Squishing Squigs
The Hulk launched himself up, but only in a short hop, aiming for the centre of the swarm. Some of the creatures seemed to spot him while he was still in the air, looking up, but it was still too late. He landed hard, crushing them under his weight, popping them like balloons.

Others were launched away, crashing into their fellows. Almost as one, the creatures turned, looking with piggy eyes at the monster that had appeared in their midst. Hulk expected them to run - all puny creatures did - but instead they howled and leapt at him, teeth bared. Hulk watched, almost amused, as they clammed their jaws onto his limbs, teeth struggling to cut open his tough skin. He found it less amusing when one took a flying leap and attached itself to his face.

Roaring in anger, Hulk pulled the face-eater off and used him to lash out. His other hard tore off the other creatures, sometimes sinking his fingers into their rubbery skin and ripping them apart, leaving their jaws still relentlessly hanging on.

"Oy! 'Oo da heff du youz tink youz are?" The Hulk saw that the herder was apparching, their large mount barging past its smaller fellows. The herder, Hulk realized, had green skined, and was wearing dirty leather clothes. Across their body were numerous instruments of pain; leather whips, metal brands and rusty knives. In their hands was a long pole, with a metal pincer on the end, that they thrusted towards the Hulk. "No git gets to rustle Longhook's squigs an'," - with his free hand Hulk grabbed the pole, below the pincer - "oh zog."

With a heave, Hulk pulled the pole towards and over himself. The herder came with it, still holding on, and was thrown over Hulk's shoulder, finally letting go and landing harshly in the swarm, which quickly jumped on them. Their mount, suddenly riderless, charged at the Hulk, who slammed the pole pincer first into it. It forced the creature down, metal being pushed into the sand. The beast, pinned to the floor and bleeding from it's stubby neck, still thrashed and snarled. So Hulk stepped on its head, crushing it.

Finally the smaller creatures were getting the message; keeping just out of Hulk reach, leaping forward when he turned away from them to snap at his heels. Idly kicking one into the air, Hulk looked over to where the herder had landed to see them pushing out of the swarm atop them, creatures rolling away with blackish blood pouring from wounds. "Roight den, I'is proper pissed uff!" In one hand they held a blocky handgun, while in the other was a wicked looking knife, which they pointed threateningly at the Hulk. "I'is gonna skin ya 'nd make a tent from ya!"

Hulk has attacked, and found them wanting. What will he do now? (Feel free to write in your own idea)

[] Keep fighting
Hulk will keep up the attack until everything is dead, or has run off.

[] Kill the Herder, then leave
The swarming creatures aren't much of a threat, but this one is. Finish him off.

[] Leave
There's not much point to this fight. The Hulk will simply jump away

Thoughts so far?
[X] Leave

[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
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[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"

I guess Banner subconsciously says that to him. I am curious when Hulk goes to sleep, he meets Banner inside his head.
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[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .ork"

I guess Banner subconsciously says that to him. I am curious when Hulk goes to sleep, he meets Banner inside his head.
Reword the vote a bit, primarily removing ork as Hulk doesn't know what they are yet, and I'll allow it. Certainly one way to start his own klan.

Also Banner may or may not appear, currently however he is "asleep" in Hulk's subconscious
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"

Can't help but imagine that due to the Hulk being pretty orky himself that he may be able to be accepted as one of the Orks and even become a Warboss.
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[x] Keep Fighting

Why the hell would I want to read anything else?
To be fair the option of just slapping the Orc means that it likely that we may end up in control of the local Orks. Which is honestly a lot more interesting than just keeping fighting since while fighting is fun fighting solely for the sake of fighting seems like it would get boring not long after.

At the least having a goal makes things more interesting. Personally hoping that we can start Hulk's career as an honorary Ork Warboss by taking over these guys. After that we can hopefully start our journey of becoming the most powerful warboss in the entire galaxy. A goal that would have us fighting plenty of other Orks.
To be fair the option of just slapping the Orc means that it likely that we may end up in control of the local Orks. Which is honestly a lot more interesting than just keeping fighting since while fighting is fun fighting solely for the sake of fighting seems like it would get boring not long after.

