Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Zarya: That's you. A (former) debt-peon now once possessed by a demon an alien.
-"Demon": Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles. (An alien in truth!) (Freed!)
-Spiritual Aptitude: Zarya gains access to the following spells after praying to the Water-bearer statue in Antioch, which is permanently infused with a Spiritual Aptitude of 60.
--Spell: Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
--Spell: Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
--Spell: Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and alien)
--Spell: Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
--Spell: Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
--Cautious I:
requires 75+% voter approval to interact with any HM or MP without a (+) mark
--Cautious II: requires 75+% voter approval to reveal demon-possessed status on purpose
--Disciplined I: gain (+) with any HM or MP after following a direct order from her
--Disciplined II: gain (-) with any HM or MP after disobeying a direct order from her
--Water I: the more water you are near, the easier it is to use your magic
--Water II: must be near a body of water (or another source) to use your magic
--Water-bearer: Zarya has constructed a statue in Antioch and poured all of the spiritual essence she's acquired over the past few months into it. She must pray to this statue to use spells as of The Moon.
-Additional notes: One of your black eyes has turned blue, as have the tips of your black hair. Currently resolved to control her Demon. Has made progress in suppressing it. Has not yet attempted to manifest it. Currently traveling with Linza, Philippos, Libra Venus, Theodora, and Capricorn Saturn, with the aim of helping Theodora take revenge against the cultists who sacrificed her, and their allies inside the military and the church. Now able to manifest her "Demon" for a up to ten minutes at a time after meditating on JOY or BEAUTY while being around WATER for a few minutes. If in the ocean, the manifestation is immediate and can be held indefinitely. Has agreed to join the church, though it may be was temporary. Currently residing in Antioch. Has learned that her "Demon" is actually an alien being from another world, and is aiming for an amicable separation. Can sculpt ice with her powers, and will learn to work with other materials. Has traveled to Sardis on behalf of the Antiochian Church... and with her mission done, it's time to go! She's returned to Antioch with a warning... a rogue Angel is on the attack! While in Antioch, waiting for the attack, she constructed the WATER-BEARER statue and transferred her spiritual power to it. Not long afterwards, she was separated from The Being, and the two defeated the Angel by working together. Later, she would be instrumental in defeating the Demon known as BELIAL.

Martin Aurelius of Sardis (-): Your former master, who resides in Sardis. He is a wealthy businessman and landowner. He owns several workshops that provide various goods, such as agricultural equipment, weapons, industrial and mining tools, and so on. He's dead, murdered by cultists and sacrificed to a Demon.
-Cornelia Prima (+): His wife, and your former mistress. Despite Martin owning your debt, Cornelia had roped you into her service and not his. She treated you well enough and kept you close. Now the captive of Dione. Was traveling with your group, and left in Ephesus.
-Lucian Aurelius: Their young son. Travelling with his mother.
-Aurelia Prima: Their young daughter. Travelling with her mother.
-Julian Aurelius: Martin's brother, and an artisan. Status unknown.
-Aurelia Prima: Martin's sister, seeking marriage and now possessed by the same Demon that once possessed Theodora. Looks like she wants to escape, so maybe there's an opportunity to work together. Was traveling with your group, having been denied an opportunity to sacrifice avenge herself, and left in Ephesus.
-Mettia Prima: Martin's elderly mother, a widow. Status unknow.
-Fellow former slaves: Linza (+) (she); Eusebius (+; in Ephesus) (he); Philippos (+) (he); Anacletus (he); Hypatos (he); Lucretia (she; in Sardis); Theokleia (she; in Sardis); and many others...
-- Linza and Philippos are currently accompanying Zarya travelling with Capricorn Saturn.

The Holy Maidens:
Seven powerful and virtuous women based on in specific major cities.
-Humility (+): Resides in Sardis. Can detect lies, among other abilities. Was in Antioch / Ephesus, aiming to crush cultists. Now resides in Ephesus, having gained firm control over the city and its politics. Has retaken her hometown.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 84
-Kindness (+): Resides in Pergamum. Can heal any injury, among other abilities. Was sent to Sardis on Humility's order. Fled to Ephesus after Dione tried to capture her. Joined up with you temporarily to fight the rogue Angel, and now heading out to Pergamum once more. Has now taken charge of her home.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 57
---Spell: Healing I → Healing II → Healing III (cures wounds)
---Spell: Understanding I → Understanding II → Understanding III (connect minds)
---Spell: Reciprocating I → Reciprocating II → Reciprocating III (shares feelings)
-Charity: Resides in Thyatira. Can grant powers to the Mystic Priestesses. Traitor. Defeated and sent to Antioch, where she lives outside the city in a villa.
-Diligence: Formerly resided in Ephesus. Status unknown. Dead.
-Patience: Resides in Philadelphia.
-Chastity: Resides in Smyrna. Can block magic (?). Murdered by invaders from Antioch.
-Temperance: Resides in Laodicea. Status unknown, probably either heading to Sardis or already there. Found in Sardis, and rescued! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea, having just retaken the former.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Spell: Balanced Mind: Emotion (reduces emotional fluctuations)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Attack (strengthens body when attacking)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Defense (strengthens body when defending)
---Spell: Balanced Soul: Flow (occasionally slips around enemy attacks)

