Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)
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A barren platform floats in the middle of an equally barren ocean. Furnish it with buildings, creatures, and people in 5 turns.

Based on Gods of Chaos by Photomajig and From Chaos by Mannan.
Era 1 - Turn 0


Cold... I feel cold...
Once upon a time, there was a ocean. It was an ocean of unfathomable depth but of limited vastness. This ocean was barren. It's salty water bare of any life. The earth that makes the sea floor was as barren as the waters itself, bearing no riches or treasure. No shore borders this ocean, and should one sail to find it, they will be met with nothing.

In the middle of this ocean stands a platform, held above the water by monumental pillars. It was flat concrete platform about as vast as a school campus. Much like the ocean it stands above, it is bare and featureless.

But not for long, for you are here. Go on, add your own touch to this barren island.

Welcome to my quest! It is based on the Gods of Chaos by Photomajig and From Chaos by Mannan. This one runs on a much smaller scale than those quests.

The players are given five turns to furnish the island/platform. Once the five turns are up, the session ends and we move on to another island/platform.

Each player is given five votes, and may author one act. Each act will have a grade, and that grade determines how many votes it needs to get so it may pass and take effect in the world. The grades are the following:

Basic Act (1 Vote) : Creation of small items, unintelligent mundane creatures, and minor effects. Can be no bigger than a room. E.g. a block of gold, a rabbit, a dining room set, a flash of heat, a removal of water.
Small Act (3 Votes) : Creation of large items, structures, a species of unintelligent creatures, an intelligent creature, an extraordinary creature, an extraordinary item, and large effects. Can be as large as a building. E.g. a golden apartment building, a population of rabbits, a human, an immortal rabbit, an iron bar that's always hot, a drought.
Big Act (6 Votes) : Creation of very big or extraordinary items and structures, a species of intelligent creatures, a species of extraordinary creatures, and effects that last several turns. Can be as large as a city. E.g. El Dorado, a population of humans, a population of immortal rabbits, a drought that lasts decades.
Great Act (10 Votes) : An act that could be felt throughout a continent and reverberates across the world. The creation of grand landforms, world-changing artifacts, godlike beasts, civilizations, and far-reaching effects.

Further grades of acts are locked. Acts that require a grade higher than what is available automatically fail.
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[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

[X] Plant yew tree.

My contribution. Here you go.
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[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

My contribution. Here you go.
At Basic, this one can make a garden. At Small, this act can cover the entire platform in a layer of soil. At Big, this act will make a thick layer on the platform.

Er... That is how much m2 or acres? Can we expand the island?
You mean the area of the island? I think one acres should be a generous estimate. That's about 4 square kilometers. Yes, you can expand the island. You can even put stuff in the ocean.
You mean the area of the island? I think one acres should be a generous estimate. That's about 4 square kilometers.
Thank you!

[X] Plant yew tree.

[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

[X] A colony of ants is created

[X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, an avian is created. One of monocular vision, an acquaintanceship with water, and who is the King of All It Sees. Name it, "The Duck", and place a starry crown upon its head.

[X] Plant a mangrove tree on the edge of the platform
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What do you mean created and supported rules? I looked at your previous post: it does follow the rules. No worries.

I'm changing the quest title to Thousand Isles. The title doesn't fit the actual concept I'm going for.
Okay, so, you know how I was the first to come up with the Idea of Rich Soil. Thats something I "Created" kay? And you know how @Ralakesh created the Yew Tree right? Well, I wish to "Support" his Action. This is Create and Support. Got the term from RealDoggz Riot Quest.

It's similar to how Gods combine their might for great Creations.
Oh, I didn't expect this. Try your best, Mango

[X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, an avian is created. One of monocular vision, an acquaintanceship with water, and who is the King of All It Sees. Name it, "The Duck", and place a starry crown upon its head.

[X] Plant yew tree.

[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

Does this follow Created and Supported rules?
Yes, it does.
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[X] A colony of ants is created.


[X] Plant yew tree.

[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

[X] Plant a mangrove tree on the edge of the platform
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Oh hey, this is unexpected.

[X] Plant a mangrove tree on the edge of the platform


[X] Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

[X] A colony of ants is created.

[X] Plant yew tree.
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Era 1 - Turn 0 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Nov 16, 2022 at 12:39 AM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

Big Act:
Rich Soil(Plants need good soil to grow on.)

Plant yew tree.

Small Act:
A colony of ants is created

Plant a mangrove tree on the edge of the platform

Basic Act:
Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, an avian is created. One of monocular vision, an acquaintanceship with water, and who is the King of All It Sees. Name it, "The Duck", and place a starry crown upon its head.
Era 1 - Turn 1
On that fateful year, the platform was barren no more. Some mysterious force began populating this concrete platform.

