So, I actually like this plan, so I'm stealing it, but I want to work on trains, so...
[X] Plan Preparing for the Next Brawl, mining edition
-[X] Expand your bunker base with additional infrastructure to sustain larger troop numbers.
-[X] More Mines: Get everyone to do more rounds on the component mines and oil wells. Components mean R-mats, R-mats mean flatbeds, and more importantly: trains (Begins work on GWR Request)
-[X] Begin Operation Planning (+1 to all rolls when the next operation starts)
-[X] Get in touch with another regiment that does something you need (Discovers and improves relations with one random regiment inside the search group)
--[X] Logistics
-[X] Go talk to someone specific/Meet a Specific Regiment
--[X] Call in Zairman, and get him ready for this next dance- and maybe see how he'd feel about working with you on a permanent basis.