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Revulsion is best option in my opinion. It's really nice to have clear vision when it comes to detecting truth or at least nice bonus to see through deception.
Is there an option to see what each race general stats are? To compare what we will be dealing with in future?
10 - Average for a human noble
Low 20s - Extraordinary Middle Earth human/pretty average level Dunedain of the Second age.
High 20s - Extraordinary Dunedain/Dwarf/Avari elf (Dwarfs are more specialized then elves so they have higher highs and lower lows)
Low 30s Heroic Dunedain/Dwarf with a passion/Sindar Elf, this is where someone like Legolas would fit
High 30s - Extraordinary Noldor/Men at this level are the subject of song and story, you are Beren or Elendil
Low 40s - Princes of the High Elves who are not named Feanor or Fingolfin, Istari in their areas of authority
High 40s - Unbound Maiar/Umaiar, Galadriel and Elrond
with their rings. Sauron is here.
50s - You are a god or near enough for government work. Fingolfin in that last fight with Morgoth, Feanor making the Silnarils.
Vala are not stated as they are beings of an entirely different order with limitations that have less to do with skill and understanding and more to do with their role in the world/inherent nature
Not that you will have much of a chance to deal with many of these people before the prologue is over, but it should help as a sense of scale.