KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
As long as Jaune still manages to figure out his semblance, we might finally get some fucking healing.

his semblance heals as a side-effect of giving more Aura, we don't have Aura, it can't do anything for us.

[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.

Me when Breakingamber Updates:

Other than that. I'm joking. :V You did take quite a while tho
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
On a completely unrelated note, may I recommend you all a shockingly good fic?

It's Turbin' Time (Library of Ruina Modded/Arknights) Crossover | Sufficient Velocity

If you know anything about Turbulence Office, you'll know that it is definitely the Library of Ruina mod of all time. You wouldn't expect it to be the subject of a weirdly good Arknights cross. But what do you know, this is the world we live in, and @thenew has created something very nice. Even though I know none of the Arknights characters, nor any of the Turbulence Office ones aside from a brief scan of their Credenza pages, it remains engaging with character work and prose I enjoy and appreciate.

Seriously. For all that it's based on a meme of a —I mean, a completely functional and non-weird mod, if you like reading about the Red Mist in KaliQuest, you'll love reading about the Steel Determination in It's Turbin' Time.
Hey, thanks! Funnily enough, the earliest workings of Turbin' Time (when it was still an Argalia quest) were, too, a RWBY quest, until I realized Arknights would fit what I was trying to do better (and that I'd have more fun writing Arknights).
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To go where the plot demands.

Though Kali, you shouldnt be too harsh on Ayin. The man had to do way more than you think to made the SoL possible. Not that you would know I guess.
In Kali's defense, if she did know all the 'way more than you think' Ayin did to make the Seed of Light Project possible, she would hate the guy even more. Which is honestly kind of impressive.

And you don't know that that plot's taking place in Mistral. There are many plots! Plots upon plots!

quietly scratches off 'Atlas Plot' off the board
Me when Breakingamber Updates:

Other than that. I'm joking. :V You did take quite a while tho
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!
Hey, thanks! Funnily enough, the earliest workings of Turbin' Time (when it was still an Argalia quest) were, too, a RWBY quest, until I realized Arknights would fit what I was trying to do better (and that I'd have more fun writing Arknights).
Now I'm curious... what would that have originally entailed, if you've got any random thoughts lying around? I can think of a couple of interesting Argalia/the rest of the Ensemble-specific interactions, mostly involving Philip and Argalia.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Dec 21, 2022 at 1:51 AM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.
In Kali's defense, if she did know all the 'way more than you think' Ayin did to make the Seed of Light Project possible, she would hate the guy even more. Which is honestly kind of impressive.

And you don't know that that plot's taking place in Mistral. There are many plots! Plots upon plots!

quietly scratches off 'Atlas Plot' off the board

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!

Now I'm curious... what would that have originally entailed, if you've got any random thoughts lying around? I can think of a couple of interesting Argalia/the rest of the Ensemble-specific interactions, mostly involving Philip and Argalia.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Dec 21, 2022 at 1:51 AM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.
The thing that started all of it was the starting vote for Turbin' Time- the only thing that remained unaltered through the entire quest. The choice of who killed Sieghart- or Linette, or Lech, or in this case, Argalia.

