I'm picking an option that will guaranteed be interesting.
It is far from guaranteed to be interesting.
Ok, since people really want Ash for some reasons, let me put my analysis of what scenario we have for her doing it:
-Best case scenario: Ash do have some special interactions with the abnormalities, great, except we can, you know, have her do the aura awakening AFTER checking if it creates problems, it's not like there are three other sisters or anything...
-Most likely cases: She just unlock their auras, same result as if we ask everyone else. Or, the abnos' auras can't be unlocked normally and require some effort, in which case going for someone with actual experience in doing it is more likely to help than asking the civilian doing her first job. Could also simply be impossible to unlock their aura, in which case who we got doesn't matter anyway, so might as well prepare for the others.
-Worst cases (not that probable, but you never know): The awakening is actually dangerous, now, if it ask for a battle via souls, we might want a professional to do it so that they can mitigate the effects better, instead of, you know,
the civilian with no experience.
Absolute worst case (very, very low proba, almost inexistent but included for the sake of completeness): This was an horrible idea in the first place and result in an insta-kill, in this scenario, who do you want to lose, the important character or the extra we got just for this? Because I doubt the voters would be happy if it was the important character, which means that asking Roman for a pawn is just a guarantee against big losses, not likely ones, but we can prepare for it, might as well, it costs us nothing.
Most of these don't benefit from having Ash do it and the only one that does can simply be done later.