Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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Stab and Zap, yup! Though it all happens in the same hit, so mechanically, it's all rolled into the "1 to AB" Effect.

I do want to be transparent, though, and point out that this jutsu only lasts 3 strikes before the chakra shell is empty and the jutsu ends. That's pretty big. My hope is that, with this built-in limitation, it'll lower the TN.
Considering how short fights are I don't think that's a problem

[x] (Technique Hacking Project): #17 Extended Chidori, Boosted Effect

I will also put forward a project I hope would be an easy one:
[X] (Technique Hacking Project) Chair jutsu
  • Summon an Earth recliner shaped to Kakashi's body, maximizing support, comfort, and style. Include a cupholder

Hmm. Am I the only one who things that Ameri may not have been as iron-clad on her "no team interactions" suggestion as she implied? Though, now I'm curious what Kakashi's type actually is.
Based on how she reacted when Kakashi strategically tied her up, I suspect her stance on no team boning is projection, since Kakashi has never expressed interest in her before, which she somewhat jokingly/frustratedly pointed out during this very conversation :V

KAKASHI: I will never be attracted to anyone unless we are best friends
AMERI: But you keep everyone at arm's reach...
KAKASHI: Wow, you catch on quick!
I'm leaning in the direction of going after the rabbits. Chickens seem a little bit too evil. Rabbits have spooky shit but I'm getting the impression it's more in line with the spirit nonsense we've dealt with in the past than, uh... a repeat of the Pangolin incidents from MfD.
We can also see if Shizuka can get any more leads from the Salamanders' neighbors in a couple months, if we want more options
Idea Seventeen: Extended Chidori, Boosted Effect
Description: Alters fluff of Extended Chidori and Boosts Effect, changes in pink
My only interesting bit of QM feedback here is that I'm not really sure Kakashi would be able to accurately gauge the difficulty of this one with respect to his current skillset. It might be doable, it might not be. KDK.

He's confident he can put the "Earth Chair Technique!" together without too much time and effort spent.
He's confident he can put the "Earth Chair Technique!" together without too much time and effort spent.
[X] (Technique Hacking Project) Chair jutsu
  • Summon an Earth recliner shaped to Kakashi's body, maximizing support, comfort, and style. Include a cupholder
folks, you know what to do!

Also, I'd like to both share Walking Wildfire with Sugiyama and ask them if they are willing to let us copy anything
[X] (Ameri) I can help you get stronger.
[X] Training Plan: Hacking and Chakra
[X] (Technique Hacking Project) Chair jutsu
[X] A jōnin can handle himself for a couple months. Go check out what's happening in Moon to secure the Rabbit Scroll.

This sidequest isn't over until we get our own scroll. Don't know if TH is an addendum vote but if chair is ez, then chair do.
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My only interesting bit of QM feedback here is that I'm not really sure Kakashi would be able to accurately gauge the difficulty of this one with respect to his current skillset. It might be doable, it might not be. KDK.

He's confident he can put the "Earth Chair Technique!" together without too much time and effort spent.
I'm alright with delaying a bit. I'll remove the vote for it, accordingly.

If you don't mind, what about #20, from the same list?

The discount Iron Man/Bakugo jutsu?
I'm alright with delaying a bit. I'll remove the vote for it, accordingly.

If you don't mind, what about #20, from the same list?

