Voting is open
2.10.2 I Have No Arrows
You followed after Yumeno, up a fire escape on a residence tower near KickStand, while the world retreated beneath you. "Uh… Why are we going up?"

Her only response was to giggle and waggle the push broom in her hands.

"Wh— hold on, we're not actually getting on that thing, are we?" You paused. "For one thing I'm pretty sure I'd break it just trying to sit on it."

"Oh? You're welcome to try once we get to the roof."

"Are we even allowed up there?" you asked. One thing to realize that breaking away from the rules was necessary, another thing to break them frivolously.

"Pfft. If anyone asks, we're there to check on the weather station. Not that we'll be there long, you know?"

"I'm starting to realize how you fit in with the other delinquents."

Yumeno cackled as she opened the emergency exit to the roof and it didn't make a sound. "You think they're delinquents? The entire lot of them? This should be good."

"I mean, sure. You think nothing of hanging around dangerous places. Asamiya is an underage drinker. Morisawa clearly had to balance her life in a strange way. Kisaragi regularly carries weapons on her person." You put your hands behind your head in a boyish way. "Not that I don't fit in, with my own late night adventures."

Yumeno handed you her broom, and you leaned on it experimentally. To all appearances, it was just a normal push broom, and you handed it back, interested to see how in the world she was going to turn it into something comfortable for two people that needed to go to the roof.

She held it balanced on her two hands, gripping it only with the thumbs.

You heard her chant, balanced against the electric hum of the air conditioning units and the electric buzz of the transformers.

"O star am I!
"I who am light call to its Key,
She pulled her hands away, and buoyed by some invisible force that scattered the dust of the roof, the push broom hung in the air of its own accord as Yumeno continued.
"Uphold ancient pact, star of my star, heart of my heart!
"Come forth in form suited for my travels.
"Wind Star! Wing Star!"

As soon as she finished and all at once, the push-broom changed to a midnight blue monstrosity of a witch's broomstick, as much formed of light and midnight as it was relatively comfortable seating.

Wings of shining sky blue sprouted from the back of it and you took a step back to avoid getting smacked in the face.

"So, uh…" You walked around the transformed broomstick. Somehow, these transformations still put in you a sense of awe and envy. Why couldn't you be like that? Why did your life have to be so difficult? These girls all had incredible transformations and magical skill, and here you were with a bad wardrobe and a sassy ghost friend.

I am a fucking delight, and so are you! Asura-chan immediately said, proving your point.

"You, uh, usually take this in to class?"

"Oh, no. I don't have a parking space yet, that waitlist is quite long." Yumeno winked. "Want to take a quick pass over your apartment?"

"— I suppose we can't really stick out more than we already will, huh…" You say, after a moment, and then hesitantly mount the broomstick.

When she sat astride it, the wind suddenly picked up, the wings behind you flexed, and the entire thing lifted off directly from under your seat. You hung on to Yumeno for dear life, barely resisting the urge to yelp out loud.

There was nothing between you and the ground. There was nothing between you and the ground and for a long, sickening moment you both hang in the air, weightless and falling as you wonder why in the world you agreed to this, until the wings caught the air, and the winds buoyed you, and suddenly you were floating ten stories up and rising, keeping low enough to the ground that you can see the warning lights on the buildings whizzing by.

The wind teased and flapped your ninja scarf but stayed out of your face.

You bury your face into Yumeno's back. You wondered why she was so much taller than you. Her back stiffened for a moment. Were you gripping her too tightly? Was she disgusted? You tried to arrange yourself to touch her less.

"Where to?" Yumeno asked.

You blinked. "What?"

"I don't know where you live, silly."

"— OH RIGHT, uh—" You reached for your phone, but realized that even if you knew where it was in your dumb ninja suit, it was still dead. "Uh, maybe we should try tomorrow morning, I've never seen it from the air."

"— Ah, right, your phones aren't charged anymore…" Yumeno leaned forward, and twisted her wrists on the neck of the broom and the entire thing accelerated, shoving you backward into your seat.

Just how did it keep you from falling off the back!? You didn't know and on second thought, maybe it wasn't worth asking.

She turned and your heart leapt up in your throat. You held on tighter, felt the tug of the scarf as the wind captured it. She was going even faster, to the north, into the mountains, over the great furrows and wild cedar that marked the last fight of two titans whose name escaped you, a battle fought before you were born whose scars still lived on. "Is that a… Golf club house?"

"It was," Yumeno said, and you realized just how little wind there was, no matter how fast you were actually going, that you could hear her easily.

