Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Zarya: That's you. A (former) debt-peon now once possessed by a demon an alien.
-"Demon": Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles. (An alien in truth!) (Freed!)
-Spiritual Aptitude: Zarya gains access to the following spells after praying to the Water-bearer statue in Antioch, which is permanently infused with a Spiritual Aptitude of 60.
--Spell: Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
--Spell: Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
--Spell: Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and alien)
--Spell: Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
--Spell: Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
--Cautious I:
requires 75+% voter approval to interact with any HM or MP without a (+) mark
--Cautious II: requires 75+% voter approval to reveal demon-possessed status on purpose
--Disciplined I: gain (+) with any HM or MP after following a direct order from her
--Disciplined II: gain (-) with any HM or MP after disobeying a direct order from her
--Water I: the more water you are near, the easier it is to use your magic
--Water II: must be near a body of water (or another source) to use your magic
--Water-bearer: Zarya has constructed a statue in Antioch and poured all of the spiritual essence she's acquired over the past few months into it. She must pray to this statue to use spells as of The Moon.
-Additional notes: One of your black eyes has turned blue, as have the tips of your black hair. Currently resolved to control her Demon. Has made progress in suppressing it. Has not yet attempted to manifest it. Currently traveling with Linza, Philippos, Libra Venus, Theodora, and Capricorn Saturn, with the aim of helping Theodora take revenge against the cultists who sacrificed her, and their allies inside the military and the church. Now able to manifest her "Demon" for a up to ten minutes at a time after meditating on JOY or BEAUTY while being around WATER for a few minutes. If in the ocean, the manifestation is immediate and can be held indefinitely. Has agreed to join the church, though it may be was temporary. Currently residing in Antioch. Has learned that her "Demon" is actually an alien being from another world, and is aiming for an amicable separation. Can sculpt ice with her powers, and will learn to work with other materials. Has traveled to Sardis on behalf of the Antiochian Church... and with her mission done, it's time to go! She's returned to Antioch with a warning... a rogue Angel is on the attack! While in Antioch, waiting for the attack, she constructed the WATER-BEARER statue and transferred her spiritual power to it. Not long afterwards, she was separated from The Being, and the two defeated the Angel by working together. Later, she would be instrumental in defeating the Demon known as BELIAL.

Martin Aurelius of Sardis (-): Your former master, who resides in Sardis. He is a wealthy businessman and landowner. He owns several workshops that provide various goods, such as agricultural equipment, weapons, industrial and mining tools, and so on. He's dead, murdered by cultists and sacrificed to a Demon.
-Cornelia Prima (+): His wife, and your former mistress. Despite Martin owning your debt, Cornelia had roped you into her service and not his. She treated you well enough and kept you close. Now the captive of Dione. Was traveling with your group, and left in Ephesus.
-Lucian Aurelius: Their young son. Travelling with his mother.
-Aurelia Prima: Their young daughter. Travelling with her mother.
-Julian Aurelius: Martin's brother, and an artisan. Status unknown.
-Aurelia Prima: Martin's sister, seeking marriage and now possessed by the same Demon that once possessed Theodora. Looks like she wants to escape, so maybe there's an opportunity to work together. Was traveling with your group, having been denied an opportunity to sacrifice avenge herself, and left in Ephesus.
-Mettia Prima: Martin's elderly mother, a widow. Status unknow.
-Fellow former slaves: Linza (+) (she); Eusebius (+; in Ephesus) (he); Philippos (+) (he); Anacletus (he); Hypatos (he); Lucretia (she; in Sardis); Theokleia (she; in Sardis); and many others...
-- Linza and Philippos are currently accompanying Zarya travelling with Capricorn Saturn.