The Mystic Priestesses: Twelve powerful and virtuous women who wander the land.
-Libra Venus / Melina (+): First encountered outside Philadelphia. Skilled with the cithara. Very friendly. Now travelling with Zarya. Now travelling to Laodicea with Scorpio Mars, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has rejoined your group and evaded capture! Lived with you in Antioch until her encounter with the rogue Angel, at which point she abandoned her old identity and renamed herself Melina. She's also put down her blessed cithara and now lives in a small commune.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Spell: Song of Roaring Flames (encourages and emboldens)
---Spell: Song of Calm Waters (relaxes and subdues)
---Spell: Song of Magnetism (attracts to a specific target)
---Spell: Song of the Sunshine (inspires warmth and joy)
---Spell: Song of Growth (draws out hidden powers)
---Spell: Song of Affection (draws out tender memories)
-Leo Sun: Deceased. (see also Theodora) Restored!
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Block! (grow furred armor)
--Spell: Slash! (grow fire claws)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Strike! (gain super-strength)
--Spell: Roar! (intimidate)
--Spell: Burn! (gain fire breath)
--Spell: Transform! (lion aura coat)
-Sagittarius Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command lightning. Now located in Ephesus and without her powers, aiding Humility. Has her powers once more.
-Taurus Venus: First encountered outside Philadelphia. Resides there.
-??? Pisces Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command emotions. (see Dione)
-Virgo Mercury I / Virginia (-): First encountered in Ephesus. Can command demons and influence people. Searched for the Holy Maiden of Diligence on the orders of the Sovereign Priest of Antioch. Encountered again outside Antioch, and formed a temporary alliance. But the alliance is now broken, and it seems like she can only see Zarya as an enemy over circumstances that were not Zarya's fault. After having betrayed the Church and sided with the cultists in Ephesus, she was captured, brought back to Antioch, and stripped of her position. Is now called Virginia. Possessed by BELIAL (formerly).
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50 0 !?!?!? 0
-Gemini Mercury: Resided in Thyatira. Has some sort of magical hearing ability. Now in custody in Antioch.
-Capricorn Saturn (+): First encountered in Smyrna. Can predict events. Now travelling with Zarya. Heading back to Smyrna. Aiding the attack on Thyatira. Currently helping to restore Church control in Thyatira. Status unknown. Recovered from the rogue Angel's grasp and heading back to Smyrna, but not before warning you of a future disaster! Now on the way to Thyatira to restore that city, having restored Smyrna to a functional state.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50
---Spell: Forewarn (predicts one upcoming disaster per day)
----Capricorn Saturn does not learn more spells. Instead, the quality of her warnings is improved.
-Aries Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Former friend of Theodora. Was in Antioch, now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Aries Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Sword of Savage Strength increases.
-Scorpio Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Now travelling to Laodicea with Libra Venus, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has joined your group and evaded capture! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Scorpio Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Shield of Sturdy Strength increases.
-Cancer Moon (+):
Resides in Antioch. Status is unknown. Searching for her. Found her and joined forces to take down the Advocates. Convinced Zarya to join the Church and exorcised the Demon from Theodora. Planning to exorcise the Demon from Zarya as well. Having been made aware that The Being was an alien and not a Demon, she would successfully exorcise it from Zarya. Has been kidnapped by BELIAL, and is now free and restored.
-Aquarius Saturn (+): Was found in a dungeon in Thyatira after having been presumed dead. Was helping to restore Church control in Thyatira, now in Antioch. Can witness the past. Gave you a kind warning.
-Virgo Mercury II: Virginia's replacement. Seems to be loyal to the church. Resides in Antioch and helps the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.

Gaius Helvius of Philadelphia: The son and heir of a wealthy farmer of the same name from the Philadelphia area.
-Ennia Segunda: His wife.

Theodora (+): The former Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Was used as a human sacrifice to summon a Demon that now possesses her. NO LONGER IN CONTROL. Back in control, and no longer possessed... though her eyes have been permanently changed. Has a small grudge towards Zarya, but is mostly over it. Restored as the Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Crusher of a Demon of Darkness (with help from her friend and ally Zarya).
-Demon: What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85 0 (see Leo Sun)
--Spell: Block! (grow scale armor)
--Spell: Crunch! (grow fangs)
--Spell: Slash! (grow claws)
--Spell: Swipe! (grow a tail)
--Spell: Seek! (improve eyesight; gain night vision)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Rampage! (gain strength; lose control)
-Allies: Eugenios, Thais, Daniel (three heretics that Theodora met in a small town near the desert)

The Sovereign Priest of Antioch: A virtuous (?) man in charge of the Church of the Followers of the Way. Currently residing in Smyrna after being chased out of Antioch by an Advocate-led rebellion. Was critically injured and recovered in Smyrna before returning to Antioch. His return has been controversial amongst the people of the city.