The Quest was going to be a much more conventionally-ordered Arknights story, starting off at classic station of canon Chernobog and going off from there. The readers would, at character creation, going to make the choice of who amongst the Reverb Ensemble would follow Argalia into his journey at first. The rest would end up scattered around Terra. The five initial choices were:
  • Tanya: the brute force option. If not picked, she'd wander around Terra for a little before joining up with Rhodes Island because Kal'tsit beat her up. To recover her, Argalia would need to beat her new boss up first.
  • Pluto: If Argalia has a million fans, then he's one of them. If he has one fan, then he's THAT ONE. If he has no fans, that means he's dead. If not picked, he'd cause massive amounts of trouble around Terra and find his way into a position of enormous power in Theresis' Kazdel.
  • Philip: Do the candles look forward to being used? My favorite of the options. His outlook in life, his spiritual mutilation and the obvious fact that he's suppressing his emotions, would make it immediately clear that there's something immensely fucked up with him the second they spoke to Amiya. You know, if she didn't notice the wax face, somehow. If not picked... he actually ends up salvaging his life. Wakes up in Kazmierz, becomes a competition knight because he has nothing better to do with his life, gets the shit beaten out of him by the Black Knight and eventually manages to push his way past his own insecurities and recovers himself as a completed E.G.O user, becoming an enemy of the Ensemble.
  • Eileen: Argalia's 2nd biggest simp. Would change the quest into a cult quest. If not picked, she'd begin amassing power in Sargon and forming her own ever-growing fiefdom of gear cultists.
  • Elena: Handling her bloodthirsty attitude would... yeah, it would be a huge issue... or not, who cares, let her kill people. If not picked, the Blood-Red Night makes a resurgence in Columbia and causes a resurgence in anti-Vampire Sarkaz racism after she murders thousands of people, drinks their blood in live television and makes a sweater out of their veins. Then she unleashes a zombie army on the city she was on, and then moves on to the next as a living storm of agony and suffering.
The name of the quest was inspired by Loxo321's Argalia (Lancer) sheet- Getting The Band Back Together.

Generally speaking, Argalia was going to be much unrulier then Sieghart. While Sieghart is an unphased veteran who values friendship above all and knows when to de-escalate, Argalia doesn't want to. He has no established contacts here to avoid upsetting, and with his mindset already fucked up even harder by Distorting and then returning to a "human form."(which would be a very flimsy disguise- he's prone to dropping the human façade when he feels like it.).

Unlike Sieg trying to avoid Distorting people by letting out too much Light, this is a full-on Villain Quest: Argalia wants to distort as many people as he can, he actively seeks the targets Carmen paints out for him, like Koshelna, Big Sad Lock, Talulah or Mephisto. He's there to fuck up things. Eventually I realized I wasn't going to have fun and I could actually end up writing a very sad story, which I didn't feel like doing. I wanted to write something more comedic, more hopeful, and Turbulence Office, which I was obsessed with after struggling desperately to beat... offered me that.

On RWBY: I didn't write much. I got like tge outline for some conversations between Ruby and Philip, some between Greta and Kali, and Pluto suckering Jacques into a contract. I got tired of the setting quickly.

I still want to write something about Philip after I finish Turbin' Time, in the far future.
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Eileen: Argalia's 2nd biggest simp. Would change the quest into a cult quest. If not picked, she'd begin amassing power in Sargon and forming her own ever-growing fiefdom of gear cultists.

You used the word cult and now I want to see if there are quests on cult of the lamb, despite the fact I don't want spoiler on it because it is in my backlog, it seems my brain is sending me a message... meh, it's probably nothing.

Unlike Sieg trying to avoid Distorting people by letting out too much Light, this is a full-on Villain Quest: Argalia wants to distort as many people as he can, he actively seeks the targets Carmen paints out for him, like Koshelna, Big Sad Lock, Talulah or Mephisto. He's there to fuck up things. Eventually I realized I wasn't going to have fun and I could actually end up writing a very sad story, which I didn't feel like doing. I wanted to write something more comedic, more hopeful, and Turbulence Office, which I was obsessed with after struggling desperately to beat... offered me that.

It seems like the quest decided to go full shenanigans since I dropped it due to a combination of not caring about the main character (I wanted the lying liar who lies, damnit!), and not knowing the setting at all.

