Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Hmmm, Algae, Grass/Flowers, and Insects have all hit Big Act levels I see.

Now the question will be… who will receive the block of pure Diamond?
Sure, why not?

[X] In the waters surrounding the platform, place a school of Fish. Let them feed upon the Algae, and the Grass and Flowers that grow too close to the edge of the platform, while in turn being fed upon by those that desire flesh for sustenance.

[x] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.
[X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, another avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the bones of the former, and incorporates it into it, becoming ever empowered from it's predecessor. Name it, "A Duck", and place the starry crown upon its head, and a staff of white gold to be held by its wings.
Hunger shall ail no longer, and the staff will be a source of ever-present life for it.

Throwing @Nigerian Duck a bone; don't really get his thing for ducks, but in this case I don't see any reason why not ducks, so might as well use my entry to support his. Expecting my fish will need at least Small, so if he'd give his support to them I'd appreciate it.
Throwing @Nigerian Duck a bone; don't really get his thing for ducks, but in this case I don't see any reason why not ducks, so might as well use my entry to support his. Expecting my fish will need at least Small, so if he'd give his support to them I'd appreciate it.
Muchos gracias, and I'll gladly return the favor.
Fish and ducks go hand in hand, as far I see.

I like to keep a consistent theme in quests, focusing on something in particular. It makes what I do stand out more, and I can build things atop each other. If you're joining this quest, then you should join the one it's inspired by as well: "From Chaos: (Riot God Quest) Take 2" by Mannan. Voting ends in 12 hours or so.
I was thinking of updating daily, but I decided to extend the voting period. If there isn't any more votes, I might close it tonight later, otherwise, I'll just close it tomorrow.
Era 1 - Turn 1 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Nov 17, 2022 at 6:44 AM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Throw some algae in the ocean
    [X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.
    [X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)
    [X] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.
    [X] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.
    [X] In the waters surrounding the platform, place a school of Fish. Let them feed upon the Algae, and the Grass and Flowers that grow too close to the edge of the platform, while in turn being fed upon by those that desire flesh for sustenance.
    [X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, another avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the bones of the former, and incorporates it into it, becoming ever empowered from it's predecessor. Name it, "A Duck", and place the starry crown upon its head, and a staff of white gold to be held by its wings.
    [X] Create a 5 ft cube of pure diamond and put it in front of the most intelligent creature that currently exists.
    [X]Bless the inhabitants of a handful of ant hives with sentience/sapience.

Voting Closed!

Big Act:
Throw some algae in the ocean

Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.

Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)

Small Act:
In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.

Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.

In the waters surrounding the platform, place a school of Fish. Let them feed upon the Algae, and the Grass and Flowers that grow too close to the edge of the platform, while in turn being fed upon by those that desire flesh for sustenance.

Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, another avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the bones of the former, and incorporates it into it, becoming ever empowered from it's predecessor. Name it, "A Duck", and place the starry crown upon its head, and a staff of white gold to be held by its wings.

Basic Act:
Create a 5 ft cube of pure diamond and put it in front of the most intelligent creature that currently exists.
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Duck Stories: The Cursed First
I meant hours later (tonight), and hours later + sleep (tomorrow).

Duck Stories: The Cursed First
A lone figure trudges through the sands of the oceanic abyss, moving to and from the underwater dunes, its passage marked only by the ever growing trails of webbed footprints emanating from it.

All its life, it has known only solitude. Upon his birth, it was overjoyed at the sensory overload of merely existing. The cool liquid that flowed around his body, soaking it in a feeling of peace and tranquility. The light reaching down on it, so distorted and yet so mesmerizing. The loose and packed terrain it stepped on, the picture of a stalwartness and stability. To it, this was a world built solely for the purpose of its birth. And so it declared itself The Duck, King of all it could Survey.

And after this declaration, the very place where he stood was illuminated with bright light. The very sea seemed to part in the place where he stood, and from a multitude of long arms with seemingly divine hands, a gold crown of stars was placed upon the top of The Duck's head. Shining with a brilliance the waterfowl had never seen before, he took this event as a sign that he was truly blessed. A creature made by creators who loved it so, and in turn, he loved them.

