@7734 roughly how much bonus have we accrued overall? We have the +2 planning bonus IIRC. Do we have any malus or bonus in terms of supplies or other assets?
You have the +2 bonus from planning, a +1 to QRF from Protos, a +1 from your organic direct fire artillery (conditional on them making their roll) and that's it. You have -1 from a Yellow regiment (yours) in the advance, and that's it.
I do wish there was a dedicated social turn, since we're picking up more named characters and I want to explore them more in the context of Foxhole.
If y'all want, I'll put in a "talk to [named character]" slot in votes. Sound like it would do the trick?
That's been an option for most of your time in Morgen's Crossing.
What if we don't go on the Weathered Expanse offensive and spend some time fixing our organization?
Then you get told "get the fuck over here or get out" because Hooker's made a name for himself. He captured Quietus, and that means he is The Big Head Honcho. Hooker has cred, and his organization has cred. You are subordinate to him in large part because of that. Now, if there was a revolt in his regimental leadership- the assorted colonels of the War Bureau- then he'd have to make concessions. There isn't, though, so he is soundly in charge and can tell you to get with the program or go.
However, if you take Allsight, you've just done what he did. This clears the guilt of stealing the guns and would put you at his level- one city captured each, with a slight feather in your favor since Allsight is a Victory Point and means the Wardens now legally control Morgen's Crossing. Aside from playing War Bureau leadership fuck-fuck games, you can tell him "no" for things like this with a straight face and get away with it.
Yeah how does this work anyway?
Foxhole itself only tracks four ranks in a regiment formally: member, recruiter, vice-leader, and leader. How this transfers to ranks depends on the unit. Some units make Recruiter a sergeant, other units make it a lieutenant.
The 15 Flying Artillery, and to the large extent the War Bureau, tracks members as such:
Private: no responsibilities
Sergeant: The right hand of an officer, generally one to three per officer. In your regiment, you have Mihey; Bathroy has Coatl; and Asuna has Silica.
Lieutenant: the first rank with actual ability to modify the status of the regiment. This is where Asuna and Bathroy sit.
Captain: Nominally the same as a Lieutenant, except they're senior enough to get independent responsibilities like their own bunker base or contingent of units.
Major: Either a step directly below the Colonel, an independent working as a staff officer for an army group, or a Captain who has near-total control of their operation. The least defined rank.
Colonel: The leader of a regiment, full stop.
General: The leader of a group of regiments.
Marshal: The leader of a group of groups of regiments.
Field Marshal: A Marshal who has been widely regarded to be in a class of their own.
Hooker wants to call himself Field Marshal Hooker real damn bad. That's his goal. Quietus was proving he could hack it as General Hooker. Weathered Expanse is going to be proving he can be Marshal Hooker. After that, he becomes Field Marshal Hooker by default.