Stories Makes the World go Round (Massive Multi-Crossover/Original)

Reincarnation already means either the true death of that person or another form of immortality if one can remember memories between lives.
Considering how people voted for Knowledge, Will, and Emotion are above the spirit realm. Remembering will be more likely than not. If it was below, then the reincarnation would be the buddhist understanding.
Considering how people voted for Knowledge, Will, and Emotion are above the spirit realm. Remembering will be more likely than not. If it was below, then the reincarnation would be the buddhist understanding.
Speaking of Buddhism, will it still be there in remnant? I know we'll be creating our earth going forward, but I don't know how much freedom we'll be having for that.
Very little. Sorry, but I am a RWBY fan.
And I'm was off the three hopes hype train before enjoying the sunbreak festivities.
Speaking of Buddhism, will it still be there in remnant? I know we'll be creating our earth going forward, but I don't know how much freedom we'll be having for that.
Who knows? Remnant had many things to do comparisons for. Like Ren and his Chinese garments or Pyrrah and her gladiator attire. So, there might be Buddhism or at least someone who wears Buddhism attire.
The world is basically mostly geography and races that live in it. While there are some stories that were n Remnant, they will be massively altered depending on your choices in stories.

So the world choices depends on what geography, potential future stories and races that already exist on those worlds you want.

You want a world with humans, Faunus, potentially Grimm that always has its inhabitants potentially capable of DBZ ki, magic, maybe chaos energy and filled with Pokemon? Go ahead.

You want Manaketes and humanoids who can transform into animals, with potential stories from multiple games? Pick Fire Emblem.
Ah dang Meloa accidentally voted for my plan name with his plan sub options I guess I'm gonna have to edit it out then I'm consolidating Meloa's plan.
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Voting is Closed
Voting is now closed! People had their chance to vote and not many did. Let's see the results of that.
Scheduled vote count started by Qudrim8054 on Jul 1, 2022 at 7:13 AM, finished with 21 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Why have one heaven?
    -[X] These lower gods shall be creatures of incredible, awe-inspiring levels of power, similar to your Creation Trio and the Guardians Trio, with all six of your servants creating avatars that are exact copies of themselves to be included in that group. Each deity shall be given a role by you and will have some sort of hierarchy, mostly based on a trio since you seemed to hit the grove with that.
    -[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, infinite in size and ever-expanding. All souls that have been and ever will be shall reside there for all of eternity.
    -[X] You saw a world filled with several large continents, two not so far apart from the biggest one and another above all three, white with snow. You could see that this world was filled with crystals that shone with power that was only restricted to that world itself. You also saw that there were humanoids on this planet. Both species were almost completely identical, but the second species had visible animal characteristics. You decided to call it Remnant. (RWBY)
    -[X] Yes
    [X] Plan Finish Creation
    -[X] These lower gods are spirits and souls that had been bound to a concept, making them truly immortal manifestations of that concept. While they possess a body of flesh and blood, they can be killed, but their souls will remain intact and reincarnate in a new body eventually, their memories intact.
    -[X] The afterlife will be several dimensions, each being under the ownership and jurisdiction of lower gods, who will shape them to their liking. These dimensions would not be infinite and thus souls will be cleansed and reincarnated as new living beings in the multiverse.
    -[X] The world seemed to house several large continents that, despite their size, were quite distant from one another. The world had humanoid races in it, most of them being human-like beings with animal traits that could transform into said animals, but humans were more numerous. The most notable were tribes of highly intelligent humanoids who could transform into dragons. You simply decided to refer to the world as Earth. (Fire Emblem [composite])
    -[X] Yes
    -[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, however it will not be infinite in size. It will have two pocket dimensions: Heaven for the good souls and Hell for the bad souls, but they will all eventually be cleansed and reincarnated as a new living being in the multiverse in a cycle of reincarnation.
    [X] Plan Age of Myths
    -[X] These lower gods shall be true gods, impervious to time but capable of being felled. They would also represent a concept by their choice or by killing another god in battle and taking their title. Also, they shall live in a dimensional sphere above the multiverse and below the afterlife, creating using specials means to travel into the universe themselves or create weaker avatars as well.
    -[X] There will be one, singular afterlife dimension, however it will not be infinite in size. It will have two pocket dimensions: Heaven for the good souls and Hell for the bad souls, but they will all eventually be cleansed and reincarnated as a new living being in the multiverse in a cycle of reincarnation.
    -[X] You saw a world filled with several large continents, two not so far apart from the biggest one and another above all three, white with snow. You could see that this world was filled with crystals that shone with power that was only restricted to that world itself. You also saw that there were humanoids on this planet. Both species were almost completely identical, but the second species had visible animal characteristics. You decided to call it Remnant. (RWBY)
    -[X] Yes