!?!?!? Kavouras / Celso Longinus (-): A man formerly possessed by a Crab-shaped Demon. Fought Theodora outside Smyrna and was defeated. However, his soldiers managed to recover his body. Is likely licking his wounds and heading to Antioch. His abilities include growing shell armor, turning his arms into pincers, and transforming into a big crab. He was chased out of Antioch and is likely recovering in fled to Ephesus. Goal: defeat him for good! He was burned alive by Humility in Ephesus and is either dead or close to it. Regardless, he is no longer possessed by the Demon Crab!
-Demon: An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Protect. (grow shell armor)
--Spell: Pincer. (grow pincers)
--Spell: Molt. (shed shell armor healing)
--Spell: Carcinize. (full body transformation)
--Spell: Tidal. (control water)
--Spell: Swell. (increase size)
--Spell: Shrink. (reduce size)

???: A man possessed by a demonic serpent, who is likely near Sardis... if he's still alive. (He's not.)

Silvina (+) and Silas (+): Two house slaves, currently under the command of the Livius estate in Ephesus. They're brother and sister. Currently Were last seen working with spies loyal to the Antiochian church to break cultist control over the city and end slavery there. They have succeeded.

Dione (-): The former Mystic Priestess Pisces Jupiter. A holy woman who is also a snake, as she's the possessor of a Demon Serpent. However, she seems to be the one in control of the snake... and also in control of Sardis, having wrested spiritual control away from the Followers of the Way. Wants you to be her ally... is not doing a good job of it. Alerted you to a vision of death and despair... could it be true? (You made it false!) Has lost Sardis and fled from this world... to another place, not death.

Apollonia (+): A cultist woman who is knowledgeable about spirits and curious about the Being. Once the Being is free from you, she wants to study it for herself. Hopes that you'll come back to Sardis soon. Instead came down to Antioch to visit you. Now travelling the land with The Being for company.
-"Demon": ZIZ, King of the Birds
-Spiritual Aptitude: 55
--Spell: RAVEN (send messages of bad fortune)
--Spell: CHICKEN (send messages of good fortune)
--Spell: GOOSE (defend self from wickedness)
--Spell: CALADRIUS (treat sickness and wounds)

BELIAL (-): A demon of living darkness and the shadow of the angels. Uses cultists like puppets, and now possessing Virginia. Looking to possess the Trinity. Has kidnapped Cancer Moon. Has been defeated!

There are other characters, of course, but they'll be added over time.

Other Notes:
(+) = favored towards you
(-) = biased against you
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What was the plotline regarding Temperance? Why are we trying to ensure her safety?

Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars are supposed to be in Laodicea with her. So, the fact that they're in Antioch implies that Temperance is now by herself and thus more vulnerable to attack than Humility, Kindness, or Patience would be.
[X][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[X] Signaling / Camouflage (change coloration at will)
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Nov 4, 2022 at 3:36 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

current tally, vote will close in two days! i hope to post both a sidestory focusing on sardis and the next main update afterwards.

edit: and vote closed~!
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Sidestory: Sardis and Death
Sidestory: Sardis and Death

Meanwhile in Sardis...

The Holy Maiden of Humility served in her position by the grace of God. Her simple faith had led her to this point when she was a young woman and had maintained her up to this point, where she was now an old woman. But she worried not about her age. God would see fit to provide a replacement for her. Instead, she sometimes wondered if one had already arrived in the form of the Mystic Priestess Sagittarius Jupiter.

Ah, but she still had plenty of life in her. That young woman wasn't in much of a hurry to ascend to a higher position either. There was plenty of time, if God willed it.

It wasn't as if she had plenty to do with her remaining time.

They had received news of the crisis in Antioch some time ago. Her Followers in the Church had declared that she should simply march in and destroy the Advocates and the demons they have let loose upon the world. But no, she had not. Instead, she had consulted with the Holy Maiden of Patience, seeking aid from her close companion before making a move. At the woman's request, both Sagittarius Jupiter and Pisces Jupiter had been sent to Philadelphia, leaving Humility as the only blessed defender of Sardis.

Humility did not worry about this fact. She was quite capable of handling demonic threats.

That said, she was realizing that demons may not be the only threat. In order to search for and root out demons, she had been spending more time in the city, amongst the people. All of the people. And the people had much to say to her about their lives, especially those who lived at the bottom. She had many admonishments to the wealthy to use their wealth for the benefit of all over the past few weeks. Some had even been in person, much to their chagrin.