"What is it now?"

"A memory."

She tilted the broom low over the trees, so low that you could feel the tops of the trees on the tips of your toes. The setting sun was to your right. What that must have looked like to anyone able to see?

But soon enough, the trees thinned. No, they were a pattern now. From the air you could see three diamond-shapes of trees, with enough space between each to hold a coop or a shed, and indeed, you did spot one up a little further. But what held your attention was the house in the center.

It was a little larger than you had ever supposed a wilderness cabin would be, with a stone oven on one side, and windows that seemed to glow from within. Here and there, a twig shot off from the whole, growing leaves that shaded the eaves and overhangs, deep green and dark and vibrant.

"It's not quite done yet," she said, "But it's very livable."

The two of you alit on the channel between the middle line of trees and the inner, and now you saw that each line of trees was shading a large, linear mound, which went up to Yumeno's shoulder and had an array of herbs and ground plants with so many varieties of vegetable and bean that you wondered just how long Yumeno had been at this. An unseen gap in the trees wide enough for a person to walk through provided a perfect way into Yumeno's front door, and she casually picked up her push-broom and waved you in with a wink.

This was the lay of Yumeno's house:

In the entryway was a small stepping area, meant for inclement conditions, and set on the side was a panel formed of yellowish light; Yumeno put the push-broom into it, and waved you further in, calling out, "I've come back," to some as-yet unseen person.

You nodded, and finally let out the breath you'd been holding.

The place was very built-to-purpose, and that purpose was, apparently, holding lots of knick-knacks and giving plenty of places to lay around. Sextants hung from the wall, and a telescope pointed out the window, carefully capped. Jars full of carefully labeled herbs solved the mystery you never asked about how Asamiya had a supply of herbs to use. The smell of medicine and spice hung in the air.

[Detective] Still, there were little hints everything here wasn't as it seemed. The bright light of a spring afternoon seemed to filter in from above, but you knew for a fact that from outside there was a solid roof. The labels were oddly vibrant, like they were ready to leap away from the jars and tell you all about their contents. As for pots, pans, dirty dishes, there were none, not even so much as something drying. The kitchen range was odd as well, a matte black construction with no visible controls. One room in particular seemed to be a dedicated surgery, complete with examination tables and doctor's tools, many of whom you were unfamiliar with.

Yumeno pulled up a soft cushion which she sat in heavily, barefoot and exuding calm.

You forgot you were wearing armor again and sat in a cushion next to her, jangling uncomfortably.

[Armor-Piercing Blow] You felt it, instinctively, as you let your breath heave out, as the weight of your armor pressed on you. This place was a bulwark-- incredibly defensible, unless you wanted to break it. Or at least, safer than anything you'd ever seen before. The dozens of defenses and redundancies made themselves clear to you.

Like… Constellations, twinkling and covering for each other.

It was beautiful.

You felt your chains rattle in fury. It was the only warning you got.
[X] (Tragic) Love That Cannot Be: "I will have to marry Ichigo, and can afford no love."
[Face Danger +Hard+Star Magic+1: 5+3+2+1 (10) vs 7, 10 weak hit]
[You mark 1 XP, 3XP.]

The tug on your hands was first, then the chains wrapped about your arms and legs, yanking you upright. Heels together, legs hobbled, arms behind your back in a classic restraint.

The apology fell from your lips before you could stop it. "I'm sorry, I have to leave—"

"Torioi!?" Yumeno snapped her fingers and the push-broom appeared in her hands.

Of course there was a contingency for this. How could there not be?

How could you be safe?

You would never be safe.

And yet.

And yet, you were still here. There were things you could do. To make Yumeno safe. To make yourself safe.

"Yumeno, get away—" you growled, as you felt the chains crawl up your arms, making their way towards your throat. "Asura-chan!?"

I'm trying, would you actually PULL!?

You strained, but the chains held you largely fast; leverage-- as always-- proving itself the greatest ally and enemy you had. You had to endure, and hope that either leaving the house, or something Yumeno could do, would put a stop to this.

"COME FORTH!" Yumeno's shout roused you, briefly, and even more so when a leaf-shaped blade formed of starlight appeared in her hand, which she used to cut between your arms in a way that would be murderous if you weren't armored. "PURIFYING BLOW!"

All at once, you were freed. You wanted to sit in a corner and cry, but you were freed.

Still shaking, still slumped into the floor, you opened your mouth. "They'll curse you too, you know."