Edit: Okay... we have a tie. Should someone give a tiebreaker or should I let the dice decide?
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Immortal concepts, long as they aren't @$$holes I can forgive that. I really hate gods. Ever since I found out about Greek myth and how many bastards exist in the upper echelon.

Also, Darkseid. Arrogant prick.
Immortal concepts, long as they aren't @$$holes I can forgive that. I really hate gods. Ever since I found out about Greek myth and how many bastards exist in the upper echelon.
Spirits that are bound to concepts, making them still souls with their own personality, desires etc. but whatever living bodies they will inhabit will be perishable (not the soul though).

But yeah, gods, like humans, can be real massive assholes. Greek are known to be especially petty and spiteful.
Also, Darkseid. Arrogant prick.
A prick indeed Darkseid is, for his word is that of tyranny: Darkseid is.

I might take some time to finish he update when I actually start it. Hopefully I'll start tomorrow.
So, what should we put in the seven dimensions?

I personally want a Warriors Heaven. Something like the Valhalla, Soverngarde, and DBZ's Heavens in one. As long as I get that I could care less what the other dimensions are....Okay, I'm a worrywort.

Hell should be a thing. Can't have those evil souls have it all.
Really? Had to use the worst example of a reformatory?

Forget it. Not like most souls can remember their past life anyway. Just base it off of the Six Reincarnation paths. Where bad souls suffer for a time and work their way up the karmic ladder.

Does this work by making it so that the soul has to work for the privilege of reincarnation? Cause that works fine for me but the thought of someone suffering in a new incarnation because their previous life was evil sucks seems to much to me like pushing the sins of the parents onto a child kinda thing. If the same soul has to repent first before being reincarnated I'm down.
Does this work by making it so that the soul has to work for the privilege of reincarnation? Cause that works fine for me but the thought of someone suffering in a new incarnation because their previous life was evil sucks seems to much to me like pushing the sins of the parents onto a child kinda thing. If the same soul has to repent first before being reincarnated I'm down.
It's not real reincarnation persay. More like these hells take completed evil souls and beats out the negative karma or Evil with constant suffering. For example, imagine the biggest, Villainous person in existance. Who constantly kicks babies or something. Once he dies, he wakes up in hell. You get where I'm going with this. They are awake for their suffering, like how DBZ villains are.
Creation Myth Story Part 5: Rebellion
[X] Plan Finish Creation
-[X] These lower gods are spirits and souls that had been bound to a concept, making them truly immortal manifestations of that concept. While they possess a body of flesh and blood, they can be killed, but their souls will remain intact and reincarnate in a new body eventually, their memories intact.
-[X] The afterlife will be several dimensions, each being under the ownership and jurisdiction of lower gods, who will shape them to their liking. These dimensions would not be infinite and thus souls will be cleansed and reincarnated as new living beings in the multiverse.
-[X] The world seemed to house several large continents that, despite their size, were quite distant from one another. The world had humanoid races in it, most of them being human-like beings with animal traits that could transform into said animals, but humans were more numerous. The most notable were tribes of highly intelligent humanoids who could transform into dragons. You simply decided to refer to the world as Earth. (Fire Emblem [composite])
-[X] Yes

As you had decided on your actions, you decided to first put your attention away from the new world that seemed so enjoyable to you and put it elsewhere. Namely, the sphere of the Heavens, which was a much larger sphere outside of the multiverse.