Humility was never much of a preacher, and she let others who were talented handle those duties. Said preachers had seen attendance at mass grow and grow thanks to her efforts. A good thing, for sure, although the wealthy now seemed to avoid her.

But no matter that – there was good news. From those attendants, Humility caught wind of a demon-possessed man – a man in need of salvation.

When she was younger, she would have tracked the man down and exorcised the demon at once. But now she was old, and content to let the man come to her, seeing that the Demon must have known she was here and chose not to flee. She wrote a letter to the man, and passed it along to one of those men in contact with him. She received a response not long later, and today was the day he was to arrive for his exorcism.

The man was almost as pale as chalk, quite unlike her with her dark umbrous skin, and he had a snake's eyes and moved in a serpentine manner. He was not capable of setting foot on her church's holy ground until she bid him welcome. He was dressed in the purple attire of the wealthy and wore a similar false smile. She, meanwhile, was attended by several Followers who were cloaked in her God-granted divine aura and surrounded the man. They drew him into the church, where the holy circle was prepared.

Naturally, this meant that her back was turned to him, and the demon inside him took that moment to strike! With fangs bared, the man lunged – fast, too fast – at the old holy woman.

It was for nothing, as his fangs broke upon her skin.

Pained, clutching his mouth, screaming, the man fell to the ground.

"God has granted me the means to defend myself from demons like you," was all that the unfazed Humility said as she bid her Followers move back in to start the exorcism.

Suddenly, the man's scream turned wrathful and his flesh started to writhe and contort. His body was changing... shifting... he transformed into a serpent far larger than any person! He must have supposed that even if his poison would fail, he could attempt to terrify her into submission. Failing that, he could simply try to crush her. After all, she was just an old woman! How could she possibly contest his powers!?

It was for nothing, as she neither retreated nor advanced.

She was unfazed, although the same could not be said for her Followers. Frightened, they backed away and shrieked in terror. It was only when they saw that their holy woman was standing her ground that they gained some courage and took her side. Humility herself was unarmed and unarmored, but many of them were, and marched in to strike this demon down!

The snake hissed and lunged forward...

...and then the whole of the church was lit up like the sun!

Paralyzed by fear and blinded by the light, the snake crashed into the ground just short of ripping a man's head off. He was then pierced by swords, but not to kill. No – to pin him down.

The light intensified, and the serpent was burned away by the holy light.

When the man recovered, he told the Holy Maiden of his sorrowful tale of being kidnapped from Antioch and used as a sacrifice. And it was at this news that Humility decided she could wait no longer. She wrote two letters – one to Patience, apologizing for her own impatience; one to Sagittarius Jupiter, Pisces Jupiter, and Kindness, asking them to come to Sardis and watch over her home in her stead.

With those sent, she made preparations and departed for Antioch shortly afterwards.

QM Note: This occurred on the same day as the Crab-Man's retreat from Antioch. Humility is on the way now, but is not arriving this turn.
The Sun (I)
Winning vote:
[X][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[X] Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)

The Sun (I)

The next few days of your life in Antioch were peaceful and quiet. You alternated between caring for Theodora and helping to rebuild the city. To be honest, even if the Mystic Priestess Cancer Moon had not bid you to do such things, you likely would have done them anyway. While you have not known Theodora long, you felt some responsibility for her current state, even if it should have been an improvement. After all, she's no longer possessed!

However, she didn't feel that way. As soon as she realized what happened, she slapped you (even though it didn't hurt you at all) and berated you (even though she could barely speak) for letting this happen.

You often wondered what she expected you to do.

Yes, you wanted to help her and Patience out, but it was for your own reasons – namely obtaining freedom and abandoning this Demon. Your current path was going to give you both. Surely, she must have understood why you did what you did. However, your attempts at explaining yourself simply incensed her further, and so you dropped the matter.

As for rebuilding the city, it helped you take your mind off of your interactions with her.

Normally, you would have confided in someone, but they're gone now. Libra Venus is escorting Scorpio Mars back to Laodicea in the hopes that if there's a demonic attack or military coup, they can get there before Temperance is killed like Chastity was. As for Linza and Philippos, they are travelling with Capricorn Saturn back to Smyrna. Unlike you, they were starting to develop an affection for that place, and wanted to return. As the leaders there wanted to Capricorn Saturn to return and advise them on how to deal with the traitorous Holy Maiden of Charity, it was the perfect excuse to come back.

Naturally, Theodora rubbed it in your face about how they could respect her wishes and you couldn't.

Ugh. What can you even do here?

(Sure enough, Theodora is mad at Zarya over what happened. How do you want to proceed?)
[][Theodora] She is starting to heal, so you can just leave her alone with her friend Aries Mars for now. (Gain (+) with Theodora.)
[][Theodora] No, you can't leave her alone... you promised you'd help care for her. (Gain (-) with Theodora and (+) with Aries Mars.)

