Bloody Evolution (RWBY / LoR)

I think that we are playing a slightly evil character, and we have a missable orphan on hand that we could experiment with.

Naron already put a big explanation on *evil* actions like that when I complained on white knighting, using said orphan is neither effective nor efficient, contrarily to using a random, she is important to those around us, meaning her death would affect them negatively, she has no experience in aura, meaning that she is more likely to not have it work if it's more difficult than normal and trying to risk her for nothing might even have Binah refuse if she decides that she is more interested in keeping her alive to see what she can become.
...we're talking about the same Binah right? The one that got herself killed because she decided to
pressure Daniel into releasing all the abnormalities
instead of just killing him? Binah might not be stupid, but she definitely prioritises 'interesting' over 'safe' or 'efficient'.
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...we're talking about the same Binah right? The one that got herself killed because she decided to pressure Daniel into releasing all the abnormalities instead of just killing him? Binah might not be stupid, but she definitely prioritises 'interesting' over 'safe' or 'efficient'.

And she got killed for it, something tells me she probably learned from it, also, we are here to nudge, might as well do some nudging.

And if you want interesting, Wallflower's reasoning about Taiyang is way more compelling to me than hypotheticals about Ash.
And I don't really think binah would really let Ash should do it either. She see ash as something more interesting than just a rock that she will throw away by the end of the day.
Long term entertainment is more interesting than a 5min pop.
...we're talking about the same Binah right? The one that got herself killed because she decided to
pressure Daniel into releasing all the abnormalities
instead of just killing him? Binah might not be stupid, but she definitely

Yeah, we are talking about BINAH.

Not GARION. Stupid.

Just doing a little drawing of a certain lookalike.

Freaking peak. If u modify it a bit, Naron can prob us it as the art for Ash.
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you people, so unfun.
anyways which member of Ozpin's circle do you think we could turn the easiest, lion hearts a coward but he'd probably also betray us in a heartbeat, and while Iron-wood is probably the most loyal his loyalty is dependent on him believing ozpin to be a credible and effective induvidual.
anyways which member of Ozpin's circle do you think we could turn the easiest, lion hearts a coward but he'd probably also betray us in a heartbeat, and while Iron-wood is probably the most loyal his loyalty is dependent on him believing ozpin to be a credible and effective induvidual.
We don't want any of the people in Ozpin's circle.
Maybe Ironwood, but even then hes uneeded.

But if it's difficulty, the effort required to turn any of them outside of the Cowardly cat is too large. We could probably convince Ironwood to cooperate, but thats it.
anyways which member of Ozpin's circle do you think we could turn the easiest

I'm more interested to see if Naron made Hazel into something that doesn't need help to do basic tasks, like breathing, he was a far more interesting and mysterious character before they decided to show what's in his head and we heard the wind going through the empty space in it.

Watts might also be possible to turn, he seems to want revenge on Ironwood from what I gathered and I'm sure we can provide.
Why do we want a bunch of Incompetent moron that can't even see through the plot of a teenager or give better security for the CCT tower?
Yes, I know convincing Ironwood could be helpful for our future goals, but why do we want him? Atlas military? Yeah, Every single gun they have can be turned into scrap metal with a single snap of our finger, simply unlock their mechanism and everything go kaboom.
And I don't really want a lawful good judging our every move because he don't likey.
Besides, taking aparts the innercircle of Salem is much more rewarding and funnier.