The Holy Maidens:
Seven powerful and virtuous women based on in specific major cities.
-Humility (+): Resides in Sardis. Can detect lies, among other abilities. Was in Antioch / Ephesus, aiming to crush cultists. Now resides in Ephesus, having gained firm control over the city and its politics. Has retaken her hometown.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 84
-Kindness (+): Resides in Pergamum. Can heal any injury, among other abilities. Was sent to Sardis on Humility's order. Fled to Ephesus after Dione tried to capture her. Joined up with you temporarily to fight the rogue Angel, and now heading out to Pergamum once more. Has now taken charge of her home.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 57
---Spell: Healing I → Healing II → Healing III (cures wounds)
---Spell: Understanding I → Understanding II → Understanding III (connect minds)
---Spell: Reciprocating I → Reciprocating II → Reciprocating III (shares feelings)
-Charity: Resides in Thyatira. Can grant powers to the Mystic Priestesses. Traitor. Defeated and sent to Antioch, where she lives outside the city in a villa.
-Diligence: Formerly resided in Ephesus. Status unknown. Dead.
-Patience: Resides in Philadelphia.
-Chastity: Resides in Smyrna. Can block magic (?). Murdered by invaders from Antioch.
-Temperance: Resides in Laodicea. Status unknown, probably either heading to Sardis or already there. Found in Sardis, and rescued! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea, having just retaken the former.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Spell: Balanced Mind: Emotion (reduces emotional fluctuations)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Attack (strengthens body when attacking)
---Spell: Balanced Body: Defense (strengthens body when defending)
---Spell: Balanced Soul: Flow (occasionally slips around enemy attacks)

The Mystic Priestesses: Twelve powerful and virtuous women who wander the land.
-Libra Venus / Melina (+): First encountered outside Philadelphia. Skilled with the cithara. Very friendly. Now travelling with Zarya. Now travelling to Laodicea with Scorpio Mars, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has rejoined your group and evaded capture! Lived with you in Antioch until her encounter with the rogue Angel, at which point she abandoned her old identity and renamed herself Melina. She's also put down her blessed cithara and now lives in a small commune.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Spell: Song of Roaring Flames (encourages and emboldens)
---Spell: Song of Calm Waters (relaxes and subdues)
---Spell: Song of Magnetism (attracts to a specific target)
---Spell: Song of the Sunshine (inspires warmth and joy)
---Spell: Song of Growth (draws out hidden powers)
---Spell: Song of Affection (draws out tender memories)
-Leo Sun: Deceased. (see also Theodora) Restored!
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Block! (grow furred armor)
--Spell: Slash! (grow fire claws)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Strike! (gain super-strength)
--Spell: Roar! (intimidate)
--Spell: Burn! (gain fire breath)
--Spell: Transform! (lion aura coat)
-Sagittarius Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command lightning. Now located in Ephesus and without her powers, aiding Humility. Has her powers once more.
-Taurus Venus: First encountered outside Philadelphia. Resides there.
-??? Pisces Jupiter: Resides in Sardis. Can command emotions. (see Dione)
-Virgo Mercury I / Virginia (-): First encountered in Ephesus. Can command demons and influence people. Searched for the Holy Maiden of Diligence on the orders of the Sovereign Priest of Antioch. Encountered again outside Antioch, and formed a temporary alliance. But the alliance is now broken, and it seems like she can only see Zarya as an enemy over circumstances that were not Zarya's fault. After having betrayed the Church and sided with the cultists in Ephesus, she was captured, brought back to Antioch, and stripped of her position. Is now called Virginia. Possessed by BELIAL (formerly).
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50 0 !?!?!? 0
-Gemini Mercury: Resided in Thyatira. Has some sort of magical hearing ability. Now in custody in Antioch.
-Capricorn Saturn (+): First encountered in Smyrna. Can predict events. Now travelling with Zarya. Heading back to Smyrna. Aiding the attack on Thyatira. Currently helping to restore Church control in Thyatira. Status unknown. Recovered from the rogue Angel's grasp and heading back to Smyrna, but not before warning you of a future disaster! Now on the way to Thyatira to restore that city, having restored Smyrna to a functional state.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 50
---Spell: Forewarn (predicts one upcoming disaster per day)
----Capricorn Saturn does not learn more spells. Instead, the quality of her warnings is improved.
-Aries Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Former friend of Theodora. Was in Antioch, now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 75
---Aries Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Sword of Savage Strength increases.
-Scorpio Mars (+):
Resides in Laodicea. Now travelling to Laodicea with Libra Venus, having met up in Antioch. Will be captured in Sardis unless you step in! Has joined your group and evaded capture! Now marching towards Sardis and Laodicea. Helped to retake Sardis.
--Spiritual Aptitude: 51
---Scorpio Mars does not gain her own spells. Instead, her ability to draw out the full might of the Shield of Sturdy Strength increases.
-Cancer Moon (+):
Resides in Antioch. Status is unknown. Searching for her. Found her and joined forces to take down the Advocates. Convinced Zarya to join the Church and exorcised the Demon from Theodora. Planning to exorcise the Demon from Zarya as well. Having been made aware that The Being was an alien and not a Demon, she would successfully exorcise it from Zarya. Has been kidnapped by BELIAL, and is now free and restored.
-Aquarius Saturn (+): Was found in a dungeon in Thyatira after having been presumed dead. Was helping to restore Church control in Thyatira, now in Antioch. Can witness the past. Gave you a kind warning.
-Virgo Mercury II: Virginia's replacement. Seems to be loyal to the church. Resides in Antioch and helps the Sovereign Priest of Antioch.