The discount Iron Man/Bakugo jutsu?
Creating a jutsu with any sort of direct Fire-based propulsion like that would likely be too finnicky to execute safely --or at all- at his current skill level.
If we're wanting to make a mobility jutsu why not a generic lightning-that-makes-you-fast buff? That's like half of what Chidori does already
[X] Training Plan: Hacking and Chakra

TH 25 -> 30 (280, with 449.5 remaining)
CR 42 -> 47 (94, with 0 remaining.)
So just a minor note: while I understand perfectly what you mean by this and theres no need to edit this post, it might be nice to use the full names of skills in future training plans so that folks who aren't super familiar with the system can still weigh in if they have opinions a la "Oh yeah, I see that skill pop up a lot in the rolls included in the chapters, I'll toss that a vote" or "Oh, I like that jutsu and its pretty cool, we should put more XP into it".
So just a minor note: while I understand perfectly what you mean by this and theres no need to edit this post, it might be nice to use the full names of skills in future training plans so that folks who aren't super familiar with the system can still weigh in if they have opinions a la "Oh yeah, I see that skill pop up a lot in the rolls included in the chapters, I'll toss that a vote" or "Oh, I like that jutsu and its pretty cool, we should put more XP into it".
I'll be honest, I haven't really taken the time to look into the mechanics/rules sheet because there's... a lot to unpack (though reading all the rolls and the commentary inside has helped). What I can understand is that more chakra = good, and Technique Hacking is probably fine too. Is it optimal? I have no idea, but it sounds good enough to me, and these guys have been carrying the quest so far.
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I'll be honest, I haven't really taken the time to look into the mechanics/rules sheet because there's... a lot to unpack. What I can understand is that more chakra = good, and Technique Hacking is probably fine too. Is it optimal? I have no idea, but it sounds good enough to me, and these guys have been carrying the quest so far.

Yeah, that's entirely fine. You don't really need to interact with things on the mechanical level (though there is probably some benefit to some players doing that from time to time) to participate here.

Most of the banger ideas put forward by the players in thread tend to interact with the characters' skillsets on a narrative level anyway. "Earth Clones don't seem to be intelligent in the same way as Shadow Clones, so we can maybe use them to get around this memory-wiping effect somehow?" and "If we steal the scroll while the guy is under some genjutsu--which Shizuka seems to be pretty good at-- it probably wont trigger any weird bloodline sensory stuff that he'd notice in the moment. Let's just skip to doing that and yoink the thing." were two noticeable ones that come to mind.

In the case where we dole out a pile of XP at the end of the arc and the playerbase honestly doesn't know what to do with it, we'll have Kakashipilot make some reasonable decisions.
It occurs to me that one use for Technique Hacking might be to approach Kakashi's chakra problems from the other end. Increasing his reserves is good, but is it possible to also use Technique Hacking to make his existing jutsu more chakra efficient?

It seems like he already has some great weapons, but if they used less chakra he could use them more often before overdraining himself? Is that something you can do with Technique Hacking, look for efficiencies in jutsu to cut their chakra cost?
It occurs to me that one use for Technique Hacking might be to approach Kakashi's chakra problems from the other end. Increasing his reserves is good, but is it possible to also use Technique Hacking to make his existing jutsu more chakra efficient?

It seems like he already has some great weapons, but if they used less chakra he could use them more often before overdraining himself? Is that something you can do with Technique Hacking, look for efficiencies in jutsu to cut their chakra cost?
This is a good point, but unfortunately even pure Taijutsu is fairly expensive. Boosting + using Sharingan every round is just very expensive
It occurs to me that one use for Technique Hacking might be to approach Kakashi's chakra problems from the other end. Increasing his reserves is good, but is it possible to also use Technique Hacking to make his existing jutsu more chakra efficient?
Yup! This is entirely possible to do for ninjutsu in his personal library[1], albeit somewhat difficult depending on the technique specifics. While the vast majority of chakra he expends is probably due to keeping the Sharingan up and expending chakra for general purpose combat (a la the chakra boosting mechanic that applies to basic combat stats), there is probably a sizeable chunk that's spent in every combat on jutsu. That's not likely to just disappear, but it could certainly get smaller.

tl;dr: Kakashi is probably quite far from making "Chidori but so efficient I can cast it ten times without having to sit down with a cold beer and take a nap", but if you invest heavily in Technique Hacking and attempt to continuously improve techniques over time, you should see some good results on the efficiency side of things. Those could add up over time, so if you plan on making new or altered techniques anyway, it's something to consider.

