Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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[x] Action Plan: Shizuka and Kakashi Methods, Combined!

  • Ask Shizuka about local chakra beasts
    • locations, movesets, dangers, behaviors, etc
  • We're not exactly stealthy to begin with, never mind our current wounds, and these aren't stupid Samurai who aren't expecting ninja-infiltration.
  • Travel by night, and arrange for a distraction (so they send their manpower elsewhere) so that you can tunnel in more easily
    • Rampaging chakra beast (driven to rampage via genjutsu)?
    • Genjutsu-panicked civilians (stoking the fires of their panic and desperation),
      • Spread misinformation via genjutsu (disguised as standard-shitty eyewitness testimony) amongst the civilians so that the responding ninja are hampered in their investigation process (thus taking longer to return back, and granting Kakashi even more time to act).
  • Use Earth-style ninjutsu (like Hiding Like a Mole and Tunnel Excavation) to creep around their compound from beneath.
Current action plan. Feedback welcome ^.^
I'm actually against the stunt. It doesn't happen THAT often, and we can just buy fate points with XP when we need to. If we have 5 overdraw instances, we'd only break even, except that these ones are more restricted.
I'm actually against the stunt. It doesn't happen THAT often, and we can just buy fate points with XP when we need to. If we have 5 overdraw instances, we'd only break even, except that these ones are more restricted.
This gives a fate point during the fight though. We can buy in advance but you can't actually spend XP to get them during the fight.

Also, it... kinda does happen pretty frequently. Pretty much every major fight Kakashi has had, really. Snow fight, Dragon fight, Honey fight. A severe and Medium, a medium, and another severe and medium. From start of quest to now it'd have already paid itself off. Over the lifetime of the quest I can easily see this paying itself off several times over.
I get that. But I'm solidly in team "let's buy more Chakra so it doesn't happen as often", so that's the opportunity cost of this stunt for my (yes, I know, I couldn't even get 10chakra with that amount of XP)
I get that. But I'm solidly in team "let's buy more Chakra so it doesn't happen as often", so that's the opportunity cost of this stunt for my (yes, I know, I couldn't even get 10chakra with that amount of XP)
Don't worry I will definitely also be voting for that in the future

Alas with Shadow Clones, Sharingan, and soon to be Summoning, Kakashi has a very chakra intensive kit
Depending on what happens this arc (and how much XP we can get), I'd be okay with allocating the vast majority of our end-of-arc XP rewards towards chakra.

...Barring any crazy events that necessitates we level a random skill up to a certain level (like Skill: Writing (poetry) to 30).
Adhoc vote count started by MMKII on Oct 2, 2022 at 7:45 PM, finished with 40 posts and 8 votes.

So it's clear-ish to me that folks are proxy-voting @RandomOTP for the action plan since most of those happen before the training plan.

I'll note that proxy votes ("[X] Username") only give that user your vote to use for their most recent vote and not all of the things they've voted for. Yeah, it's a bit of a headache.
Scheduled vote count started by Paperclipped on Sep 29, 2022 at 8:27 PM, finished with 38 posts and 8 votes.
Depending on what happens this arc (and how much XP we can get), I'd be okay with allocating the vast majority of our end-of-arc XP rewards towards chakra.

...Barring any crazy events that necessitates we level a random skill up to a certain level (like Skill: Writing (poetry) to 30).
I get that. But I'm solidly in team "let's buy more Chakra so it doesn't happen as often", so that's the opportunity cost of this stunt for my (yes, I know, I couldn't even get 10chakra with that amount of XP)
We could vote in +chakra in addition to that, for what it's worth.

Kakashi builds

I've tweaked the sheet for a few possible builds for Kakashi's medium-term future (approx. 10 arcs of XP or so)

Overall Notes:
- I'm assuming MfD pyramid rules because Paper expressed displeasure at the idea that with monocolumning still allowed we could technically just raise ath to 60 and go straight for Taijutsu 79, which is a bit silly. It's not an official ruling AFAIK but I'd bet it would just get changed anyways if we don't adhere approximately to it.

- I went ahead and added the 'Oh No, Not Again' stunt already because the votes in favor seemed pretty dominant (there were actually more direct votes for the training plan than the actual action plan, even re-attributing those votes to ROTP's plan...)

- Summoning and TH can be increased at any time in these progressions, so long as they stay in the 30s or below. I don't recommend we increase Summoning until we have a Scroll, at which point I'd be okay with going to 10 or maybe 20 for the moment. I'm okay with increasing TH whenever though. Same goes for Shadow Clone, which still sits at a sad 10. Should probably get that to 30 or 40 at some point.

