KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

Adhoc vote count started by breakingamber on Nov 1, 2022 at 8:56 PM, finished with 22 posts and 10 votes.


So yeah, I'm decided: vetoing the Ayin/L Corp topic. Xiao and Miris don't know how L Corp produced their energy, nor do they know that Ayin was its founder, and would thus respond with a 'shrug they were definitely a thing, alright.' Plus, again, at the time of voting, Kali doesn't know how L Corp or its Nest might be relevant, nor does she really want to ask about that bastard right now. I'm going to keep voting open long enough for y'all to choose another vote.

I'm sorry if I'm restricting your options in this manner, but I'm pretty sure this will be for the best. And, again, if you guys can come up with any particular reason why they would know something about the topic, I'm all ears.

To wit:

[ ] Conversation topics with Miris? (Pick three(?))
  • [ ] Yourself
  • [ ] Himself
  • [ ] The laboratory (I finally just realized that this vote has the exact same issue.)
  • [ ] Remnant
  • [ ] Plans
  • [X] Aura
  • [ ] Qrow
  • [X] White Nights
  • [ ] Current events
  • [ ] Write-in
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[X] Plans

Thought process here being might as well see what the others we know about from the City plan on doing.
So yeah, I'm decided: vetoing the Ayin/L Corp topic. Xiao and Miris don't know how L Corp produced their energy, nor do they know that Ayin was its founder, and would thus respond with a 'shrug they were definitely a thing, alright.' Plus, again, at the time of voting, Kali doesn't know how L Corp or its Nest might be relevant, nor does she really want to ask about that bastard right now. I'm going to keep voting open long enough for y'all to choose another vote.

I'm sorry if I'm restricting your options in this manner, but I'm pretty sure this will be for the best. And, again, if you guys can come up with any particular reason why they would know something about the topic, I'm all ears.

My thoughts on it is that Kali and the Liu know a few things as facts:
  1. The Distortion Phenomenon has some connection to E.G.O. Manifestation, possibly with the former being a corruption of the latter.
  2. The Distortion Phenomenon began after the White Nights and Dark Days. That the two are connected is confirmed by the Hana, and as a Director Xiao probably got a memo about that but let's assume she doesn't.
  3. Old L Corp suddenly fell and was replaced in the intervening time between Kali disappearing and the present.
  4. New L Corp is the source of the White Nights and Dark Days and then fell itself.
  5. New L Corp was replaced by the Library, whose Director knew an awful lot about Carmen and her lab.
  6. Carmen and her Lab was the source of the only E.G.O. before the White Nights and Dark Days.
From these facts, one can piece together that New L Corp has something to do with Carmen's Lab, with its singularity probably being the one Carmen was working on. From this Kali can draw one of two conclusions:
  1. New L Corp stole Carmen's research and became a Wing, or
  2. Carmen's Lab became new L Corp.
Now, I'm not sure if that's stretching it or not. It sounds plausible to me, but I'm pretty biased. But since its my idea I have to put up some kind of reasoning.

[X] Current events
His second phase is hilarious for this, here you are, in front of an gigantic monster, one that seems to have crawled right out of hell, with 1000 hp and four little summons that keeps coming back... and all it's resistances are at best weak, most of the time fatal, it constantly get staggered, it lose hp so fast you don't even see it, and it's adds are not any better. Now, his third phase is the strongest of them IMO, at least as long as you don't *cheat* it with Yesod.
While I do not disagree, I personally always found Phases 1 and 3 the hardest. 3 because of the Soul Bond, but 1 because Roland is easily capable of wrecking you if you don't pay attention. One nugget (or maybe Gebura?) blurb on fight start is that if you lower your guard for but a moment, you will die. Phase 1 can take a mile if you give it an inch and has destroyed my Gebura's floor once or twice.

While connection to Ayin is probably unknown to characters, I guess L Corp might become an object of interest through White Nights (which do originate in their Nest). At the end, Kali knows that EGO and Distortion are connected; even if she can't be sure how and why, investigating their supposed origin makes sense.

Additionally, Kali might or might not be familiar with term Enkephalin, which was LobCorp premier product - while use of abnormalities as dedicated power source was after her time, she did interact with them and the old lab did research them. No guarantee, and needs L Corp to come out beforehand, but still.