[1] For various reasons this doesn't work with anything he's copied with the Sharingan, which have fixed levels. This is a part of the "Uchiha do not currently rule the universe" tax on Sharingan hax.
Alright, folks. We're exactly half of an XP point away from being able to boost CR all the way to 47. Kakashi's anemic, and I'm sitting in my car outside of the gym. Let's get these gains. REACTION POST IS A GO

Edit: ended up typing this out while on the treadmill

Kakashi doesn't really know how to relax, and distrusts even Hot Springs. This is good, because political power is a fundamentally soft power. you might find someone willing to say "fuck it," and accept the consequences. Or there might be someone who can be convinced to do a dumb thing, and reveal Kakashi's position (not every human being is hyper-rationalist).

Kakashi's instincts saved them during the Surprise Bijuu Encounter, but without an immediate threat present? With the chances of discovery (so soon after fleeing) so low? It makes sense that Shizuka would be reluctant to indulge Kakashi's paranoia.

Kakashi accepts that the likelihood of being discovered is so remote as to be an impossibility (presumably they covered their tracks against Rain's bloodlines as they fled), and drops it.

However, this paranoia is what has kept him alive enough to see joninhood, and it's generally a good thing to at least acknowledge what could (realistically) go wrong and plan for it.

Both he and Sugiyama? I wonder if there's a Demon cultural taboo around saunas? Or maybe they just felt awkward watching their two teammates bicker like old friends?

Oof. I'd forgotten about that.

Sugiyama's seeing Kakashi treat their work (healing his body) thoughtlessly. How disrespectful :p

I wonder if Kagato doesn't have that same level of paranoia that Kakashi has, or if his sensory bloodline is activated? Or maybe he trusts Kakashi's rampant paranoia to be enough?

Hm, so the Mantises don't seem to be loathed or hated by the other Clans, but more... annoyed? I imagine the Mantises (from what we've seen) have to be pandered to, or else they become offended. I could see that raising the spoon-cost for interacting with them, and the Mantis Clan becoming something akin to "annoying neighbors."

We can see that Kagato's concepts of honor and duty have him struggling with the idea of seeking out a Summoner explicitly for the sake of murdering them for their Scroll. Which is a little weird, if only because Kagato is a jonin, and jonin seem to (normally) lack that sort of thing.

Maybe Kagato is more disturbed at the notion of a Summoning Clan willing to arrange the death of their own Summoner? Kagato could see it as breaking the spirit of the Contract, or an oath, versus breaking the letter. That, I think, seems more in line with what we've seen of Kagato. He's discomforted at the notion of a Clan dealing with their Summoner (whom they have an oath to) in bad faith, and his potential role in contributing to that.

The fact that they have little to share might indicate something about the culture of their Clan, especially since Kagato, himself says that there is "more than meets the eye."

Still, bunnies are cute and I find the idea of working with the Rabbits to be more favorable than the Scorpions. I'll admit that I'm hoping that working for a mammalian Summoning Clan negates the inhumanness factor a bit much. It's my hope that the gap in qualia would be lesser than if Kakashi signed up with an Insectoid Clan.

Chickens are hardcore, and eat damn near everything. Anyone who has had to deal with raising them or taking care of them can attest to the fact that they're definitely a thing. But they're also mammalian, and take care of their young (which is a low bar, I'll admit).

They seem to lack the warning bells that Kagato raised around the Rabbits, and that's reason enough for me to want to prioritize getting the Chicken Clan... and not just because I want to try for a Chocobo Summon.

I want this clan, if we can manage it.

Kagato seems to place that same importance on lost memories that Sugiyama does. Cultural? Or simply an acknowledgement that, just because he doesn't remember it, doesn't mean that he isn't changed bby it?