Yumeno shook her head and took you into her arms, all at once. The blade dropped onto the floor and scattered in a sound like tinkling chimes and the sussurus of wind through the grass, leaving the push-broom to clatter to the floor. "I don't care. I refuse to see you suffer because I did nothing, especially in my house!"

YUMENO SAKURA [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

For a moment you shook like a leaf in her arms. The armor separating you from her felt awful, but it wasn't like you could change it back. It felt so heavy.

Your chains felt so heavy.

Everything felt so heavy.

You just... wanted to sleep.
[-1 Stress, 1/5.]

"… So when you're ready, I think I know how to get rid of that armor."

You shook your head into her chest. Your arms went around her, and you held on for a minute. You were... so very tired. "… Yes?"

"Take it off."

-- what!?

What do we do?
[ ] Can we just... Sleep. Please. (Hearten, but kick both cans down the road.)
[ ] Refuse categorically. (Risky Resolve-based solution.)
[ ] Thoughtlessly obey it as if it were a command. (You're not sure what would happen if you do this, but you're tempted to by sheer gremlin energy.)
[ ] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)
[ ] [PATHSHAPER] It's obvious that you never should have come here. (Risky expedition solution, with the objective of losing Yumeno in her own forest. Immediately Test Your Relationship.)

Write-ins allowed, but keep in mind: It has been maybe four hours since Kazue dissolved in front of us, and anything we do is going to be colored by that loss.

Vote closes Saturday.
Oh so that's why everybody fears Yumeno.

It's way late for this but votes, yay! Uhhhhhhhhhh i don't know what i want.
...I mean, early thoughts i don't want to Pathfinder or Hearten. We should probably just solve this now methinks.

Apart from that... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No clue, i'll sleep on it.
We are so very tired, which I feels discounts the last option. Even if we wanted to, I don't think it's feasible. And while that may make option 1 seem like the most likely, it's one I'm not interested in. We've kicked a few too many cans down the road as it is. Same reason for discounting option 2, really.

This leaves option 3 and 4, and while I'm always for gremlin energy induced through sheer mental/emotional/physical exhaustion, we've grown so close to Asura-chan that I want to see how much further we can take that.

[X] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)
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[X] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)
[X] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)
[X] Thoughtlessly obey it as if it were a command. (You're not sure what would happen if you do this, but you're tempted to by sheer gremlin energy.)

though I'm also fine with the Asura-chan option
[X] Thoughtlessly obey it as if it were a command. (You're not sure what would happen if you do this, but you're tempted to by sheer gremlin energy.)

My reasoning is in the text of the vote.
Ok, finally made up my mind. I've been playing ffxiv sooo....

[X] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)

And besides, acting like a delinquent can only improve this situation!
2.10 vote closed

Scheduled vote count started by Fabricati on Sep 29, 2022 at 3:30 PM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] [Asura-chan 6+, Stress 1-] We're literally safe enough that the only thing that can reach us is the curse. Let me take over. (Risky Rapport-based solution, puts Asura-chan in charge of our body.)
    [X] Thoughtlessly obey it as if it were a command. (You're not sure what would happen if you do this, but you're tempted to by sheer gremlin energy.)
2-11 Life's Too Short To Dance By Yourself
We decided to let Asura-chan take the lead.
Let me take over.


We're safe here. The curse had to act to make us not safe. Let me take over!

You paused. Nodded. Closed your eyes, and hoped she wouldn't let you down.
[Secure an Advantage +Rapport+Asura-chan: 3+3+1 vs 4, 1 STRONG HIT]
ASURA-CHAN [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] [ ][ ][ ]

For a moment, you felt entirely disconnected from your body. You could still feel what it felt, you could still hear what it heard, saw what it saw, but it was definitely no longer you in there.


"Hm?" Yumeno looked down into your eyes, even as Asura-chan looked up, smiling, hands letting go of her cloak and reaching for a lapel grip and a confrontational, cocky grin.

"It's not every day a hot girl asks you to take off your clothes, you know?" Asura-chan tilted your head. "And honestly with everything that happened today, I just want to drown in someone and forget."

And you knew that to be true, as much as you didn't want to admit it. The temptation to let the hurt get assuaged with others— albeit not in the way Asura-chan was thinking— was intense.

