[Exalted] The Last Daughter -- Dragon-Blooded Sorcery School Quest

[X] [Character] Maia


[X] [Character] Sola

L'nessa's great, but we probably want some additional combat power.

[X] [Spell] Dragon of Smoke and Flame

Snake witch! It's also more elemental than the other two, and the utility's excellent.
"Should I create a shadow land in a secured and guarded island used to train volatile sorcerers for the realm and then try to bind a hungry ghost,"
If you tried to have this talk with her it would get bogged down in "She's not a hungry ghost! She belongs to a classification of ghosts formed from the upper souls of--"

Taxonomy is important.
[X] [Character] L'nessa

Having "Infallible Messenger" as a control spell lets the casting sorcerer spend 1 willpower point to use its senses when it contacts the target. The spell text specifically says all Awareness and Investigation charms can work through it. This means V'neef L'nessa could use her control spell as an invaluable tool for locating the Cavern Wight by selecting it as the target. It will give her a first hand look at its immediate location and activities.

The spell details doesn't give specific information on how much information is needed to target a character. My perspective is that it should work as the group could use Amiti's knowledge of the Cavern Wright and the occult residue from when it was bound as sufficient connection to compensate for a lack of name.
huh. Idk if that would work, but that would be super convenient. If gaz says something about it I'll change my vote
[X] [Character] L'nessa

Having "Infallible Messenger" as a control spell lets the casting sorcerer spend 1 willpower point to use its senses when it contacts the target. The spell text specifically says all Awareness and Investigation charms can work through it. This means V'neef L'nessa could use her control spell as an invaluable tool for locating the Cavern Wight by selecting it as the target. It will give her a first hand examination of its immediate location and activities.

The spell details doesn't give specific information on how much information is needed to target a character. My perspective is that it should work as the group could use Amiti's knowledge of the Cavern Wright and the occult residue from when it was bound as sufficient connection to compensate for a lack of name.
The biggest barrier to that is that the primary way that Dragon-Blooded can perceive dematerialised spirits involves using a mirror or other reflective surface (Ambraea has done this a couple of times already as an example for how it works), and this plan is a niche example of that actually complicating things instead of just making them slightly less convenient, since ghosts are usually immaterial on Creation.

I will admit that I hadn't actually considered L'nessa trying this specific course of action, though.
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola

L'nessa's infallible messenger will be good for letting us know if she finds it, and Sola's has experience beheading ghosts from second year.

[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Odds are someone is going to see this, or at least notice the suspicious activity from the budding necromancer and her circle of close friends. Having a way to make them forget what they saw seems prudent.
[X] [Character] Maia
[X] [Character] Sola

[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory
[X] [Character] Maia
[X] [Character] Sola

Stabby friends.

[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Memory-jacking is too gahd dang useful to pass up imo.
The biggest barrier to that is that the primary way that Dragon-Blooded can perceive dematerialised spirits involves using a mirror or other reflective surface (Ambraea has done this a couple of times already as an example for how it works), and this plan is a niche example of that actually complicating things instead of just making them slightly less convenient, since ghosts are usually immaterial on Creation.

I will admit that I hadn't actually considered L'nessa trying this specific course of action, though.

I was thinking more along the lines of noticing the approximate geographic location and any immediate danger to other people. This would involve using Awareness and Investigation (possibly augmented by Charms) on the surroundings rather than the Cavern Wright.
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Let's give the other girls some spotlight, L'nessa especially.
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

We've been relying so much on people these days.

Meanwhile, i've half a mind to get Theft of Memory and use it on Amiti to save herself from having the falling out with Idelle.
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Amiti doing horrible things on accident purpose any% RTA.
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[X] [Character] Maia
[X] [Character] Sola

After that time in the underwater cave in, when was it, year 2? The time when she couldn't stab the annoying ghost and had to answer riddles instead. I think there's a zero percent chance Sola didn't study up on how to stab incorporeal things after that. She should be just who we need.

[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

Oh, holy crap, that could be so damn useful. We desperately need to deepen our bag of noncombat magic tricks, and with the big disappearing act coming up, time is starting to be an issue. Corrupted Words would also be a very competitive option, but for stealthy sub rosa political skulduggery, this is just plain better.
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory

This is probably the best of the spells. Smoke Dragon is neat, but it's something that can mostly be replaced by a mundane scout. Maggot Mouth sounds hilarious, but if you want to shut someone up and hostile magic is permissible, you could just attack them.

Making someone forget things is unique, though.
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Have no preferences on Ghostbusters team, but this
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory
sounds fun.
[X] [Character] L'nessa
[X] [Character] Sola
[X] [Spell] Theft of Memory
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