At least her friend was nice. Sure, Aries Mars was suspicious of your Demon and its intentions, but she didn't try to attack you or anything like that. No, she – along with Cancer Moon – instead made an effort to make sure you felt included inside the church whenever she wasn't busy tracking down cultists. It'd make it all the easier for you at accept the exorcism and reject your Demon, right?

Speaking of your Demon, it's been more active than ever, constantly observing your surroundings and talking to itself. It watches as you help restore the city and listens in as you chat with the common people and the Followers. And it thankfully didn't give you a nightmare when you gained a new ability this time. It doesn't snow much in Antioch, but it does on occasion. One morning, you picked some up and shaped it into a ball. You then watched in surprise as it solidified into ice and kept its shape. You were further surprised by your ability to reshape the ice as you wished. However, you didn't think much of it. You would not have this ability for long.

You were the only one who thought this way.

Someone must have found your little experiment, as not long later you started getting requests for ice sculptures from people passing by and questions from local artisans as to how you managed such a feat. Your ice doesn't look like it was chiseled away with a sharp tool – it looks deformed and stretched like it was worked with your bare hands (which was true). But your answer and demonstration of your demon was enough to dissuade them from intentionally trying to summon a demon to help them. As for the sculptures... sure, you had no problem making them. It helped that you were being rewarded for your efforts. Some people invited you to eat with their families, others gave you money or goods, and so on.

While the Church may have hated your demon, the people of Antioch did not.

...which is terrible news from the perspective of the Mystic Priestesses.

Virgo Mercury, who already didn't like you, must hate you now. You'd ask, but she's avoiding you. It's probably for the best. Cancer Moon and Aries Mars, meanwhile, just want you to go along with the preparations for the exorcism. So far, it's just been reciting prayers and eating lightly, but you're sure there will be more. They're making their own preparations for the ritual.

But that is still a few days away.

So, you woke up this morning expecting just another day.

Instead, you woke up to find your demon already active, as if it was waiting for you. Well, you're not much in the mood for this, so you try to suppress it with a prayer and...


...did it just speak to you!?

You almost scream, but a tendril (when did that get there?) covers your mouth.


"Y-yes! I do!" you speak into the tendril, and it then retreats.



Actually, you have questions for it as well! Will it accept a trade?


Well then... of course!

(Zarya has the opportunity to ask questions of her Demon. You may ask up to six, and each one will require you answering a question of it, to be provided later. Also, let me know if you want the Mystic Priestesses to be there or not.)
[][Questions] (write-in)
[][MPs] (who should be there with you?)

Spiritual Aptitude: 60

QM Note: Character sheet should be updated.
I can understand Theo's fustration with us. Despite all her efforts, we still didn't have a spine when it counted, so to speak. And she's been consistent about wanting us to find a warrior's spirit.
That said, given the later 'us versus Crab man' fight going not so great? I dunno if it would have been a great call…
As for the demon…
I want all six questions.
I don't entirely know what to ask.
1.You had something you wanted to say during the dragon fight?
2.Are all demons alike? You seem more like that Crab-demon then anything else I've seen.
3.What we're you hoping to see when you came here?
4.Did anything draw you to me?
5. What do you know about the Advocates?
6.Can you prepare to seperate from me? I'm to be exorcised soon.
1.You had something you wanted to say during the dragon fight?
2.Are all demons alike? You seem more like that Crab-demon then anything else I've seen.
3.What we're you hoping to see when you came here?
4.Did anything draw you to me?

6.Can you prepare to seperate from me? I'm to be exorcised soon.

these are all valid!

5. What do you know about the Advocates?

while valid, I can go ahead and answer this one so you don't waste a question - it wouldn't know anything about the Advocates
[X][Theodora] She is starting to heal, so you can just leave her alone with her friend Aries Mars for now. (Gain (+) with Theodora

[X]Why are we bound together
[X]What do you want
[X]Can we separate without an exorcism? Would you be fine without a host?
[x][Theodora] She is starting to heal, so you can just leave her alone with her friend Aries Mars for now. (Gain (+) with Theodora.)

[x] What happened when we first met?
(interchangeable with "why are we bound together", but more broad. I want his perspective and reasons.)
[x] What are demons? Why are they warring with the Church?
(question about demons as a species. What is the distinction between the Divine magic/essence, and the demonic one?)
[x] Do you know other demons? Can you tell me about them?
(question about demons we've met or are about to meet. The dragon, Theodora's demon, Crab Man, etc.)
[x]Can we separate without an exorcism? Would you be fine without a host?

Does he know anything about cultists and their possible goals?
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[x][Theodora] She is starting to heal, so you can just leave her alone with her friend Aries Mars for now. (Gain (+) with Theodora.)