A thick layer of dirt was laid upon the bare concrete. It was rich black dirt perfect for growing a variety of plants. Full of nutrients a plant may grow.

A forest of yews grew upon this dark soil. They grew large and hale upon this new ground. Their gnarled boughs reached to the sky, and their leaves were spread out to capture the sun. Their roots held onto the earth, preventing the soil from washing away into the ocean.

In one corner of the platform grew a small grove of mangroves. They prop themselves above the ground on stilt-like roots. Their bright green leaves open to sun to bask in its glorious sunshine and their roots hold onto the earth and suck water from the rain.

Trees weren't the only things suckling on the richness of the earth. A colony of ants were created to live upon this island. They feasted on the fruit, nectar, and leaves of the trees, and constructed a grand warren beneath the ground. One colony became two, then four, and soon there were ten thriving colonies on the platform.

In the ocean below, beyond the sight of the platform's bottom, beyond the notion of a sky, lived a duck. It was a duck, an avian with monocular vision, acquainted well with water. It wore a golden crown speckled with stars, and declared itself the Duck, King of All It Sees. It built its nest in between the pillars of the platform, and there it died in its lonesome. There was nothing here to eat but non-nutricious sand, and so it starved in a scant 3 years. It died a proud king, and its crown lay upon its skeleton to be found by others.

Years pass by. Ant queens die and new colonies are established. Saplings grow in the shadows of their predecessors. The world yearns once again for your touch.
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Hey, is there a moratorium? Or can we just vote now?
Alright then

[X] Throw some algae in the ocean

[X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.

[X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)

[X] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.

[X] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.
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[X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.

[X] Throw some algae in the ocean

[X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)

[X] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.

[X] In the waters surrounding the platform, place a school of Fish. Let them feed upon the Algae, and the Grass and Flowers that grow too close to the edge of the platform, while in turn being fed upon by those that desire flesh for sustenance.

Now... Can anyone create bees, please?
Edit: Thank you!
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I'm hoping this fills all the insects needed for a proper ecosystem.
[X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)
[X] Throw some algae in the ocean
[X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.
Comfortable living. I enjoy it.

[X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, another avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the bones of the former, and incorporates it into it, becoming ever empowered from it's predecessor. Name it, "A Duck", and place the starry crown upon its head, and a staff of white gold to be held by its wings.
Hunger shall ail no longer, and the staff will be a source of ever-present life for it.

[X] In the waters surrounding the platform, place a school of Fish. Let them feed upon the Algae, and the Grass and Flowers that grow too close to the edge of the platform, while in turn being fed upon by those that desire flesh for sustenance.
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[X] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.

[X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.

[X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)

[X] Throw some algae in the ocean
[x] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.

[x] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.
[x] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)
[x] Throw some algae in the ocean
[x] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.

[X] Create a 5 ft cube of pure diamond and put it in front of the most intelligent creature that currently exists.

[x] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.
[x] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)
[x] Throw some algae in the ocean
[x] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.
[X] Throw some algae in the ocean
Scales with grade.
[X] Sow plenty of grass seeds of many different kinds. Mostly flowers.
Scales with grade.
[X] Insect Ecosystem(Create the Various Insects in existence.)
Scales with grade.
[X] Beyond the sights of the deepest bottoms of the ocean floor, and below the heights of the farthest skies, another avian is created. One of the same monocular vision, acquaintanceship with water, and who grows into the bones of the former, and incorporates it into it, becoming ever empowered from it's predecessor. Name it, "A Duck", and place the starry crown upon its head, and a staff of white gold to be held by its wings.
Hunger shall ail no longer, and the staff will be a source of ever-present life for it.
Small at minimum.
[X] In a cave far beneath the earth, through a passage too small for any but the insects, is a golden spring. Instead of water, it runs with sweet syrup, and never dries.
Do you mean under the dirt on the platform or do you mean under the sea floor?
[x] Sow carnivorous plants among the rich soil, to protect the Green from insects and their incursions.
Scales with grade.

[X] Create a 5 ft cube of pure diamond and put it in front of the most intelligent creature that currently exists.
do the rules of Sidestories and Artworks carry on from Mannan's quest to this one?
I haven't finalized my omake reward schema, but go ahead. It should be similar to what's going on there. Do note that I have every turn as about 20 years.
[X]Bless the inhabitants of a handful of ant hives with sentience/sapience.
Small Act.
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