Saving that,

[X] Plans
By the way. It might come a bit late, but @breakingamber, why isn't Sword of Volition (RWBY/Library of Ruina) a quest?

Since 얀샋ㄷ요무 fits the whole "Control by Questers" thing.
By the way. It might come a bit late, but @breakingamber, why isn't Sword of Volition (RWBY/Library of Ruina) a quest?

Since 얀샋ㄷ요무 fits the whole "Control by Questers" thing.
Thinking about it, a quest where the audience plays the role of the semi-omniscient Prescripts, creating Prescripts for Index members to follow in order to accomplish an assigned task could be really cool. Audience gets a lot of info but has to put together the instructions within the limits of the Prescripts themselves, in situations that generally disfavor them.
얀샋ㄷ요무: D̸͖̙͖̯͇̤͗o̷̝͈͔͖͈͆̄̃̈̊͛̈̂̚ ̵̱̘̗̹̪̔͌̾̄̈́̈́͐n̵̖̥̮̰̳̫̰̓̇̎̋̍̀̕o̵̺̅̍͌͂̈̿͘͝͠t̶̢̛̰̮͔̙͈̅̂͐̀̓̊̎̀̓͠ ̴̨̳̝̼͍͈͍͍̓̈̓͌͜͜q̴̡͙̰̦͍̞̹̳͕̙̣̎͗̚͝ȕ̷̲͌̋̍̇e̶̪̗̦̥͚̱̣̰͠ͅṣ̸̡̤̪̠̰͇̪̦̬̮̓̓̄̿͊̃̚̚͠ț̷͕̣͓̫̲̦͚̖̞̍̀̈̋͜ǐ̶̜̊̅͂̽̒̒̕͠o̶̢̞̰̮̝̘̻̰͖̅̉n̷̨̧͖͔͓̱͔̯͓̜̈̑͆̈́͂͒̌͜͝ ̸͈̖͂͠t̶̯͍̮̿͆h̷̰̼̆͐̓̄̎͒ȩ̶̢͔̜̪͒͒̉̽̍̎͂̒͜͠ ̵̗̒͒͗͊̀̌͐̽̕̚͝w̴̨̢̥̒̕͝ͅi̸͎͕͚̭̣̭͖͐̋͒̂l̵̨͖͇̪͙̳̥͙̜͚̀̒̽͐̍̈́̅̉͂͒͘ļ̶̝̠̰̳̙̗͖͐͌̉̽͝ ̶̡̯̥̫͈̯͎̦̀̅̈́̂̋̀̈̀̃̕o̸̳͖͈̭̤̳̅̿͜f̶̖̜̥̺̠͖̲̉͆́̔̇̓̽ ̶̼̗̼̱̘̰̈́̽̈̓t̴͖̣̭͕̊́̇̐̉̉̐͌͝͝h̵̡̗̿͗e̷̡̥̩̦͚͑̍͗̑̋͝ͅ ̵̧͇̯̲̭̼̰̂͋̋͋̎̈͘͝Q̷̛̛̩̯͇͎̼͔̳̀̇̌̀̽́͘͠u̸̪͇̥͖̫̦̗̬̹̱͕̍͌̓̃ẽ̴̺̝̥̪̾͐š̷̫̥̠̩͙̩̳̋̾̑͐t̴̗̟̭̲̖̘̩͆.̶̧̢̜̯̹͙͌͜
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By the way. It might come a bit late, but @breakingamber, why isn't Sword of Volition (RWBY/Library of Ruina) a quest?

Since 얀샋ㄷ요무 fits the whole "Control by Questers" thing.
Ah... in hindsight. That's a pretty cool idea. I honestly never considered it until you brought it up.

Sword of Volition was always planned to be a sort of miniature short story fic. Intro, 4 chapters, and an ending. I obviously haven't finished it, and frankly I'm considering posting what I have left for it and bailing. We'll see how it goes.

You make a good point in that, thematically, a Quest where the Questers control Distorted Yan would be sick as heck. I don't think I'm the one to write it.

On an unrelated note... next chapter is still in progress. I've gotten distracted by a pair of Project Moon ideas recently, but I'm currently wrapping up the outline of one of them and plan on posting it in... uh.

