[X] Plan You Are the Next
-[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concept that he so desired. Son Wukong refused, instead requesting that his temple would be blessed and tie itself to the fate of many people, so that in the future someone will go there and achieve the goal he never could: becoming the Mightiest under the Heavens. His request was granted and he decided to enjoy his time in the afterlife until his reincarnation. (Unlocks the story The Mightiest Under the Heavens for a later era)
-[X] Go to Tellius, center of the Arcenian religion and home of the Tailed Beasts.
[X] Plan: Rock the Stars
-[X] Used his powers to fly out into the stars, flying through the void of space until he reached a new world, one that had started to form life within it. Using his powers one last time, he magically enhanced his flesh before his soul left his body. When his body was eaten by some of a great creature, it started an evolutionary chain that would lead to the creation of a powerful race of Wereape humanoids. (Saiyan are now an existing race in the universe)
-[X] Go to the continent of Archanea.
[X] Plan Godhood and Protecting the Legacy
-[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concepts that he so desired. While initially refusing, Son Wukong's spirit decided to agree to the offer, despite having no real desire to act as a lower god, but to see Earth once again. (Son Wukong's achieves godhood, becoming a lower god. Will be added to Claims of the Gods story as an option)
-[X] Go back to Elibe, their precious homeland.
So currently Plan You Are the Next is leading with 4 votes while Plan: Rock the Stars is a bit behind with 3 votes and finally Plan Godhood and Protecting the Legacy has only 1 vote.
That's the current way that the voting is heading right now.
[X] Used his powers to fly out into the stars, flying through the void of space until he reached a new world, one that had started to form life within it. Using his powers one last time, he magically enhanced his flesh before his soul left his body. When his body was eaten by some of a great creature, it started an evolutionary chain that would lead to the creation of a powerful race of Wereape humanoids. (Saiyan are now an existing race in the universe)
[X] Go to Tellius, center of the Arcenian religion and home of the Tailed Beasts.
Hm... it seems like nobody wants to vote anymore. In that case...
Voting is closed!
Scheduled vote count started by Qudrim8054 on Jul 29, 2022 at 4:47 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Plan You Are the Next -[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concept that he so desired. Son Wukong refused, instead requesting that his temple would be blessed and tie itself to the fate of many people, so that in the future someone will go there and achieve the goal he never could: becoming the Mightiest under the Heavens. His request was granted and he decided to enjoy his time in the afterlife until his reincarnation. (Unlocks the story The Mightiest Under the Heavens for a later era) -[X] Go to Tellius, center of the Arcenian religion and home of the Tailed Beasts.
[X] Plan: Rock the Stars
-[X] Used his powers to fly out into the stars, flying through the void of space until he reached a new world, one that had started to form life within it. Using his powers one last time, he magically enhanced his flesh before his soul left his body. When his body was eaten by some of a great creature, it started an evolutionary chain that would lead to the creation of a powerful race of Wereape humanoids. (Saiyan are now an existing race in the universe)
-[X] Go to the continent of Archanea.
[X] Plan Godhood and Protecting the Legacy
-[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concepts that he so desired. While initially refusing, Son Wukong's spirit decided to agree to the offer, despite having no real desire to act as a lower god, but to see Earth once again. (Son Wukong's achieves godhood, becoming a lower god. Will be added to Claims of the Gods story as an option)
-[X] Go back to Elibe, their precious homeland.
[X] Used his powers to fly out into the stars, flying through the void of space until he reached a new world, one that had started to form life within it. Using his powers one last time, he magically enhanced his flesh before his soul left his body. When his body was eaten by some of a great creature, it started an evolutionary chain that would lead to the creation of a powerful race of Wereape humanoids. (Saiyan are now an existing race in the universe)
[X] Plan You Are the Next
-[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concept that he so desired. Son Wukong refused, instead requesting that his temple would be blessed and tie itself to the fate of many people, so that in the future someone will go there and achieve the goal he never could: becoming the Mightiest under the Heavens. His request was granted and he decided to enjoy his time in the afterlife until his reincarnation. (Unlocks the story The Mightiest Under the Heavens for a later era)
-[X] Go to Tellius, center of the Arcenian religion and home of the Tailed Beasts.
[X] Plan You Are the Next -[X] Meditated quietly and peacefully, his soul leaving his body on his own will, with his body becoming stone. When arriving to the heavens, he was greeted by the Power Trio, who offered to bind his soul to any concept that he so desired. Son Wukong refused, instead requesting that his temple would be blessed and tie itself to the fate of many people, so that in the future someone will go there and achieve the goal the never could: becoming the Mightiest under the Heavens. His request was granted and he decided to enjoy his time in the afterlife until his reincarnation. (Unlocks the story The Mightiest Under the Heavens for a later era) -[X] Go to Tellius, center of the Arcenian religion and home of the Tailed Beasts.
