Buffy the Vampire Slayer Take Two

That's too bad about Xander and Amy. Though I have to admit, when we were told that Xander and Amy wouldn't last, I was afraid that the breakup would be because one of them messed up. They're being a lot more mature here than my understanding of their canon selves.

[X]Set up your own area to patrol as back up with Giles

I don't want to risk getting in Buffy's way, and Xander seems to be competent enough to help out.
I grew up with a lot of examples of amicable break ups, so my view of what a normal break up looks like is skewed somewhat XD
[X]Set up your own area to patrol as back up with Giles

Ach, that sucks, but well, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.
An interesting update, it's nice we're connecting with Willow again.

Oddly I think this was the best possible way his relationship with Amy could've ended. He's learnt a lesson about being more introspective on his feelings, he's opened up about a difficult issue with his girlfriend/friends, and he's been able to recognise when something is just hormones and teenage "dating for the sake of it" instead of love.

Hell, due to his need for affection from his unpleasant childhood it's an accomplishment just being able to accept letting go of a relationship at all, let alone one that he enjoyed and was working. While he didn't love her, it was still surely nice to "have a girlfriend" and that intimacy with a girl, so many teens would still string it out to indulge their hormones or in the hope they'd "spark" later down the line, but Xander recognised it wouldn't be right to continue if he only saw her as a friend and the relationship had no future.

Hopefully this is something Willow learns too if she's still crushing on Xander, because helping him set up a romantic picnic for Amy must've been a special kind of torture if she is - even if he broke up with Amy not long after.

It's equally sad and nice that the two are upset at the breakup - despite both agreeing it was the right thing to do, I'm hopeful that after some time they should salvage the friendship from it entirely, which is something that rarely survives high school breakups.

It is nice to see Xander actually putting effort into being romantic and setting up dates. In canon the closest he got was buying a necklace for Cordy, though in fairness that might have been because for a large part of that relationship Cordy insisted on secrecy and that it meant nothing more than hormones.

Xander having some positive experience with dating and being romantic without any baggage or hurt feelings attached will help him a lot in being more confident about dating going forward.

Xander's already seeming a lot more mature than canon, which was the goal -for me at least- from the start, so I'm pretty pleased with this. It's also interesting he's still got feelings for Buffy, not that it's hard to understand, but I'm curious what their friendship is like and if he's subtle enough Buffy knows he likes her or not?

It's... nice? Probably the wrong word, but "nice" that Xander is acknowledging his parents don't care without too much bitterness and hopefully admitting that to Buffy and co. if Willow doesn't already know, because he could use some quiet support on that front. I'm curious if Joyce would look to meet the parents of Buffy's friends and how her meeting Jessica Harris would even go.

I'm fairly sure we want to be as far from Spike as possible and helping Giles in this instance, because in canon Xander got captured and dangerously close to being food.

[x] Set up your own area to patrol as back up with Giles
Parent Teacher Conference
You spoke to Giles, and you ended up patrolling with Amy very awkwardly through the graveyards before the Parent Teacher Conference began. You were really regretting volunteering to help out at all. Not that Amy was bad company, no, never. Well, she had been bad company this time, but you suspected that was because you had both been awkwardly silent and struggling to figure out what to say. You had thought going back to being friends would be simple, since that was what you mostly were. It just hurt being around Amy. And you could see it was hurting her too.

You did catch a group of vampires heading to attack the school and helped to take out a couple before they reached the school. Amy was quick to run to alert Buffy to the problem. You arrived to a trashed school, and the news that another dangerous powerful vampire had turned up, and only been driven off because of how thoroughly he'd been surprised by Amy, Giles, and Buffy's mom teaming up, giving Buffy the chance necessary to drive him off. Not what you had wanted to hear. At least the parent teacher part of things seemed to have gone well before the vampire attack.

[ ]Do what you can to take your mind off Amy
[ ]Help the research team look into the new vampire
[ ]Write-in
[X]Read comics until you can forget

I'm willing to give Xander time to decompress, but the vagueness of "Do what you can to take your mind off Amy" bothers me. Is he going to find another girl to take his mind off of Amy?
I'm willing to give Xander time to decompress, but the vagueness of "Do what you can to take your mind off Amy" bothers me. Is he going to find another girl to take his mind off of Amy?
I always did think it was wasted potential on the writers' part that Xander and Faith didn't bond at least a little over having neglectful parents, unpleasant childhoods, and generally being considered the "poor kid outcasts".

Sure, by the point she turns up Faith has a heavy helping of sexism towards men and a lack of faith in people in general, but it could've been worked in somehow if they weren't already angling towards Faith "falling" as her actress had other commitments and they were never planning on her coming back at the start of season 3.

Admittedly it also might have been easier for Faith to connect with him as a friend if Xander wasn't a blatant hound-dog when Faith arrived - despite dating Cordy at the time.

As for the vote I'm interested in two options:

A write-in of trying to de-stress by reconnecting with Willow and maybe get some advice on how to handle moving on from Amy from a fellow girl, especially as one of the best ways to relax about an emotional problem is venting it to someone you trust. Just ignoring the awkwardness alone by diving into comic books or TV won't help much.


Contributing to learning more about Spike because in canon Xander learned some important information about Spike -that Angel was his mentor and he's a master vamp- through being captured briefly. I'm worried that this Xander knows nothing of how dangerous and canny Spike can be yet and it might also lead to finding out about the possibility Drusilla is with him ahead of time.

[x]Help the research team look into the new vampire
[x]Reconnect with Willow to de-stress and get advice about Amy
A write-in of trying to de-stress by reconnecting with Willow and maybe get some advice on how to handle moving on from Amy from a fellow girl, especially as one of the best ways to relax about an emotional problem is venting it to someone you trust. Just ignoring the awkwardness alone by diving into comic books or TV won't help much.
It feels a bit awkward to vent to Willow when she had a crush on Xander though. She did help with the romantic picnic, but I don't know if that means that she's over him or if she's just ignoring her feelings. If this quest were a show, I'd expect that write-in to lead to Willow and Xander making out, which is drama I'm not interested in.

[x]Help the research team look into the new vampire
Vote closed
Oh, that's what I meant. Eh, we'll see how it the relaxation goes.
I don't have the best handle on Faith's character, but wouldn't she have less respect for Xander if she made out with him? My impression of her is that she uses sex and attraction to try to control how the people around her react to her (likely because she was abused when she was younger), and anyone who gives in is dismissed as someone who's just interested in her body.
I don't have the best handle on Faith's character, but wouldn't she have less respect for Xander if she made out with him? My impression of her is that she uses sex and attraction to try to control how the people around her react to her

Which is why I hope a more mature Xander will be able to resist an easy seduction and help her in truth. ^^ I think we have the same hopes.