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You are going to another world. Though this fantasy world seems to have been played straight.

People who are claimed to be good are actually good people. Those who are labelled as bad are actually bad.

This is a world where the evil forces are actually evil, and the forces of good are truly shining examples of humanity.

A world where everything that the other claims are actually true, as it is played straight.

Can you survive in this kind of world? Are you going to save this world from the threats of the world who are actually threats?

This is the Fantasy Isekai that is played straight!
Turn 0


Wielder of Destruction
Welcome to a new quest that I just thought of randomly. This quest has been so I can write and take myself out of my slump.

So this quest is about an Isekai-d person, or the person who has been transported/summoned/reincarnated to another world. Though the setting itself is played straight.

If the kingdom is good, they are really the good guys. If someone is stated to be bad, then they are literally a bad person.

If someone claims that they can do something, they can literally do that something. Literally everything the others claims are always real, and must be trusted.

The only thing you can't trust are beings who are literally stated to deceived others, or places that is labelled as illusionary or anything that has to do with lies.

You, the MC, can acquire powerful abilities. It can also be a cheat ability. It is your job to find a way to defeat any obstacles in your way. That is the premise of this quest.

I'm sorry for explaining things like this. I hope you somehow understand my poor explanation.

Now, onto the quest!

When you get your bearings back, you find yourself facing a beautiful lady who seems to proclaim herself as the Goddess.

The Goddess implore you to save the world, though she will also understand if you reject her. Still, going to her world is already inevitable as you have been....

[]Summoned by a royal family (Summoned)
[]Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)

The Goddess felt very apologetic due to this, so she wanted to repay you somehow. She will grant you a boon, and that boon is....

[](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
[](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
[](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
[](INSANE) Two wishes. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. Abilities must make sense in the power level of this world, which means no abilities that can one hit a demon lord or defeat a dragon in a single slash.
[](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
[](IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
-[]Write-In (Your wish or wishes)

Also, who are you?


Voting time will last until 24 ~ 48 hours!~

Just a reminder, the other world you are going will not work like an RPG. So please think of something that will help you on a fantasy world that is played straight.
This section shows your character's name, age, abilities, talents, and notable feats that you did on this world.

Name: Chase
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Affiliation: Basic Kingdom/Villager

Skill Points: 0
Attribute Points: 5
Superior Body LV1 said:
Your body is two times stronger than what you should normally be.
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[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.

Just being able to not have to be a played-straight character is strong enough imo. We can "lie" with appearances, others can't. It feels very powerful. And hilarious.
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Ok I don't actually care about difficulty.
I really only care about one ability. So I will change my vote if others include it, but I'll keep with the difficulty that only grants us one ability to start off with.

[] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[] Pocket Dimension

Also, I dislike the previous posters write in description, not because of them being lesbian but how one note it comes across.
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[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.

I want to see another premise like this. I've seen it tried once, but It became weird. Forgot the name cause it's been a while.
[X]Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)

[X]Swept up by some magical incident that reaches the other dimensions like your world (Transported)

[X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
-[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)

[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg

[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
[X]Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)

[X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
-[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)

[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg

[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic

As promised.

[X] Serene Lopez: Professional Spy, and doublecrosser. Her talents weren't in assassination, but in getting in places, through the weakest point of any security system the human element. Excels in Disguise, and She's a lesbian.
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[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities

Thinking that if we go for something that starts off "weak" we can get to the silly heights of ultimate power ~eventually~ (Ie some long long time in the future during the epilogue maybe). Just sounds fun to me. Author approval pending of course.
[] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[] Pocket Dimension
Accepted, but the ability will be given a limitation due to the difficulty chosen.
[X](EASY) Five wishes. The Goddess might even give a bonus or put some very advantageous perk on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
-[X] A Invocation Goddess Summoning Ticket (To be used as a last ditch "Oh Goddess Our Asses are Grasses So Save our Precious Ass!" Option.)
Accepted, and will be heavily boosted if this is chosen.
[X](NORMAL) Four wishes. There are no bonus or perks that will be given on those wishes.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
-[X] A Familiar Egg
[X](HARD) Three wishes. It is limited to very powerful abilities or items. Things or powers that can destabilize the whole civilization are not allowed.
-[X] High Magicka Regeneration
-[X] Special Knowledge Of Pocket Dimensionsal/Space Creation
-[X] Talent For Spacial Magic
Accepted, but the requirement to learn the advance levels of spatial magic is exponentially harder.
[X](NIGHTMARE) One wish. It is only limited to a powerful ability or object. The ability should only equal people who are also strong, but musn't exceed legendary figures like heroes or dragons like being capable of slashing concepts or something.
-[X] Quick Learning/Barest Limitation - With even limited instruction rapidly develop skill and associated knowledge in essentially any field and retain it with minimal effort, including magical and physical capabilities
Accepted, but you can only do what is only possible on your OC's body. Meaning, that if the OC didn't have the magical affinity or enough mana with it, then they can't do some powerful magic regardless if they have knowledge how to do it. This is also applicable to physical abilities like if you don't have the traits for walking on water, then you can't do it, or if you don't have the organ or any body parts to make silk webs, then you can't do it even if you know how they are doing it.
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[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
Can anyone explain. Why Impossible?
Let's just say that a fantasy world played straight is actually very terrifying.

Like, think of a dragon whom are claimed to be capable of destroying the world?

Or a Demon King that is immune to anything other than someone who has a title of the Hero.

Those are a few examples.
Let's just say that a fantasy world played straight is actually very terrifying.

Like, think of a dragon whom are claimed to be capable of destroying the world?

Or a Demon King that is immune to anything other than someone who has a title of the Hero.

Those are a few examples.
No I get that, why are people choosing impossible? An average person in a fantasy world with no usable skills or contacts is just screwed.
[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
[X] The background character of a slice of life comedy that were set in a highschool, being the Arts teacher you have good knowledge of drawing,painting, theater and sculpting. (something like Nichijou, Azumanga or Asobi) Accustomed with absurd situations you were quick to adapt.
Lets gooooo!
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I wish I knew. Are there even exploits or possibly any rewards for doing what's literally impossible?
If there was, wouldn't the QM have, you know, implied great rewards in the post?

Honestly, without anyone responding to my query. I think the simple answer is Impossible is the easiest one to answer. No need to respond on the specific wish you want.

Now the harder difficulties culminating in impossible was always going to have a larger lean, as it is easier to think of one wish than 5. And its easier to have differences in opinion when there are more options in a plan.
[X] Killed by an incident due to the Goddess' mistake (Reincarnated)
[X] (IMPOSSIBLE) No wish. The Goddess decided to bless you with a strong body, which is just slightly better than a normal average man. You must survive the other world with your own knowledge.
Do we have suggestions about who we were before?
We know a couple of things. Since we're going to end up with Impossible

1) We will act strange due to our prior life experiences, thus will be alienated in civilization
2) We will not be able to survive in the wild.

So... 3 We need to play a character that it is perfectly understandable from outsider's points of view that will allow us to integrate into society.

Edit: This is our only shot at actually surviving so we can't do a flavor build.
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