I have no idea. If there was a Project Moon ideas/crossover discussion thread like there is for Worm, it'd go there. As it is... shrug. Maybe I'll just lock it in the Discord. The other one will only be posted when it is completed, meaning it will never see the light of day.

Can I distract you with an excerpt?
"O child… It is verily refreshing to meet you this way."

You'd walked into this trial expecting… frankly. You don't know what you'd been expecting. A true challenge? A line of dominoes, set to fall over the moment you started battering them down? It could have been anything. But you had, at the time, been certain. No matter what. You'd overcome this crisis.

The first set of opponents, the Index Proxies and Grade 1 Fixers accompanying them, they'd been a good warm-up. You hadn't been taking things seriously, let them whittle you down a fair bit before manifesting your E.G.O. and splitting them all in half. You'd once had to fight twice as many opponents of that caliber. That black-suited man had been a bit of trouble, but still hadn't been an actual
problem. Simply a nuisance, dodging your attacks in such a skilled manner. No one could dodge the Great Split, though. And after that he'd been easy pickings, fluttering away into golden pages.

You'd thought that you were done. That you'd won the Book of Cogito fair and square. You'd dismissed your E.G.O., taken a brief knee.

And then the world had changed around you. A celestial bridge under a starry sky. Alarm had filled you, instincts screaming to turn around, but you raised your blade too late. And a hail of gunfire tore into you from behind. Not just gunfire. A Singularity, or such bullshit. It ripped your skin open like paper, shredded your insides and let the
actual bullets hit even harder. Rarely before, had you ever felt such pain.

That was it. You were going to tear this fucking Library down, brick by brick. And extract that damned book from that scheming Director's corpse. No matter how much she looked like…

The thought was opportune. Your E.G.O. manifested shortly thereafter. The Thumb goons were all wiped out shortly thereafter in a single bloody strike. And that left only the woman in black. Pontificating with a look of familiarity on her face, looking as if she hadn't taken a scratch from your Great Split. Only the slightest ruffling of her coat indicated you'd hit her at all.

"How intriguing. You were capable of wielding that power so far in the past…"

She's been talking for less than ten seconds. And you're already sick of this cryptic nonsense.

"Why do you talk like you know me?"

The woman simply smiles, an eerie glint in her eyes. "I suppose I could explain it, given time. But I did not come out here merely to crush your spirit. No. I shall see your full power. I will match it. And you shall crumble."

You almost want to scoff at her arrogance. But something holds you back. Instinct: that this woman is as dangerous as they come. You've fought top employees of Wings, wielding Singularities as their armament, and while their gimmick was always powerful, always wielded with skill, they were always… singular. Specialized. Once you learned to work around it or power through it, they inevitably would die.

You get the sense that this woman doesn't have that problem. The massive pillars behind her, manifesting with a gesture, are certainly different from the slashes of golden light. You brandish Mimicry, charting a route through the inevitable storm.

You've had enough. "Then let's start this for real. You're all alone now. All your flunkies are gone. And you still think you can match me?"

A hum and another smile. The glimmering of an ever-lit lantern, and watchful eyes. "It is not completely concluded, now is it?"
If there was a Project Moon ideas/crossover discussion thread like there is for Worm, it'd go there.

The Light of Sin A project moon idea crossover and rec thread.

welcome to the project moon ideas, crossover and recommendations thread. This thread where we can share ideas, crossovers, rec we like or derec stories we don't. This story is a bit of favorite of mine the classic what if. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14029655/1/This-Prayer-for-Hateful-Sorrow...
There this one, not that active but hopefully that will change

The Light of Sin A project moon idea crossover and rec thread.

welcome to the project moon ideas, crossover and recommendations thread. This thread where we can share ideas, crossovers, rec we like or derec stories we don't. This story is a bit of favorite of mine the classic what if. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14029655/1/This-Prayer-for-Hateful-Sorrow...
There this one, not that active but hopefully that will change
A new one got made, I can post it give me a second.


Project Moon Related Media Crossover and Fanfic Ideas Thread Mature

So I made this thread because a recent boom in project moon quest gived me a lot ideas but if i posted those there I will derail those quest completely. So I'm going to make this thread and post my ideas here. if you have any other ideas for project moon related things. Just post it here...
Sword of Volition was always planned to be a sort of miniature short story fic. Intro, 4 chapters, and an ending. I obviously haven't finished it, and frankly I'm considering posting what I have left for it and bailing. We'll see how it goes.

