Da Strongest Dere Iz! (Marvel/40K)
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Marvel's Incredible Hulk meets 40K's Orks, what's not to love?

(Slow Posting)
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Da Start
A Pit Of My Own Making
The Hulk was angry. He had been tricked. Betrayed. The ship that was meant to bring him home had instead sent him away, flying into the depths of space. Ignoring their self-righteous prattle, their harsh reasoning, he raged against the world, breaking metal beneath his fists. A screen flashed some warning before he broke that too, screaming his anger into the depths of space. Ahead he saw some great maw, a portal opening to unknown regions. He didn't care about it. He was just angry.

The ship fell through the portal and was instantly surrounded by chaos, as whirling gasses and explosive lights all collapsed together under the pull of gravity. Intelligences dwelled there, large and small, eternal and momentary, and they were all drawn to the craft by the pure rage it carried. They hummed about it, seeking passage inside, before they scattered at the coming of a greater entity. A large hand grasped the ship, and two sets of eyes inspected it. Apparently pleased by what it saw, it drew back its arm and with strength beyond reckoning threw the ship, far far through the mists of time….

He was still screaming as the void outside turned from chaos to stars. Close by, and rapidly getting closer, was an orb of green and yellow and blue. But the Hulk paid attention to none of that. He was still angry. As the ship's hull began to glow with heat, its journey almost complete, the Hulk wondered how many people he would have to smash to finally have some peace.

Welcome to my first narrative quest, as you might be able to tell you'll be following the Incredible Hulk in the 41st Millennium. I'll be keeping the dice rolls and mechanics to a minimum. You'll have control of a lot; how the Hulk acts and fights, and who he's meeting and fighting. Sometimes though I might already have an idea of how something will go, so we'll have to see how it plays out.

Hulk will be meeting the first of his fellow greenskins shortly, but first I want to ask; how do you want me to write this? First person or third person?

[] First Person
[] Second Person
[] Third Person

(Edit: Forgot to mention, I want this quest to be fairly fast-paced, so the vote will end tomorrow and the next part will be posted hopefully quickly)
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Character Sheet
Name: Hulk

Other Names/Titles:
  • Big
  • Big Boy
Rage: Simmering

Won't Like Me When I'm Angry - Get bigger and stronger the angrier you get
Puny Banner (Repressed) - He's in there, somewhere
Visionary - Has heard the laughter of thirsting gods.

Pants, Purple - Getting more torn by the day
Bug Sword (Bone Sword) - torn from the body of large Bug. It previously crackled with strange energy, but is now inert.
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[x] Third Person

This looks fun. A little surprised that Second Person ("you do X") isn't one of the options, though.
You sit down and begin typing your write-in vote. [X] Second Person.

16 characters, often the advocate of the creative path realized that might not be allowed, so as a backup option they also reluctantly cast an additional vote. [X] Third Person

Great NQ idea, hopefully I'll get to see more of it when I have more time :)
Bruce might be big and green bust is he Orky enough to lead a waagh? Will he want too? Only time will tell!
A little surprised that Second Person ("you do X") isn't one of the options, though.
I'm not sure about writing that way, but on second thoughts I'll add it as an option
You sit down and begin typing your write-in vote. [X] Second Person.

16 characters, often the advocate of the creative path realized that might not be allowed, so as a backup option they also reluctantly cast an additional vote. [X] Third Person
You need to put votes on their own line otherwise they won't count.
[X] Third Person

Nice, I will be curious how it will go. I am curious what happens when Hulk connects with WAAAGH field.
You are correct. I do not know why I keep forgetting about how that formatting works.
[X] Second Person.
[X] Third Person

Question: Why 40k specifically, aren't warhammer greenskins found in all 4 warammer settings similar to the way Deamons are found in all of them?
Yeah I guess I can understand liking something like the Shokk Attack Gun over the Snotling pump wagon, or a snazz gun compared to a Choppa, similarly thematic ideas but pumped up to 11.

Besides having a cool head at least sometimes I think is required for playing bloodbowl and having surviving teamates at the end of it, which may be a bit of an ask for a character built on something like steroidal rage as a mechanic.