Tale of the Grand Sage (Historically Accurate):
The Grand Sage started his life as a young monkey animorph from the Saruaffe tribe in Geehrtland named Son Wukong, who was son of the chief. He had an innate desire to learn more about the world and an ambitious dream to become the Mightiest Under the Heavens. In his childhood he learned everything that his father could teach him, but it wasn't enough for him.
In his early adulthood, he left his tribe and traveled to the mountains, were the Manaketes lived, hoping to learn more from them about the world in hopes to achieve his goals. When he arrived to the mountain range that separated the two sides of the continent, he climbed until he reached the local shrine to Arceus, where he met an aging dragon that agreed to teach him about the universe.
For a long time Son Wukong studied the Arcenian religion and its entities until an idea came to his mind: studying and finding power within the soul. In his attempts he did find power within his soul and drew it all out. The first was Ki, then he drew out the energy of mana and psionics. Amazed by the discovery, Son Wukong decided to develop all three arts equally to achieve his dream.
In the next two decades he managed to create and write down the basics and much of the advanced arts on how to use the three powers, but he came to realize that he would never become the Mightiest Under the Heavens. He also built a temple on the shrine with the help of the Manaketes of Geehrtland and called it the Three Paths Temple, where some of the earliest texts in Earth history exist.
After he believed that he had trained enough, he started to travel around the world, performing small miracles that had gained him much love among the people. However he had two great feats that had given him the moniker of the Grand Sage.
The first one happened in the land of Tellius, at a time that the Tailed Beast, the parts of body and soul of the Ten Tails, were on a rampage from their anger at the populace. Son Wukong simply stood in front of them, scared them with his aura and calmly talked to them and made them back down, resulting in the nine not rampaging again for two entire centuries.
His second feat happened while he was traveling in the still recovering land of Fódlan, where the titanic cyclops first rampaged. In the middle of the continent he used all of his powers to raise a gigantic and long mountain range that span across thousands of miles. It was considered his greatest physical feat in his life by all those who saw it.
When he traveled on Elibe, he was approached by two young boys with strange eyes by the names Haguromo and Hamura, who wished to learn from him so they could bring peace to their land, which was filled with strife. Son Wukong agreed to take them as his disciples and he returned with them to the Three Paths Temple to begin their training.
Many years passed and Son Wukong felt that the time was close to the end of his chapter, so he gathered his disciples and friends among the Manaketes of Geehrtland and say his goodbyes, as well as requesting that his temple and the writing their would be preserved and that his disciples would teach others his lessons while following their childhood dream.
Finally, Son Wukong meditated and his old body turned to stone, with the soul ascending to the heavens, where he was greeted by the Power Trio, who blessed his temple. Haguromo and Hamura decided to commit to their dreams and traveled to the land of Tellius.
Tale of the Grand Sage of Three Paths (Most Accurate Myth):
The Grand Sage, better known as the Sage of Three Paths who discovered the powers of the soul, was born as no one of importance, but he was a person of great ambition and great desire to consume knowledge.
In his quest to find knowledge, he turned to the Manaketes, the dragons of the mountains, in hopes of finding knowledge. When he reached his destination, the dragons treated him with suspicion at first but nonetheless accepted to teach him. Eventually he figured out that the soul of a being held tremendous power and decided to explore that route to knowledge, finding out about how to huge magic more freely through the energies of the spirit known as mana, as well as discovering the energy of life, which he dubbed Ki, and the energy or the mind, which he dubbed psionics.
For decades he studied and perfected the three arts of the spirit, giving him the moniker of the Sage of Three Paths, before deciding to share these gifts to the world by walking around it and doing good deeds for the people who he crossed.
On his long journey the sage had made miracles happen out of thin air to increase his legend and aid the weak. He cured an entire tribe from an outbreak of an incurable disease. He created an oasis in a desert out of thin air so that travels would have a spot to rest and lose their thirst. He stopped massive storms and saved the lives of entire tribes.
However, his two biggest miracles happened on Tellius and on Fódlan. On Tellius he stood in front of all the nine great demon beasts and made them cower with fear and run away with words, instilling such fear within them that they would not appear for centuries and making them stop a massive rampage across the lands.
In Fódlan he did the most spectacular feat anyone could at the time, a feat that may not have been on the level of the Divine Guardians of fighting the Ten Tails, but a feat that had made him just as awe-inspiring. In the center of the continent, he raised the Oghma Mountains from the ground up across all the continent, separating several large areas of it, allowing it to be restored anew.
But in Elibe, the sage found the path of continuation, when he found two twin boys with strange eyes. He took them in and brought them to his temple to learn, which they did in an astounding pace. He would teach them all the knowledge that he had found out and cultivated throughout his life, preparing them to the point where he would die and they would spread his legend and teachings.