I really hope to see Sword of Volition continued sometime, but don't feel obligated to suffer writers block induced burnout over it.
Emotional Turbulence 6.3

Emotional Turbulence 6.3

The fight starts slowly. Xiao makes probing slashes. Qrow responds in kind with simple sword moves. Both parties are taking the fight seriously. But neither is giving it their all.

Xiao's E.G.O., the aura of draining heat, doesn't seem to be active. Her weapon stays the simple red sword. It still blazes with heat, air rippling around it. But you suspect it's a property of the weapon itself, not anything Xiao is explicitly doing to it.

"Who do you think is going to win? I, myself, believe in my Director. But I don't know much about Qrow's capabilities." Miris asks, and you give the question a once-over.

At this early stage, you can't quite tell. Qrow stands a fair chance against just about any Fixer from the City, if your judgement is correct. But Xiao is no ordinary Fixer. Even as she refrains from exerting her full power, she remains a Section Director of the Liu Association. Section 1, no less. You've not yet seen Qrow fighting at full capacity. Nor have you seen Xiao fight without her E.G.O..

"It could go either way," you finally reply. "But I'm inclined to give it to Xiao."

The moment she breaks out the raging dragon, he's going down hard. But until then, he's got a shot.

Miris nods. And in turn, you have a question for him as well. Something both Xiao and Miris mentioned offhandedly, pertaining to Distortions.

"The White Nights. You said they were after my time. What, exactly, are you talkin' about?"

"The White Nights and Dark Days… a strange event that occurred several months ago. A brilliant light shone over the entire City, from the middle of L Corp's Nest, for three days straight. It was so bright that it even made the night seem like day. And when I saw it…"

Miris pauses, face contorted. It is as if he is struggling putting his thoughts into words.

"...It was as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders," he eventually continues. "Like the light had shone into my very soul. And everywhere I looked, on every person's face, I saw a gentle smile. That light seemed to convey a message: that everything would be alright. That there was hope. That maybe, we, as humans, could feel again."

Miris's face takes on one of those same smiles. You're starting to understand what he's talking about, your hopes lifting. Carmen spoke of it so many times. The cure for the disease of the mind. Her description of the execution was always far too metaphorical for your taste, differing seemingly every time. But one thing was always in common: seeds of Light, growing into a great tree. Planting in everyone's hearts and letting them bloom. And it's Miris's next words that clinch it.

"In hindsight, the Light of the Library, which eventually overtook L Corp's Nest, was one and the same."

Because that strange building of books and swords was… well. They clearly knew of Cogito, of that strange 'Lobotomy Corporation'. Their Librarians burst into fluttering pages of that same Light. There's a link there.

You genuinely can't believe that Ayin pulled it off.

Except. Come to think about it, Carmen had been very adamant that the Light shine for seven days straight. Else the seeds could not be planted properly, or something like that. Weak seeds, unable to sprout properly.

"What about the Dark Days?" you ask, already dreading the answer.

Miris's face falls instantly. "After the three days of Light came four days of darkness, so complete that the day seemed to turn to night. And whether it was an effect of the darkness or simply being deprived of the Light, the world seemed more hopeless than ever. Nothing had changed. Nothing would change. And the world despaired…"

He closes his eyes, smooths out his face. "Apologies. After that came the first case of the Distortion Phenomenon, and those at the Seven, Hana, and Zwei Associations believe that week of turbulent emotions to be the cause."

"That bastard," you mutter.

Of course he'd fuck it up. You don't know how, what he was doing with L Corp or hell, much of anything. But you're not surprised that Ayin failed to get the job done. You've no doubt that he tried. If nothing else, the man was dedicated. He would've done his best. But he's no Carmen.

You might be being a little harsh on him.

"You know something?"

You explain, "Think so. Me and a couple others worked in a laboratory in the Outskirts on something called the Seed of Light project. It was meant to help the whole City, break the cycles of endless casual hate, cure some 'disease of the mind' everybody had. Pretty sure that's what… almost happened. Based on your description. I…wasn't around for that.

"Except, if what Carmen said was correct, the Light really needed to shine for seven days straight. And if it didn't… yeah, I can see where the Distortion problem came from. She warned about that kind of thing happening. Weak hearts and weak seeds."

