[X] Gold
[X] Dark Green
[X] Pale blue
[X] Green
[X] Purple
[X] Hot Pink

gold doesn't have to be for an arbiter. It's a perfectly valid color otherwise.
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My brothers and sisters! Vote for being consistent! For totally not having a crush on Iori! For keeping in theme! For not bowing to the tyranny of the head that gold represents!

Vote for Purple! Vote for greatness!
I will vote for purple if it mean Gold not winning. Like gold as an accent is fine, but as a primary? God the idea is unsettling.

[X] White
[X] Purple
I will vote for purple if it mean Gold not winning. Like gold as an accent is fine, but as a primary? God the idea is unsettling.
It doesn't have to be a primary. Kali is known as the Red Mist, and the only thing that's red about her is her hair initially. She gets a red EGO armor and weapon later, but she got her Color Title before receiving either of those.
It doesn't have to be a primary. Kali is known as the Red Mist, and the only thing that's red about her is her hair initially. She gets a red EGO armor and weapon later, but she got her Color Title before receiving either of those.
This is incorrect. Kali was Grade 2 when she met Carmen, so it is quite likely she got the E.G.O before her title.

The time was mentioned in one of her conversations in LoR, but I forget which one.
Ignore that. It just my brain failing me again.

As for Color. I will say that while Kali is red...shes also mainly Black too.

None of the Color dress exclusively in their color.

Their Color is just the most noticeable thing about them.
It would still need to be somewhat dominant for it to be significant enough to be title after.
[X] Purple

Purple is my favorite color so I'm goin for it again, plus in the past purple was always associated with wealth, authority, power and royalty so it can't hurt to keep some of those ideals to ourself.
[X] White
This is the color of discipline, mental readiness, preparations. It's the color of Hana Association.
Color fixers Title comes from their signature things to the public, or at least to the hana association.
for kali, Her signature is when she is done, there is nothing left but a thick red mist.
For angelica, nothing is known about her to the public then the silence and the black, So the black silence.
For argalia, His main color scheme is blue, and his attack leaves a blue trail but most memorable thing about him is the reverberation his weapons use, So blue reverberation.
Virgils red gaze gives him the title of the red gaze.
Even the cross guy gets his title because the color of his cross and the fact that he carries a cross.
Color fixers gets their title from the most memorable thing about them, their signature, you know?
Ciel was lucky to be spared by the Purple Tear, so this could lead them to think of Purple as their lucky color. It makes perfect sense!
Imagine, the color fixer, White handkerchief.
So anyway, I don't mind what color you guys choose, it can be pretty important, but I don't really think so....So yeah.
Have a tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Nyarky on Jan 23, 2023 at 9:00 AM, finished with 57 posts and 33 votes.

Well, Purple can still win! I believe in you, fans of the purple snake!

Let's be monochrome!