Gaius Helvius of Philadelphia: The son and heir of a wealthy farmer of the same name from the Philadelphia area.
-Ennia Segunda: His wife.

Theodora (+): The former Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Was used as a human sacrifice to summon a Demon that now possesses her. NO LONGER IN CONTROL. Back in control, and no longer possessed... though her eyes have been permanently changed. Has a small grudge towards Zarya, but is mostly over it. Restored as the Mystic Priestess Leo Sun. Crusher of a Demon of Darkness (with help from her friend and ally Zarya).
-Demon: What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85 0 (see Leo Sun)
--Spell: Block! (grow scale armor)
--Spell: Crunch! (grow fangs)
--Spell: Slash! (grow claws)
--Spell: Swipe! (grow a tail)
--Spell: Seek! (improve eyesight; gain night vision)
--Spell: Move! (gain super-speed)
--Spell: Rampage! (gain strength; lose control)
-Allies: Eugenios, Thais, Daniel (three heretics that Theodora met in a small town near the desert)

The Sovereign Priest of Antioch: A virtuous (?) man in charge of the Church of the Followers of the Way. Currently residing in Smyrna after being chased out of Antioch by an Advocate-led rebellion. Was critically injured and recovered in Smyrna before returning to Antioch. His return has been controversial amongst the people of the city.

!?!?!? Kavouras / Celso Longinus (-): A man formerly possessed by a Crab-shaped Demon. Fought Theodora outside Smyrna and was defeated. However, his soldiers managed to recover his body. Is likely licking his wounds and heading to Antioch. His abilities include growing shell armor, turning his arms into pincers, and transforming into a big crab. He was chased out of Antioch and is likely recovering in fled to Ephesus. Goal: defeat him for good! He was burned alive by Humility in Ephesus and is either dead or close to it. Regardless, he is no longer possessed by the Demon Crab!
-Demon: An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
-Spiritual Aptitude: 85
--Spell: Protect. (grow shell armor)
--Spell: Pincer. (grow pincers)
--Spell: Molt. (shed shell armor healing)
--Spell: Carcinize. (full body transformation)
--Spell: Tidal. (control water)
--Spell: Swell. (increase size)
--Spell: Shrink. (reduce size)

???: A man possessed by a demonic serpent, who is likely near Sardis... if he's still alive. (He's not.)

Silvina (+) and Silas (+): Two house slaves, currently under the command of the Livius estate in Ephesus. They're brother and sister. Currently Were last seen working with spies loyal to the Antiochian church to break cultist control over the city and end slavery there. They have succeeded.

Dione (-): The former Mystic Priestess Pisces Jupiter. A holy woman who is also a snake, as she's the possessor of a Demon Serpent. However, she seems to be the one in control of the snake... and also in control of Sardis, having wrested spiritual control away from the Followers of the Way. Wants you to be her ally... is not doing a good job of it. Alerted you to a vision of death and despair... could it be true? (You made it false!) Has lost Sardis and fled from this world... to another place, not death.

Apollonia (+): A cultist woman who is knowledgeable about spirits and curious about the Being. Once the Being is free from you, she wants to study it for herself. Hopes that you'll come back to Sardis soon. Instead came down to Antioch to visit you. Now travelling the land with The Being for company.
-"Demon": ZIZ, King of the Birds
-Spiritual Aptitude: 55
--Spell: RAVEN (send messages of bad fortune)
--Spell: CHICKEN (send messages of good fortune)
--Spell: GOOSE (defend self from wickedness)
--Spell: CALADRIUS (treat sickness and wounds)

BELIAL (-): A demon of living darkness and the shadow of the angels. Uses cultists like puppets, and now possessing Virginia. Looking to possess the Trinity. Has kidnapped Cancer Moon. Has been defeated!

