The Empty Crusade (Horus Heresy)

It would be very ironic if part of the 10th Legion still chose to stay with their father. It doesn't matter for what reason. (Maybe they want to understand him / change his worldview)
It would be very ironic if part of the 10th Legion still chose to stay with their father. It doesn't matter for what reason. (Maybe they want to understand him / change his worldview)

That Hard coded Gene Loyalty is a hell of a thing, so i don't doubt it, just look at the World Eaters, they put their own versions of the Butcher's Nails into their own head, just so they could be closer to their father. It will be sad, but i am sure it will happen.
That Hard coded Gene Loyalty is a hell of a thing, so i don't doubt it, just look at the World Eaters, they put their own versions of the Butcher's Nails into their own head, just so they could be closer to their father. It will be sad, but i am sure it will happen.
And people also rejected the "Perfect Legion" option.
Literally the only way in which the 10th Legion had even a small chance of getting the love and recognition of a primarch.


"We did it badly, so let's make it even worse"
That Hard coded Gene Loyalty is a hell of a thing, so i don't doubt it, just look at the World Eaters, they put their own versions of the Butcher's Nails into their own head, just so they could be closer to their father. It will be sad, but i am sure it will happen.
Unfortunately, that is a sad thing, I believe the only one who could sever this connection would be Emperor himself. . .and he is kinda dead. I suspect he is alive, more precisely alive in the warp, hiding from Nurgle and Slannesh and gathering his strength. I guess if we choose Magnus to explore Aether he possibly would find Revalation or he would show himself to his son.
That Hard coded Gene Loyalty is a hell of a thing, so i don't doubt it, just look at the World Eaters, they put their own versions of the Butcher's Nails into their own head, just so they could be closer to their father. It will be sad, but i am sure it will happen.
I mean Angron is a bad example cause well his aura was destroyed by the nails and remember angron had the largest loyaist forces out of the primarchs I think Perty is a better example cause of how he killed 1 in 10 yet they still followed him in the hersey
Broken Shield 2
"So they all died." Guilliman frowned looking over the steel playing where Perturabo's head would be.

"No. Approximately 7.3% percent of the Xth had not taken part in the campaign as they had already gone to meet Ferrus." Guilliman rubbed his head and sighed.

"Perturabo in no world will anyone believe, much less accept, that you, who until this 'incident' had the fewest casualties of all the legions, somehow lost nearly one hundred and forty thousand Legionaries in a single campaign. That's not even going into how out of character such a deployment is to begin with." The Iron Elder can no que or response to the Emperor's words and Guilliman could feel the IVth Primarch tearing apart his every expression and reading him like a book.

"The Kilm were an unexpectedly tough conquest and required a large dedication of force." The two Primarch's knew the other was lying Guilliman had only hoped to convince Perturabo to give up on his idea by explaining the absurdity of it.

"The Council won't like it. Will call into question the whole crusade Perturabo you have to see the big picture." The Iron Elder set down a small figurine from his hand the crude porcelain was disfigured by obvious fingerprints and inexpertly layed paint, that had clearly not even been watered down.

"Shara O Tashes." Guilliman combed through all the records he kept in his minds but found the name didn't come up.

"Who, and don't try to…" Perturabo raised his hand. The metallic gauntlet shone in his office's light.

"I'm not changing the subject brother. Tashes is a human, a child who lives outside this palace who knows you conquered earth, but she has known hunger well, crime and poverty are close friends. This figure was made by her daughter who died in a gangwar not a kilometer from the walls of your golden retreat. I understand that we must move forward as to not be crushed from the outside, but remember what you are sacrificing isn't pawns on a board or numbers on a tally. Each life is a story of its own, and each one you sacrifice should be considered with the weight it deserves. My sons have died in battle, in conflicts across the galaxy but I will not sacrifice them to a grinder just to gain a queen. So the tenth legion has suffered massive casualties, the IVth will increase recruitment and if anyone has an issue let them speak with me." Perturabo didn't give Guilliman a chance to respond, moving out of his office with a speed unexpected of his massive mechanical form.

"They will want your head to roll." Guilliman sighed looking down into the reports of the frontlines, where the burgeoning new Xth was engaging with his foes. The Emperor looked to the small figurine. It didn't matter that people were in poverty he can deal with that later, he can deal with Ferrus later with all of this later a perfect society required him to secure it from outside threats first and foremost, he only hoped that Perturabo would see that, that he would understand that they all needed to play the bloody calculus of conquest. As it stood he needed to stop the council of Terra from questioning the Legions.