[x] What happened when we first met?
[x] What are demons? Why are they warring with the Church?
[x] Do you know other demons? Can you tell me about them?
[x]Can we separate without an exorcism? Would you be fine without a host?
[x]You had something you wanted to say during the dragon fight?
and vote closed~!

also, since no one voted for MPs, Zarya will be alone in this scene.
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The Sun (II)
Winning vote:
[x][Theodora] She is starting to heal, so you can just leave her alone with her friend Aries Mars for now. (Gain (+) with Theodora.)
[x] What happened when we first met?
[x] What are demons? Why are they warring with the Church?
[x] Do you know other demons? Can you tell me about them?
[x]Can we separate without an exorcism? Would you be fine without a host?
[x]You had something you wanted to say during the dragon fight?

The Sun (II)

"I want to ask my questions first. Is that okay?" you ask, as if you were talking to an invited guest. Of course, it was not, but you could afford to be hospitable since it was cooperating for once.


You sink back into your blankets and take a deep breath. Your mind is racing, flooded with questions. It must be able to sense them as well, but it doesn't make any response. Instead, it waits for you to speak. After some time, you decide on a few – and also to do this interview in the privacy of your solitary bedroom, which you were granted due to your special status. For once, it's worked in your favor.

You decide to start at the beginning. "First of all, what happened when we met?"

An eye grows from the tendril, focused on your face. [YOU DO NOT RECALL? YOU HAVE HAD DREAMS OF IT.]

You nod. "That's right, but I want your point of view. The cultists didn't care about me – I was just a convenient sacrifice. They wanted you. So, I want to know what you saw."

The eye (which is blue like the depths of the ocean) blinks slowly. Your mass vibrates in thought. [I WAS... LOST. WANDERING. STRANGE BEINGS FOUND ME. THOSE WERE CULTISTS, YES?]



"I... didn't fight?" You must have felt so hopeless back then... first being trapped on the family farm, the being used to pay off a debt, and finally ending up as a human sacrifice? It was no wonder you had begged for this thing to take revenge for you... there was no way you could have done that yourself. "So, their ritual worked then? That's why we're stuck together?"

The eye blinks. [RITUAL?]

"Ah, the chanting. The magic."


You blink, confused. "...Me? What's interesting about me?"


"...but... I'm just a normal human?"


Realization dawns on you. "You've been studying me. Just like you were studying Antioch back then."


You smile, despite everything. "That's an awfully kind thing for a Demon to do. I bet Theodora's wouldn't have done that."

However, it's next utterance wipes it from your face.


You cover your mouth to stop yourself from shouting in surprise. When you suggested that to Libra Venus back in Philadelphia, you didn't really mean it. It was just something you could say to help get back in her good graces. But it's true?, you should get more information from it first. It could be lying or mistaken.

Hmm... well, if it's really not a Demon, then it shouldn't know anything about them, so you'll ask about that. "Well... what do you know about the Demons? Maybe those cultists told you something that you can understand now."

However, it doesn't answer your question. It instead makes a declaration. [YOU DO NOT BELIEVE ME.]

"Of course not. You could be trying to trick me." It doesn't feel like this thing is doing that at all, but you'd rather be safe than sorry. "If you want me to believe that you're not a Demon when everyone else thinks you are, then I'll need some proof!"

Of course, you remember quite well how Kindness considered this thing more alien than evil and the fact the Patience certainly didn't treat you like you were infested with an evil spirit. But that's not enough.



The two of you are enmeshed, so it suffices for you to close your eyes and then a vision overtakes you. You're standing on ice-covered ground, surrounded by tall mountains and vast plains. The only living beings here are beings like your uninvited guest. They travel swiftly across the land, going into and out of caves and the nearby ocean. Your particular entity was passing through a cave when it encountered something that you can clearly tell is a magical portal. But it – not knowing what it was – tried to examine it with its many tendrils first before calling into allies to do the same thing. However, they all failed, so it made the decision to fall through, hoping it could return.

But the passage was seemingly one way, as the anomaly disappeared as it was crossed. The being emerged in an unfamiliar place to it, but one that you recognize as a forest near Sardis. In fact, this wasn't too far from where you were killed! It was summoned by the cultists, who began arguing with themselves as to how they got a strange blob rather than the demon they wanted and then realized they'd messed up their ritual somehow. You're not sure on the details.

You take a deep breath. "So... let's say I accept that you're not really a Demon. Doesn't that mean that the exorcism won't work?"


The eye looks away from you and then back again.


You can't see your face, but you're pretty sure you've gone pale as it asks if you're okay. But, of course you're not okay! Just when you thought things were over and you were about to be free! Instead, you'd be killed and this thing would be left behind instead!? What are you supposed to do about this!?


"I hope so... if the Mystic Priestesses see that their preparation aren't doing anything, they might decide to do the emergency exorcism anyway. Then it'll all be over for me. Ugh..."

This is going to give you a headache.

...your head then starts vibrating. You feel a bit better afterwards.

"...Thank you?"

The eye blinks. [I HAVE QUESTIONS FOR YOU.]