There are other characters, of course, but they'll be added over time.

Other Notes:
(+) = favored towards you
(-) = biased against you
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[X][Church?] But maybe you'd learn to like it, and so should accept this. (Locks this in.) (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)

Eh, the Church benefits people, most of them seemed like pretty nice people, even if Virgo Mercury seems very opinionated. And even then, looking back, she doesn't seem to mind Zarya, but only that she's risking herself and those around her using demon powers. She may have experienced this behaviour in the past, and it ended very badly.
Besides, as Zarya pointed out, there aren't many good jobs that a woman in her position can get. And apart from work in the Church, none of them gives special prospects or social protection.

I'll abstain from another vote now and see what others think about it.
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[x][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)

No way we're getting enslaved again

[X][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[x][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.
[x][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)

[X][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[x][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.
[x][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)

[X][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[x][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.
Linza and Philippos are more neutral about it, but you suspect that they'll support you regardless.

As for you, you're not quite sure how you feel about being freed into Church service.
What issues do Linza and Philippos have with the Church?

As I remember, there are 3 sides, the Church, the Advocates, and the cultists of varying sanity. The cultists are the ones who killed us. The Advocates are the ones who would revoke our freedwoman status. The Church is the ones who freed us for the services rendered.
When the group consisting of yourself, Linza, Philippos, Theodora, the Mystic Priestess Libra Venus, and the Mystic Priestess Capricorn Saturn leave Smyrna after spending several days recovering, the first three of you do so as freedman, conical felt caps in tow. With both the Holy Maiden of Chastity and the Sovereign Priest of Antioch indisposed, authority over the city fell to Capricorn Saturn, who decreed that all slaves who assisted in defending the city were to be freed... which was quite a lot of them, especially when the invaders from Antioch returned for a second attempt. Enough so that they could free other slaves as well, ones who missed out on the battles. This order was enforced with the firm support of the local church and military, and the desires of the slave-masters to keep things as they were meant nothing against the new way of doing things.
Furthermore, if we are giving up personal power, it's best to get some institutional one on your side instead.

All of our allies, temporary or otherwise, are either former slaves or Church figureheads. Even demon-possessed Theodora is one. This just formalizes the deal... at a low, low cost of exorcism and never knowing what the Demon had in mind for us. Even if we find out, we'll still have to part ways.

[x][Church?] But maybe you'd learn to like it, and so should accept this. (Locks this in.) (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)

[x][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[x][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.

Most of our powers are centered around being hard to spot or to harm once anyone does.
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Oct 16, 2022 at 6:12 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
    -[x][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.
    [x][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)
    [X][Church?] But maybe you'd learn to like it, and so should accept this. (Locks this in.) (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon)

vote's closed~!
Death (VII)
Winning vote:
[X][Church?] Well, it's not like this has to be permanent. You're free now. (can change mind later)

[X][Attack!] You went along with the ideas of Cancer Moon and Capricorn Saturn (Gain (+) with Cancer Moon if you aren't already at (+) status) (may write-in further details as desired)
-[X][Attack!] You're a distraction, so that's what you'll focus on. Use your speed to disorient him.

Death (VII)

The plan is set.

You will be a distraction. You, with your ability to speed up your movements at will, will keep the Crab-Man busy and drag him away from his caravan. Then, the bulk of the soldiers will attack him in as a mass, aiming to at least drive him away, if not outright kill him. This way, the others can drive off the soldiers accompanying him and then rescue Theodora.

It's a plan that at least has a chance to work, unlike you trying to fight him head-on. You're no match for him as you are. And with the way things are going, you never will be... but, in truth, that might be a good thing. You've always been ambivalent to your Demon, and while you're not convinced that it's pure evil the way that the Mystic Priestesses do, you'd rather not have to host it any longer than you have to.

Also accompanying you will be Libra Venus. With her song, she'll be able to either aid you or impede the Crab-Man as needed. She even brought up the idea of capturing the Crab-Man as well, but considering both the state of Antioch and his own powers, there is nowhere to keep him contained long enough to actually do the exorcism.