You had decided that the new lower gods would be in charge of their own afterlives, each pantheon or single lower god connecting their home dimension to the desired afterlife, where their believers' souls would pass onto when their mortal shell perishes.

But there was one thing that was bothering you. Because those dimensions were not infinite or ever expanding, the amount of space for the souls would run out one day. That was why you also decided that souls would reincarnate back into the Physical Plane in a new body, with their souls experiencing mortal life anew.

However, you did not decide upon whether you were going to let each of the lower gods have a free reign with the reincarnation cycle or simply decide a unanimous one yourself. On the one hand, you wanted your creations to be able to live and advance without your help. On the other hand, this was something that was going to affect every mortal soul in existence, so were you really willing to put such faith in the hands of the lower gods?

[ ] You eventually decided to relent and give free reign. Each pantheon of gods would come up with their own systems of reincarnation for not only their believers, but for themselves. It was and would be their greatest, most difficult, most energy consuming task they would ever have in their entire existence, but you put your faith in them.

[ ] You decided to relent some control over to the lower gods. You would let them create systems of reincarnations of their own, but you didn't fully trust them with such a nigh-important task. Therefore, you decided to help them by giving a single rule that shall be present in all of their reincarnation systems.
-[ ] Write-In that single rule (be thorough and use examples to clarify).

[ ] You decided to make a reincarnation cycle yourself. You did not trust your creations enough to be responsible with such a nigh-important task, and your own mind and power were more than enough to do the deed.
-[ ] Write-In your system of reincarnation cycle (you can use existing ones, just put in links to pages that give good explanations of them).

After you had put your focus on that matter, you returned back to the planet that you decided to call Earth. You closed your avatar's eyes and created another avatar, on small enough to fit inside the Multiverse without it being completely wiped out from existence. Your newest avatar was currently simply a ball of light, one that you had not given shape to just yet. But that hardly mattered, as once your newest creations on that would be done, you would shape that smaller fraction of your power.

The ball of pure light that was your newest avatat started to give a melody. That melody contained a varied amount of sounds, most of which the ears of nether mortals nor lower gods would ever hear or be capable of comprehending if they did. By the end of the melody you gave one final note, and a blast made of layers of gold, white and finally rainbow-colored lights swept across Earth as new wildlife came to be across the planet.

Hundred of animals and monsters of all shape and sizes came into creation. Hundreds of species covered the entire world as you watched. You had decided to call this unique wildlife, all 854 species of them by the title of Pokémon.

As you reactivated time to a move at a very slow pace, which was half-as-fast as how mortals of that planet would perceive time, you watched as the humans and Animorphs (which was how you decided to refer to the humanoids capable of shifting into animals at the moment, before evolution really kicks in) react and adapt to the new Pokémon around them. You knew things would take time before there would be any real progress on this planet, all the while some other planets were going to achieve greater heights earlier.

Then you realized something that took you by surprise. It seemed like things were not going to go according to all the plans you had in mind for your creation.

Giratina, who appeared to have found the multiverse to be too peaceful and boring for its liking, and decided to throw a few curve-balls in order to chance things a little bit, to cause more conflict. Perhaps it was simply a rebellious phase in it. What did your once loyal servant decided to do in order to add its own type of fun into the multiverse? (Choose up to 2)

[ ] It used an avatar to reach out to a clan of mortals inside the multiverse, taught them how to use cosmic forces to travel across the multiverse, giving them seeds to what it called "Anti-Life Trees" to consume life in a planet to cultivate a fruit which contains its life essence, killing the planet and all of its inhabitants to let the consumer of the fruit gain great power. He also taught them how to encode their DNA onto other beings in order to recreate themselves in a new body if their old one dies. A way to protect themselves from death.
That clan would later be referred to as the Otsutsuki clan. (Boruto)