On his deathbed, the Grand Sage called his students and reminded them of his great mission to them of spreading his immense knowledge upon the people of the world, only for his soul to leave his body, which turned to stone and his soul ascended to the heavens. There he was greeted by the spirits as a role model.
As the Grand Sage watched from the heavens with a smile, his students would go far and wide across the world, becoming the legendary figures of the Sage of Six Paths and the Moon-Eyed Priest, whom would be interlinked with great events in history.
The Tale of the Grand Sage of Three (Arcenian Mythology's Version):
Once in a land far away from the holy mountain, lived a young man named Son Wukong who had not known Arceus and was gifted with a desire for knowledge. He left his tribe of feeble-minded savages and traveled to the mountains to gain knowledge of the world, the heavens and the universe.
Arriving to the top of one of the mountains in the Bottomless Canyon, he met an old dragon named Shenlong. The divine dragon, who had witnessed the first arrival of the Grand Creator with his own eyes, had generously agreed to impart all of his knowledge to the youth that requested his aid in satiating his ever growing hunger for the knowledge given from the divine.
Months the youngling had spent listening and understanding the words Shenlong's lectures and lessons on the ways of the universe, as was imparted by the God of Gods, all of which dazzled and enamored the young man, making him wish that he could find a way to reach the heavens.
One night he had a dream. In the dream three mysterious small figures approached him and floated around him. The dream continued as the his flesh peeled away and his soul was exposed, with the three figures whispering: "Look within the soul".
Upon waking up, Son Wukong shared his dream with Shenlong and the two immediately began to try and decipher the full meaning of the message.
For two months they would work until they decided to start meditating and focusing solely on what the soul, which was given to them by the grace of the tears of Tamashi, the mother of the heavens. In those sessions of meditation the young man finally found new form of knowledge and power, as he released the power of the physical energy of life known as Ki. He later on found out how to harness mana and the psychic powers of the mind.
For the next two decades the man and the dragon would cultivate and record all findings and advancements of these three powers that were granted to them by the soul, after which the man decided to walk the earth to share his new gods-given knowledge to those who were willing to listen, as well as helping those in need, with the voices of Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf as his guides.
He moved from continent to continent, performing miracles on the locals in their desperate times of need. He made some great deeds such as curing an outbreak of an unsightly disease that caused people to die from releasing their bowels, which was released by Giratina in an act of spite against the Grand Creator.
The first of his greatest deeds was when he met the demonic offspring of the titanic cyclops while on a rampage of destruction, using his mere presence and a voice echoing with power to break them all from the stupor caused by their destructive nature, resulting in them fleeing and hiding in fear from the being who held the gifts of the gods.
Perhaps his greatest deed was when he was on the land of ruin, which the demonic servant of the Destruction God had turned flat. He traveled across the land until the voices in his head told him to touch the ground. When he did so, he felt their influence within his body as he affected the mana in the area to turn the entire continent into mud and clay, and with words of encouragement and orders, he raised mountains up high across all the land, giving it a chance to thrive once more.
During his years of travel he found two boys, whom he noticed had eyes of power which were given to them by birth by the gods. The two boys were twins who descended from the Divine Guardian Kaguya, and so the man, now known across the world as the Grand Sage, took them upon his wing so that the two could control their gods-given eyes and use them for the betterment of the world.
For a decade he would teach them, during that time he educated the boys of the God of Gods, the story of creation and the importance of the Power Trio and the Planes Duo to their powers, and the boys grew and developed to be kind, powerful, generous and pious men who served the will of the gods.
It was around that time that the Grand Sage felt he had no more to teach his disciples, so he called upon them and his old friend Shenlong and told them to spread the knowledge of the Three Arts of the Soul, as well as build a grand temple to prey for the gods and study the ways of the spirit. He then allowed his soul to leave his body, which turned into a peaceful slab of stone. Up in the heavens, he was greeted by Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, who welcomed him as if he was a long-lost son.
After the Grand Sage's death, Shenlong helped his friend's disciples, who would later be known as the Sage of Six Paths and the Moon-Eyed Priest, to build the grand temple where he had first met the sage. They finished the temple within a year and named it the Three Paths Temple, only for the disciples to leave the dragon alone to travel to the land of Tellius to reach the sacred Mount Coronet.
The Strongest Under the Heavens story will now be a story in a future era. Currently locked.
Dojutsu are now part of the world, with clans who possess them appearing later on. Choose a Story:
Earth (Ancient Times) [2/4 Stories until Era Ends]: [ ] Claims of the Gods
[ ] The Great Evil Dragon
[ ] The First Human Civilization
[ ] War of Man and Beast
[ ] Fall of the Guardians
The Demon World: [ ] Rise of the King
[ ] War for Supremacy
Well, we finally finished the story of the Grand Sage Son Wukong. I'd say it was quite a fun ride, wouldn't you? Oh, also I decided to add how many stories you can have on Earth before there is an end of an era.
Until next time stay healthy, stay safe and have a great day.