) Accustomed with absurd situations you were quick to adapt.
    [X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
    -[X] Compelling Sound: Our voice has the ability to weaken the mind and willpower of anyone listening, gradually turning them into puppets obedient to your will. It isn't anything instant; while people with willpower much weaker than you might be instantly compelled, everyone important in this world are stronger than you, so you have to play smart.

The winning vote is...
[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
Your identity will be voted for on the next turn.
Last edited:
This looked interesting, but you guys choose "impossible" difficulty, and I don't expect you to actually do anything but fail miserably if this is played genuinely straight.

Oh well.
This looked interesting, but you guys choose "impossible" difficulty, and I don't expect you to actually do anything but fail miserably if this is played genuinely straight.

Oh well.
I know right? Well, we can always try. Its why I made a background to begin with. We're not going to be able to defeat most threats, but Our backstory has become our literal only saving grace in terms of ability.