"They're very painful and debilitating, but they're also not very lethal. Ping, Amaya and I all got hit and none of us died, but everyone other than me went down. If we can get them working for human sized fighters, we'll be able to make our raids more effective and less lethal." You add.
Ho boy. I get where he is coming from, but i think that using these pain weapons will bring us more attention from Slaneesh, and i would rather avoid that.
"Stinky face."
"Poopy breath!"
"What's wrong with puppies? I like puppies."
Lol, okay that last one got me

Also, i'm so happy these poor kids were still able to enjoy puppies, despite the hellhole they lived in. It's the small things that give me hope, you know?
Also, despite all the fighting, Son doesn't seem to loath Fan or getting seek around her like everyone else. It's more like a normal kid rivalry. Wich makes me happy, since Fan needs more friends, but it also makes me wonder if there's more to the boy than it seems.
She turns to you, a smile spreading across her face as she kneels before you. "I instead pledge all that I am to the Stormbreaker, his whims, and his majesty." She kisses your boot.
Oh great. As if Shanwei ego wasn't big enough, he now has people worshipping him.
Her glowing, adoring smile would've been nice in less horrid circumstances. Not for the first time you wonder if this was the best idea. You'll be able to guide these people, but they're still fanatics.
Well, at least there's that. hopefully his distate for them will prevent it from getting to his head.
About two dozen people choose to follow through and go with you. The rest stay behind, but none of them are children. You're glad; if anyone can be saved, it's them.
Hmmm. How many of them choose to stay behind? Just out of curiosity?
"That'll do. They'll last 'till we get back to Shang and if they don't, fuck 'em." You say.
"They're standing right next to you."
"I know."
They're luck they will even get in the ship.
Xiulan bows her head. "We require no sustenance, our faith in the Stormbreaker shall sustain us."
Caihong looks at you as if the cultists being brainwashed insane idiots is your fault.
I think she's thinking Shanwei is idiot for bringing them along, and that she just got a new headache in the form of the cultist.
"Shanwei… how long do you intend to keep playing hero instead of pirate?"
Until either ol' Goldie shows up or we take over the planet. Whatever comes first.
our crew works for a cut of the spoils, and no spoils means no income. Couple that with the fact that about half of the crew died on the way here, and, well…"
That's makes sense. We need booty to keep our crew loyal and happy. I'll try to remember that on our next votes.
You fold your arms. "Do you agree with them?"
She looked down, one good eye dark. "Not even a little bit. This was worth them all."
Hey, would you look at that. They agreed on something!
Okay, now on to the vote.
[X] – Eun
Okay, i
really want to do this one. Looking back, i think we were too harsh on her punishment. She hid Fan when she found her onboard, but it's not like she brought her in the ship herself, she found the girl and panicked. Eun is one of our closest crewmates, and i don't want to ruin her friendship with Shanwei.
[X] – Han and Maia
[X]- Fan