He walked throughout the world, venerating them and giving thanks for every new discovery he made. Which, to be frank, was not much, considering he was but alone in this world. All over creation where his little legs could take him, he waddled and waddled. A smile on his bill and spring in his step.

But as time passed, he felt his age wear on. After a month, he discovered "hunger". A little gnawing thing, that did not truly cause him pain until well after he was aware of it. Though he could ignore the pangs at the beginning, they tore into his insides as The Duck matured. Pain came with every step of his feet, every flap of his wings, and though he tried to hold onto the feeling of elation from his birth and crowning, the constant nagging pain at his side came as a damper to any good memory he had.
Surely, the creators, in all their power and glory could see him struggle. So…why hadn't they helped him?

This caused him to slowly grow to resent his birth, his creation. What makers would provide such an accursed world, that could not provide for its sole creation? He wanted desperately to believe that he was loved, that he was cared for and that those who made him wouldn't abandon him. Surely they would come back for him, to take away this wretched feeling? He was their creation, their child. The King they Crowned. Why would they do all this, just to forsake him?

Then in his own mind, he understood. He wasn't a blessed existence, but one born with a curse. A curse to live and die knowing pain. But not just that—it wasn't enough to know pain. He had to know joy, peace, thankfulness, and have it brutally ripped from him. For their twisted enjoyment, or to sate their curiosity, he could not say why they would do this. But he knew that this was not the experience of one who was loved.

With his dying quack, he cursed the world, and lofty beings who dared to give him such a life of misery. Though with such power, they must have been born with many gifts, he knew one thing they did lack. Mercy. And thus, with one last hateful glare towards the sky, the life of this singular creature ended. His flesh turned to dust, and his bones left to dry. The crown, ever gleaming, to live out the rest of this Turn uninterrupted.

Last minute Omake for votes? It's not great or anything, but it came from the heart.
It's not super accurate to the update in terms of events, but in a way he did die proud. Spiting the world and whatever made it. Like a true duck would.
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Era 1 - Turn 2
The ocean around the platform have begun to become less barren. The sea was tinted green by the algae that appeared. It was like a great stink cloud wafted from the platform's underside. Scum and seaweed clung unto the concrete pillars and underside. Even the sea floor became borne with life as sickly strands of algae began rising from the barren sea floor. The tint of the water would have made the sandy floor inhospitable to them if it weren't for a spring that sprung neath the sandy earth...

Meanwhile, on the platform grew many varieties of grass. Thick grass, broad grass, spiky grass, tube grass; they covered the black earth and grew on the lofty boughs, painting the whole scene green. Yet the scene wasn't as monochromatic as it was for the color of their flowers broke the green. Red, blue, violet, yellow, orange; they decorated the floor and understory with their blooming blossoms.

After years of dominance, the ants was no longer the creature inhabiting the island as hundreds more species of insects began dwelling in this rather spacious platform. There were all sorts of species now living amongst the green. In the ground, up the branches, and aloft in the air, there were insects. Centipedes, beetles, mosquitoes, butterflies, dragonflies, and other sorts of insects fill the once-silent forest with the noises of life. They form hives and nests. Some eat plants and sip nectar while others eat other insects.

At the same time, carnivorous plants began sprouting all over the place, feasting on the insects that now call this platform home. They employ sticky leaves, clamping leaves, and irresistible pitchers to trap insects and supplement their nutrition. They protect the green, culling excess insect populations.

Something similar happened in the sea as a great school of fish began populating the barren sea. Their silvery bodies glimmered as they glided through the water, feasting on the algae that floated in the pacific waters, the detritus that fell from the platform, insects that chose to live on the sea, and the vegetation that grew upon the pillars. They grew fat and numerous as the years passed, experiencing no predation nor hardship. The bodies of their dead kin sank to the bottom, along with the detritus of the surface, to nourish the poor sea floor.

A cavern is hollowed out underneath the platform. Saltwater from above seeps into the cavernous hollow through small holes only insects could hope to traverse. A syrupy yellow liquid begins to accumulate. So far from any life, so far from anything that could consume this liquid; the golden syrup accumulated. Years upon years without disturbance, the level of syrup continued to rise and the cavern became a humongous reservoir of this sweet syrup. After a decade or so, the cavern became completely full and syrup began overflowing. This golden syrup seeped through the earth and began forming pools on the sea floor. Its appearance invigorated the enervated sea floor. Plains of sea grass and forests of abyssal kelp grew on the sandy depths, supping on the sweet nectar that seeped from beneath. It wouldn't be discovered by fish until a decade later.