That will have to happen another day.

Tomorrow's plan is set, and so you and Libra Venus accompany the others to her hideout back in Antioch, and go to sleep.




It's still dark when you're awoken, but the dawn breaks as you all get ready and head back out. You, Libra Venus, and 50 (you think) soldiers head out of the city first to get ahead of the Crab-Man, while the others take positions in hiding. There's only one road heading from Antioch to Ephesus, and so it has to be the one they're taking. The soldiers and Libra Venus retreat to take cover, while you stay out by the shore and near the city walls.

As the twilight time passes and the sunrises, not much happens. It's quiet and empty here.

Then, the city gates open, and several horse-drawn wagons comes out.

You can feel the Demonic presence almost instantly... which also means that he can sense yours.

Sure enough, the Crab-Man – in his humanoid form – comes out of one of the wagons and confronts you. "Oh? You again? I believe you were told to leave the city," he notes as he looks around and finds you alone. "I suppose this counts, but we meant for you to go away. So, leave."

"I'm not leaving without Theodora," you retort, trying to project a commanding aura.

...judging by the Crab-Man's laughter, it didn't work. "You already have," he says, amused. "You abandoned her to her fate. You have no right to try and take her back."

"That doesn't matter!" you exclaim. "I'm not leaving her with you!"

"Hmph! I'd like to see you try and take her back," he says, starting to transform into his giant crab form.

You do the same. A small part of you wants to plan from the plan and fight this man for real, but you know that wouldn't work out for you. So, you stick to it.

You pull a large mass of water with you, and start running – not so fast that he can't keep up, but much faster than you normally could. He pulls an even larger mass of water with him, and starts lobbing chunks of it at you! You alternate between dodging his attacks and blocking them with your own mass of water, making it larger. This starts to annoy him, and he follows you further and further, losing track of his men.

And moving closer to yours, invigorated by the song of Libra Venus!

"...!?" He doesn't recognize the song, but he must recognize the singer. "This was a trap, huh?"

You, feeling invigorated as well, fling the blob of water far away, where neither of you can control it any longer. "That's right!" you declare.

Moments later, the soldiers appear and break ranks, charging swords first at the giant enemy crab!

"Ha! This is nothing!" the Crab-Man shouts, eager for a battle and charging at them as well.

He must be quite confident to believe that he can defeat 50 men and you, all charged up by Libra Venus, by himself.

It's not a confidence that's backed up by his performance.

Sure, his armor means that it's hard to actually hurt him. And he does manage to maim plenty of soldiers, and you think he even got a few kills. But between the sheer mass of men and you continuing to draw in his attention, letting them get free shots, he can't push you all back. Indeed, he's the one being pushed back... further and further away from Antioch.

And during this battle, he has a realization.

"...Capricorn Saturn. She must be here! But why!? I thought she would stay in Smyrna!"

"She came with us to take you down!" you declare.

"You...!? Who even are you!?" he yells while swinging at you and missing, enraging him further.

"..." Hmmm...

(How would you like to respond?)
[][Zarya] "That's none of your business! Now, get out of here!"
[][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"
[][Zarya] "I'm Theodora's ally, and I'm not abandoning her!"
[][Zarya] "I'm among the faithful, and we'll end your heresy!"
[][Zarya] (write-in)

"Tch! I underestimated you... but I won't do that next time!"

He then starts to scurry off. Several of the soldiers throw javelins at him, but none of them are killing blows. He'll make it to Ephesus, and recover. You'll have to fight him again.

You'll take him down for good when you do.




The Crab-Man's other soldiers went down fighting, and are all being buried as you, Libra Venus, and the other soldiers return with your own dead to the hideout. You split off from them and make your way to Theodora – even while weakened, her presence is prominent. Sure enough, she was chained up and stored in a coffin, and is in a daze. She doesn't recognize you at all, and growls at you when you come near. Cancer Moon is also there, and says that she has some preparations to make before the exorcism.

In the meantime, she'd like you to help out with something.