...right, you can't answer them if you're in a self-loathing spiral. You sigh. "Alright, let me hear them."


(As Q2 could not meaningfully be answered, only four are required. But you may select more if you wish, since you'd be getting information as well. You may also write-in details if you want to answer in a specific way.)
[] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[] Will you be staying in Antioch?
[] What about your family?
[] What have you learned about the Church so far?
[] Do you trust the people of the Church?
[] Do you actually want to join the Church?
[] Will you go to Smyrna and free the slaves there?
-[] If so, do you want my assistance?
[] What was your home like?
[] What sort of creatures live here?
[] Is there anything beyond the ocean?

(By the way... do you want to tell anyone about this?)
[][Reveal] Absolutely not!
[][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)
-[][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns
-[][Reveal] Theodora You're leaving her alone, remember?
-[][Reveal] Linza and Philippos if they return
-[][Reveal] (write-in)

Spiritual Aptitude: 60
[X] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[X] Do you actually want to join the Church?
[X] What about your family?

[X] What was your home like?

[X][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)
-[X][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[X][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns
[x] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[x] Do you actually want to join the Church?

I think it's important that our character decides on these.

[x] What sort of creatures live here?
[x] Is there anything beyond the ocean?

...and since I expect us to want to separate, maybe give him some incentives to explore? Don't know if he can do that without a vessel, though...

[x][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)
-[x][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[x][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns

I am not sure about talking to Cancer Moon about this, since she is the one arguing in favor of exorcism and us joining the Church, but we have a positive relationship with her, and it might be worth a try. Should probably talk with both of them at once, since selling her a "my-demon-really-isn't" going to be tough.

What do we call our Demon, then? "Spirit"?

If he isn't a demon, then what is it? Is he an outsider from a separate reality whatsoever?
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Don't know if he can do that without a vessel, though...
If the two of you are able to separate, it will be able to go off on its own and explore.

What do we call our Demon, then? "Spirit"?

If he isn't a demon, then what is it? Is he an outsider from a separate reality whatsoever?

The bolded is correct. Words like alien, entity, being, etc. are appropriate, along with similar terms.
Okay, but then what is magic? Why does entwining with an alien gives abilities similar to the ones demons provide? Why do they manifest the same way (through physical changes)?

What happened when we prayed? It had some effect on the Entity, although not a significant one. Did it sense our discomfort, and learned that "prayer" = "no", so it left us alone whenever we did?

What about the method we chose to "control" it, like thinking of the ocean and positive emotions? How did that help?

That was kinda the crux of Q2, as it was both about demons and magic. The Entity is not a demon, but it is still magical in all the senses that matter.
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[x] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[x] What was your home like?
[x] What sort of creatures live here?
[x] What about your family?

[X][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)

-[X][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[X][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns

Honesty has generally stood us well so far, and I would prefer to get a clear standing with Cancer Moon
Okay, but then what is magic? Why does entwining with an alien gives abilities similar to the ones demons provide? Why do they manifest the same way (through physical changes)?

What happened when we prayed? It had some effect on the Entity, although not a significant one. Did it sense our discomfort, and learned that "prayer" = "no", so it left us alone whenever we did?

What about the method we chose to "control" it, like thinking of the ocean and positive emotions? How did that help?

That was kinda the crux of Q2, as it was both about demons and magic. The Entity is not a demon, but it is still magical in all the senses that matter.

Here's a few short notes. I don't have the time for a longer statement right now, but can make one later if it would help.
1. Magic is omnipresent. It converts intentions into physical phenomena.
2. Magic is omnipresent. The alien came from a world with magic and could use magic (hence water and ice manipulation).
3. The alien is similar to a demon, but not exactly the same as one.
4. As you and the alien are merged together, it can sense your intentions.
[x] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[x] What was your home like?
[x] What sort of creatures live here?
[x] What about your family?

[X][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)

-[X][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[X][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns
[X] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[X] Do you actually want to join the Church?
[X] What about your family?
[X] What was your home like?

[X][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)
-[X][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[X][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Nov 20, 2022 at 5:24 PM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.

vote closed~! due to the multiple ties, the top five questions will be going through.
The Sun (III)
Winning vote:
[X] Do you want to stay connected or to separate?
[X] What about your family?
[X] What was your home like?
[X] Do you actually want to join the Church?
[X] What sort of creatures live here?
[X][Reveal] Yes, certain people. (may combine options)
-[X][Reveal] Cancer Moon
-[X][Reveal] Libra Venus when she returns

The Sun (III)

Unsurprisingly, the sudden burst of demonic (or, to be more accurate, alien) activity on sacred ground drew in attention from the Followers of the Way, including Aries Mars and Cancer Moon. You were able to convince them that you had things under control by "suppressing your Demon" (or, to be more accurate, asking it to suppress itself) and they proceeded to go about their way, with you making a mention to Cancer Moon that you'd like to talk to her later, at a time convenient for her. At that time...