I guess my main gripe with 40k is that I find Tyranids and Imperials a less interesting swarm factions compared with things like Ghoul Courts or Skaven Clans. Honestly they've improved on that on both fronts with Genestealer Cults though because those are allowed to have some personality.
I still think 40k is an incredibly rich setting with a ton of potential.
Vote Closed
The Hulk crawled out of the crashed ship, unscathed, onto hot sand. His rage was hot as well, but this was a simmering anger, the kind that would last for a long time. He climbed to his feet, idly brushing off sand as he looked around. The ship had come to rest at the bottom of a dune, after carving a furrow into the landscape. He was in a desert then. Good. He'd spent most of his "life" in the desert, hiding from pursuers. Maybe he'd find solitude here…

Suddenly Hulk jerked his head to the side. He could hear noises, coming from over the dunes and growing louder. Whatever it was, some part of him knew it would be people, likely drawn by the crashing ship, and the smoke still billowing from it. They'd be here soon. He growled, angry that his peace was over before it could even begin.

How will the Hulk react to whatever comes over the dune?
[] Attack!
The Hulk knows violence better than anything else, and that's not going to change anytime soon. Whoever is coming, they probably want to fight him as well; why not preempt them?

[] Hide
However the Hulk also, most of the time, just wants to be left alone. If he runs, he'll likely be spotted in the bare desert, but he could hide inside the ship, and observe.

[] Wait
The Hulk is aware that he's likely on an alien world, and aliens can be weird. Maybe they're friendly? If he waits in plain sight, he can gauge their reaction to him

What comes over the dune?
[] Some kind of open-back truck, seemingly made entirely from scrap metal. In the are a group of large figures, clad in black, waving sharp weapons and wildly firing heavy looking pistols into the air. On the front of the truck, painted in black, is a leering horned face.

[] A trio of low motorbikes, each unique, wildly swerving around, their riders whooping and howling. Each have large guns are attached to the front, while at the back are a collection of totems and banners, including a tusked red face surrounded by spikes.

[] A heavy tracked vehicle, with some kind of jagged claw arm attached to the back. There is hardly a free surface without a metal spike or some kind of weapon, and raised on the back is a massive cannon. The yellow armor plates are covered by depictions of a grinning crescent face.

[] A swarm of red, round, multi-eyed creatures that seem more like mouths on legs, with sharp looking teeth. Smaller ones, almost dog-like with large ears and extended noses, run around them, driving them forwards. At the back is a figure riding a larger, four legged version, with a flag pole attached to his saddle, showing a green snake on brown.

[] A low lying vehicle, more like a box on tracks. It's clearly seen heavy combat then being repaired, plates haphazardly welded on. Weapons bristle almost everywhere, including a heavy weapon on top next to a hatch. On the front is painted a blue skull on a white background.

[] A dozen or so figures, slowly making their way down the dune, disturbingly quiet; if it wasn't for the Hulk's excellent hearing, he'd never have heard them in the first place. They carry a bewildering amount of explosives and knives, and one holds a banner emblazoned with two red axes under a white skull.

Sorry this took longer than expected, had a busy weekend. Next update we'll really be getting stuck into things.
-[X] Attack!
-[X] A swarm of red, round, multi-eyed creatures that seem more like mouths on legs, with sharp looking teeth. Smaller ones, almost dog-like with large ears and extended noses, run around them, driving them forwards. At the back is a figure riding a larger, four legged version, with a flag pole attached to his saddle, showing a green snake on brown.

I admit it. I have a problem.
I see the option to bash and smash dozens of tiny animals, and I just can't help myself.
Ah, so it's which Clan the Hulk runs into first? Well, I've always had an appreciation for squigs and Snakebites, so let's make a good first impression.

[X] Wait
[X] A heavy tracked vehicle, with some kind of jagged claw arm attached to the back. There is hardly a free surface without a metal spike or some kind of weapon, and raised on the back is a massive cannon. The yellow armor plates are covered by depictions of a grinning crescent face.