A thought occurs to you, and suddenly Xiao's whole deal makes sense. "Three days of Light, though… could still be enough, right? That's got to be how it happened. That's how Xiao got her E.G.O.—Psychoment, whatever. Those partial seeds of Light, planting deeper in her heart than most others'. Speaking of which…"

You glance back towards the fight. It's ramped up a fair bit from where it started. Blades moving at speeds that would be a blur to an ordinary person, but perfectly trackable to your eyes. Muscles exerting force that's starting to become deadly. But in practice, both fighters are still half-assing it. Just, well, less.

"...Why isn't she using it? She trying to train herself without it? Too worried about setting everything on fire?"

Miris shakes his head. "None of those. We did some basic testing after being released from the hospital, and it's a strange limitation of Aura. She cannot manifest her E.G.O. without sacrificing the ability to use her Aura. And vice versa."

Huh. If Aura is some 'manifestation of the soul' like the locals believe, then it kind of makes sense that it'd be incompatible with E.G.O., a similar power extracted from the mind. Glynda might've been onto something when she confused the two.

Could also explain why you can't seem to get yours going. Mimicry, for all that it's a fantastic weapon that grants you access to your own E.G.O., is still an E.G.O. by itself. Maybe your connection to it is what's blocking the magical soul-unlocking bullshit from working. Still doesn't explain why all your healing augments stopped working, but it's a start. Maybe if you tried putting it down for awhile… but no. A Fixer's weapon is their livelihood, especially in your case. You know that you'd be much less powerful with a regular sword.

A regular sword with Aura though… The thought remains tempting. You're seriously considering it.

"What's it like, having Aura?" you ask. "Feel stronger? Tougher?"

Miris shrugs, maroon briefly flickering over his form. "I'm glad to have it. I don't feel significantly stronger but I'm certainly more durable. Blows that would wound or cripple merely glance off instead, though I still feel the pain. And of course, the enhanced healing is, frankly speaking, miraculous. Xiao and I should still be in recovery from the wounds we received. Instead, I'm combat-ready enough to battle a 'Huntsman' on par with a section director. And if I understand correctly, I'll be ready to do so again by tomorrow, if necessary. My condolences that you seem unable to harness this Aura."

Yeah… still unpleasant. Knowing that you're dying, with such a convenient source of healing just out of reach.

"S'fine," you get out. "Never had it in the City. And I did just fine."

The sound of steel rending brings your attention back to the fight. It's Qrow, having been sent flying back towards a shipping container. But rather than slam into it like you expected, his sword reaches it first, tearing through the obstruction and coming to a stop in the ground behind it, leaving just enough space for him to fly through unimpeded. Somehow, he manages the pinpoint landing on the blade's handle, and moments later is back in the fight, flipping over Xiao's forward thrust and slashing at her briefly-exposed back.

Things have ramped up to the point where it's worth paying attention again. And as much as you hate to admit it, you might have underestimated Qrow Branwen.

Xiao, for her part, is no slouch. You'd seen her raging in the forest, and while she'd mostly been relying on raw force, she'd still had the instincts. A practiced stance. And here, in a calmer and more rational frame of mind, she puts that practice into use. She wields her borrowed sword with a sense of ease, applies her impressive strength in effective manner: to parry, to evade and to clash. One can not call her unskilled.

At the same time… Qrow is simply better, by nearly every measure of the word.

He makes combat look like a dance, graceful and lightning quick. He brings his blade about absurdly quickly, even swifter than Xiao's straight sword despite being twice the size and weight. A sense of… fuck, you don't know. Liquid. Fluid. Smooth movement, flowing between strikes and filling the gaps with hard steel, kicks and punches.

You have seen few swordsmen more skilled. The Director of North Seven Association's Section 1, any given stance of the Purple Tear. And others along the same vein: warriors that had devoted their entire combat style towards mastering their blade, able to use it in every circumstance. Better than Argalia and definitely better than his sister. The fact that you're even speaking of Qrow in the same sentence as these swordsmen and women—that's really saying something.

You'd seen a taste of it during your fight earlier, but couldn't appreciate it until now. Xiao's raw strength allows her to hold her own. And you imagine, if she were to manifest her E.G.O., the power boost, combined with the ridiculous heat, would easily give her the edge.