- The main goal on every sheet is to reach Taijutsu 70 as the 'medium-term goal'. Imo this should be our main mid-term priority. His other stats could be better but are acceptable enough for general purposes. However, as of now we can't really do anything if Dragon ambushes us again or something. Taijutsu 70 (and then -> 79) lets us at least hold our own with that tier of fighter and gives us very favorable odds against basically any normie jonin we can close the distance on, and possibly even multiple jonin. After Taijutsu 79 I'm substantially more comfortable branching out into basically whatever we want: TH, the other 2 elements, boss-summoning reserves, etc.

  • This is the quickest I could path out reaching Taijutsu 70, though there may be an even faster route hidden in jutsu half-costing.
  • I don't recommend this build. Despite getting us to the glorious 70 about 3 arcs faster, it kinda fills the coveted 50s and 60s with garbage and it'll take forever to expand over them with the more basic stats.
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Nets us Grand Defensive Rampart via sharingan)
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Radiant Bolt -> 60 (Nets us Transcendant Halo via sharingan)
    • Living Roots -> 40
    • Volt Whip -> 50
    • Chidori -> 60
    • Taijutsu 70
    • ~2400 XP away

  • Just increasing basic stats. This is probably my preferred option.
    • Resolve -> 40 (Nets us an additional Mental Stress Box)
    • Chakra Reserves -> 50 (AB up for THing and pretty decent pool for Summoning/SCs/General Purpose)
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Stealth -> 40
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Alertness -> 60
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~3200 XP away

  • The focus of this build is unlocking as many Sharingan jutsu along the way as possible. It's a pretty decent route honestly, although similarly to the fastest route it also makes it harder to raise the fundamental stuff.
  • This is also the slowest option of the 4 because it also opts for CR 50 to make use of the jutsu.
    • Resolve -> 40 (An additional mental stress box)
    • Chakra Reserves -> 50 (AB up for THing and pretty decent pool for Summoning/SCs/General Purpose)
    • Radiant Bolt -> 62 (Unlocks Transcendant Halo and Agonizing Judgement, an AOE and single target lightning attack, respectively.)
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Unlocks Grand Defensive Rampart)
    • Fire Dragon Bullet -> 55 (Unlocks Great Fireball)
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~3400 XP

  • Very similar to Fundamentals, but with FDB swapped out for CR. CR can be raised to 49 at any time which will slow us down but that's okay.
  • FDB is a legitimately excellent attack so this would probably be my second choice.
  • It also has the advantage of being the second-fastest route to Taijutsu 70, although this is because it doesn't incorporate raising CR which is double cost.
    • Antlion Strike -> 40 (Gets us Grand Defensive Rampart)
    • Fire Dragon Bullet -> 50
    • Athletics -> 60
    • Living Roots -> 40 (Technically cheaper than Resolve or Stealth 40 but only barely. Either could go here instead.)
    • Alertness -> 50
    • Radiant Bolt -> 60 (Unlocks Transcendant Halo)
    • Taijutsu -> 70
    • ~2700 XP
I'm leaning towards Fundamentals, too, and will likely vote for training plans that follow that path. I have a vague, idly held curiosity about leveling Stealth to 40 instead of something like Intimidation, but I also recognize that Sugiyama fills the roll of our social expert better than Kakashi does (and that we may not have Shizuka in the party after this current arc).
I'm leaning towards Fundamentals, too, and will likely vote for training plans that follow that path. I have a vague, idly held curiosity about leveling Stealth to 40 instead of something like Intimidation, but I also recognize that Sugiyama fills the roll of our social expert better than Kakashi does (and that we may not have Shizuka in the party after this current arc).
Intimidation to 40 def isn't a bad choice (see the fight with that hunter-nin who got scared away by Kakashi) but it will be more expensive to get to 40 than Stealth (intimidation is at 26, Stealth at 35) and thus will delay getting to TJ 70 by a bit

(Also idk if Sugi actually has good intimidation for the record)

The AB bump is pretty good for stealth because timeladder bonus is based on AB on top of the usual benefits of an AB increase
(Also idk if Sugi actually has good intimidation for the record)
They're our go-to for solving issues with social stats. Sneak actually has some good synergy with their Deceit stat, since (assuming they're with him) Sugiyama can help bluff their way out... kind of like Kakashi did back in the Irabi Compound.

(Still amused by Shizuka's exasperation that Kakashi wasn't distracted by the naked woman, and leapt right for the loot at the bottom of the pool)
They're our go-to for solving issues with social stats.
Right but the issue is a strong gust could defeat them in combat and it follows that to any competent ninja they are approximately as intimidating as a sack of moldy potatoes, so I would expect them to go more Presence than Intimidation, but maybe not. I'm sure they have good Empathy/Rapport/Deceit, I'm just less sure about intimidation

btw QMs we're getting Sugi's sheet at some point right 👁️
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