The first thing she pulled off was her— your— weird ninja scarf, not even watching as it dropped to the floor, not even wincing like you did as the tools within clattered to the floor. The mask was next, and then the hat, letting your hair fall all about your shoulders without a thought.
[Face Danger +Rapport+Asura-chan: 6+3+1 vs 5, 2 STRONG HIT]

Asura-chan started to pull at the laces behind your back, laces you hadn't even realized were there before she started to doggedly work unsecuring them. The muffled jingle of chainmail as the riveted rings slowly came loose from each other in sheets reminded you of what was at stake here. "And sure, it might be a little forward to do this, but you did ask me to take it off, right?"

Asura-chan gave Yumeno a saucy wink, and while the growing blush on her face was obvious, so was the thought behind those eyes.

"Ah!" Yumeno said, as if suddenly the pieces all came together. "You must be Asura-chan."

That was fast, you tried to say, but discovered that the only one who could hear you right now was Asura-chan, who nodded. "It's not like I stopped being myself, though," she whispered, and when Yumeno leaned closer, she pulled down, and went on her tip-toes. "It won't take much, you know, if you want it. All you have to do is ask~"

Yumeno giggled something fierce. "— My, how forward! But maybe you should go take it off in the bathroom, and break the spell, before you go kissing strange women in their homes."

"Well, if you're sure you don't want a show~" Asura-chan said, dropping down gently. "But I'm always with her, so don't be a stranger~"

"I don't think that would be possible," Yumeno said.

You weren't quite sure what to make of that, looking between the two of— between Yumeno and your body as you discovered you could see other things. So that's how she did it—

Asura shut the door, and you felt the heat rising in her cheeks as she stripped off the suit. "Take over."

But you barely had any time—

"Not to worry, I'm satisfied. I'll tell you why once you're in front again."
[Forge a Bond vs. 7: 1, 9 weak hit]

Asura-chan showed up in the mirror as soon as she was done taking off your ninja suit in the shower area. You looked over your bruises, the dozens of little impacts you hadn't realized were there.

No wonder you were so tired.

"Hey. Listen."

You looked up. And there Asura-chan was, not nearly so openly built as you, but just as bared, her hand on the glass. "— Asura-chan?"

"Take my hand for a second?"

You paused and put your hand on the mirror, and suddenly your fingers interlaced with hers, and you blushed.

"You've come so far already. It's only been two weeks, and you've listened to me so much. You've come to understand yourself in a way I didn't think was possible."

You blushed to hear the praise, tears forming in your eyes.



"But I think Yumeno stopped me from kissing her for a very good reason. And you need to listen to it, because it's the next step. The big step."

You blinked. "I mean, come on now—"

"No. Listen. You can't hide behind me for this stuff! They'll know. All of them."

For a moment, you struggled to understand what she was thinking.
BONDS [XX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[1d6 vs Tangled Red String: 5]

You blinked. "You mean she wants… me?"

"Considering she's furiously texting your entire fan club in the next room I'd say it's a good bet."



You'd curl up on the floor of the bathroom if you weren't gripping the sink and Asura-chan's hand with all your considerable might. You could feel your entire face, your neck, heating up as if you'd been out in the sun too long.

Oh no.

Oh, no!

Asura-chan is cackling while your entire view of what's been going on around you shifts, putting together a thousand little things.


More importantly, what are you going to do now? These are all going to be covered by Swearing an Iron Vow with an automatic strong hit.
[ ] You'll refuse no genuine offer. (This promises to get VERY complicated VERY quickly… but is it really that different from what you were doing before?)
[ ] Even if they are all flirting with you, and you're flirting with them, let's be honest, you're in no position to start dating right now. (Focus on your other problems first, but kicks this can down the road. Immediately Test your Relationship with Asura-chan.)
[ ] You definitely don't know enough about any of these women, or their magic, or their reactions to things. You need to step back and assess. (Gets you more involved with the Second String's backstories, as well as anyone else who it turns out is interested in you, as a large-scale Vow. )
[ ] Now that you know, it's time to revel in it and try to forget your troubles for a while. (Asura-chan approved, but remember that she's all passion, no planning.)
[ ] (Write-In) This must address the fact that you and your friends have been engaging in four weeks of extended mutual pining.

Originally, this was going to include a vote about Asura-chan herself, but that actually gets to wait until her Bond is Extreme, which might be a while! 8V

Still, this is pretty important going forward, so this stays up until Tuesday.

I have the strangest sense of deja vu.

[X] You'll refuse no genuine offer. (This promises to get VERY complicated VERY quickly… but is it really that different from what you were doing before?)
[X] You'll refuse no genuine offer. (This promises to get VERY complicated VERY quickly… but is it really that different from what you were doing before?)