By that same logic, you could still beat him. Sheer power tends to render skill irrelevant. He'd dart around, sure, biting at you like an annoying horsefly. That bird power, in particular, might be problematic. But you'd crush him eventually.

Blades clash again and again. And slowly, surely, you see Xiao lose.

One final downward scythe strike catches the ex-director from behind, as she turns too slowly to catch Qrow's rapid repositioning. And with a flicker and a shatter of soul-stuff, the fight is over. Qrow retreats, sweat pouring down his brow.

You feel the faintest whiff of superheated air. Xiao's sword catches fire in earnest, then extinguishes itself a moment later. The faint image of her E.G.O. appears around her, then vanishes like a mirage.

All told, even after clearly bringing Qrow to the brink of exhaustion, she looks ready to go another round. That Aura stuff is truly bullshit. If you could learn to use it in conjunction with your E.G.O., the same way Xiao shows is possible…

You'd go give those Librarians a piece of your mind, for one. Maybe you could even give Iori a run for her money.

Xiao walks towards you and Miris, frowning in disappointment at her own loss. Miris offers her a few words of consolement, before the pair of them turn to you. Qrow follows up not long afterward, looking more composed.

"That was a darned good showing. You Fixers are machines. 'Specially since you can keep on fighting without Aura—wouldn't look forward to taking you down. Glynda's made a pair of monsters."

Xiao accepts the praise with a simple nod, before directing a question at you.

"Kali. If you don't mind sharing, what do you plan on doing in the near future, here on Remnant? Miris and I will likely be staying in Vale for a month or so, accepting Glynda's generous offer of work and passing down news of other Citydwellers, before setting out to search the world ourselves. I was hoping we could coordinate."

Qrow steps in: "Yeah, I've got sort of a messaging system involving specific mailboxes and drop-off points, since long-distance communications are otherwise off the table. I can let you fellows in on it, give you some information that way as I travel abroad. Remember what we talked about, yesterday? I can help you out, but you'd better decide now."

You do. Solutions for your problem, each one pointing towards one of the Kingdoms of Remnant.

[ ] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.

[ ] Atlas. The city above the world, with the most advanced technology. Pseudo-Singularities, but a strict military structure. And presumably, the general snootiness of Nests and Nestborn. For a more 'sciencey' approach, this is apparently your best bet.

[ ] Vacuo. …As far as you know, there isn't actually much going for you here?

[ ] Vale You're not going to stay here.

[ ] Write-in. It'd better be good.

A/N: hahahaha oh right actually writing a Quest, as opposed to just doing outlines of fic ideas what an amazing concept maybe I should get on that update schedule what update schedule don't look at me like that

Jokes aside, I honestly kind of just… got sidetracked on this. I had about 1/3rd of it written out two months ago, just had to get the rest of it done. And then I didn't until quite recently.

And yeah that's about it. Got questions? Ask.

On a completely unrelated note, may I recommend you all a shockingly good fic?

It's Turbin' Time (Library of Ruina Modded/Arknights) Crossover | Sufficient Velocity

If you know anything about Turbulence Office, you'll know that it is definitely the Library of Ruina mod of all time. You wouldn't expect it to be the subject of a weirdly good Arknights cross. But what do you know, this is the world we live in, and @thenew has created something very nice. Even though I know none of the Arknights characters, nor any of the Turbulence Office ones aside from a brief scan of their Credenza pages, it remains engaging with character work and prose I enjoy and appreciate.

Seriously. For all that it's based on a meme of a —I mean, a completely functional and non-weird mod, if you like reading about the Red Mist in KaliQuest, you'll love reading about the Steel Determination in It's Turbin' Time.
Ah, focus. The eternal bane of writers everywhere. Glad to see this story back up and running! As far as votes go, I think I'll go with

[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.
As long as Jaune still manages to figure out his semblance, we might finally get some fucking healing. If not, Jinn can definitely point us in the right direction.
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[X] Mistral. Home of ancient myths and magic, and artifacts of vague power. You have no clue if anything here will help you survive, but Qrow seems to think so. He's also heading in this direction, though Mr. 'I can turn into a bird' is almost certainly going to be faster than you.

To go where the plot demands.

Though Kali, you shouldnt be too harsh on Ayin. The man had to do way more than you think to made the SoL possible. Not that you would know I guess.