Kagato has seen little enough of Kakashi (that he can recall), so he must be able to imagine/guess what his relationship with Kakashi was like. Perhaps Kagato is sad that he couldn't provide more guidance? Kagato definitely shows respect to Kakashi here.

I wonder if Kagato feels like he's failed, as a sensei. We know that duty and oaths a great deal to Kagato. Maybe he had certain ideas about what he'd be like, if he were ever to become a sensei? Things he'd do better than his own Summoning mentor, things he'd try to emulate?

It makes me wonder.

I like this. It also means that a Contract space is filled up.

I wonder if most Summoners never bother to level Summoning up, and maintain their Summoner's Contract as their one and only contract? Or if they never bother to have more than a couple contract spaces?

Kagato could be a rarity in that he had 2 spare slots for Ameri and Kakashi to use.

I wonder what Kagato sees? We know that Kakashi religiously thinks of his Sharingan as Obito's, so maybe Kagato wouldn't experience that. But the Lightning Element? Maybe with a higher Summoning Stat, Kagato would perceive more than Kakashi would? His experience as a Hacker, maybe? His dabbling in Sealing? Those are esoteric enough that I could see them standing out.

I think this is the first time that Kakashi called Kagato "sensei," something that he's only reserved for Minato up until now.

Don't die, Kagato! Kakashi needs someone to lead him through the nose to politeness!

Valid. Book's more interesting.

I do like, though, that Shizuka feels safe enough around Kakashi to do this. Sure, she's traveled with him long enough that she knows he's not interested. Still, it makes me feel proud of Kakashi. Jonin-insanity aside, and accidental(?) rudeness aside, Shizuka ( a woman who is at a disadvantage against Kakashi) feels safe around him.

This reads to me as Shizuka making excuses for herself, and reassuring herself that it's okay to relax.

Does this mean that end-of-book depression should be treated with aftercare?

Poor Kakashi. He got reminded of Obito, and his attraction to Rin.

Aesthetic appreciation but little else? Big mood.

Woo, teammate get!

Kakashi, we both know that you've grown to care about her.

He's not secure enough to say it back, but he's willing to allow it to grow in that direction.

He'll get there.

KAKASHI: "Now that I'm an adult, I look in the mirror and see my father staring back at me."

Those chest burns couldn't have been happy with the temp change :p

She's learned Kakashi's impulses well.

Big mood. I moved to a place where I can't really see the stars at night, and I miss them. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed them until they were gone. Looking at a blank, light-polluted night sky still makes me sad, sometimes.

Kakashi is simply too handsome for people not to notice his appearance.

"Ugh, if I absolutely must."

Ameri has good banter, and seeing Kakashi conflicted about making friends/teammates is bittersweet. He has an air of mournful happiness, a sort of sorrow-smothered joy about him in this conversation.
Ah, someone remembers that reaction posts tend to get XP. Much appreciated -- these are always a pleasure to read through. Take +1 XP for your trouble.
It occurs to me that one use for Technique Hacking might be to approach Kakashi's chakra problems from the other end. Increasing his reserves is good, but is it possible to also use Technique Hacking to make his existing jutsu more chakra efficient?

It seems like he already has some great weapons, but if they used less chakra he could use them more often before overdraining himself? Is that something you can do with Technique Hacking, look for efficiencies in jutsu to cut their chakra cost?
In-universe, Kakashi would know that this is probably the most common thing that technique hackers do with their techniques. The vast majority of technique hackers only modify their current techniques, building tweaks and augmentations into them that improve their bang/buck ratio, and reducing chakra cost is a major way to do so. It's one of the reasons why ultra-high level ninjutsu-specialists tend to also learn a bit of ninjutsu modification.

Usually, only top level technique hackers dabble in full-on ninjutsu creation. It's a hallmark of Kakashi's prodigy (and definitely of his arrogance) that he's made ninjutsu so early in his TH-career. Admittedly, most of them have been bad, but hey -- the Sharingan absolves many a sin.
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