Of Winding Ways and Cunning Devices

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At this point it's past sundown and we're in an unfamiliar forest that we had trouble tracking in even when it was afternoon and we were fresh. Bumbling around in the woods at night isn't going to produce useful results and might well get our horses injured.

So continuing to track her would presumably be an in the morning thing, but if she's fleeing the area then with her head start already chasing her down could be a weeks-long endeavor on its own and dangerous to boot. This whole thing is feeling unwise to me unless I have misunderstood some part of what's happening here.
At this point it's past sundown and we're in an unfamiliar forest that we had trouble tracking in even when it was afternoon and we were fresh. Bumbling around in the woods at night isn't going to produce useful results and might well get our horses injured.

So continuing to track her would presumably be an in the morning thing, but if she's fleeing the area then with her head start already chasing her down could be a weeks-long endeavor on its own and dangerous to boot. This whole thing is feeling unwise to me unless I have misunderstood some part of what's happening here.

It is quite a tangle but Eriol did give his word, and he is not generally inclined to break it.
Hmmm plots abound. I don't think the lady did it. More likely some faction in either the Rus or Khazar courts have orchestrated this with the intention of going to war. With no regard for Tzitzak
Hmm let's look some more. We can always go back later with this new info.

[X] Keep looking, find the missing noblewoman and you will find some asnwers
Okay, I had some doubts, but general wisdom "do not split the party" won.

[X] Keep looking, find the missing noblewoman and you will find some asnwers
And also about differencies in language: map of world "new" in different countries and regions of Europe and nearby territories.

[X] Keep looking, find the missing noblewoman and you will find some asnwers

I'd rather head back, but sending Eriol back alone when he's just warned us of a potential plot against both him and Tzitzak is just asking for trouble to find him.
Arc 1 Post 26: A Courtier's Course
A Courtier's Course

7th of June 867 A.D.

These woods are fair and in their way familiar, like lonely Forostar in spring where birdsong mingles and is long among the curtains of rain and amphibian symphonies rang amid the mossy columns of a temple far vaster than any that could be built of human hands. You had heard it said among the elves that they do not build temples to the Valar nor to the One they claim is above even them because they do not think that any mortal artifice could not compare to the wonders of the world. It is easy to scoff at such words with a cup of wine in hand, stout walls of stone and all the leagues of Numenor between one and the true wilds. the words glimpsed only in a book, but here as rays of crimson and gold spill out from the west piercing the last drops of rain like bloodied arrows tis harder by far to shake one's head at eldar fancy.

Though young Helgi rides as fast as his steed can trot, held back from a canter only by the tangle of roots and burrows tis hardly more than a walk for you or Ular on steeds that had been breed to carry a man in armor into battle and be fresh at the end of it, leaving you plenty of time to wonder at the strangeness of a noble of high blood fled into the night with little warning and only so many provisions as could fit into their saddlebags.

Tzitzak would not be feasting on any elven waybread that much you are certain and in these sparse and wooded lands a traveler alone, even one accustomed to spear and bow would be easy pray for bandits, enough so that you worry about how the three of you are going to share the watches into the night.

The boy is practically shaking in his seat after two hours ride along an uncertain trails of what might hoof marks in by the rain and might just as well be nothing more than Helgi's hopes.

"If she means to make it back to her people's lands Tzitzak would be best served heading to the nearest village for provisions then try to cut across the wilderness east and south."

"We have to follow the trail..."

"Can you say for sure there is a trail?" You let the silence linger. "If she is as you had said the victim of a plot she has but recently discovered then she will not be prepared to ride scores of leagues." If looks could kill the boy's would have... left a bruise maybe, but he has no argument to use against you, not with the sun well and truly set and the trail plunging into the narrow but swift currents of a stream flowing west to the great lake.


8th of June 867 A.D.

So the three of you in mismatched company make it to the village of Holt, a scattering of low houses roofed with beaten earths and tangled weeds that had obviously chosen to hide under the brow of the forest rather than ward itself with walls of wood. There from the mostly toothless mouth of a affable old fellow you finally hear news of your quarry. She'd passed this way at a near-gallop and the locals, being canny sort, understood that haste marked desperation, earning themselves more silver than any of them had likely seen in their lives for the headman's surly pony and as much lard lathered biscuit as the beast could carry.

Regaining the trail: 55 + 14 (Intrigue) = 69 (Success)

With directions from the villagers and an actual path to follow, even if it it more fit for deer than man you soon see clear marks of a rider leading a pony about a half a day ahead of you.

"What are you planning to do once we find her?" you ask, breaking the long but fairly companionable silence that you had fallen into since Holt

"Offer my oathsworn protection."

Fate guard me from the pridefulness of youth. You pinch the bridge of your nose, you can't exactly tell a prince that the woman he is currently riding after, wouldn't think much of his protection otherwise he wouldn't have run to begin with.

"You have to figure out who would be plotting against her or her people and put an end to it and it would be good to have the idea in mind before we catch up to her rather than making up a pledge on the spot."

The prince is quiet a long moment, enough so that you wonder if the words had bounced right off his skull, but then he speaks at last."Meaning no offense to you and yours Eriol son of Henderch you seem to be more skilled in such backbiting than me, what pledge do you think I could make that she would be minded to listen to?"

What do you reply?

[] Oath of Blood: tell the prince to offer to find who had plotted against her and get vehemence

[] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good

[] No Need for Oaths: if you are gaining on her now than she will not be able to flee once you've found her, insist than she accompany us back to Rurik's court and leave your options open

[] Write in

OOC: Time to give some hoary old advice from the decadent court.
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[x] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
[X] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good

Hmm between this and no oath. I mean if we do find her we could pretty easily bring her back without promises, just mild force perhaps lol but I'm sure the prince wouldn't like that.
[x] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
[X] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
[x] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
[X] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
Oh. I've not followed SV so close in the recent time and nearly missed this. Exellant writing, I feel the atmosphere of dense Russian forests with small hamlets...

[x] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good

Either this or Oath of Blood. Okay, I'll not alter from consensus.

Having retired Rim and Hammer due to a lack of familiarity with Exalted to do it justice I decided to give another shot to a world and system I know quite a lot about.
And I hoped that they'll meet Annatar's tribe! :D
(but not very dissapointed, I'm not familiar with Exalted)

And in my Worm\Pathfinder quest Taylor met with Panacea. She was very exited to see someone with physiology based on negative energy (due to Taylor's Oracle Lich curse) and proposed some kind of "alteration-improvement-enhancement". Readers decided to press Big Red Bottom with sign "Do not press!", and now Taylor is a chaotic good undead.
Panacea's shard is very pleased. So much DATA! So much CONFLICT!
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[x] A Cunning Pledge: Advise him to focus on the fact that the assassination failed and many of the assassins were killed, if the lady could distinguish any marks on them that would spoke the wheel of any plotters good
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