[ ] It corrupted a lower god of chaos by the name of Chthon, making it into the first demon in the multiverse. It manipulated the demonic god to use the power of the Chaos Emeralds to create a giant mountain with a temple of dark chaos energy on the Prime Earth, and from there use the power of the temple to create a tome of chaos magic across the entire multiverse which would be called the Darkhold, which would corrupt whoever uses it. While Chothon did that, Giratina placed the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald on a planet in a different galaxy from Earth. (Marvel Comics/Marvel Cinematic Universe)

[ ] It created its own cycle of destruction ad rebirth, but on an entire universal scale. Using much of its power to make it that eventually the universe itself would collapse into itself by a a powerful black hole made of antimatter. When all souls will go to the afterlives and fill it completely, the universe will be born anew, with some souls being completely erased from existence. It would be then that the multiverse would start and move in similar ways it did before, only with some differences, all waiting for the same eventual end.

[ ] It created its own kind of servants. It took souls instead of letting them become mortal in a regular body, it gave them bodies made entirely out of psionic energy, making them extremely powerful beings on par with lower gods, with their desire to cause havoc and destruction so they could feed on emotions of mortals.

[ ] It created its own kind of servants. It created monstrous machines with god-like powers in its image, making them create new ones by harvesting organic mortals. These servants were given the title of Reapers, for they would act in a cycle in which every 50,000 years they would wipe out all space-traversing life. (Mass Effect)

[ ] It decided to attack Dialga and Palkia, starting a powerful struggle between all three that was endangering all that you had created after them. It was so destructive the it created space-time ripples that allowed beings both in the Heavens and in the multiverse to catch glimpses of that battle. You managed to intervene before either of your servants or your creation had suffered anything permanent.

Upon seeing what your servant has done, you were furious. You were disappointed. You were not pleased with it whatsoever. You had decided to give it a severe punishment for its acts against your creation, a punishment that would affect it for all of its existence. However, no matter how angry you were, you loved Giratina and knew how instrumental he was for your creation to have happened the way it did, so you allowed it to keep its primary role in your creation.

What was Giratina's punishment?

[ ] It was cast out, not allowing to directly act within the heavens or within the multiverse, destroying every avatar it created and will ever create. Instead, only agents would be able to act in its stead. Even then, they would not be able to summon an avatar of his inside the multiverse, as you will always be watching.

[ ] It was cast down to a gigantic dimension capable of containing Giratina, which you dubbed "The Distortion World". Giratina would not be able to do within it anything outside its primary duty as the concept of Anti-matter, but it would be able to create an avatar only when the Heavens or the multiverse itself are in mortal danger, with it being bound to protect it.

When you declared and executed Giratina's punishment, you decided to go on and do one final task: appear before the creatures of Earth, to let them know who created them.


Hey y'all, here's a pretty quick update for you to enjoy. Since I saw that some of you enjoyed talking about how reincarnation could or should work, I decided to give you a chance of greater participation by letting you all decide how it will be done. However, you will have to be very thorough in your write-ins.

Also, I decided to add a few devils into the fray, courtesy of Giratina. I hope you will like the choices.

Anyway, voting is open and will be for the next 48 hours. Have fun~...;)
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[X] Plan Familiy Troubles
-[X] You eventually decided to relent and give free reign. Each pantheon of gods would come up with their own systems of reincarnation for not only their believers, but for themselves. It was and would be their greatest, most difficult, most energy consuming task they would ever have in their entire existence, but you put your faith in them.

-[X] It created its own kind of servants. It created monstrous machines with god-like powers in its image, making them create new ones by harvesting organic mortals. These servants were given the title of Reapers, for they would act in a cycle in which every 50,000 years they would wipe out all space-traversing life. (Mass Effect)

-[X] It decided to attack Dialga and Palkia, starting a powerful struggle between all three that was endangering all that you had created after them. It was so destructive the it created space-time ripples that allowed beings both in the Heavens and in the multiverse to catch glimpses of that battle. You managed to intervene before either of your servants or your creation had suffered anything permanent.

-[X] It was cast out, not allowing to directly act within the heavens or within the multiverse, destroying every avatar it created and will ever create. Instead, only agents would be able to act in its stead. Even then, they would not be able to summon an avatar of his inside the multiverse, as you will always be watching.