Muscle and tissue began filling out the skeleton of the Duck, the King of All It Saw. Flesh, blood, and sinew was strung between the bones, and soon skin and feather covered it all up. A new avian was created over the bones of the Duck, and made to be greater than its predecessor. Hunger could no longer touch it. The starry crown was set on its head and a white gold staff was held in its wing. Was it the Duck reborn? No, it was a new being entirely, named A Duck! Heir to the starry crown and holder of white gold staff!

A block of pristine diamond appeared before A Duck, acknowledging it as the most intelligent of its day. Five cubic feet of diamond settled before its eyes and A Duck was enamored by it. It built its nest atop and declared the eldritch cube its throne.

And, time passes. The years go by. The yews grow more elderly and the mangrove grove expands. The sea floor have become a lush place with pools of golden syrup and forests of kelp. Fish have wandered here, and A Duck was more than happy to claim them as its subjects (much to the fishes' nonchalance). The world yearns once again for your touch.

A/N: I'm tired, so I might have left out or forgot some details. I think this is good enough before I go to sleep.
[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.

[X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.
[x] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
[x] Create symbiotic relationships between the carnivorous plants and ants. Rather than immediately kill the ants they feast on, they cultivate spaces/hives in their roots and branches and produce sweet saps for the hive; in exchange, the ant population collects protein rich insects, including rival ants, and bring them to their plant for consumption.
[X] Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.
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Well, I got my fish; now we should make something to eat them. The Nest of Infinite Ducklings should do, so long as we can keep their population in check so they don't wipe the fish out (kind of a delicate balance).

[X] Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.

[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.
[X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.
[X] Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.
[X] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
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[X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.

[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.

[X] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy

[X] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
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[X] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy.


[X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.

[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.points?

[X] Create species of fungi for the ants to farm.

[X] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
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[X] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.

[X] Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.
[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.
[X] Create mollusks. Some as small as a nail and some as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.
[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.
Small Act
[X] Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.
Small Act
as big as a wolf. Some mundane as slugs and some more bizarre like, for example, frumious running snails. Some suited to crawl around (or run, as do some notable exceptions) on land and some made to live underwater.
Small Act
[X] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy.
Big Act. You referred to them as peoples. I assume you mean this to be a sapient species.
[X] Create Arachnids on the island, varied and numerous species.
Small Act.
[X] Create species of fungi for the ants to farm.
Basic Act.
So many Duck Acts this turn, it could bring a tear to an underwater eye.

Authored Act
[X] Though A Duck has now grown into a fine ruler (as it sees), it retains a sort of loneliness in being the only one of his make. He will scape a part of his white gold staff, and break off a chunk of the diamond cube. With the final piece being several of his own feathers, he will put them together, and the same blessed hands that created him and his predeccesor shall fuse this blend of materials together to form a new being. A being similar to A Duck, but greater in power. Overjoyed with his new companion, he christens her That Duck, Queen of all She Beholds.

[X] A small nest is at the edge of the platform from where it can not be moved. Every year six eggs appear and if they survive they hatch into ducklings.

[x] Place Inchlings on the mangroves. Tribal, elf-like peoples that are 1 inch in height. Their prefered diet is fruit and insects, and they build their homes on the branches of the forest canopy.

[X] Place an order of Duck Knights to serve and protect their liege, A Duck.
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So many Duck Acts this turn, it could bring a tear to an underwater eye.
If I'm understanding the OP correctly, the game will reset after a few turns, so I feel less qualms about doing silly stuff like making ducks the dominant species.

Hell, if I'm correct about that, I might wind up trying to make one iteration where we never bother with the platform itself and just put everything underwater.

...Wonder if there'll ever be interaction between iterations? Like, will there be a war between Ducks and Fishmen?
You must understand, Z, one thing and one thing permeates my mind when voting.
You know what it is. I know you know.

If no other Duck-related actions appear, I may give a vote to the 2.54 centimeter-lings.