[][CM] You'll tell the truth. Hopefully, she is willing to accept it.
[][CM] You'll hint at the truth, but wait until Libra Venus returns.

In the meantime, you think you've spent enough time in bed, no matter how comfortable it may do. You have some work you're looking forward to doing... work that Virgo Mercury doesn't appreciate; work that the people of Antioch do. Given your unique abilities to manipulate ice, you were asked to make a sculpture for Candlemas, which is in a few days. During Candlemas, a procession of candles will be brought to the now-restored Great Church of Antioch. It was decided that more decorations are needed to bring life to the building, and someone got it into their heads to ask you to help out.

It's help you're quite willing to give, though you imagine Virgo Mercury must have had words for the poor person who suggested the idea. She issued an order forbidding you from working on it inside the Great Church or on the grounds, so you head over to a small workshop deeper inside the city. At least you're welcome elsewhere...

(What sort of sculpture is Zarya working on?)
[][Sculpture] Of course, statues of Christ and the Virgin Mary. Basic, but always appreciated.
[][Sculpture] A statue that represents the Mystic Priestesses as a whole, though its clearly based on Libra Venus and Theodora.
[][Sculpture] It's trickier, but you're representing the defeat of the Dragon. The theme of the feast is Light overcoming Darkness, after all.
[][Sculpture] (write-in!)

You're working alone here, and there's just enough light for you to see, especially once you can get a fire going. Your current project has only just begun, and someone has come by to leave you even more ice, a bucket of water, and a voucher for a hearty meal later on (someone's told the people about the meager portions the Church is giving you...).

You smile to yourself and then get to work.

As the time passes, your guest re-asserts itself and begins asking you questions.

It starts with the most pressing one. Do you want to separate or stay connected? thought you had been clear about this, to be honest. You want to separate. Nothing against this being, but you never really wanted to be fused with it in the first place.

But the Demon responds that it just wanted to hear you say that to it. Now it will move with intention. It will investigate itself, and determine of there is a way to safely remove itself from you without the exorcism. This will likely take some time, and for now it recommends going along with what Cancer Moon suggests. Hopefully, it won't be too damaging...

The next question is quite a strange one from your perspective. What about your family?

...what about your family? Now that you're here, you'll never have to go back to that farm ever again – even if Antioch doesn't work out, you're sure that Linza and Philippos will help you make a place for yourself in Smyrna. But that makes it confused, as it does want to eventually return to its home and family. Hmmm... well, unlike you, it must not have been viewed as just a tool to make a business more productive, as that's just what you were. Your mother's kindness only meant so much in the face of your father's will and your three brothers going along with what he wanted.

It then asks what your home was like, and so you continue. You were raised on a small farm in one of the many small villages near Philadelphia and Sardis. If you remember correctly, it was near Stauropolis, which is by the coastal hills and near the edge of civilization. You wouldn't know – you never set foot there. Father wouldn't let word of you get out beyond the village, and you think that's only because he knew someone would spot you eventually. Your old home had been made of wood and hard mud, nothing like the fancy stone used in the villas and other buildings here.


...'s making your body vibrate again. Well, you wouldn't be agitated if someone hadn't asked about this, so...

The alien apologizes and changes topics. Granted, it just gives you another odd question. What sort of creatures live here?

...Deer? Goats? Foxes? Fish? Birds? You're not quite sure what it's asking about... do Demons count? You've seen more of those than you've ever wanted to at this point...

As best you can, you try to recall images of all the animals you've ever seen and transmit them to the alien. It's not many, so it doesn't take long. It then transmits images of animals that it's seen before and its mostly fish that you don't recognize and birds and other animals that spend as much time in the sea as they do on land, and maybe more. What a strange place this being must be from! If it didn't look so inhospitable, you might want to see it for yourself.

Its last question is another big one. Do you actually want to join the Church? be honest, if it wasn't for your own fears, you'd probably be more willing to join. There's a small part of you that still thinks that this is all a trick and that you'll be executed any day now. Virgo Mercury's continued (and intensified) disdain for you isn't helping matters. Of course, that fact that your father never exposed you to the Church when he could didn't help matters. He didn't consider it an appropriate place for you – only his home was.

Well, you're here and he's not, so you don't have to do what he says.

But you're still uncertain, and so the alien suggests spending time either talking to more people inside the Church or with people that practice other religions.

[][Faith] And you'll take it up on that suggestion.
-[][Faith] You'll spend more time with the Followers.
-[][Faith] You'll expose yourself to other religions.
[][Faith] Hmmm... but there's no need for that.
-[][Faith] You're ready to dive right in. (Locks this in)
-[][Faith] You've seen enough. No more. (Locks this in.)

Spiritual Aptitude: 60

QM Note: Next episode is likely to end this week.