[][Antioch] Help with rebuilding the city
[][Antioch] Help with tending to the injured
[][Antioch] Help with training volunteer militia
[][Antioch] Actually, can you help prepare for the exorcism?
[][Antioch] (write-in)

Spiritual Aptitude: 55

QM Note: Character sheet will be updated later.
[X][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"
[X][Antioch] Help with training volunteer militia
[X][Zarya]"Theodora counted herself among the faithful! Do you really think she'd want to go along with your plans!?"
[X][Antioch] Help with tending to the injured
I dunno if the Demon will have anything to say about this but who knows?
[X][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"
[X][Antioch] Help with rebuilding the city
[][Zarya] "I'm among the faithful, and we'll end your heresy!"
Shame we didn't go with the Church, I could've voted for this without reservations. As it is...

[x][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"

I suppose? It's not like it's the cultists who would revoke our status, but we know little about what they want, and most of our interactions with them are negative.
And I can see Zarya fighting for herself and her own future, rather than a higher idea.

[x][Antioch] Actually, can you help prepare for the exorcism?

...sure. It's got to be useful somehow, and we did want to know more of what to expect when it's our turn.
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Oct 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"
    [x][Antioch] Help with rebuilding the city
    [X][Antioch] Help with tending to the injured
    [X][Antioch] Help with training volunteer militia
    [X][Zarya]"Theodora counted herself among the faithful! Do you really think she'd want to go along with your plans!?"
    [x][Antioch] Actually, can you help prepare for the exorcism?
    [X][Zarya] "I'm Theodora's ally, and I'm not abandoning her!"

current tally. vote will close in roughly 24 hours.

edit: and vote closed~!
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Death (VIII)
Winning vote:
[X][Zarya] "I'm Zarya, a free woman! I won't let you change that!"
[X][Antioch] Help with rebuilding the city

Death (VIII)

You briefly consider asking to help with the exorcism, but instead go along with what Cancer Moon wants and go out into the city to help with rebuilding. As you head out, Libra Venus catches up with you and asks you how Theodora is doing.

You shake your head, and talk with her as you both walk into the ruined city. "She's in a bad state. She doesn't even recognize me... Libra Venus, is there anything left of her to save? That exorcism isn't going to kill her, is it?"

Libra Venus doesn't give you an outright yes or no answer. Instead, she tells you to trust in the Mystic Priestess Cancer Moon. With her ability to connect to people's hearts, surely she can shine holy light directly into Theodora's soul and free her from a demon's grasp. You both have to have hope in her.

...she's right, you should. You put the matter out of your mind for now.

As the two of you aimlessly wander around Antioch, you both eventually run into a large group of men laboring amidst the rubble. They're carting it off and using it to build new structures or repair whatever buildings can be repaired, as it's not possible to get fresh stones at the moment. You're regarded with confusion as you walk up to them and ask to help out, until you transform and reveal your gruesome visage. The men are visibly terrified by your bulbous, gelatinous form, tendrils sprouting from wherever is convenient. Your attempts to re-assure them fail, so you let Libra Venus do it while you get to work.

(Cautious is now permanently inactive.)
After a lengthy discussion that you're not privy to, Libra Venus begins to play a song and the men get back to work alongside you... and then go work somewhere else, as your speed and reach means you don't actually need any assistance. You get into a groove and let the hours fly by, alternating between short bursts of demonic labor and longer periods of human rest.

Much later that day, one of the men of the church comes by to direct you and Libra Venus back to Cancer Moon. The time has come for the exorcism, and so your presence is requested.

However, he doesn't take you back to the hideout.

No, he instead takes you to the ruins of the Great Church of Antioch, which was by the coast and canal and so was crushed by the dragon a few days ago. But enough of it has been fixed up that it's now usable as long as it is not raining, and so Cancer Moon will be conducting the exorcism there. You and Libra Venus are led down its length to find that Virgo Mercury and Capricorn Saturn are also present.

Theodora is lain before the uncovered altar, wearing freshly cleaned white robes and rosary beads, unburdened by her chains. She's encircled by lit candles. A pool of water is kept nearby, as is an icon of Christ's face, a face you recognize from your time with Cornelia.

"Zarya, I should have asked you this before you left, but I'll do it now. Do you believe that your Demon would attempt to stop an exorcism?" asked Cancer Moon.

"Hmmm... I don't think so? Not since it's not the target, anyway," you suggest.

