Of Winding Ways and Cunning Devices

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I myself am not really. Because we'll probably end up sacrificing our friend lol
Propably not.
Whatever else we end up doing, we will not be among the King's Armada sailing west, so we are propably never a sufficiently important position to force us into that kind of decision.

We might get the option on the last chargen vote, but I don't intend to take it.
I can not say that I know a lot about this historical character, but why Rasputin?
Charismatic, mysterious and hard to kill?

I know the historical Rasputin was just some rando preacher who became famous through some unlike chain of events getting him in royal favor.
But it's still an idea, of this weird mystic of no notable backround influencing a huge nation.
Charismatic, mysterious and hard to kill?

I know the historical Rasputin was just some rando preacher who became famous through some unlike chain of events getting him in royal favor.
But it's still an idea, of this weird mystic of no notable backround influencing a huge nation.
It seems to me that Rasputin was a fraud who found his niche, and his "hard to kill" part comes from memoirs of his enemies.
But, taking into account that DragonParadox promised CK2-kind mysteries events, I see what do you mean.

Still, not very fan of "Black Numenorian" trait, despite a huge bonus to Learning. Although, our character become the very example of Black Numenorian candidat...
[X] Palacendo
-[X] Revulsion, a trick of the light perhaps, a grain of sand in the eye, but as you blink he seems to you kin in spirit to the most loathsomeness men you have ever faced in a duel, killers with a bitter smile oiling their blades with poison (Cost 1 Bonus Point Gain Trait Clear-Sighted, they say the Edain saw through the deception of Morgoth long ago and turned their face from him, perhaps some glimmer of that wisdom shines in your gaze +1 Diplomacy +25 to all rolls to reveal trickery and deception.)
-[X] The stables, you stumble in and there you find... (A New Friend?)
[X] Visit to library

Revulsion is best option in my opinion. It's really nice to have clear vision when it comes to detecting truth or at least nice bonus to see through deception.
Is there an option to see what each race general stats are? To compare what we will be dealing with in future?

Edited: on approval for:
[X] Palacendo
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First off apologies of Curufin, but that just looks like a better Sauron than all the other ones I found without armor. There were a lot of really cool ones but they were in full black plate and that is not the impression Annatar here is trying to make.
And what about Sauron from "Shadows of Mordor"?
I took it form here, 0:46.
I guess we could encounter animal rulers lol, those that played ck2 will know about the horse and polar bears. Stats of races here idk, I guess they aren't really important unless we make freinds with a elf (very unlikely) or dwarf (also unlikely) and take them along.
[X] Visit to library

Revulsion is best option in my opinion. It's really nice to have clear vision when it comes to detecting truth or at least nice bonus to see through deception.
Is there an option to see what each race general stats are? To compare what we will be dealing with in future?

10 - Average for a human noble
Low 20s - Extraordinary Middle Earth human/pretty average level Dunedain of the Second age.
High 20s - Extraordinary Dunedain/Dwarf/Avari elf (Dwarfs are more specialized then elves so they have higher highs and lower lows)
Low 30s Heroic Dunedain/Dwarf with a passion/Sindar Elf, this is where someone like Legolas would fit
High 30s - Extraordinary Noldor/Men at this level are the subject of song and story, you are Beren or Elendil
Low 40s - Princes of the High Elves who are not named Feanor or Fingolfin, Istari in their areas of authority
High 40s - Unbound Maiar/Umaiar, Galadriel and Elrond with their rings. Sauron is here.
50s - You are a god or near enough for government work. Fingolfin in that last fight with Morgoth, Feanor making the Silnarils.

Vala are not stated as they are beings of an entirely different order with limitations that have less to do with skill and understanding and more to do with their role in the world/inherent nature

Not that you will have much of a chance to deal with many of these people before the prologue is over, but it should help as a sense of scale.
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And what about Sauron from "Shadows of Mordor"?
I took it form here, 0:46.

Good and the blond hair does make him look a bit more like one of the Vayar which is what he was pretending to be to the Noldor as Annatar.

Edit: I think I am going to use this pic for late-Fall Sauron since it would be a nice contrast to have him look more and more angelic as he leads the Numanorians down the road to damnation.
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Interesting, will our stats will have some progress independent of any traits/perk during the next 50 odd years @DragonParadox? Or will they all be tied to traits and decisions?

You will get base stat increases, but they will depend on the choices you make.

Thx for the answer.
So we are somewhat slow when it comes at everything except combat. For now at least.

Everything but martial, that is not just combat, it is also command. Also Eriol is in his twenties, which is by Numanorian standards a teenager due to their longer lives.
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[X] Palacendo
-[X] Revulsion, a trick of the light perhaps, a grain of sand in the eye, but as you blink he seems to you kin in spirit to the most loathsomeness men you have ever faced in a duel, killers with a bitter smile oiling their blades with poison (Cost 1 Bonus Point Gain Trait Clear-Sighted, they say the Edain saw through the deception of Morgoth long ago and turned their face from him, perhaps some glimmer of that wisdom shines in your gaze +1 Diplomacy +25 to all rolls to reveal trickery and deception.)
-[X] The stables, you stumble in and there you find... (A New Friend?)
[X] One of the first.
-[X] Fascination, here is one who even in defeat is great and lordly, one of the blood of those lesser men call gods (Cost 1 Bonus Point Gain Trait Black Numanorian, you are one of those who saw the wisdom of Sauron earely and in some small way benefited from his rise +6 Learning +3 Intrigue Can learn some of the dark arts he brings to the land)
-[X] The Library, books are more fragile than gold and silver, but rarer than gemstones... and unlike them you can both take them in your mind and pass them on (Rare tomes on subjects mundane and arcane Roll 2d6 for subject)

I want to go full bore down the path of Evil and Corruption. We have more than enough quests centered on Heroic protagonists. It would be a nice change to instead play an Imperialist willingly pursuing Dark Magic.
[X] Palacendo
-[X] Revulsion, a trick of the light perhaps, a grain of sand in the eye, but as you blink he seems to you kin in spirit to the most loathsomeness men you have ever faced in a duel, killers with a bitter smile oiling their blades with poison (Cost 1 Bonus Point Gain Trait Clear-Sighted, they say the Edain saw through the deception of Morgoth long ago and turned their face from him, perhaps some glimmer of that wisdom shines in your gaze +1 Diplomacy +25 to all rolls to reveal trickery and deception.)
-[X] The stables, you stumble in and there you find... (A New Friend?)

Thinking following Sauron for any reason will ever be good.
Bruh, some of y'all are really on some shit lol.
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