Oh well, it seems to be healthy from what I can see by looking at the activity, so, congratulations on writing the quest you want and may you continue to have inspiration.
I see Argalia as someone who drops his facade of a nice guy for just a second to stab you with words then puts on a facade yet again.
And I see that as his true nature, and he can't control that, But he enjoys it and plays into that fact that he cannot control the fact that his facades would just dropped at any moment.
If you're wondering how do I got this view on him, Look for purple tear pre fight cut scene, and also that slight bit of annoyance you see from the cut scene from full stop office.
A normal conversation with him will just be you thinking: god, this guy is a weirdo and he just fucking stabs you out of nowhere, with brutal honesty or a real knife
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[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Atlas. The city above the world, with the most advanced technology. Pseudo-Singularities, but a strict military structure. And presumably, the general snootiness of Nests and Nestborn. For a more 'sciencey' approach, this is apparently your best bet.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
Emotional Turbulence 6.4

Emotional Turbulence 6.4

On the surface, Atlas might be a better choice. Far as you can tell, your problem is impossible to solve with normal means. Your augments themselves are the product of Singularities, and so more Singularities (or, at least, the closest thing Remnant's got) are probably your best option for fixing them. The technological capital of the world, Qrow said. Even if they are, supposedly, stuck-up pricks.

Despite all that, you decide: "Mistral. I'm intending to go to Mistral."

Maybe it's because of that magical tree sap Carmen had you drag back from the Outskirts, the shit that either healed you or simply blew you up. Or the way that pretty much every Abnormality Carmen's ever extracted was somehow able to magically break the laws of physics in new and unique ways. Almost magical. You're willing to put some faith in magic.

Qrow says, "Well, that makes my life easier," with a laugh. "Means I won't have to forge a whole folder's worth of documents. Immigration protocols are a pain, 'specially since Jimmy's on such high alert."

He gestures vaguely at Mimicry, continuing, "Heck, I don't think there's any amount of paperwork that could get that thing through customs. Probably for the best."

Xiao and Miris exchange a glance, then both shrug. "If you hear any news, whether it pertains to Lowell and the rest of the Liu, other Cityfolk, or anything you find important, please let us know. One Cityfolk to another," Xiao says.

You nod. "Sure. Good luck with your search."

"While I don't know what you are searching for," Miris responds, "I wish you the same. May both our fires burn bright in our quests for our desires."

That actually gives you pause. Previously, you kind of just forgot to tell the Liu Fixers something as simple as your name. It's not really something you were hiding, nor something you give out like candy, but it still led to some awkwardness down the road. Now, you're remembering. You've never told either Xiao or Miris about your… sticky mortality situation. Only Qrow, at this point.

Do they deserve to know?

[ ] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.

[ ] Don't tell them anything. For all that they are loyal, trustworthy people, part of the reason they listen to you at all is your sheer strength. A dying person is… not strong.

[ ] A compromise.
  • [ ] Write-in.

Qrow says he'll have the papers ready by the end of the day, delivered to your borrowed apartment. Then he's bailing out to Mistral or whatever. You're happy enough with that.

Glynda ends up calling you back, rescheduling the check-in for the afternoon. The agenda is surprisingly simple: a case debrief, followed by the same question as Qrow: what are you doing next? Now that you've finally made up your mind, you can actually answer it. And after the debrief, she confides that Miris already told her the events of it; she simply wanted corroboration, as well as anything you might have picked up that he didn't.

Which explains her reaction: calm and unemotional. You'd expected a hint of surprise. But if Miris already told her everything… yeah. Whatever Distortion emotion-bombs might've been dropped on her, she's already had time to react to, process.

The… only thing that you remember, that the red haired Fixer might not have covered. Is your hallucination or thing you misheard or whatever. That time when you might have imagined her voice. And frankly, you're not willing to speak about Carmen to Glynda. If Carmen really has…

Actually. You have no idea what's going on there. Not the slightest clue. She wasn't even speaking to you. You're certain of that. It's too bizarre to be something you might imagine. But it's also too bizarre to be something that actually happened.

…Maybe it's a Remnant-specific thing. Something to do with hearing the voices of the dead, or sirens, or other otherworldly bullshit. If that's the case, then maybe the headmistress of the Huntsman academy would know something. And then maybe you should ask…

Fuck, did you just talk yourself into this?