Cancer Moon nods. "Excellent. I was just going to have you stay by Theodora's side, but it sounds like you can do that and recite prayers with us."

You blink, confused. "Uhh... will that work? I'm not faithful like you."

"No, but you have a better grasp on who Theodora is than the rest of us. I need you to focus on her soul and try to keep it tethered to this world. I suppose we could have Libra Venus do that instead, but her songs will also be handy."

Well, you can't deny that. Libra Venus had been a wonderful companion.

You follow Cancer Moon's directions and take a seat behind Theodora's head. Her feet are pointed towards the alter so she can face it. You put your hands on her head. She weakly growls and paws at you, but lacks the strength to attack you for real. Oh Theodora... she'll be back to normal soon.

The four Mystic Priestesses are in a circle around you. Libra Venus has begun playing a song, and the others sing and pray in concord with her, Cancer Moon taking the lead. At first, nothing happens, but slowly and then all at once, you start to feel another presence emerge from inside the circle. It feels soft and light. It feels like cascading light.

The demonic presence inside Theodora then immediately intensifies! However, her body is weak and betrays her. She can't fight back!

You feel the presence inside you intensify as well, but just like with the dragon, it seems like it just wants to observe what's going on. Your blobby arms press Theodora down into the floor. She uselessly struggles against you as the holy presence fills the space around her.

You join in the prayers as directed by Cancer Moon.




You do not remember how long the exorcism takes, nor do you remember falling asleep. But you've woken up on a clear day next to Theodora, not far from the holy circle. Looking at far, she seems frail and thin... did it work? She's not dead, is she...?

You reach over and touch her. Her skin is warm. She's breathing. She has a pulse.

She's alive!

You breathe a sigh of relief, and wait for her to awaken. As you do, the other Mystic Priestesses arrive, gowned in their holy attire.

"Ugh... ahhh..."

Theodora's voice is weak. It's like she's barely present in her own body.

She opens her eyes and you stare in horror as they're still lizard-like and bright green, despite her not having any demonic (or spiritual for that matter) presence at all. Is this your fault!? Virgo Mercury glares at you and looks like she wants to yell, but Cancer Moon bids her to stop.

Theodora is looking straight at you. "Zar... ya?" she mutters, confused.

You smile at her, tears at the corners of your eyes. "Yes, Theodora. It's me. Welcome back."




(Zarya would spend the next few days alternating between helping Theodora recover and helping with rebuilding Antioch. Looks like when the Demon was removed, it took a lot of Theodora with it and left a little bit of itself behind. The other Mystic Priestesses would also take care of Theodora, including two visitors: Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars. During that time, Libra Venus decides the time has come for her to head out. But where is she going?)
[][Libra Venus] Over towards Thyatira, stopping by Smyrna first, to take down the Holy Maiden of Charity!
[][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[][Libra Venus] To Sardis, to connect with the Holy Maiden of Humility and work with her to defeat the two known demons!

(Wherever she goes, she will be joined by Scorpio Mars, as Aries Mars will stay in Antioch to be with her friend Theodora. Her presence is very helpful for Theodora's recovery. During this time, Zarya will gain access to her fifth spell. What shall it be? Choose one from the spoiler below. Note: if you choose to go along with the exorcism, this will be the last spell you can learn.)

  • Hydration (manipulation of already existing water)
  • Amorphization (transition of body shape between human and ???)
  • Differentiation (able to generate eyes, limbs, and organs at will)
  • Dissolution (split apart into a mass of bubbles)
  • Momentum (enhanced movement speed)
  • Signaling / Camouflage (change coloration at will)
  • Strength (able to withstand higher stresses)
  • Oxidation (able to directly intake oxygen via skin)
  • Antifreeze (improved ability to withstand cold)
  • Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)

Spiritual Aptitude: 55
QM Note: No update next week! Character sheet also updated.
[X][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[X] Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
What was the plotline regarding Temperance? Why are we trying to ensure her safety?

[x] Signaling / Camouflage (change coloration at will)

We are doing good work as a scout/infiltrator. Keep it up.
[X][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[X] Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)
[X][Libra Venus] Far away towards Laodicea... we need to make sure that the Holy Maiden of Temperance is safe!
[X] Kryation (manipulation of already existing ice)