Ferrus did not know why this Perturabo stole from him, though he knew why Perturabo did not bother to hide it after all what could be hidden from Ferrus, he was glad that they already understood the futility in playing mind games with him. From what he extracted from these Astares, Perturabo was weak, making up for his many failings with a hard shell of iron becoming reliant on machines. The man would be easy to deal with when the time came even with his stolen sons at hand.

"The Legion stands ready to depart." Ferrus smiled at his disciple on of his Arms, head of her perfect legion, though he had much to do he had taken twenty of his so called sons that had impressed him, each he broke down leaving them conscious so he could show them his work. He didn't have the time to ready all ten thousand, but he taught these twenty arms of his so that each of his disciples could do this work in his stead. They had taken to it with skill and precision as Ferrus had expected. He was leaving the one that had impressed him the most here to oversee the conversion of the native population of Medusa, and the construction of facilities to process any subjects he finds during this merry little war. It would be a grand image of machine and progress true planetary perfection dedicated to the crafting of peak humans like the forge worlds of the Mechanicum was to producing bolts and nuts for the slings the imperium used.

Necrontyr teleportarium technology was quite advanced and Ferrus had bent it to his will. The pod he had to hold his armory could now be in orbit or on the opposite side of the planet with only seconds of loading before it was ready after a use. His armor criss crossed with a maze of green lines painting the dark metal around it. With a flex a scepter appeared in his hand the microassembler swarm dispersing around it in a dark cloud before with a command of his mind they return to a calm storm at its tip. The symbol of the crypt graced his armor as it did marking his perfect legion as his alone. Before he left he had one task remaining, he approached Trazoekh, his old teacher, pondering as he awaited the response of his kin.

"They are like the old ones. Arrogant in their superiority. Be careful when working closely with leeches, they will devour you too." Ferrus raised an eyebrow at the Necrontyr Lord who more than often was silent and rarely gave out idioms of wisdom.

"I worry not about the Imperium, they lack strength where it matters." The Necrontyr shook his head and looked at Ferrus, eye alight.

"A leech needs not be strong, be wary lest you let your armor drop and allow the hounds into the tomb." Ferrus was about to rebut but stopped himself, already he had given secrets of his craft to outsiders. While he rebuilt them personally and knew that they would follow him he understood that such care could not always be taken that any spread of his secrets was a new potential weakness. He nodded in understanding.

"I will keep this in mind Trazoekh, will you be staying here then?" The Necrontyr nodded looking over his machines.

"Someone must man the post of the messenger until I am relieved of that duty by the Silent King. I will remain. I will keep an eye on your holdings as you venture out." Ferrus nodded he had expected his machines and men to work flawlessly even with him gone, but the offer of aid was taken in kind.

"I will relay back if I discover your kin."

The Lithogolems moved alongside his heavy armor the Malcadors and Rhinos he smiled seeing his shaman moving through the battlefield in their rune marked mark IV his brother had a creative and inquisitive mind. The same could be said of Ferrus, and with that shot his good mood evaporated. The deathless around him took a step away as his Psychic might made them sensitive to his shifting mood. Was it fate that Ferrus would come so early and show the weakness of the minds of the Primarchs? After all, what but weakness could lead to one doing as Ferrus did. Magnus had never realized how much he relied on his powers and its insights for navigating social situations. Looking at Ferrus with no cues of a shifting mindscape, no radiating emotions for him to read and respond to. Magnus wasn't needed at the front line right now he had to think.

"You see the strength in the legion. One of those lowest in numbers are holding off the Orks in the new sector and pulling in new subject nations as they do so." The Imperial Legionary was speaking at the head of the council he was chief Archivist and standing in for Guilliman. The Emperor himself had other engagements and wouldn't be here.

"Yet, the Iron Shields were just gutted, just before their Primarch could take control." The harsh voice of an irrelevant bureaucrat.

"It was a mistake in judgement based on incorrect data from the foe. Tragic but not a fundamental flaw in the Legions or a failing on the IVth Primarch's part." The Fabricator General supported Perturabo it was to be expected for all the Iron Elder's pushing of innovation and disregard for some of the cult's practices the action of Ferrus to pull his legion, well what the IVth let slip, away from the Mechanicum meant that the Twin Legion was his only direct connection to Astares power. The two armor figures watching the proceedings had a deep understanding of all the pieces in play, it was needed for both their jobs.

"A mistake wiped out a number nearly twice that of any legion. This is a failing by any measurement." A representative of the Administrative Division of the Army was quick to reply and the figure in grey turned to the one in black.

