[X] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."

'Nids might not be that evil by 40k standards but they are a tough tough challenge.

One that if we squeeze hard enough we might get new specialty squigs out of maybe.
[X] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."
Because I love that this is essentially an invitation to smash/krump sum gits together. Today, a git made a friend after being only lightly krumped. WAAAAAGH!
[X] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."

If we have the option I'd rather choose the least morally questionable target.
...Wouldn't that be the mechanicus though? I mean the Tyranids just want to eat right not turn whole populations into servitors in perpetuity.
Oh wait I'm probably reading that backwards with you wanting to fight with the least malicous...wouldn't that be the T'au though? IDK I'm drowsy, apologies.
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[X] "- bionik humies. Dey's got a lotta scrap tu take."
A Cohort of Mechanicus Skitarii are guarding installations.
Vote Closed
This Quest certainly got my attention.
And so we will see bugs gets squash. But still I'm looking forwards to The Hulk smashing those puny marines.
[ ] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."

Evil vs evil with a tiny chance of creating a galaxy-ending bioweapon-hybrid superweapon.

I quite approve!
Da Big Qeshtun
[X] "buggies. Lotts ta go round."

"Do ya wanna join in?"

Hulk blinked, a little bit shocked. "What?"

"Join da scrap!" Apparently no longer feeling threatened, Longhook walked off, corralling his herd by waving his arms and whistling, although he yelled back to the Hulk. "Youz seems like a tuff nob, dout 'ny of da uther gits woud say nah to youz joinin in!" The ork spun round, smiling wide to reveal tombstone teeth. "Wat do ya say? Wanna cum back ta Slitherpit an meat da boys?"

[] Yes
Hulk will travel with Longhook to join up with the Naw-Tooth Warband.

[] No
Hulk will go off on his own.

Short update, didn't feel inspired enough to write more. Will try and make the next one longer to make up for it. Also going to write more orky from now.