At the least having a goal makes things more interesting. Personally hoping that we can start Hulk's career as an honorary Ork Warboss by taking over these guys. After that we can hopefully start our journey of becoming the most powerful warboss in the entire galaxy. A goal that would have us fighting plenty of other Orks.
I don't know why the hulk would talk to any of these green weirdos. Maybe humans he would just ignore but green aliens trying to kill him. No talk just smash and bash.
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
IDK this guys annoying but he really does not feel like much a credible threat to us right now. Like I mean he could be eventually if we just stood there but I doubt he will be much of one with four or more long bones broken.
Vote Closed
Scheduled vote count started by Dragonofelder on Oct 19, 2022 at 1:29 PM, finished with 16 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
    [x] Keep Fighting
    [X] Kill the Herder, then leave
    [X] Leave
    [X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"
    [X] Leave

Looks like someone is getting slapped silly. Hopefully the Hulk will start to learn what's going on around here...
Smack Talk
[X] Hulk slaps him across his face, not enough to kill him but to show that he is stronger, he then says: "You better tell me where am I or I will kill ya puny green. . .thing"

At this point, the Hulk was more annoyed than angry at the herder. He began to stomp in their direction, pushing aside the creatures that tried to bite him, ignoring the bullets plinking off his chest from the herder's gun. Once he was close enough, he reached out, grabbed the herder by their leather shirt and slapped them.

"You better tell me where I am or I will kill you, puny green.. thing"

The herder blinked stars from their eyes, but just smiled, letting out a harsh laugh. "Huh, yu tink youz a tuff git? I bin kicked by squigs 'arder den dat!"

Hulk slapped them a few more, shaking them for good measure. "Talk," he growled, bringing the herder up to his face so they were nose to… nose?

"Allroight, allroight!" the herder cried, holding up his hands. "I'll talk. We'ze in The Big Sand."

…Hulk waited for more, but the herder just looked at him fearfully. "And what is Big Sand," Hulk asked.

"Wel, its a lotta sand, innit?"

Hulk shook him again. "What is planet called!"

"I dunno, no one tells me anythink!"

Suddenly tired by this conversation, Hulk dropped them, stepping back so he could peer down. "What are you?"

Now the herder looked confused. "Iz an ork, arnt I?" They got to their feet, brushing off sand, before puffing out their chest. "I iz Longhook, Squig Runtherd!" He cast a wide arm over the surrounding creatures, which had apparently grown bored of attacking something that didn't care enough to fight back. "Dis is me herd," he said proudly, "I raized dem, from sprout to beast, all on me own. Dint need 'elp from gretchin or snotlings, not like the uther boys"

"There are more of you?" Hulk asked.

"Uh yeah, lots! All da Naw-Teef Clan." He waved a hand in a seemingly random direction. "Parrently ol' Bigtoof - ee's our Warboss - pissed off Da Big Boss, so we got dropped ere while all da uther warbands got to go foight on er… da uther wurld." Longhook shrugged, "Dit's not all bad. We still gets to krump sum -"

The Orks of the Naw-Teef Warband are engaged with a foe, but who? Keep in mind this will be the main enemy for the current "arc", including once you get off this world and join the main WAAAAGH!

[ ] "- blue fishy bois. Shame dey keep runnin."
A Tau Hunter Cadre is holding the world.

[ ] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."
A large Tyranids swarm is present on the world, objectives unknowable.

[ ] "- bionik humies. Dey's got a lotta scrap tu take."
A Cohort of Mechanicus Skitarii are guarding installations.

Only three options, don't want to bring in any other factions yet.

Also the Ork accent will be the death of me.
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[x] "- bionik humies. Dey's got a lotta scrap tu take."
A Cohort of Mechanicus Skitarii are guarding installations.

Fun fact: Skitarii are not infrequently deployed with Gamma weaponry.
[X] "- buggies. Lotts ta go round."
A large Tryranid swarm is present on the world, objectives unknowable.

Tryranids. Better than Tyranids. I'm interested in them. Plus, they're so similar to Orks in the term of being biological weapons and having an incredible capacity for breeding, any battle between them is one to be remembered.
[X] "- bionik humies. Dey's got a lotta scrap tu take."
A Cohort of Mechanicus Skitarii are guarding installations.

Gamma weapon interests me, but I won't complain if something different is chosen.