We did it to Talia, only fair we do it to you.
[X] You'll refuse no genuine offer. (This promises to get VERY complicated VERY quickly… but is it really that different from what you were doing before?)
[X] You'll refuse no genuine offer. (This promises to get VERY complicated VERY quickly… but is it really that different from what you were doing before?)

Set Facebook relationship status to: It's Complicated.
[X] You definitely don't know enough about any of these women, or their magic, or their reactions to things. You need to step back and assess. (Gets you more involved with the Second String's backstories, as well as anyone else who it turns out is interested in you, as a large-scale Vow. )

I ...

I was gonna make a joke or something, but like -

I dunno? It strikes me as desperate and almost, like, disrespectful to the people offering their care and affection to Mei to just immediately latch onto any source of romantic affection without even taking the time to, like, actually seriously consider their feelings?

I'm 100% for fun polycule times. I guess I'm just for, like, slightly slower, more considered, less chaotic; and with more of an emphasis on Mei re-evaluating her relationships with people now that she's realized "wait shit they all love me wat do" and taking the time to actually, seriously think about all of these people, and all of their feelings, and all of their reasons; not least Mei's thoughts and feelings and reasons.

I guess ... it feels like the responsible thing to do; and like the Mei thing to do; to take some time to just ... process. Not to close off or shut anything down, just to ... reckon with how the way Mei interacts with world has suddenly shifted; and try to understand why and how all of these people love her, to treat their feelings as important and worthy of serious consideration.

idk, I always feel really awkward making romance votes. It feels, always, like it's not really my place to pass judgment here because what the fuck do I know about romance, aroace over here. Possibly way off-base, shrug.
[X] You definitely don't know enough about any of these women, or their magic, or their reactions to things. You need to step back and assess. (Gets you more involved with the Second String's backstories, as well as anyone else who it turns out is interested in you, as a large-scale Vow.)

This isn't us closing off our heart, or kicking the can down the road, but we can't keep throwing ourselves at everything without consideration.

I am absolutely all for Plan Mei Has Five(?) Hands, but we also acknowledged some manner of course correction might be necessary when we Examined Our Failures.

If I could craft some manner of write-in that adequately meets in the middle of Option 1 and 3, I would, but my brain doesn't want to cooperate. Best I can hope for is to split the vote and leave it up to the author. :3

Oh wow.
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If I could craft some manner of write-in that adequately meets in the middle of Option 1 and 3, I would, but my brain doesn't want to cooperate. Best I can hope for is to split the vote and leave it up to the author. :3
I only hop into this thread every once in a while, so I might be missing some context for wording it right.

But how about something like...
[] Take it, but take it slow. Now that you know what they're offering, you want to make it work... but to get in a position where you can make it work, you first need time to get to know them - and understand their complex situations and feelings for you - more properly.
I didn't expect someone to pick up my torch, but I'm loving this. Thank you so much. New option!

[X] Take it, but take it slow. Now that you know what they're offering, you want to make it work... but to get in a position where you can make it work, you first need time to get to know them - and understand their complex situations and feelings for you - more properly.
...Can somebody explain to me in detail what the difference is between You don't know enough and the write in option? It's to early for this and i feel like i'm missing the nuance...
Here's how I see it.

"You don't know enough; step back and assess" is a plan, but not an agenda; it still defers any declarations/decisions about what Mei actually wants, or how she feels about the newly-discovered romantic attentions orbiting her.

Maybe there's an argument for retaining that flexibility, for "getting more involved with the Second String's backstories" but leaving Mei uncertain as to her own feelings until she has (and we have) more information.

But there also seems to be an appetite, in this thread, for incorporating Mei's own openness to a relationship (when she's ready) into the Vow here, and I think the Vow would play out differently if her effort to know them better is in part a product of that openness, that theoretical desire to reciprocate, rather than only a product of reckoning and reassessment.
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Ohhh... thanks! I think i get it now...

[X] Take it, but take it slow. Now that you know what they're offering, you want to make it work... but to get in a position where you can make it work, you first need time to get to know them - and understand their complex situations and feelings for you - more properly.

Seems about right to me! Oh, and Qoheleth, don't forget to vote for your own plan! Now that i understand it, i do want it to win!
[X] Take it, but take it slow. Now that you know what they're offering, you want to make it work... but to get in a position where you can make it work, you first need time to get to know them - and understand their complex situations and feelings for you - more properly.
[X] Take it, but take it slow. Now that you know what they're offering, you want to make it work... but to get in a position where you can make it work, you first need time to get to know them - and understand their complex situations and feelings for you - more properly.
Voting is open