"Do they truly believe that if they requested it the Emperor would bring Perturabo here for punishment, that they could demand a Primarch kneel to weak mortals?" The black figured shook his head.

"Any call would have to be rejected with the ongoing engagements in the Wheel of Fire subsector and the hostile Xenos near Event 54A6C, the Imperium can't lose the power and direction that a Primarch represents. Much less for the stupid games being played on all sides." They both nodded, confirming their understanding of the situation.

"The Primarch is reluctant to participate in the project, it may be possible to gather other subjects for the steps, the Astronomicon is too dim to light the way for the whole galaxy and the rank of Psyker needed to anchor the smaller version too rare for the proliferation of it through imperial space." The grey figure added to their conversation as a different representative of some unimportant branch of the growing bureaucracy speaks. "It is amazing how the system looks so chaotic but everything slots into place."

The black figure nodded and pulled his guardian spear close. "The Emperor has many talents, Herald. We operated only to guard against threats he could not prepare for." The grey armored figure pulled his own spear close.

"The new Primarch won't be a problem then?" The black figure laughed.

"Of course he will, merely he is the type of problem the Emperor is fit to handle. Go back to your Legion, the Operator has noticed symbolism and rhetoric of the Enemy in a recent acquisition in the latest conquest of the 16th Expeditionary fleet." The grey figure nodded and left and the man in black armor looked to the shadows. His superhuman senses ensured his master wouldn't appear on him before he slumped slightly. "I wish you were still with us, oh Lord. You people need your guidance and your son's need your hand." Of course his creator did not speak but the black figure could feel his soul humm or at least he liked to think so.

Lord Fazin stood before the 23rd defense regiment their trenches were dug and their artillery were loaded. "Today we stand and it may be our last day but the Hegemon of Curzak will stand and our foes will not they have taken only those soft far system soldiers not real Curzian steel and will." As he spoke the man strode on the edge of the embankment coat catching in the wind his revolving rifle at his side and his sabre at the other. He spoke with a voice like that of a war drum and the soldiers were broken out of their grim mood and ready to face these supposedly indestructible invaders.

Then Lord Fazin cease to be no blood showered the soldiers, no sound of gun fire. Nearly in a flash of light, and a burst of green their general vanished. Then a figure in Black armor as pitch as the night with cold green eyes stood amongst them. The soldiers had years of training and many had be selected at childhood to be world guards, the beast a man could be with the best weapons of the kingdoms. The hundred of revolver shots drowned out the sound of men screaming of men dying and as the smoke cleared the paint on their foes armor was unmarked. "Hazard rating Zero, continuing pest control." Its voice was human but it made the surviving men's hair stand on edge like someone had taken a man and drained him of all energy all joy all sadness. It was speaking a language with only words.

The skirmish played out a hundred times across the world; those smart enough to surrender were rounded up with the women and children and sent for processing back on Medusa. Ferrus was leading an attack on another subject empire that had not surrendered when given the order. While it was within imperial law doctrine would allow a later surrender. The Perfect Legion had no such qualms. Ulok had been selected as a Arm of Ferrus, before his second accession Ulok had been so weak but now he felt strong. He had been a fool to spend so much time languishing in mediocrity as a simple Astares, now that he had been given the gift of knowledge it was so easy to see the many flaws in the human body and how marines patchwork covered them but lacked a refinement. He had been working on his batch refining their essence as he had encountered xeno and human alike.

Of the Xenos he could take what samples he needed. The human's he was only allowed the most pitiful, those unlikely to survive the trip to the flesh forges of the homeworld. Ulok understood but found babes and the infirmed made poor subjects for his studies though he had refined the Thallax idea and the Failures of Ferrus using the minds of the rejects that had withstood his treatments and using them as battle cogitators to help direct the Batch of the Legion he was heading. It had shown a 2% decrease in time to bring a world under heel. Ferrus has requested notes which placed Ulok above all but Aug who had been given the Homeworld. Ulok didn't envy the position duly as he was better suited to perfect his work here in the warzones, and as the position as the First Arm was highly contested and he would have to waste time dealing with other Arms seeking to displace him.

No, he much preferred his work here. The genetic profile of the world was acceptable. He turned to his forge ship and with a nod to a cognitor bank one of his soldiers took over the fine details of the battle as he went to work over his subjects even as the red ships were leaving for the homeworld.

10th Legion The Perfect Legion
Ferrus Xth Primarch

Subjects that did not succeed in their conversion and were instead removed from their body and implanted into a cybernetic system to aid the legion.
Converted subjects that so promise in the arts and is in a trial period to see if they would fit as an arm.
Leaders of the batches which work like the other Legion's companies. They produce some Marines in their Fleet but also take it from the home world generally working on perfecting their own modifications and ways of War.

