... Huh. That's intriguing, but also concerning. Slaanesh is a young chaos god, but not THAT young. Even if this cult somehow predates the fall of the eldar empire,. wouldn't they receive visions of he/she/they/it eventually?
... Wait, is this why Delai was happy that we killed the slavers?! Because they didn't acknowledge Slaanesh?
Oh no.
I mean, compared to your average Eldar talking to a human, i would say she's being very polite
I think this is the first time we've seen Fan happy. I hope this last. The poor kid deserves all the happiness we can give to her.
Hmm. I don't remember the details of how exactly blanks use their powers, but it be that Fan was unconsciously using them during the battle, and that is why she's tired?
Have i mentioned that I love our crew yet?

Also, wich other musics can i expect to have survived into the 30k millennium?
This will definitely end well for everyone involved!
I respect that, but she's more likely to stab you in the ass.
Well, at least you are self-aware.
That's... Oddly reasonable for a Dark Eldar.
Oooohhh. That's why. Bullocks. No way Bel will agree to that.
I wonder how much this is her venting her frustrations from having to deal with Mon-keighs for so long.
[X] – The Archon speeds away
Yeah, i would rather put a end to this chaos cult already.
Don't tempt me.