[ ] Yes. Tell Glynda about the… Voice and the name you heard—Pyrrha? Jaune?

[ ] Nope. You're not ready for this.

Qrow drops by to deliver the papers in person. You can't read them, but he points to a very particular green piece of paper, saying that it's a one-way ticket for a boat to Mistral, leaving early tomorrow. Billed your account for it, apparently, somehow (the size of which, based on the number of zeroes, has gone down significantly). It's… kind of him, you suppose. You weren't entirely sure you wanted to leave literally tomorrow, but now that an avenue's open… you'll take it.

You wonder if he knew that.

As you drift to sleep for the final time in Vale, you dream of memories past…

Pick one.

[ ] Your final battle.
  • [ ] … against a man in a black suit, amongst towers of books.
  • [ ] … against a woman in a furred coat, underneath a starry sky.
  • [ ] … against your mirror image.
[ ] Great times.
  • [ ] … spent with Gabriel, Michelle, and Elijah, as they attempted to explain shit you couldn't understand.
  • [ ] …spent with Daniel, Lisa, and Enoch, as you discussed philosophy and fought monsters (under the bed).
  • [ ] …spent with Benjamin, Carmen, and (sigh) Ayin, as they talked about hopes, dreams, and the Seed of Light.

A/N: I saw that pretty much every single Project Moon quest managed to update today, and decided I wanted in on that action. Hence this shitty placeholder of a chapter.

These… definitely are choices alright.

also why did all of the votes come in after I closed voting what why who when how where
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[X] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.
Xiao and Miris are generally upstanding, and we've helped them before. I think this is generally pretty safe.

no vote on telling glynda for me yet, I'm pretty torn.

The dreams are pretty great. As nice as the final battles sound - and I do like them! - the great times really got me.
(also im pretty sure canon is binner recieving kali, due to how insanely stacked she is. Seriously, she and her floor are designed to hard counter all of kali's gimmicks.)
That said:

[X] Great times.
- [X] … spent with Gabriel, Michelle, and Elijah, as they attempted to explain shit you couldn't understand.
no giovanni? I dont get to see my funky green boy? heartless. :V
[X] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.
Not that I trust them. But honestly speaking, Kali needs their support right now, and they are the two people most understanding.

[X] Yes. Tell Glynda about the… Voice and the name you heard—Pyrrha? Jaune?
For anti-Distortion measures + more knowledge.

[X] … against a woman in a furred coat, underneath a starry sky.
Because of us not being able to choose the crossed-out option.

[X] …spent with Daniel, Lisa, and Enoch, as you discussed philosophy and fought monsters (under the bed).
More Enoch, please.
[X] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.
[X] Yes. Tell Glynda about the… Voice and the name you heard—Pyrrha? Jaune?
[X] Your final battle.
- [X] … against a man in a black suit, amongst towers of books
Well, given that the Red Mist fight in Library of Ruina gives you access to three floors for the fight, Kali probably fought Roland, Binah, and Gebura over the course of her reception.
[X] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.

They are some of the the only people we can discuss this stuff with and understand. When you're trapped in another world, that trait is invaluable.

[X] Yes. Tell Glynda about the… Voice and the name you heard—Pyrrha? Jaune?

Yeah, Carmen's going to be Carmening on Remnant. More people who knows about Distortions the better, even if it's just bits and pieces. Also Glynda's a straight up person.

[X] …spent with Daniel, Lisa, and Enoch, as you discussed philosophy and fought monsters (under the bed).

Middle floors represent. Also Enoch is great.
Spend more time with Coffee Fop and the kids.
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[X] Tell Xiao and Miris everything. They're two of the only people on Remnant that understand what being unable to heal means for an augmented Fixer.
[X] Yes. Tell Glynda about the… Voice and the name you heard—Pyrrha? Jaune?
[X] Your final battle.
-[X] … against a man in a black suit, amongst towers of books
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