Strength: 20000

The Imperium grows in the galaxy but so does it's foes Ferrus and Magnus have run several times into the fringes of an Ork empire and the green skins are readying for a Waagh against mankind's holdings.

[]They Faced the Sword
War arc starts with the Astares point of view.
[]They Hit the Shield
War arc starts with the Imperial Navy and Army point of view.
[]They Crashed Against Walls
War arc starts with the subject nations point of view.
[]They Touched his Plans
War arc starts from Malcador's point of view.
[X]They Hit the Shield
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Now we have a legal reason to send his legion to the most terrible military companies. Any disobedience to orders must be paid. Often blood.

+This is the most numerous legion

That just sounds like a means to make Perty and Gill-Man even more against each other. And while i don't disagree with the fact that he has the largest Legion that his Legion should not be one of the main stays for the fronts, deepening the cracks before we even have other Brothers to mediate is a bit of a rough idea.
That just sounds like a means to make Perty and Gill-Man even more against each other. And while i don't disagree with the fact that he has the largest Legion that his Legion should not be one of the main stays for the fronts, deepening the cracks before we even have other Brothers to mediate is a bit of a rough idea.
The law is the same for everyone.
The law (not quite sure, but very likely) assigns a legion to the primarch-father of that legion. So far, this has not been canceled by personal order of the Emperor (or council).

First, Perturabo breaks the law and takes 90% of the other legion for himself.
Then Rogal Dorn arranges a genocide of psykers within the borders of the Imperium.
Then Alpharius and Omegon create mini-imperiums in the empire and decide to arrange an analogue of the Aztec flower shows.

The law is one. If we are unable to fulfill it openly, we must make every effort to ensure that every broken letter is atoned for. So that when the examples above come up, we can slap the primarch's hands and point to Perturabo.

P.s. Yes, and 2 legions will not die. Maximum "Legend" will become a little more real. After all, Perturabo wanted it so.
if ferrus sons want to be with perty I say let them after all making them stay with ferrus is wrong if they don't want to
Let's then abolish all the legions altogether and let the primarchs gather troops from a single mass of Astartes. Let's generally come to a system where the new Emperor is announced at a meeting of all Astartes by a general vote.
If you are an Astartes, you must still uphold the law of the Imperium. If you don't like the law, lobby for its repeal. If you do not comply, go on a redemptive campaign.

Something I got excited about.

Here comes the super-charismatic Fulgrim, will take part in a couple of companies with the 7th Legion. And then the not so charismatic Rogal will come. Bam. Part goes to Fulgrim.
Hello, the war that could not be.

A very dangerous precedent.
The law is the same for everyone.
The law (not quite sure, but very likely) assigns a legion to the primarch-father of that legion. So far, this has not been canceled by personal order of the Emperor (or council).

First, Perturabo breaks the law and takes 90% of the other legion for himself.
Then Rogal Dorn arranges a genocide of psykers within the borders of the Imperium.
Then Alpharius and Omegon create mini-imperiums in the empire and decide to arrange an analogue of the Aztec flower shows.

The law is one. If we are unable to fulfill it openly, we must make every effort to ensure that every broken letter is atoned for. So that when the examples above come up, we can slap the primarch's hands and point to Perturabo.

P.s. Yes, and 2 legions will not die. Maximum "Legend" will become a little more real. After all, Perturabo wanted it so.

Ferrus is a monster and attacked his sons upon their official meeting, if that does not scream "The law should probably look away from this Event" i don't know what will.

Ferrus could have not showcased he would kill his Sons if left alone with them, but instead the Primarch and Legion who had been in service together with the Iron Sheilds made a way to keep them safe from Ferrus, who by the way, does not care about the sons who ran, he's content to make his own monsters.
Ferrus is a monster and attacked his sons upon their official meeting, if that does not scream "The law should probably look away from this Event" i don't know what will.

Ferrus could have not showcased he would kill his Sons if left alone with them, but instead the Primarch and Legion who had been in service together with the Iron Sheilds made a way to keep them safe from Ferrus, who by the way, does not care about the sons who ran, he's content to make his own monsters.
Is this the attack where Ferrus provoked them, and they, like little children, succumbed to the provocation? Is this the same attack where Wojtek fired the first shot? Is this the same attack that took place after Emperor Roboute approved Ferrus' candidacy?
Yes. The law is on his side.
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